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READINGS IN THE Biography, encyclopedia, textbooks,

thesis, dissertations, interviews,

PHILIPPINE HISTORY scholarly journals, movies, news
reports, news articles, transcriptions,
Definition of History almanacs, dictionaries
-inquiry or knowledge acquired by Internal criticisms
investigation, study of the past
-looks within the data itself to try to
-branch of knowledge dealing with past determine the truth and facts and its
events having a continuous, systematic reasonable interpretations
narrative of past events as relating to
-includes looking at the apparent or
particular people, country, period,
possible motives of the person
usually written as a chronological
providing the data
-indicates the accuracy and
Primary Sources
trustworthiness of the materials to
-provides and contains direct or first which historical data will be based
and evidence about an event, object,
External Criticisms
person, or work of art
-applies experimental science to certify
-provides compelling and direct
the authenticity of the material that
evidence of human activity
holds the data in which historical
-things created or in use during the information will be based
period which is being studied
-entails such physical and technical
-actual records that have survived from test as dating of paper where a
the past document is written on

Examples: -involves knowledge of when certain

things are possible or impossible to
Autobiography, memoirs, eyewitness
accounts, diary, fossils, relics, letters,
photograph, speeches, videos, legal -evaluates the authenticity of data
documents, ornaments, clothing, tools
6 Cs to Guide us in Effectively
Secondary Sources Analyzing Primary Sources

-sources of historical data which are 1. Content- identify main idea a

created later or after the historical certain document is trying to
event which is being studied and convey
provided by the people who are not 2. Citation- identifying the creator
present on that event of the document, time it is
-describes, discuss, interpret, comment 3. Communication- biases of the
upon, analyze, evaluate, summarize, author. Biases-prejudice or a
and process primary source tendency to see something in a
-usually created by historians and way
scholastic writers based on their 4. Content- what is going on in the
interpretations of the primary sources world when the document is
5. Connections- recognizing primary
sources to prior knowledge
6. Conclusions- contributions of the
primary source to our
understanding of history

CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL 2. Continental Drift Theory
ANALYSIS OF SELECTED PRIMARY - Alfred Wegener theorized that
SOURCES GUIDE QUESTIONS some 300M years ago, the earth’s
current continents were part of a
o What is the main idea of the
super continent- Pangea
document? (Content)
- If the continents were to be put
o Who was the author/creator? together, it would appear as one
(Citation) - Philippines was separated due to
geological changes
o What is the idea the author trying to
3. Plate Tectonics Theory
convey? (Communication)
- Outer shell of the earth is
o What was happening when the composed of thin plates that
document was written? (Context) relatively move to each other
- These plates emerged after
o What is your newly acquired drifting of the diff. continents
knowledge? (Connection) - Movements and collisions created
o How did it contribute to history? different present landforms,
(Conclusion) including Philippines
4. Volcanic Theory
Point of View - About 225M years ago, Earth
-perspective of the author toward a was ravaged by violent
particular person or issue, shaped over earthquakes and volcanic
a period due to their experiences, eruptions
beliefs, ideology, etc. - Different lands were formed and
emerged, thus the establishment
Life of Early Filipinos of the Philippine Island
- Elevation of Baguio City is the
Origins and Life of Early Filipinos
evidence of this theory
Reasons Filipinos have a Poor
Early Filipino Ancestors:
Knowledge of their Past:
Wave Migration Theory
-propagation of Christianity in the
Philippines -early settlers in the Philippines
migrated from the different parts of the
-early Filipinos prefer verbal
world who populated the Philippines
some thousands of years ago
-lack of interest in understanding
-proves the diversity of cultures and
traditions passed by our ancestors
-Filipinos had different priorities
Core Population Theory
Origins of the Philippines
-Filipino ancestors settled within the
1. Land Bridges Theory archipelago, they migrated outside the
- Philippines was believed to be a country spreading our culture
part of Mainland Asia
Tabon Man: early settlers in the
- About 250,000 years ago, bodies
Philippines who lived 25,000 years ago
of water surrounding the
in the island of Palawan
Philippines were 156 ft lower
than its present level 1.Aetas/ Negritos
- The bridges were between Borneo
and Papa New Guinea and -Nomadic people, first settlers in the
between Taiwan and Batanes Philippines, living by hunting and
gathering wild plants
-Came from Mainland Asia about 2.Nipa Huts
25,000 years ago
-made of nipa leaves, wood and
-Very small people, have dark skin, bamboo having a square shape and
kinky hair, thick nose, and lips about 1 meter above ground
2.Indonesians -the most common type of house used
-First sea dwellers that migrated in the 3.Tree Houses
Philippines about 5000 years ago
-used to provide safety from attacking
-Came from South Asia travelling in enemies and wild animals
groups using boats, arriving in the
-ladder or ropes are used to access this
mountains and lowlands
4.Houses on Stilts
-More advanced, lived-in permanent
home and used fires practically, lived -near coastal areas connected by a
by hunting, fishing, and small farming pathway
-Particularly painted their bodies -commonly used by merchants
-Came after Indonesians 2000 years MALE:
Bahag- strip of cloth wrapped
-Arrived in boats (balangays) from around the waist and between the legs
Southeast Asia
Putong- Cloth wrapped in the
-medium in height, brown skin with head (Red-killed a lot of people in war,
dark eyes, flat nose and have straight Weaved-killed people not less than 7)
black hair
Kangan- A sleeveless coat (Red-
-Drove the Indonesian to forests and datu and Maharlika, Blue- average
mountain and they lived in lowlands male)
-Lived in larger villages, had FEMALE:
government, arts and sciences and an
Baro- upper clothing
advanced agriculture, mining, and
trading Saya- lower covering
-mostly lived near bodies of water and 1.Agriculture
were along coastal areas or near rivers,
bays, or lakes Methods:

