Batch 06 Assingment

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Foundamentals of Business Management





I thank all the teachers who helped me by providing the equipment that was necessary
and vital, without which I would not have been able to work effectively on this assignment

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my friends and parents, who stood by
me and encouraged me to work on this assignment.

This report discusses the fundamentals of business management, marketing, and human
resource management (HRM) in the context of Dialog Axiata, a selected organization. The
report addresses the four functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling) and their relevance in achieving short-term objectives and long-term goals. It also
identifies various stakeholders, both internal and external, and analyzes their impact on the
organization's processes and operations. Furthermore, the report applies core marketing
concepts to Dialog Axiata's organizational context, highlighting how these concepts help reach
customers in different markets. It discusses the marketing mix (4 P's) aspects of the
organization and examines their effect on its existence and development. The report also
analyzes the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) features related to Dialog Axiata's
products. Lastly, the report explores the HRM practices of Dialog Axiata, applying the HRM
process with support from academic references, real-world examples, and practical
explanations. It explains the organization's reward management practices and how they
contribute to managing employee engagement in business activities.


Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 2

Executive Summary ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Introduction to the company ...................................................................................................... 5

01. Fundamentals of Business Management ......................................................................... 6

1.1. Functions of management to achieve organizational short-term objectives and long-

term objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.2. Identified stakeholder influence on organizational processes and operations ............ 7

02. Fundamentals of Marketing .......................................................................................... 10

2.1. Applying basic marketing concepts to the organizational context ................................ 10

2.2. Effect of marketing mix (4 Ps) factors on organizational survival and development ... 11

2.3. “Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)” features.......................................... 13

03. Fundamentals of HRM.................................................................................................. 15

3.1. HRM practices of DIALOG AXIATA organization applying "HRM process" ........... 15

3.2. How HRM practices help the organization ................................................................... 16

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 17

References ................................................................................................................................ 18

Introduction to the company

A communications firm with its headquarters in Sri Lanka is called Dialog Axiata PLC. One
of the top mobile service providers in the nation, it provides voice, data, and digital services,
among many others. One of the biggest telecom organizations in Asia, the Axiata Group,
includes Dialog Axiata. Dialog Axiata was founded in 1995 and joined the Telekom Malaysia
International (TMI) group as a subsidiary in 1996. The business has contributed significantly
to the growth of Sri Lanka's telecommunications sector throughout the years. It was the first
business to provide commercial mobile services in the nation and has since debuted a number
of cutting-edge goods and services. The business has a strong and wide network infrastructure
that spans Sri Lanka's urban and rural areas. It serves a significant client base by providing
broadband, fixed-line, and mobile services. To offer dependable and high-speed connection to
its clients, Dialog Axiata has continually concentrated on enhancing the quality and coverage
of its network. The digital transition in Sri Lanka has also been led by Dialog Axiata, which
provides a range of digital services including mobile payments, e-commerce platforms, and
entertainment services. The business has released a number of mobile platforms and apps that
address various client demands and improve the online experience. Dialog Axiata regularly
participates in corporate social responsibility programs in addition to providing fundamental
telecommunications services. It has implemented various programs in education, healthcare,
environmental sustainability, and disaster relief, making a positive impact on local
communities. Dialog Axiata has received recognition for its achievements and contributions to
the telecommunications industry. It has been honored with numerous awards for its network
quality, customer service, innovation, and sustainability practices. It has executed a number of
initiatives in the fields of health care, education, disaster assistance, and environmental
sustainability. For its accomplishments and services to the telecoms sector, Dialog Axiata has
been honored. For its network quality, customer service, innovation, and environmental
initiatives, it has received multiple honors (Dialog Axiata, 2022).

01. Fundamentals of Business Management

1.1. Functions of management to achieve organizational short-term objectives and

long-term objectives

DIALOG plays a critical role in helping organizations like AXIATA PLC achieve their short-
term goals and long-term goals. How each function contributes to the success of the
organization can be shown as follows.


