Grade 7 Nutrition Month Quiz Bowl

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Grade 7 Nutrition Month Quiz Bowl
16 Questions DATE  : 

1. Carrots is an excellent source of what vitamin?

A Vitamin A B Vitamin E

C Vitamin C D Vitamin K

2. Bananas are a good source of which mineral?

A Potassium B Phosphorous

C Calcium D Zinc

3. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of ______?

A vitamin c B vitamin B

C calcium D calories

4. Which fruit has the highest oil content?

A Olive B Avocado

C Peach D Mango

5. Papain is a natural digestive aid that is found naturally in which fruit?

A Lychee B Banana

C Papaya D Mango

6. What does fresh fruit have those juices lack?

A Minerals B Fats

C Fiber D Vitamins

7. Name a fruit that is rich in a healthy fat?

A Banana B JackFruit

C Apple D Avocado
8. What is the sugar in fruit called?

A Sucrose B Lactose

C Fructose D Glucose

9. 1.      Pineapples are a sweet and juicy fruit. They are given their name because they look
like a .....?

A Pine cone B God

C Flower D Apple

10. The most popular fruit in the world is?

A Pineapple B Banana

C Grapes D Tomato

11. Which fruit has the most fiber?

A Tanberry B Raspberry 

C Youngberry D Gooseberry

12. What fruit is highest in vitamin C?

A Pomelo B Papaya

C Guava D Orange

13. What type of fruit has a variety named after Santa Claus?

A Citrus B Melon

C Tropical D Berry

14. Which gas is released by many fruits as they start to ripen?

A Methane B Ethylene

C Hydrogen D Helium

15. It is the study of fruits.

A Pomology B Botany

C Agronomy D Zoology
16. It is the first fruit in the world.

A Grapes B Oranges

C Apple D Banana

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