Reasons: food from water Kaingin- preparing the land for

resources, water system for agriculture, farming by burning a specific area of
means of transpo, strategic defense land
against enemies or wild animals Wetland farming- rice was
1.Caves planted in areas where dikes were built
to collect water
-caves were the safest place to settle
-later, they moved in plains for farming
and coastal areas for fishing Birey- made for 50-100 people
Biroco- made for more than 100
3.Hunting and Gathering 3 Types:
-Men were trained to hunt animals, Horo-han- served their masters
women were taught to gather as warriors
vegetables and fruits to do household
Namamahay (Freeman)- can
-Food was divided among the members acquire house and have a family
of tribe
Saguiguilid- considered as a
-Biggest part is given to the leader and possession (war prisoners)
his family
4.Barter Trading
-trading with other Filipinos and
-standard unit of government
-consisted of 30-100 families
-Chinese, Arabs, and Indians were the
main client of Filipino traders -ruled by a chieftain
-Common products being traded were Powers and Functions of a Datu
yellow wax, cotton, pearls,
-implementing laws and
tortoiseshells, betel-nuts, cocoanuts,
vegetables and abaka
-ensuring peace and order
-Early Filipinos used gold coins
(Pilocintos) as means of exchange -giving protection to his subjects
SOCIAL CLASSES -act as judge during trials
1.Datu Trial by Ordeal
-tribe leader and chieftain -an ancient judicial practice by which
the quilt or innocence was determined
-Known as Lakan or Gat in Tagalog
by subjecting them to a painful
experience. Survival is the proof of
-Served as the religious leader, can innocence
declare war, and made important tribal
-Chieftain’s family, Maharlika, and
-Dayang-dayang, wives of the datu
timawa are exempted
2.Maharlika (Tumao)
-People pay taxes to the chieftain in
-Noble and free people exchange of protection
-Travelled with the chieftain -Non-payment of taxes was punishable
-Merchants in nature War Declaration
-Assigned to meet foreign traders -before declaring war against other
tribes, the datu and the katalonan were
3.Timawa (Timagua)
the people making decisions
-Soldiers, rowers of boat and datu’s
-Could live in other barangays as a
Baybayin- most common system of
writing widely used by the Tagalogs
4.Alipin (Oripun)
-means “to spell”
-Lowest status in the society
-commonly taught to the children
of the Datu and maharlikas
-mainly used for trading
Other System of Writing in the -cleaning the house
-gathering food and firewood
Kurdita- Northern part of Luzon
-fetching water
Kulitan- Central Luzon mainly in
-killing enemy tribes
-dowry-giving a part of wealth to
Basahan- Southern part of Luzon
each family
Karuno’o and Buhid- Mindoro
Tagbanwa- Palawan Island
Badit- Central Visayas
-believed as being able to
Kirim- central Mindanao communicate with the gods and
Jawi- used in southwest part of
Mindanao Katalonan- priestess of highest
Mambabarang- priestess of
Death mask
lowest rank
-buried with the dead to go along with
Priestesses were believed to cure
them to the spirit world
diseases and can incur maladies
-those who wore gold and covered with
Gods and Goddesses
tattoos are recognized by the ancestors
and deities Bathala- supreme god
-designed or decorated depending on Amaniklable- god of sea
social status
Idiyanale- goddess of labor
Ikapati- god of agriculture
-excavated in Surigao at around 1981
Lakapati- fertility deity
-gold artifact that symbolizes the
Mapulon- god of weather
feminine beauty
Mayari- goddess of moon
-half woman, half bird, and a religious
significance for it encapsulates grace Tala- goddess of stars
and accomplishment
Hanan- goddess of morning
Dumakulem- guardian of mountains
-the Filipino upper-class society,
Anitun Tabu- goddess of wind and rain
warriors, common people, and slaves
wore gold even to their grave Anagolay- goddess of lost things
-intricacy depends on social status Apolaki- God of sun and warriors
-part of their everyday clothes Diyan masalanta- goddess of love
Courting and Marriages Sitan- keeper of bad souls
-man must serve the family of the Mangagauay- plague bringer
woman for several years before
marrying the woman Manisilat-goddesses of broken home
Mankukulam- disease and fire bringer
Hukloban- shapeshifting diety
1896 Philippine Revolution Igorot Revolt (1601)

