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Rose for emily Redhead boby A worn path Paul's case

loss Y father, lover

loneliness Y being alone in

the house

isolation Y being alone in

the house

death Y father, lover y

exial y

Loss of faith y123weq\

Self questioning y y

Hope for change y y



gender roles
Changing racial roles y

Compose one paragraph on each of the four stories read that reveals how the following themes
are reflected in that story:

A Rose for Emily has the themes of loss, isolation, and death. The theme of loss is shown

by the loss of her father and youth. Emily lost her youth and her chance to marry because of her

controlling father. After her father died she eventually found a lover, Homer Barron. Miss Emily

later killed Homer with arsenic because he would not marry her. Lastly, Miss Emily herself died.

These three deaths show death is a major theme of the story. The last theme, isolation, is

displayed after Homer died. After he passed away Miss Emily stayed in her house for months

with only her servant going out to get food. The only time she interacted with other people was

when she gave china painting lessons for six years. After the lessons, she stayed in her house

with just the servant and did not interact with anyone.
A Worn Path has the themes of hope for change and chaos. In the story, a grandmother

goes on a treacherous trek to town to get medication for her grandson. On her journey, the old

lady gets pushed into a ditch by a big black dog. She is later found and helped out of the ditch by

a hunter. While talking to the hunter, he drops a nickel on the ground. The lady asked the hunter

to stick his dog on the black dog. While the man is distracted by the chaotic situation, she uses

the opportunity to take the nickel, demonstrating the theme of chaos. She eventually gets to town

and gets the medication. The nurse that gives her the pills says her grandson's case is obstinate

but the old lady keeps coming for medicine every time her grandson's case comes back. The

grandma coming back for medication every time shows the theme of hope for change through a

hope to cure her grandson.

The Red-Headed Baby has the theme of self-questioning. In the story, a sailor goes to see

a black prostitute he had seen a couple of years ago when he was in port. He finds out that he had

a child with the prostitute from his last visit and is disgusted at the sight of his child.

Paul's Case has the themes of death, self questioning, and a hope for change.

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