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SEC-183: Python Programming

Paper Title: Python Programming

Paper Code: SEC-183
Paper Nomenclature: Skill Enhancement
Level : 100
Number of Hours Per Week : (L+T+P = 2+0+2)
Number of Credits: (2+1)

Learning Objectives:

This course is designed to equip students with the basic skills and knowledge to start building and learn
programming of basics Python. To develop programs in Python using lists, tuples and strings along with
several libraries.

Outline of the Paper

External Marks Internal
UNIT Hours
Topic Marks

I 15 20
Introduction to basics of Python
Function, Directories, built in data-
II 15 25

III Practical 30 30 10

60 75 25


UNIT-I 15 Hours

Introduction to Python :Python overview, Python identifiers, keywords, variables, standard data types,
numbers(integers, floating point numbers, complex numbers), operators, statement and expression,
string operations, Boolean expression, control expressions, Iteration- while statement, Input from

UNIT-II 15 Hours

Functions, Built-in functions, composition of functions, user defined functions, parameters and
arguments, Function calls, Python recursive statement, the anonymous functions, writing Python
scripts., Built-in Data structures in Python: Strings, Lists, Ranges, Tuples, Dictionaries, Text files,
Directories, Manipulations Building blocks of python program, Introduction to different python libraries
and packages; matplotlib, numpy, pandas, Numpy.
UNIT-III 30 Hours

Suggested Practical Assignments (Questions need not be restricted to this list)

List of suggested practical experiments to be performed:

1. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of operators and expressions

2. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of control statements
3. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of integers, floating point and complex
4. numbers
5. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of built-in functions
6. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of user defined functions
7. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of Lists and ranges
8. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of dictionaries
9. Write Python programs to demonstrate the use of strings.
10. Find all numbers between 2000 and 2500 which are multiples of 17, but not the multiple of 5.
11. Print the first 2 and first 3 Characters in a given String using string slicing.
12. Write a program that eliminates duplicates in a list.
13. Implement shallow copy and deep copy of a list.
14. Find the largest of n numbers, using a user defined function largest().
15. Write a function that capitalizes all vowels in a string.
16. Read a line containing digits and letters. Write a program to give the count of digits and letters.
17. Write a function myReversal() which receives a string as an input and returns the reverse of the
18. Use the list comprehension methodology in Python to generate the squares of all odd numbers in
a given list.
19. Generate a dictionary and print the same. The keys of the dictionary should be integers between L
and LO (both inclusive). The values should be the cubes of the corresponding keys.
20. Create a nested dictionary. The roll number of a student maps to a dictionary. This inner
dictionary will have name, age and place as keys. Read details of at least three students.
21. Enter a word. Create a dictionary with the letters of this word as keys, and the corresponding
ASCII values as values.
Instructions to Paper Setter
● Questions should be set according to the following scheme.

UNIT To be set To be Answered

I 2 1

II 2 1

III (Practical) 5 3

(Note: Three Sets of Practical question paper to be set.)

Exam Duration:
Theory Practical
2 Hours 3 Hours

Evaluation of marks for practical Exam:

10% :Syntax and input/output screens

30% :Logic and efficiency(source code, pseudo code, and algorithm)
20% :Error trapping(illegalorinvalidinput,stackoverflow,underflow,insufficientphysicalmemoryetc.)
20% :Completion
20% : Result

Suggested Readings:

Text Books:

1. R.Thareja, Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach, First Edition,

Oxford University Press, 2019.
2. E. Balaguruswamy , Introduction to Computing And Problem Solving Using Python, 1st
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2016.

Reference Books:
1. S. Gowrishankar, A. Veena , Introduction to Python Programming, 1st Edition, CRC Press/Taylor &
Francis, 2018.
2. J. W. Chun, Core Python Programming, Second Edition, Pearson, 2010.
3. M. C. Brown, Python: The Complete Reference, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2018.
SEC-184: Animation and Multimedia

Paper Title: Animation and Multimedia Development

Paper Code: SEC-184
Paper Nomenclature: Skill Enhancement
Level : 100
Number of Hours Per Week : (L+T+P = 2+0+2)
Number of Credits: (2+1)

Learning Objectives:

This course is designed to equip students with the basic skills and knowledge to start building the
different types and forms of multimedia, Explain the concepts of graphic media and colour modes, Design
3D models.

Outline of the Paper

External Marks Internal

UNIT Hours
Topic Marks

I 15 20
Introduction to animation
II Introduction to multimedia 15 25

III Practical 30 30 10

60 75 25



History of Animation, Principles animation, Timing and staging, Exaggeration, Drawing Concepts,
Colour Studies, Character Design, Common Graphic Formats (BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PSD, PDF,
EPS, AI, RAW (CR2, NEF), Image Editing and Processing , Two- dimensional animation and three
dimensional animation technology, animation development process, Graphics Design Fundamentals, 3D
Modeling, Digital Editing, Animation scripting.


Multimedia Types, Applications, Multimedia Design Principles, Multimedia Technologies-Image

(Graphic), Sound(Audio), Motion Picture(Video), Colour Modes (RGB, CMYK, Grayscale), Multimedia
audio, Multimedia video, video capture techniques, Visual Effects.

Introduction OpenGL, Defining shapes, attribute, drawing lines, polygons, displaying text.

Suggested Practical Assignments (Questions need not be restricted to this list)

1) Create a simple painting program using Flash or equivalent.

