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BUSI1323 Leadership in Organisations

Summative Assignment:
Leadership Report about [insert here leader name]
1. Case Description

1.1. Leader’s background information

About 200 words (1 paragraph) for describe here the background of the leader your
group has portrayed in the formative assignment.

1.2. Leadership challenge

About 300 words (1 paragraph) for outlining here a challenge the leader had to
manage and what the leader did to cope with the challenge (1 paragraph).

2. Analysis and Evaluation of Case

2.1 Leadership approach/concept

About 500 words (2 paragraphs: 1 for describing the theoretical concept, 1 for
outlining key assumption/proposition of this concept about leadership effectiveness).

2.2. Evaluation of leadership effectiveness/endorsement

About 1000 words (3-4 paragraphs: 2-3 for evaluation and explanations of leader’s
effectiveness in managing the challenge based on assumptions of the chosen
leadership concept, and 1 for gender/ethnicity discussion (see assignment brief).

3. Conclusion and Recommendation

3.1. Conclusion
About 250 words (1 paragraphs) for concluding about the usefulness of the applied
leadership concept(s) for understanding the case and make recommendations.

3.2. Recommendations
About 500 words (1-2 paragraphs) deriving recommendations from the
analysis/evaluation by making connections from the case to further actions.

4. Self-Reflection Using Rolfe’s Reflective Model

About 250 words (1 paragraph) reflecting on your group work (or why you have failed
to work in a group) using Rolfe et al.’s (2001) reflective model: 1. What? 2. So what?
3. Now what?

5. References
Insert here reference list with at least 10 references in Harvard referencing style.

6. Appendix
Include here a print screen of you leader portrait poster.

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