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Name: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________


Level of Score Excellent Good Marginal Inadequate

Achievement 16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 0-5 points

Organization • Well thought out with logical progression • Talk easy to follow • Talk somewhat disorganized • Talk difficult to follow
• Use of proper language • Use of proper language • Shows some effort to use proper • Unclear language
• Significance clearly stated • Significance clearly stated language • Does not understand significance
• Content level appropriate for audience • Content level not always appropriate • Significance somewhat unclear of work
• Contents are excellently constructed • Contents have some errors. • Includes some irrelevant content and • Inadequate content
following the desired format. inappropriate content level • Contents lack proper content and
• Contents are not well constructed construction
Understanding of • Identifies the research • Identifies the research •Research question/research field • Does not understand the
Scientific question/research field question/research field somewhat unclear research
Content • Has advanced understanding of the • Has basic understanding of the • Description of experimental approach • Does not understand the
experimental approach and significance experimental approach and significance somewhat confusing experimental approach
• Critically evaluates the methodology to be • Limited evaluation of methodology to be • Methodology stated but not critically • Does not understand conclusions
used used evaluated or recognize implications for future
• Scientifically rigorous • Well researched • Does not integrate outside readings work
and well researched
Style/Delivery • Uses time wisely • Speaks well, but often repeats comments • Presentation poorly timed • Presentation poorly timed
• Speaks with good pacing and enthusiasm • Exhibits few disfluencies (“ahs”, “uhms”, • Some hesitation and uncertainty are • Makes no eye contact and reads
• Makes eye contact and does not read etc.) apparent from notes
information • Makes eye contact • Exhibits many disfluencies • Hesitation and uncertainty are
• Uses engaging tone and • Uses good vocabulary and tone • Makes little eye contact and looks at very apparent
appropriate vocabulary notes • Speaks too quietly or quickly for
• Monotone and non-engaging delivery audience to
Use of Visual Aids • Tables/graphs summarize data and/or • Text appropriately sized • Labels and legends somewhat unclear • Labeling is not clear
conclusions • Very little text • Text size somewhat small • Size is too small to see
• Size and labels are clear • Most figures and images explained and • Too much detail on slides • No logical placement of
• Very little text described well • Blocks of text on slides information
• Figures and images explained and • Presentation has an occasional misspelling • Figures are explained • Mostly text and very few images
described well or grammatical error • Presentation has multiple • Figures are not explained
• Presentation has no misspellings or misspellings and/or • Presentation has numerous
grammatical errors grammatical errors misspellings and/or grammatical
Ability to Answer •Anticipates the panel’s questions • Does not anticipate panel’s questions • Does not anticipate panel’s questions • Either makes no effort to respond
Questions • Understands audience questions • Understands audience questions • Makes an effort to address question to questions or does so poorly
• Can integrate knowledge to answer • Can integrate knowledge to answer • Can address some questions
questions questions • Often responds poorly to questions
• Thoroughly responds to questions • Thoroughly responds to most questions.

TOTAL Comments:

















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