Letter of Gratitude

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University of Eastern Philippines
University Town, Catarman, Northern Samar


Campus Director/VPAA
University of Eastern Philippines Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus
Catubig, Northern Samar

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us
has cause to think with a deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

I was never expressive and always have problems on how to extend my gratitude towards
friends and loved ones. It would always be easier for me to put all my emotions to writing.

To this amazing and fruitful institution; the University of Eastern Philippines Memorial
Campus, thank you for allowing me to become part of this institution. I’ve handled multiple
classes in different department, and during those times, I fondly experienced the fulfillment
and joy of teaching and surpassed challenges that came my way.

To all the faculty members and employees; for the suggestions, and encouragement that
helped me believe in my abilities and develop my sense of responsibility, for sharing your
expertise and experiences in the field that inspired me to work hard and do my best, and for
the shared moments of laughter’s during the different activities in school.

I’ll always be grateful for having you in a page of my life. Your tugs and pushes built a vigor
spirit in me, your words and teachings lead me to the next plateau, sometimes being poked
with a sharp stick called “advice” is the best way to strengthen a back. For great experiences
we’ve shared; to the moral support and encouragement; for being such good companions, and
for the prayers and guidance. We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our
hearts are conscious of our treasures…and those treasures that kept me going are those
advises, encouragement and undying love that will always be with the air that I breath. Also,
I am writing this letter to take the chance and opportunity to ask permission to renew my
contract next school year.

From the bottom of my heart, my mouth speaks, Thank You so much!!!

Mark Daniel O. Macalos

UEP - PRMC Special Lecturer

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