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Letter From Birmingham Jail
12 Questions DATE  : 

1. To whom is the Letter from Birmingham Jail addressed?

his coworkers in the Southern Christian

A ministers who criticized King's efforts B
Leadership Conference

C whites who arrested King for no reason D his wife and his lawyer

2. Why was King in Birmingham?

he gave a speech there but drove over

A he lived there B
the speed limit on his way out of town

he picked Birmingham as the next place he was invited to help fight the
to hold a non-violent protest segregation there

3. Why use non-violent direct action?

to force people who refuse to negotiate

A it's easier than trying to negotiate B
to confront the issue

to avoid speaking to the people who are

C because they can't afford weapons D
causing the problem

4. According to King, history shows that...

social change happens quickly, not over

A equality can never happen. B

people easily listen to others and change

C people don't like to give up their power. D
their behavior.
5. King challenges other ministers to see the struggle for equality

A not their concern. B a moral concern.

C a political concern. D a personal concern.

6. King believes that resentment and frustration over racism should be channeled into...

A non-violent direct action. B violent protest.

C religious belief. D political discussions.

7. Why does Dr. King say that he is answering the clergymen?

A They have acted in an unwise way. B He believes them to be sincere and good.

King uses letter-writing to bring about

C D Their letter shows them to be extremists.

8. What counterargument does Dr. King present to the advice to wait?

The 1954 Supreme Court decision has Socrates would not have waited under
made it impossible to wait. the same circumstances.

Democratically elected officials would not African Americans already have waited
require African Americans to wait. for more than 340 years.

9. Which statement is a position of Dr. King's opponents?

Dr. King's peaceful actions are wrong The Boston Tea Party was an act of civil
because violence results from them. disobedience.

Racial injustice in Birmingham must be Demonstrations are necessary to break

stopped at all costs. down segregation.
10. What is the basis for King’s argument against the idea that he is an outsider who came to

He has organizational ties in

A B He was born in Birmingham.

C He has many relatives in Birmingham. D He went to college in Birmingham/

11. According to King, the purpose of direct nonviolent action is to...

create tension so that people have to halt the activities of both merchants and
confront an issue. consumers.

draw the sympathy of the religious end the bombings of homes and
community and moderate whites. churches.

12. The main focus of Dr. King’s speech is

getting more money for America’s black celebrating the anniversary of the
population Emancipation Proclamation

ending segregation and racial injustice in convincing everyone to live in peace and
America tranquility

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