Planning involves setting goals, defining strategies, and developing action plans to achieve
those goals. In the case of DIALOG AXIATA PLC, effective planning enables the organization
to establish short-term objectives, such as increasing market share or launching new services,
as well as long-term goals, such as expanding into new geographical markets or diversifying
its product portfolio (S.M. Jafari, et al, 2018).


Organizing involves arranging resources, allocating tasks, and creating a structure that
facilitates the efficient execution of plans. In DIALOG AXIATA PLC, organizing ensures that
the necessary human, financial, and technological resources are available and appropriately
allocated to achieve short-term objectives and long-term goals. This may involve creating
specialized teams, establishing reporting relationships, and implementing effective
communication channels (R. Bergamini and A. Bounfour, 2021.


Leading entails inspiring and motivating employees, providing guidance, and facilitating
teamwork to achieve organizational objectives. In the context of DIALOG AXIATA PLC,
effective leadership fosters employee engagement, encourages innovation, and promotes a
customer-centric culture. This, in turn, helps the organization to achieve short-term objectives,
such as improving customer satisfaction, and long-term goals, such as becoming a market
leader (G. Yukl, 2021).


Controlling involves monitoring performance, comparing it with established standards, and

taking corrective actions as necessary. In DIALOG AXIATA PLC, effective control
mechanisms enable the organization to track its progress towards short-term objectives and
long-term goals. This may involve implementing performance metrics, conducting regular
reviews, and making adjustments to strategies or operations to ensure alignment with the
desired outcomes (R.D. Daft, 2020).

1.2. Identified stakeholder influence on organizational processes and operations

When considering the types of stakeholders in the organizational environment of DIALOG

AXIATA PLC, can categorize them into internal and external stakeholders.

Internal Stakeholders:

Employees: Employees play a vital role in DIALOG AXIATA PLC's operations. They
contribute their skills and knowledge to deliver services, develop products, and ensure smooth
day-to-day functioning. Their commitment, motivation, and productivity directly impact the
company's overall performance.

Managers and Executives: Managers and executives provide leadership, strategic decision-
making, and direction to the organization. They are responsible for setting goals, allocating
resources, and managing teams. Their decisions and actions shape the company's policies,
processes, and long-term growth strategies.

Shareholders: Shareholders are the owners of DIALOG AXIATA PLC. They have a financial
stake in the company and expect returns on their investments. Shareholders influence
organizational processes through their voting rights and can impact decision-making through
their demands for profitability and shareholder value.

External Stakeholders:

Customers: Customers are one of the most crucial external stakeholders for DIALOG
AXIATA PLC. Their satisfaction and loyalty directly impact the company's revenue and
growth. Understanding customer needs, delivering quality services, and providing excellent
customer support are critical for maintaining positive customer relationships.

Suppliers: Suppliers provide DIALOG AXIATA PLC with various resources, such as network
infrastructure, equipment, and technological solutions. The company's relationships with
suppliers can affect the reliability, cost, and quality of its products and services. Maintaining
strong supplier partnerships is essential for smooth operations.

Regulatory Authorities: Regulatory authorities, such as government agencies and

telecommunications regulators, have a significant impact on DIALOG AXIATA PLC's
operations. They enforce regulations and policies related to the telecommunications industry,
including licensing requirements, spectrum allocation, pricing controls, and consumer
protection. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for the company's legal and ethical

Competitors: Competitors in the telecommunications industry, both local and international,

can significantly impact DIALOG AXIATA PLC's market share, pricing strategies, and
product offerings. Monitoring competitors' actions and staying competitive in terms of service
quality, innovation, and pricing is essential for sustained success.

Communities and NGOs: DIALOG AXIATA PLC operates in various communities, and their
well-being is important for its social license to operate. Local communities and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) can influence the company's reputation, social
responsibility initiatives, and environmental practices (Drucker, Peter, 1954). Engaging with
communities and addressing their concerns can help maintain positive relationships.

