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WEEK 3 1

Week 3

Tabitha Lackman

Sullivan University

PSA 304 Current Issues in Terrorism


July 11, 2023

WEEK 3 2

Week 3

I. 1. What is the relationship between police, security forces, and the media?

The relationship between police, security forces, and the media is complex and

multifaceted. It can vary depending on the country, the specific context, and the

prevailing political and social dynamics. Generally, the relationship can be characterized

by both cooperation and tension.


Police and security forces often rely on the media to disseminate information to

the public.

They may provide press releases, hold press conferences, or grant interviews to

journalists to share updates on investigations, crime prevention efforts, or public safety


This cooperation helps to inform the public, raise awareness, and maintain



However, tensions can arise between the police, security forces, and the media

due to various factors:

Conflicting Interests:

The media aims to report the news objectively and hold authorities accountable, while the

police and security forces may have concerns about compromising ongoing investigations or

revealing sensitive information.

Perceived Bias:
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The media's coverage of police actions or security operations can be perceived as biased

or sensationalized, leading to strained relations.

Access to Information:

Journalists may face challenges in obtaining timely and accurate information from police

and security forces, which can hinder their ability to report effectively.

Freedom of the Press:

In some cases, police or security forces may attempt to restrict or control media coverage,

which can be seen as infringing press freedom.

It is important to note that a healthy relationship between police, security forces, and the

media is crucial for a functioning democracy. Open communication, respect for press freedom,

and a commitment to transparency can help foster a constructive relationship that serves the

public interest.

2. Discuss the influence of the internet, private web pages and non-secure emails on

terrorists communications

The internet, private web pages, and non-secure emails have significantly influenced

terrorists' communications. These technological advancements have provided terrorists new

avenues to communicate, plan, and coordinate their activities. Here are some key points to


1. Anonymity and Encryption: The internet allows terrorists to communicate

anonymously and securely through various means. They can use encrypted messaging apps,

virtual private networks (VPNs), and anonymous browsing tools to hide their identities and
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encrypt their communications. This makes it difficult for law enforcement agencies to track and

intercept their messages.

2. Propaganda and Recruitment: Terrorist organizations utilize private web pages and

social media platforms to spread propaganda, recruit new members, and radicalize individuals.

They can easily create and disseminate extremist content, including videos, articles, and

speeches, to a broad audience. This online presence helps them reach potential sympathizers and

recruits globally.

3. Coordination and Planning: The internet enables terrorists to coordinate their activities

and plan attacks more efficiently. They can use private web pages, forums, and chat rooms to

share information, discuss strategies, and coordinate logistics. These platforms provide a secure

and convenient space for terrorists to communicate and exchange sensitive information.

4. Fundraising and Financing: Non-secure emails and private web pages are often used by

terrorists to solicit funds and finance their operations. They can send donation requests, share

bank account details, and provide instructions on transferring money. These channels allow them

to raise funds from sympathizers and supporters worldwide, making it challenging for authorities

to track and disrupt their financial networks.

5. Cyber attacks: Terrorist groups have also started using the internet to launch cyber

attacks. They target critical infrastructure, government systems, and financial institutions to

cause disruption, steal sensitive information, or spread fear. These attacks can have severe

consequences, impacting national security and public safety.

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Governments and law enforcement agencies have implemented several countermeasures

to mitigate the influence of the internet, private web pages, and non-secure emails on terrorists'

communications. These include:

1. Monitoring and Surveillance: Governments employ advanced surveillance techniques

to monitor online activities and identify potential threats. They collaborate with internet service

providers and social media platforms to track and intercept suspicious communications.

2. Cybersecurity Measures: Governments and organizations invest in robust cybersecurity

measures to protect critical infrastructure and sensitive information from terrorist attacks. This

includes implementing firewalls, encryption protocols, and intrusion detection systems.

3. International Cooperation: International cooperation and information sharing among

law enforcement agencies are crucial in combating terrorist communications. Countries work

together to share intelligence, coordinate investigations, and disrupt terrorist networks across


4. Legislation and Regulation: Governments enact legislation and regulations to combat

terrorist activities online. These measures aim to restrict the dissemination of extremist content,

enhance cybersecurity, and hold individuals accountable for their involvement in terrorist


5. Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about the dangers of

online radicalization and the importance of reporting suspicious activities is essential.

Educational programs and campaigns helo individuals recognize and resist terrorist propaganda

and recruitment efforts.

In conclusion, the internet, private web pages, and non-secure emails have significantly

influenced terrorist communications. While these technologies provide terrorists with new
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opportunities, governments, and law enforcement, agencies are actively working to counter these

threats through monitoring, cybersecurity measures, international cooperation, legislation, and

public awareness campaigns.

