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Background of the Study

Philippines is known for its rich and abundant natural

resources which can be found in our surroundings and one of

this natural resources is Katuray tree.

Katuray also known as Sesbania grandiflora is a

glaborous tree 5 to 12 high. It is often planted for its

edible flower and pods. Flowers are very large and long (7-9

cm) and colored white or pink. Pods are pendulous, linear,

20 to 60 cm long, 7 to 8 mm wide, somewhat curved and many-


Katuray is believed to have originated either in India or

Southeast Asia and grows primarily in hot and humid tropical

areas of the world. The tree is indigenous from Malaysia to

North Australia and cultivated in many parts of India.

The Green Baay Mussel or tahong (Perna Viridis) is a

popular and delicious food item. It is rich in vitamins,

minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The researcher thought on gathering all the information

about the Katuray Flower and Green Mussel. Some parts of

this can be made into herbal medicine and some part is

edible. Katuray and Green Mussel are one of the examples


that can make our body healthy. There are many nutrients

that we can benefit to the Katuray and Green Mussels.

Likewise, the researchers had broadened their knowledge

in order to help rise up our unbalance economy. They are

keen to find answers or solutions to the problems and

sometimes discovered presentable, acceptable and useful

understanding the research study. We are surrounded of

plants but we do not know how to utilize them into useful

one. The implication of innovative ideas, skills, and

scientific method will produce a fruitful method.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the acceptability of

Katuray and Green Mussel Paste.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Determine the sensory qualities of katuray and green

mussel paste in terms of appearance, aroma, consistency

and taste.

2. Determine the general acceptability of katuray and

green mussel paste among the three treatments in making

katuray and green mussel paste in terms sensory


3. Find out the significant difference in the sensory

qualities of katuray and green mussel paste.


4. Find out the significant difference in the general

acceptability of katuray and green mussel paste

among three (3) treatment.

Hypothesis of the study

1. There is no significant difference in the sensory qualities

of katuray and green mussel paste considering the three (3)


2. There is no significant difference in the general

acceptability of and green mussel katuray paste considering

the three (3) treatments.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was limited to the acceptability of katuray

and green mussel paste.

One hundred twenty (120) evaluators were utilized to

evaluate the application for each product as to appearance,

aroma, consistency and taste.

Significance of the Study

The significant of this study was most valuable to the


Consumers. The results of this study will give

alternative solution to the problem of food and nutrition.

Homemakers. This study will give them information about

the product in which they can utilize the katuray flower and

green mussel.

Parents. They can feed their children with more

nutritious and beneficial food using this product.

Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs will have a new product to

be added to their business with a healthy choice.

Farmers. They could be encouraged to plant and

cultivate more katuray tree for additional income, because

they will see from the result that they are readily


Shellfish Growers. This product will help them to have

money by producing green mussels.

Faculty and students. The result of this study will

provide new knowledge and acquire new techniques in the

utilization of locally available plants for the production

of low cost and very affordable katuray and green mussel


Future Researchers. This study will contribute future

researchers for the improvement, development and produce

another product using katuray flower and green mussel.





This chapter presents the review of related literature

and studies which establishes a frame of reference in the

conduct of the study. It includes both conceptual and

research literature from books, encyclopedias and



Katuray, (Sesbania grandiflora) is a small soft wooded

perennial tree (genus Sesbania of the Family: Fabaceae)

growing to 12 m with a cylindrical trunk diameter of about

30 cm. It is commonly called sesbania, agati sesbania, West

Indian pea and Vegetable hummingbird in English. In the

Philippines it is locally known as Katuray (Tagalog, Ibanag,

Pangasinen-se), Diana (Bisaya), Katuday (Ilocano, Ibanag),

Gauai-gauai (Camarines, Capiz, Negros), Kature (Pampango)

and Kambangturi (Sulu) (Sikat, 2014).


Leaves, seeds, pods and flowers of S. grandiflora are

edible. Flowers are the most widely used part, and white

flowers are preferred to the red. Plants consist of large

pea-like flowers and grow in clusters of 2-5 at the base of

leaves. Flower is normally large, white, yellowish, rose

pink or red colored and 7-9 cm long with a calyx 15-22 mm

and corolla with standard and wings, staminal tube and


glabrous ovary and style. They have acrid, bitter, and

astringent taste and are eaten both cooked and raw, in

salads, curries, and as a steamed vegetable.

