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Website brief

Website Brief


Project Number:

Client Name:

Project Title:

Business goals and will the web site help achieve this:
 .
 .
 etc

Existing marketing to be aware of: e.g. blog

Existing guidelines to follow? E.g. style guide etc

Functionality: Yes or no?

 Menu, please provide

 Dynamic content e.g. video/slider front page
 Blog/news section
 Ecommerce, please provide details e.g. number of
products, categories
 Client/member portal
 Event calendars
 Multiple enquiry types

Primary Audiences: What “need” or “want” do they have that your product or service needs to
satisfy. What are their demographics

Tone and Image: Funny and casual, or formal etc, what tone and imagery will be most
effective, specific visual goals

Budget: Amount? Has a budget been approved?

Schedule: When do need it finished

Client providing: What will you be providing?: Product shots, copy, photographs, diagrams,
etc. (must be high-resolution)

Examples of other sites Name 3 sites and what you like about them e.g. easy to find stuff, the
layout etc

Additional Information:

Commercial in Confidence | Pinical Strategy & Marketing : 19 / 06/ 2011

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