The impact of these stakeholders on DIALOG AXIATA PLC's processes and operations can
be significant.

• Employees' engagement, skills, and performance directly affect the quality of services
provided and the efficiency of operations.
• Managers and executives set strategic directions and make decisions that impact the
company's growth, profitability, and organizational culture.
• Shareholders' demands for financial returns can influence investment decisions,
resource allocation, and long-term planning.
• Customers' satisfaction and loyalty impact revenue, market share, and the company's
• Suppliers' reliability, quality, and cost-effectiveness affect the company's ability to
deliver services and products efficiently.
• Regulatory authorities' compliance requirements and policies shape the company's
operations and market positioning.
• Competitors' actions can drive innovation, pricing strategies, and market dynamics.
• Communities and NGOs can influence the company's social responsibility initiatives,
environmental practices, and public perception.

To ensure success, DIALOG AXIATA PLC needs to engage and manage these stakeholders
effectively, aligning their interests with the company's objectives, and maintaining open
communication channels for collaboration and feedback.

02. Fundamentals of Marketing

2.1. Applying basic marketing concepts to the organizational context

When applying core marketing concepts to its DIALOG AXIATA PLC organizational context,
several aspects come into play that help the company reach customers in different markets

Market Segmentation: The demands and tastes of various markets are acknowledged by
Dialog Axiata. The corporation can separate its consumer base into various categories
according to demographics, geographic areas, behavior, and other pertinent characteristics by
using market segmentation. In order to ensure that clients in various markets receive targeted
and pertinent messages, Dialog Axiata can use this information to adjust its marketing
strategies and services to certain segments.

Marketing Mix: The marketing mix is used by Dialog Axiata to develop and carry out its
marketing strategy. The four Ps—Product, Price, Place, and Promotion—are included in this.
The business makes sure that the demands and tastes of clients in various marketplaces are met
by its product offerings. Pricing tactics are modified to reflect competitive dynamics and local
market conditions. Distribution routes are improved to successfully reach clients in diverse
geographic locations. Additionally, promotional efforts like public relations, digital marketing,
and advertising are crafted to appeal to the target market in various markets.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Dialog Axiata understands the value of

forging close bonds with clients in many marketplaces. The organization may provide
individualized experiences and targeted messages by using CRM to better understand the
requirements, preferences, and habits of their customers. Dialog Axiata may increase customer
loyalty, happiness, and retention by utilizing CRM tools and strategies, hence expanding its
market reach and long-term profitability.

Market Research and Analytics: In order to understand consumer behavior, market trends,
and competition dynamics, Dialog Axiata places a strong emphasis on the use of market
research and analytics. The business may keep on top of shifting consumer demands and market
circumstances in many geographies by regularly performing research and evaluating data.
These insights help Dialog Axiata make wise choices, improve its marketing tactics, and
modify its product offerings to satisfy changing consumer expectations across various markets.

2.2. Effect of marketing mix (4 Ps) factors on organizational survival and development

When examining the marketing mix, also known as the 4 P's (Product, Price, Place, Promotion),
can analyze the various aspects of DIALOG AXIATA's marketing strategy and their impact on
the organization's existence and development.


Broadband internet, digital television, mobile and fixed-line telephone, and enterprise solutions
are among the many telecommunications goods and services provided by DIALOG AXIATA.
By adopting cutting-edge services and technology, they consistently work to improve the range
of their product offerings. By offering a variety of top-notch telecom solutions, DIALOG
AXIATA draws clients and keeps a competitive edge in the industry.

The effect on organizational existence and development:

DIALOG AXIATA may extend their consumer base and foster more customer loyalty by
steadily enhancing and adding new products to their line-up. As a result, there may be a rise in
market share, revenue growth, and market presence. Additionally, having a broad selection of
goods enables the business to adjust to shifting consumer preferences and stay relevant in the
fast-paced telecommunications sector.