Culinary Uses

The green pods are eaten by humans and livestock. The

young leaves which contain 36% crude protein are also eaten

by man and livestock, and reportedly increase the milk

production of cattle. The leaves are made into leaf meal for


The fresh flowers of Katuray are eaten as vegetable in

stews and salads in Southeast Asia, like Laos; Thailand;

Java in Indonesia; Vietnam; and the Ilocos Region in the


In the Thai language the flowers are called dokkhae and

are used in the Thai cuisine both cooked in curries, such as

kaengsom and kaengkhae as well as raw with namphrik.

The young pods are also eaten, along with the leaves. In

Sri Lanka, agatileaves, known as Katuramurunga in Sinhala

language, are sometimes added to sudhuhodhi or white curry,

(a widely-eaten, thin coconut gravy) believed locally to be

a cure for canker sores. In India this plant is known as

agati (Hindi), agastya (Kannada), agise (Telugu), and both

the leaves and the flowers have culinary uses.

Nutritional Value

Apart from their acrid, bitter, and astringent taste

sesbania is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and

minerals. Consuming 20 gram of sesbania offers 14.6 mg of

Vitamin c, 20 µg of Vitamin B9, 0.17 mg of Iron, 0.2 mg of

Selenium, 0.017 mg of Vitamin B1 and 0.016 mg of Vitamin B2.

Moreover many Amino acids like 0.004 g of Tryptophan, 0.011

g of Threonine, 0.014 g of Isoleucine, 0.021 g of Leucine

and 0.013 g of Lysine are also found in 20 gram of sesbania.

Health benefits of Sesbania

The health benefit of Sesbania include lower blood

pressure and help keep arteries flexible, supports normal

fetal development, beneficial for skin, boosts immunity,


prevents Alzheimer’s disease, migraine, weakness. The health

benefits of Sesbania make it an important constituent of any


1. Lower Your Blood Pressure and Help Keep Arteries Flexible

Including vitamin C rich food in your normal diet plays

a strong role in heart health. People who eat a diet rich in

antioxidants like vitamin C may have a lower risk of high

blood pressure. Sesbania is one of the best options for

getting vitamin c as one cup of sesbania consists of 14.6 mg

of vitamin c which is 16.22% of the daily recommended value.

2. Supports Normal Fetal Development

Folate present in sesbania plays an essential role in

fetal development and is beneficial for pregnant women.

Folate deficiency during early pregnancy may lead to neural

tube defects. It is a serious problem that may result in

pregnancy termination or a baby born with spina bifida.

Studies have found increased folate levels from one month

prior to conception to 3 months afterward can reduce the

chance of these defects by 50%. Including folate rich foods

like sesbania help to overcome this problem since it

contains 20 µg of vitamin B9 which is 5.00% of the daily

recommended value.

3. Beneficial for skin


Pale skin and dark circles are the most common signs of

anemia caused due to iron deficiency. The lack of iron

causes hemoglobin levels to decrease, resulting in the

subsequent reduction of RBCs. The reduced oxygen flow can

deprive your skin of its color, making it look sallow. A

healthy dose of iron-rich foods in your daily diet can give

your skin a pinkish glow. Since sesbania consists of iron

therefore it is best to include sesbania in your to get

considerable amount of iron regularly.

4. Boosts Immunity

Selenium is essential for the proper functioning of the

immune system, and can also be a key nutrient in lessening

the development of viruses including HIV. In patients who

already contracted HIV, selenium has been shown to also be

useful in slowing down the progression of the disease into

AIDS. Sesbania is among the best alternative to obtain

selenium from your normal diet.

5. Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

Sesbania consists of vitamin B1 which is thought to

slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. People

suffering from this disease have benefited when treated with

vitamin B1 supplements of 100 mg per day. Therefore

including sesbania in your regular diet is beneficial for

getting vitamin b1. There are placebo-controlled trial


researches that are ongoing to determine more about the

mechanism by which this occurs.

6. Migraine

People who don’t get enough riboflavin tend to

experience regular headaches and even migraines. However,

when a person gets sufficient riboflavin, the number of

headaches is reduced. Research on 55 patients displayed that

those who took 200-400 mg of riboflavin had considerably

fewer migraines and headaches than those given the placebo.

This reduced both the frequency and intensity of the

headaches. Therefore vitamin B2 rich food must be consumed

to solve the migraine problems and remain healthy and happy


7. Weakness

Sesbania has the ability to remove minor health

problems like muscle weakness, numbness, fatigue and similar

ailments because it consists of considerable amount of

phosphorus. Normal amount of phosphorous in the body are a

great way to remain fit and active. According to the experts

and suggestions of various health practitioners a normal

amount can be around 1200 mg for adult.