3. What is the contagion effect in the news and how might this influence the news?

The contagion effect in the news refers to the phenomenon where the media coverage of

a particular event or topic influences the subsequent range of similar events or issues. It suggests

that how information is reported can have a ripple effect, shaping how subsequent news stories

are framed and covered. This effect can influence the news in several ways:

1. Agenda Setting: The contagion effect can influence the media's agenda-setting

function. When a particular event receives extensive coverage, it can set the agenda for other

news organizations, leading them to prioritize similar stories. For example, if a terrorist attack

receives significant media attention, other news outlets may also focus on reporting similar


2. Story Framing: The contagion effect can shape how news stories are framed. The

initial coverage of an event can establish a particular narrative or frame, which subsequent

reports may adopt or build upon. This can influence public perception and understanding of the

issue. For instance, if the initial coverage of a protest emphasizes violence, subsequent stories

may also focus on the violent aspects, potentially overshadowing the underlying issues.

3. News Values: The contagion effect can impact the selection and prioritization of news

stories. When a particular event gains significant attention, it may be perceived as more

newsworthy, leading other news organizations to cover similar events to maintain their
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audience's interest. This can result in a concentration of coverage on specific topics, while other

important issues may receive less attention.

4. Information Bias: The contagion effect can introduce biases in news reporting. When

news organizations follow the lead of others in covering similar events, they may rely on the

same sources, perspectives, and angles. This can limit the diversity of voices and viewpoints in

the news, potentially leading to a narrow or skewed understanding of the issue.

Overall, the contagion effect in the news highlights the interconnectedness of media

coverage and its potential influence on subsequent reporting. It underscores the importance of

critical media consumption and the need for diverse and independent news sources to ensure a

comprehensive understanding of events and issues.

4. What does the term “Force Multiplier” mean and what are some used by terrorists?

The term "Force Multiplier" refers to an factor or capability that enhances the

effectiveness of a force, making it more powerful and impactful than its actual size or resources

would suggest. It allows a smaller force to achieve more significant results or influence a larger

area. Legitimate military forces and non-state actors, including terrorists, can use force

multipliers. Some force multipliers commonly used by terrorists include:

1. Propaganda: Terrorist organizations often use propaganda to spread their message,

recruit new members, and gain support. Through various media channels, they amplify their

influence and create fear and uncertainty among their targets.

2. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs): IDs are homemade explosive devices that can

cause significant damage and casualties. Terrorists use them to target infrastructure, public
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spaces, and military or civilian personnel, exploiting the element of surprise and causing

widespread panic.

3. Cyber Warfare: Terrorist groups have increasingly turned to cyber warfare to disrupt

critical infrastructure, steal sensitive information, and spread propaganda. Cyber attacks can have

far-reaching consequences, impacting economies, governments, and societies.

4. Suicide Attacks: Suicide attacks, such as suicide bombings, are a devastating force

multiplier used by terrorists. By sacrificing their own lives, attackers can cause mass casualties

and instill fear in the targeted population.

5. Asymmetric Warfare Tactics: Terrorist organizations often employ asymmetric

warfare tactics, which involve unconventional methods to exploit their adversaries' weaknesses.

These tactics can include guerrilla warfare, hit-and-run attacks, and ambushes, allowing terrorists

to damage larger and better-equipped forces.

6. Radicalization and Recruitment: The ability to radicalize and recruit individuals is a

force multiplier for terrorist organizations. By indoctrinating and mobilizing sympathizers, they

can expand their reach and carry out attacks in different locations.

It is important to note that the use of force multipliers by terrorists is a significant

challenge for security forces and requires comprehensive strategies to counteract their impact.

5. If a terrorist group launched a WMD attack on the US, what do you think they would

use? What do you think would be the chances of success?

A WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) attack uses weapons that can cause large-scale death

and destruction. These weapons typically include nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

The term often refers to a catastrophic event caused by such weapons. The chances of success for
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a terrorist group in carrying out a WMD attack are generally considered low due to the

complexity of obtaining and deploying these weapons. However, the potential impact of such an

attack is extremely high, which is why it remains a significant concern for national and

international security. Several factors influence the likelihood of a successful WMD attack:

1. Access to WMDs: Obtaining a WMD is a significant challenge. Nuclear materials are

heavily guarded, and biological and chemical weapons production requires specialized

knowledge and facilities.

2. Technical expertise: Even if a terrorist group were to obtain a WMD, deploying it

effectively requires specialized expertise. For example, a nuclear weapon needs to be assembled

and detonated correctly to achieve its intended destructive power.

3. Security measures: Governments and international organizations have implemented

extensive measures to prevent WMD theft and use. These include physical security, intelligence

gathering, and international treaties and agreements.

4. Logistical challenges: Transporting a WMD to the target location without detection

presents significant logistical challenges.

In conclusion, while the chances of a successful WMD attack by a terrorist group are

generally low, the potential consequences are so severe that it remains a top priority for security

agencies worldwide to prevent such an event.

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White, J. R., & Chermak, S. (2021). Terrorism and homeland security (010th ed.). Cengage


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