Exemplar-Cot - Ina Alice Esp

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Teacher: ALICIA M. ESTEBAN Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching February 28, 2023/8:00-8:50 Quarter: 3RD


I. OBJECTIVES Identify and use adverbs of time.

A. Content Demonstrates understanding of adverbs of time .


B. Performance Uses adverbs of time apply in various oral and written discourse.

C. Learning Use adverbs of time in sentences ( EN4G-IIa-4.2.1)


I. CONTENT Adverbs of Time

Being Obedient
Integration: Mathematics, Science, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH- P.E., Health, EsP


A. References English Book IV

1. Teacher’s
Guide pages

2. Learner’s Learners’ Material/Module: Quarter 2- Module 3, page 2


3. Textbook

4. Additional

A. Other Learning Powerpoint, Charts, Video Presentations



A. Reviewing past Preliminary Activities

lesson or 1. (Prayer/ greeting/ Checking of Attendance)
presenting the
new lesson
2. Setting of Standards

Class, before we will proceed to our lesson this morning, I want you to be familiar with the word Goal.
This word will serve as your guide as we go on with our lesson.
Goal- purpose

Excited – raised to a higher energy level

Remember that magic word always class because it will remind you to be careful in everything move
you do.

(Kra 2: Obj. 5: Planned and delivered teaching strategies that are responsive to the special
educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including geographic isolation; chronic
illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child
labor practices

B. Establishing a 1. Motivation
purpose of the Let the pupils recite the poem
new lesson
( Motivation) Tell me when
I walk to school every morning
With my best friend Luming
We eat our lunch at noon
And go back home in the afternoon

When do we go to school? Every morning

When do we eat our lunch? At noon
When do we go back home? In the afternoon

(Kra 2: Obj. 5: Planned and delivered teaching strategies that are responsive to the special
educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including geographic isolation; chronic
illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child
labor practice)

C. Presenting Presentation
examples/ (This will be done through a powerpoint presentation)
instances of the
new lesson Let the pupils read the selection

D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills no. 1

E. Discussing new Individual Activity

concepts and Direction: Connect the sentences in every number by using connecting words then change the
practicing new underlined noun into personal pronoun.
skills no. 2
Heart did not finish her modules on the given time.
Teacher scolded her.
Ans: She did not finish her modules in the given time as a result her teacher scolded her.

1. Roanna went out without mask.

was caught by a police officer

2. Jesslee and friends drink vitamin C everyday.

immune system against Covid-19 will be stronger.

3. Wearing mask is a must.

Mask protects people from Covid-19.

4. Mr.Hernando uses alcohol often.

Feels better and fresher.

5. Covid-19 is very dangerous.

Could lead to death.

(Cause-Effect relationship will be given a glimps in this activity)

(Science Integration)

(Kra 1: Obj.1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.)

F. Developing
Mastery (Leads
to Formative
G. Finding Practical A. Differentiated Activities
Application of (Group Activity)
concepts and This time I will divide you into 3 groups but before that, will you tell the magic word again class?
skills in daily Let’s use the different and the most popular media platforms that we have now a days.

Who has an active and has many followers in their Tiktok accounts?

You stay together.

How about those who loves watching in the youtube?
Stay together, too.
May I also know, who among you loves spending his/her leisure time in browsing the most in
demand platform, facebook?
Stay in one place together.

Before I will give the mechanics of your activity, will you think of a name that could best fit your

Here’s the direction.

Direction: Every group will be given an envelope and inside it is the direction on what will your group

A rubrics showing on how you will be rated is also attached in the envelope.
You will be given 10 minutes to complete your task. Be sure to save your videos because you will be
needing those on your assignment.

Group 1- You will be performing the “Baso’t Kutsara tiktok dance. From your performance you
will make 5 sentences using the different personal pronouns that you learned.
(MAPEH- P.E. Integration)

Group 2- You will be making your own travelogue just around our school. From the travelogue
you will be formulating 5 sentences using the different personal pronouns.
(AP Integration through the use of a travelogue)

Group 3- You will be making a caption about our school’s latest achievement on BE. In your
caption, it must compose of not less than 5 sentences using personal pronouns.

(Kra 3: Obj.7: Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.


1.Com Contains all Contains all Contains all

the needed the needed the needed
-pleteness output and output but output but
uses 5 or uses 3-4 uses same
more kinds of kinds of personal
personal personal pronouns in
pronouns pronouns almost all of
only the sentences

2. Perfor- All members 1-2 of the 3 or more of

performed members did the members
mance/Co- not perform did not

and did not perform and

and cooperat did not
cooperated cooperate

3.Clean Output is Output is Output is

clean and no clean but has clean but has
-liness marks of 1-2 marks of 3 or more
erasures erasures marks of

(After the given time, allow the kids to perform and report their output)

A. Now class, let’s do the next activity.

I have here with me your favourite travel buddy, Dora the Explorer!
She wants you to help her pick the things she needs in her next journey so that police officers will
not catch her.
Afetr picking the picture, unlock the hidden word in it by using it in a sentence class

Is the direction clear?



A. Making What is adverbs of times, class?

and abstraction It tells when an action is done.
about the lesson
Very good!

(Kra 1: Obj.3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well
as other higher- order thinking skills.)

Is it nice to have those social media platforms nowadays guys?

(Kra 3: Obj.7: Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.
B. Evaluating Evaluation
learning This time, let us see if you really understood our lesson by getting your mastery level through
this evaluation.
A. Directions: complete each sentence by adding the appropriate adverb of time
Chose your answer from the group of words in the box.

On Sunday at night early in the morning

At 8:00 am once a month
1. The family eats their breakfast ______________________.
2. The children attend their class ______________________.
3. The family goes to mass _____________________________.
4. They eat their dinner ________________________________.
5. They watch movie together _________________________.

(Kra 3: Obj.8: Set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with learning

B. Additional Direction: Upload your ooutputs on your group activities on any social media platform that you have.
activities for Be able to report through a video call in our groupchat your experiences while uploading it and about
application and the comments about your outputs too.
remediation. Assignment: write 3 sentences paragraph using adverb of time.


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solved?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Checked by:

Master Teacher I

Noted by:


Principal III

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