Green Mussel

There are two species used as food in the Philippines

namely: the green mussel and brown mussel (Modiolus

Philippinarun). The green mussel commonly referred to as

“tahong” (Samonte, 1993).

Protein is one of the nutritional benefits of eating

mussels is increased protein intake. Proteins help maintain

the function of every cell in your body - some proteins

provide structural support to maintain the shape of your

cells, some drive metabolic reactions required to generate

useable energy and others allow for cellular communication

to ensure that each of your cells works together to maintain

your overall health. Dietary protein provides a source of

amino acids, the nutrients your body requires to make these


The difference in color of the meat has nothing to do

with a difference in taste although some do say that orange

meat is flesher and tastier. An orange meat is found in the

shell of a mature female mussel while the pale cream meat

mussel are male or immature.

Green Mussel, Perna viridis, is a large and fast

growing warm water marine bivalve (Rajagopal et al., 2006).

It is an ideal candidate for aquaculture due to its high

growth rate, high fecundity and the all year round

reproductive capability (Laxmilatha, 2013, Hickman, 1992).


Aquaculture of green mussel provides an alternative for

increasing production and supply of affordable protein to

coastal community (Khan et al., 2010, Guo et al., 1999).

Unlike fish and shrimp aquaculture, bivalve cultivation

is self-regulate aquaculture that requires no additional

feed and minimal maintenance effort (Tan and Ransangan,


Buying and Storing Tips

Mussels are traditionally marketed fresh and shelled.

The shells are usually closed tightly, but they may open

slightly if left undisturbed. When purchasing mussels, the

buyer must check the open shell by tapping them. If the

shell do not close when tapped, they should be discarded.

Health Benefits

Most studies done on green mussels found that it is

also a complete food source and great for strengthening the

immune system. While it was more common known as a natural

anti-inflammatory, its other advantage of improving heath

has also started to interest potential consumers. Sales

increased for green shelled mussels as an alternative for

treating arthritis, and as a food supplement. Looking more

into the mussel history, it was also found that with

scientific and technological progress, it has become a


widely commercialized food and health product processed into

many different forms (Blythman, 2013).

Mussels can be added to seafood soups or stews, rice

dishes or are simply deliciously steamed in white wine,

garlic and parsley. It contains a number of vitamins and

minerals and is easily digested, not to mention that they

are highly inexpensive and provides good value for the


Nutrition Facts

Mussels are wonderful food with delicate taste and are

high in protein and low in cholesterol and fat, only

containing 0.79 of saturated fat in a 3 oz. portion. They

are extremely rich sources of Omega 3-fatty acids which are

found in oily fish and other foods but are not produced by

the body. The consumption of Omega-3 fatty acid help prevent

cardiovascular and heart disease and is an important part of

a healthy body.



This chapter includes the methods of research,

materials, tools and equipment’s, treatment used in the

study and procedure in making Katuray and green mussel


Methods of Research

The method used in this study was experimental method

of research. Experimental method is a problem solving

approach that attempts to follow most closely some of the

common of research in physical and biological sciences

(Thompson, 1999). It involves control or manipulation of

condition for the purpose of studying the relative effects


of famous treatment applied to the member of different


Experimental Design

This study entitled Katuray and green mussel paste is

an experimental study on the potential of Katuray flowers

and green mussel. The experimental design used was the

Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in which a group of tests

of Katuray paste was studied only and no subsequent

replication was conducted to determine the cause of change.

Experimental Lay-out

Katuray and Green Mussel

Appearance Aroma Consistency Taste

Katuray and Green Mussel Paste

Table 1.Experimental Treatments of katura and green mussel


100 grams
Katuray Flower C
B 50 grams
100 grams
Green Mussel 75 grams
50 grams
¼ c
Sugar 75 grams¼ c
¼ c
1 T
Salt 1 T
4 pcs. 1 T
4 pcs.
Bay leaves 2 T 4 pcs.
2 T
2 T

Tools, Equipment and Materials of the Study

This study utilized the different tools, equipment, and

materials. The tools were: sifter, wooden ladle, two medium

mixing bowl, one set measuring spoon, measuring glass, eight

small utility bowl, one rubber scraper, one utility tray,

apron, and hairnet. However, the equipment used were; oven,

table, sink, weighing scale, blender. Likewise for the

materials used were; katuray flower, green mussel, sugar,

salt, bay leaves, and oil.