2) Create a simple animated banner using Flash or equivalent.
3) Design an object dragging program.
4) Prepare a photo album using Flash or equivalent.
5) Create animated buttons which is used for web design using Adobe Photoshop or equivalent.
6) Design image mapping using Flash or equivalent.
7) Create image morphing using adobe Photoshop or equivalent.
8) Make animations using macromedia Flash or equivalent.
9) Create animated Gifs for use as banners, titles and buttons.
10) Create short film in Flash or equivalent using any theme.
11) To perform animation using any animation software.
12) To perform image editing using basic tool, masking effect and rendering effects using Photoshop or
13) Drawing a 2D triangle in OpenGL.
13) Rotating a cube in OpenGL.
14) 3D cube with perspective projection in OpenGL.
15) Drawing a text string in OpenGL.
Instructions to Paper Setter
● Questions should be set according to the following scheme.

UNIT To be set To be Answered

I 2 1

II 2 1

III (Practical) 5 3

(Note: Three Sets of Practical question paper to be set.)

Exam Duration:
Theory Practical
2 Hours 3 Hours

Suggested Readings:

Text Books
1. Richard E. Williams, The Animator's Survival Kit, Faber & Faber, 1st Edition, 2021.
2. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia: Making It Work, Tata Mc-Graw Hill., 9th Edition, 2013.
2. Buford, Multimedia Systems, Pearson edition, 2003

1. Vasuki Belavadi, Video Production, Oxford University Press India; 2nd Edition
2. Ted Alspach, Jennifer Alspach, Illustrator CS Bible, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition.
3. Toby Howard, An Introduction to Graphics Programming with OpenGL, The University of
3. Ranjan Parekh, Principles of Multimedia, TMH, 2 nd Edition, 2017.
SEC-133: Information Security and Cyber law Fundamentals

Paper Title: Information Security and Cyber law fundamentals

Paper Code: SEC-133
Paper Nomenclature: Skill Enhancement
Level : 100
Number of Hours Per Week : (L+T+P = 2+0+2)
Number of Credits: (2+1)

Learning Objectives:

The course will cover the basics of information security & spread awareness of this field to help the
participants understand the importance of security in their daily lives in the IT field. Learn, structure,
mechanics and evolution of various crime threats. The course also introduces countermeasures to mitigate
attacks and different existing cyber laws.

Outline of the Paper

External Marks Internal

UNIT Hours
Topic Marks

I 15 20
Basic foundation of information security
II Email, Different types of attacks, IT laws 15 25

III Practical 30 30 10

60 75 25


Basics of Networks and internet, Types of Network, Need of Information Security, Attributes of
Information Security, Authentication, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Non Repudiation, Access
Control, Threats and Vulnerabilities, Security Attacks, Unauthorized Access, Impersonation, Denial of
Service, Malicious Software, Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses. Definitions, Types of authentication,
Password Authentication, Password Vulnerabilities &Attacks: Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks.
Password Policy & Discipline, Single Sign‐on – Kerberos, Alternate Approaches, Biometrics: Types of
Biometric Techniques: False Rejection, False Acceptance, Cross over Error Rates.


E‐mail Risks, Spam, E‐mail Protocols, Basics of Internet Protocol (IP), Transport Control Protocol (TCP),
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Email security: web authentication, SSL and SET, Network Attack:
Buffer Overflow, TCP Session, Hijacking, Sequence Guessing, SQL injection attack, Cross-site scripting
attack, Eavesdropping attack, Birthday attack, Malware attacks, Social Engineering attacks.
IT Act: Salient Feature of IT Act 2000, Legal Provisions under the Information Technology Act, Recent
amendments by the IT (Amendment Act) 2008, ActSection66(A, B, C, D, E, F), ITActSection67(A,B,C).


Suggested Hands on Practical Assignments (Questions need not be restricted to this list)

1. Installation of Antivirus software.

2. Password management in operating systems.
3. Setting up browser security, Email Encryption.
4. SQL injection attack, Cross-site scripting attack, Eavesdropping attack.
5. Demonstrate the use of Network tools: ping, ipconfig, ifconfig, tracert, arp, netstat, whois
6. Use of Password cracking tools : John the Ripper, Ophcrack. Verify the strength of passwords
using these tools.
7. Perform encryption and decryption of Caesar cipher. Write a script for performing these
operations. 4. Perform encryption and decryption of a Rail fence cipher. Write a script for
performing these operations.
8. Use nmap/zenmap to analyse a remote machine.
9. Use Burp proxy to capture and modify the message.
10. Demonstrate sending of a protected word document.
11. Demonstrate sending of a digitally signed document.
12. Demonstrate sending of a protected worksheet.
13. Demonstrate use of gpg utility for signing and encrypting purposes.
Instructions to Paper Setter
● Questions should be set according to the following scheme.

UNIT To be set To be Answered

I 2 1

II 2 1

III (Practical) 5 3

(Note: Three Sets of Practical question paper to be set.)

Exam Duration:
Theory Practical
2 Hours 3 Hours

Suggested Readings:

Text Books

1. Whitman, M. E. & Mattord, H. J. (2017) Principles of Information Security. 6th edition. Cengage
2. Sushila Madan, Cyber Crimes and Laws, Scholar Tech Press (MKM Publishers Pvt. Ltd) Second
Revised Edition, 2017.
3. Basta, A., & Halton, W., (2010) Computer Security: Concepts, Issues and Implementation, Cengage
Learning India.


1. Basta, A., & Halton, W., (2010) Computer Security: Concepts, Issues and Implementation, Cengage
Learning India.
2. Anderson, R. (2008) Security engineering: A guide to building dependable Distributed Systems. 2nd
edition. John Wiley & Sons.

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