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What is that …
A. this is an train
B. is that is train
C. that is a train

Review Unit 6 8. Translate the following sentences into English!

Academic Year 2022-2023 (saya mempunyai sebuah seragam yang bagus)
Subject : English Sign A. I have an beautiful uniform
Name : …………………………………………. Teacher Parent B. I have a beautiful uniform
Grade/ Semester : III……………………………………../2 L: C. this is a beautiful uniform
Day/ Date : …………………………………………. R:
KKM : 75 W: 9. Translate the following sentences into English!
Time Allotment : 90 minutes S: (ada madu di dalam toples)
A. there is an honey in the jar
B. there is a honey in the jar
C. there is some honey in the jar
I. Listen to the audio and complete the sentences with the correct answer.
1. A. Some Mango B. a Mango C. an Mango 10. What is … ? this is a tomato
2. A. Some Garlics B. a Garlic C. an Garlic A. this
3. A. Some Umbrella B. a Umbrella C. an Umbrella B. that
C. is
4. A. Some Jam B. a Jam C. an Jam
5. A. Some Apples B. a Apple C. an Apple II. Arrange the following jumbled words into a correct sentence.
11. apple - that - is - an
II. Put a cross (x) on a, b, or c for the correct answer.
A. that is apple an
6. What is this …
B. that is an apple
A. this is a hat C. apple an is that
B. that is a hat
C. this is an hat
12. Ice cream - an - this - is 20. Mr Rafi : Daffa, do you have … cheese?
A. this is an ice cream Daffa : yes, I do Mr. I have some cheese. do you want it?
B. this an is ice cream
C. this is ice an cream

13. have - two - you - erasers

A. you have erasers two
B. you have two erasers
C. you has two erasers

14. Carrots - there are - the - in - basket - some

A. there are some the Carrots in basket
B. there are carrots some the in basket
C. there are some carrots in the basket

15. there - Is - cheese - any - ?

A. Is there any cheese?
B. there is any cheese?
C. any cheese there is?

Speaking Section
III. Complete the conversation and then say it to your teacher.
16. Mr joe : Diva, what is … ?
Diva : that is my books Mr.
17. Ms Fikri : Abdillah, do you have .. apple?
Abdillah : yes i do, I have an apple
18. Mrs Anisa : Khansa, we need … bread!
Khansa : Of course Mrs, we need some bread.

19. Mrs Restu : Shaqil, do you want to eat … orange?

Shaqil : No, I don’t Mrs. I don’t like orange

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