DIALOG AXIATA's pricing strategy is influenced by various factors such as market

competition, cost of operations, and customer value perception. They aim to provide
competitive pricing that offers value for money to customers. Pricing plans are designed to
cater to different customer segments, with varying price points and benefits.

The effect on organizational existence and development:

In the telecommunications sector, pricing is essential since it has a direct impact on client
acquisition and retention. By establishing reasonable rates, DIALOG AXIATA may draw in
clients who care about cost and increase its market share. Furthermore, pricing tactics might
affect the company's financial performance, revenue growth, and profitability. Pricing
considerations must be carefully considered if sustainable growth and market competitiveness
are to be maintained.


DIALOG AXIATA has an extensive distribution network that spans across Sri Lanka, ensuring
widespread availability of their products and services. They operate through their physical
stores, authorized dealers, and online channels. This wide-reaching distribution network
enables customers to access DIALOG AXIATA's offerings conveniently.

The effect on organizational existence and development:

An efficient distribution network is crucial for telecommunications companies, as it directly

impacts their market reach and customer accessibility. DIALOG AXIATA's extensive
distribution network allows them to penetrate different regions, reach diverse customer
segments, and capture market share. By ensuring widespread availability, they can attract more
customers and increase their market presence.


To raise awareness of and spark interest in its goods and services, DIALOG AXIATA uses a
number of promotional techniques. They participate in sponsorships, social media presence,
digital marketing, advertising campaigns, and consumer loyalty programs. These marketing
initiatives seek to forge a strong brand identity and foster a favorable opinion among

The effect on organizational existence and development:

Pricing is important in the telecommunications sector since it has a direct impact on client
acquisition and retention. DIALOG AXIATA can draw in clients who are sensitive to price
and increase its market share by establishing competitive pricing. The profitability, revenue
expansion, and financial success of the organization can also be impacted by pricing methods.
To achieve sustainable development and preserve a competitive position in the market, price
considerations must be carefully considered.

2.3. “Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)” features

When analyzing the Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) features related to
Dialog's products, we can examine how the company identifies and divides its target market,
how it selects specific segments to focus on, and how it positions its products within those


Demographic Segmentation: Dialog likely considers demographic factors such as age, income,
occupation, and education level to segment its market. It may target specific age groups or
income brackets with tailored products and services.

Geographic Segmentation: Given that Dialog operates in Sri Lanka, geographic segmentation
plays a crucial role. The company may target specific regions or cities within the country based
on population density, economic factors, and infrastructure.

Psychographic Segmentation: Dialog may consider psychographic factors such as lifestyle,

values, and attitudes. For example, it may offer different products and services for urban
dwellers compared to rural residents.


Youth and Professionals: Dialog might target the younger generation and working
professionals who are heavy users of mobile services, data plans, and value-added services.
They may offer affordable and feature-rich packages to cater to this segment's communication
and entertainment needs.

Business Customers: Dialog may target businesses of various sizes, providing them with
tailored solutions for communication, networking, and data services. This could include
corporate plans, enterprise solutions, and IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity.


Reliable Network: Dialog may position itself as a telecommunications provider with reliable
and extensive network coverage across Sri Lanka. This positioning could focus on the
company's ability to deliver consistent connectivity and high-quality services.

Technological Innovation: Dialog could emphasize its commitment to technological

advancement by offering the latest mobile technologies, such as 5G connectivity, to position
itself as a leader in the telecommunications industry.

Customer-Centric Approach: Dialog may position itself as a customer-centric organization,

offering personalized customer service, easy-to-use self-service tools, and value-added
services that cater to individual needs.

03. Fundamentals of HRM

3.1. HRM practices of DIALOG AXIATA organization applying "HRM process"

Human Resource Management (HRM) encompasses the policies, practices, and strategies
organizations implement to manage their workforce effectively.