Reasons why Filipinos Revolted -socio-economic and religious war

against the Spaniards conducted by the Igorot of the
-The people’s desire to regain their lost
freedom and happiness: upon arrival of Dagohoy Revolt (1744)
the Spaniards, Filipinos were subjected -revolt considered to be the longest
to slavery revolt recorded in the Philippine
-Spanish Military Oppression: history- 85 years
injustices and torture from Spanish Pule Revolt (1840)
-religious uprising led by Apolinario de
-Bandala and Polo y Servicios: obliged la Cruz (Hermano Pule)
to pay excessive taxes and subjected to
-Religious Persecution: forced to
abandon their ancestor’s beliefs and Katipunan was established on July 7,
practices 1892, in Tondo, Manila

-Enconmienda System: agricultural Founders: Gat Andres Bonifacio.

lands were taken and exploited by the Deodato Arellano, Teodoro Plata,
Spanish Colonial Government and the Ladislao Diwa, Valentin Diaz, Jose
Church Dizon

-Great Discrimination: Filipinos were KATAASTAASANG, KAGALANG-

classed as the lowest class of people in GALANGANG KATIPUNAN NG MGA
the society, changing social class ANAK NG BAYAN
established by our ancestors
Brief History:
Results of colonization
*July 7, 1892- Jose Rizal was arrested
Filipinos: and exiled in Dapitan

Became lazy *Night after the capture, Bonifacio, and

his comrades gathred in Azcarrga St.,
Not fund of working anymore manila to discuss the establishment of
Depended solely on the Catholic Katipunan
Church *La Liga Filipina was disbanded
Developed the sense of inferiority and establishing 2 Civic groups: KKK and
passivity Cuerpo de Compromisario

Developed colonial mentality *Katipunan was considered as 1st secret

society established in the Philippines
Created their addiction to gambling
Aims of Katipunan:
-United uprising against the Spaniards
Tagalog Revolt (1574)
-Filipino Solidarity and brotherhood
-initiated by Rajah Sulayman, Rajah
Matanda, and Lakan Dula in Tondo -The return of Philippine independence
Manila through revolution