Experimental Treatments

The experiment carried out in three (3) treatments as

shown in table 1 shows treatments A, B and C with their

measurements of ingredients used in the study. Treatment A

used 100 grams of Katuray flowers and green mussel,

Treatment B used 75 grams of Katuray flowers and green


mussel and Treatment C used 50 grams of Katuray flowers and

green mussel.

Procedure Used in the Study

The methods used in the preparation of Katuray

flowers and green mussel paste were gathering the Katuray

flowers and green mussel, wash the katuray and green

mussel, drain the katuray and green mussel, boil the

green mussel, unshell the green mussel, measure the

katuray and green mussel, blend the katuray with cooked

green mussel, simmer the blended katuray and green mussel

until it paste and strain the paste product to free from


Preparation of bamboo shoot meat










Figure 1. Flow chart showing the preparation of Fresh

Bamboo shoot

Evaluation of the Finished Product

There are steps in evaluating and rating the product by

the evaluators according to their observation and analysis

on the products is as follow:

1. The researchers presented the evaluation sheet to

the evaluators. The evaluation sheet is presented to

the evaluators.

2. The researchers presented the research product to

the evaluators and explained the different factors

in the evaluation sheet, where the evaluators rated

the product in terms of appearance, aroma,

consistency and taste.


3. The researchers let the evaluators asked questions

about the product.

4. The researchers let the evaluators taste the


5. The evaluators judge the product according to their

understanding, acceptance and evaluate the product

in terms of appearance, aroma, consistency and


6. Evaluation procedure is done.

Data Gathering

The data collection is done after the evaluators finish

rating the product. The data were being collected by the

researchers for tabulation and interpretation.

The evaluation sheet as the instrument used to

determine the effectiveness of the product. It deals with

the variables being used to evaluate the characteristics

of the product as to its effectiveness.

Scoring Variables

In scoring the variables, the researchers used the

Nine-point Hedonic Rating Scale in appraising the product in

terms of appearance, taste, texture and aroma. For the

quality description, the scoring is as follows:

1. Appearance

Weight/Score Weight Mean Qualitative Description

9 8.12-9.00 Extremely Appealing

8 7.23-8.11 Very Much Appealing

7 6.34-7.22 Moderately Appealing

6 5.45-6.33 Slightly Appealing

5 4.56-5.44 Appealing Nor Not Appealing

4 3.67-4.55 Slightly Not Appealing

3 2.78-3.66 Moderately Not Appealing

2 1.89-2.77 Very Much Not Appealing

1 1.00-1.88 Extremely Not Appealing

2. Aroma

Weight/Score Weight Mean Qualitative Description

9 8.12-9.00 Extremely Pleasant

8 7.23-8.11 Very Much Pleasant

7 6.34-7.22 Moderately Pleasant

6 5.45-6.33 Slightly Pleasant

5 4.56-5.44 Neither Pleasant Nor


4 3.67-4.55 Slightly Unpleasant

3 2.78-3.66 Moderately Unpleasant

2 1.89-2.77 Very Much Unpleasant

1 1.00-1.88 Extremely Unpleasant

3. Consistency

Weight/Score Weight Mean Qualitative Description


9 8.12-9.00 Extremely thickened

8 7.23-8.11 Very Much thickened

7 6.34-7.22 Moderately thickened

6 5.45-6.33 Slightly thickened

5 4.56-5.44 Neither thickened

4 3.67-4.55 Not thickened

3 2.78-3.66 Moderately Not thickened

2 1.89-2.77 Very Much Not thickened

1 1.00-1.88 Extremely Not thickened

4. Taste

Weight/Score Weight Mean Qualitative Description

9 8.12-9.00 Extremely Delicious

8 7.23-8.11 Very Much Delicious

7 6.34-7.22 Moderately Delicious

6 5.45-6.33 Slightly Delicious

5 4.56-5.44 Appealing Nor Not Delicious

4 3.67-4.55 Slightly Not Delicious

3 2.78-3.66 Moderately Not Delicious

2 1.89-2.77 Very Much Not Delicious

1 1.00-1.88 Extremely Not Delicious

Statistical Tools and Analysis

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used

to create and processed all the information needed in the


study. The mean was used to discover the appearance, taste,

texture and aroma of the product.

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