Recruitment and Selection:

Diverse tactics would be used by DIALOG AXIATA to find and hire competent people for
their company. This may entail carrying out job assessments, creating job descriptions and
person specifications, publicizing job opportunities, reviewing resumes, holding interviews,
and figuring out the credentials and skills of applicants (R.D. Daft, 2020). Making ensuring
that the firm recruits peoples who is a good match for the position and who are in line with the
company's values and culture is the objective.

Training and Development:

After hiring staff members, DIALOG AXIATA will make investments in their growth through
training programs and chances for promotion. To improve the abilities of employees, this may
incorporate both formal training sessions and on-the-job instruction. To assist staff in realizing
their full potential, the company may also offer career development programs, coaching, and

Performance Management:

DIALOG To analyze and assess staff performance, AXIATA would set up a performance
management system. This entails establishing precise performance standards, offering frequent
feedback, and carrying out performance evaluations. Key performance indicators (KPIs), for
example, can be used by the business to monitor employee performance and connect it to
chances for incentives, recognition, and career progression.

Employee Relations:

A. effective work environment requires maintaining good employee interactions. Policies and
procedures that support open communication, fairness, and openness would be established by
DIALOG AXIATA. This involves addressing employee complaints, resolving disputes,
encouraging work-life balance, and making sure employment rules and regulations are

3.2. How HRM practices help the organization

Competitive Compensation: DIALOG AXIATA understands the importance of offering

competitive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent. By offering salaries and
benefits that are aligned with industry standards, the company motivates employees to perform
at their best and remain committed to the organization's goals.

Performance-Based Incentives: The organization implements performance-based incentive

programs that reward employees for their individual and team achievements. These incentives
can take various forms, such as bonuses, profit-sharing, or commission structures. By linking
rewards directly to performance, DIALOG AXIATA promotes a culture of high performance
and encourages employees to go above and beyond their regular duties.

Recognition and Appreciation: DIALOG AXIATA places significant emphasis on

recognizing and appreciating employee contributions. The organization implements formal
recognition programs that acknowledge outstanding performance, innovation, and exceptional
customer service. This recognition can be in the form of monetary rewards, public appreciation,
or non-financial incentives like certificates or trophies. Such practices foster a positive work
environment, boost morale, and increase employee engagement.

Career Development Opportunities: The Company recognizes the importance of providing

growth opportunities for its employees. DIALOG AXIATA invests in training and
development programs, including workshops, seminars, and mentorship initiatives. By offering
avenues for personal and professional growth, employees feel valued and are more likely to
remain engaged and committed to the organization.

Work-Life Balance Initiatives: The organization understands the significance of work-life
balance in employee engagement. DIALOG AXIATA offers flexible work arrangements, paid
time off, and various wellness programs to support employees in managing their personal and
professional lives effectively. By promoting a healthy work-life balance, employees experience
reduced stress levels, increased job satisfaction, and improved engagement in their business

Employee Surveys and Feedback: DIALOG AXIATA values the feedback of its employees
and regularly conducts employee surveys to gauge their satisfaction and engagement levels.
These surveys provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of reward management practices
and identify areas for improvement. By actively involving employees in the decision-making
process and addressing their concerns, the organization fosters a sense of ownership and
engagement among its workforce.


For DIALOG AXIATA, employee relations are vital. The company would put into place rules
and procedures that promote a pleasant workplace, allow for open lines of communication, and
efficiently handle disputes. This entails fostering cooperation, fostering employee involvement,
and promptly and fairly resolving employee complaints. For the purpose of promoting
employee wellbeing and a healthy work-life balance, DIALOG AXIATA may also launch
employee welfare initiatives and programs. To entice and keep bright personnel, DIALOG
AXIATA would create a competitive benefits and pay package. In order to enable a seamless
transfer of important functions and positions inside the firm, HR planning also involves
succession planning. In general, DIALOG AXIATA's HRM strategies would put an emphasis
on finding, developing, and keeping a talented and motivated staff that adds to the success of
the company. The business may boost employee productivity, engagement, and happiness
through the implementation of efficient HRM practices, which will result in better
organizational performance and expansion.


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