Pampanga Revolt (1585) -Establishment of a new Republic

-plot to burn and destroy Intramuros -Socio-economic and civic development

due to exploitation of agricultural lands of Filipinos
Establishment of Organization: Cry of Balintawak
Deodato Arrelano-voted to be the first August 21-23, 1896- katipuneros
supremo of the Katipunan (1892) gathered in the residence of Melchora
Aquino in Pugadlawin, Balintawak
Ramon Basa- in his presidency,
Woman Auxiliary Corps and Cavite August 26, 1896- Bonifacio angrily
council was established (1893) stopped talking and said, enough is
enough! He then tore his Cedula
Gregoria de Jesus and Mariana Dizon-
signifying the start of revolution
governed the auxiliary corps
Battle of Pinaglabanan
Andres Bonifacio- became the 3rd
Supremo of the Katipunan August 30, 1896- 1000 katipuneros
attacked San Juan del Monte, Bulacan,
-common people and professionals
attacking Spaniards main supply
were recruited (400K members)
warehouse (El Polvorin)
-able to establish standard rules and
-Katipunan’s weapon choice:
laws followed by the Katipunan which
bolo, handmade guns, bamboo sticks
was formulated by Emilio Jacinto
and amulets were easily dominated by
the Spanish artillery leaving 153 dead
-aimed for the destruction of soldiers behind
-To ease the tension, Governor-
Members: general Ramon Blanco offered pardon
to the katipuneros who will surrender
-majority of them hailed from
but most Katipuneros still fought
Batangas, Laguna, Cavite, Rizal,
Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Conflict in the Katipunan:
Because of the differences in the
-auxiliary members came from Ilocos Katipunan, the group was divided into
Sur, Ilocos Norte, Pangasinan, and the 2 factions:
Bicol Region
Magdalo- led by Baldomero
-members were divided into three Aguinaldo in Kawit, Cavite
grades. System adapted from Masonic
-controlled most of the
Tagalog and South Luzon regions
Katipon- 1st degree or lowest
Magdiwang- faction of the
(Z.LL.B.) (Anak ng Bayan
Katipunan Stationed in Manila led by
Kawal- second degree and the Mariano Alvarez
strong soldiers of Katipunan (A.N.B.)
-controlled most of manila
and some parts of Luzon
Bayani- highest ranking official
Tejeros Convention
(K.K.K. Z.LL.B.) (Rizal)
March 22, 1897, a meeting was
-members swore their oath by blood
called for the Magdalo and magdiwang
at San Francisco de Malabon, Cavite
Events in the Revolution:
The aim of the meeting was to
August 19, 1896- certain copy of the plan a strategic attack against the
Kartilla was handed by Teodoro Pateno Spanish infantry, decide what type of
to Father Mariano Gill, a Spanish friar government should be followed, and to
pacify the tension between 2 factions
August 20, 1896- arrested hundreds of
suspected members of the Katipunan
(Suffocated to death)
Turned out to be election of the The Pact of Biak-na-Bato
next leader of Katipunan
-considered as the 1st establishment of
146 votes for Aguinaldo, 80 for Filipino government in the Philippines
Bonifacio, and 30 for Mariano Trias on December 15, 1897, making Emilio
Aguinaldo as the 1st president of the
Daniel Tirona questioned the
qualifications of Bonifacio as part of the
Katipunan Conditions:
Naic Military Agreement- -Spanish will recognize the newly found
convention established by Bonifacio government in 3 years if Aguinaldo will
declaring the Tejeros Convention null be exiled to Hongkong and the
and void Katipunan will surrender all their
Battle of Limbon
-Spanish will pay 800,000 Mexican
April 27, 1897- a skirmish between
pesos as war preparations
Bonifacio and troops of Aguinaldo took
place in Limbon, Cavite -December 27, 1897- Aguinaldo went to
Hongkong after receiving the partial
On his way to Montalban, Rizal,
Bonifacio’s troop were ambushed by
the troop of Severino de las Alas -Some Filipino generals did not believe
the sincerity of the Spanish, refusing to
Andres and his brother Procorpio were
surrender their arms
wounded when arrested and charged of
treason and sedition- sentenced to Things taught by the Revolution:
-personal interest can lead to disunity
Ciriaco Bonifacio was killed, and
-social responsiveness and civic
Gregoria de Jesus was imprisoned
responsibility are very important
May 10, 1897- Andres and Procorpio
-Filipinos fought for their beliefs
were killed near Mt. Buntis in
Maragondon, Cavite on their way to -values of patriotism and valor were
trial prevalent among the Filipinos
The Aftermath: -love for our country should always be
After Bonifacio’s death, disunity among
the Katipunan was prevalent
Supporters of Bonifacio were
massacred or forced to swear an
allegiance to the new president
February 15, 1897- Governor-general
Polavieja launched and all out war in
Cavite. Captures city of Silang
February 25, 1897- Dasmarinas, Cavite
was also pacified by General Antonio
The fall of Katipunan was within the
reach of the Spaniards

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