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(AC-S12) Week 12 - Task: Assignment - My favorite Technological Device


Daniela Fernanda Berrocal Puchuri

Next we will present a dialogue about our favorite devices

D: Hello Jose. How are you?

J: Hello Daniela. I'm good and you?
D: Same thing. What is your favorite device?
J: My favorite device is my computer
D: Why is it important to you?
J: Because I can do my homework and play great video games.
D: What are its characteristics?
J: It's fast, it has a lot of information and it's the best.
D: how interesting
J: And what is your favorite device?
D: My favorite device is my cell phone
J: Ouch! And because?
D: Because I have many useful applications and it is optimal for me
j: yes you are right
D: Yes, that's why I really like using my cell phone, it's the best.
J: ok nice to see you later
D: bye

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