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Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

Chapter 09:
I. Introduction 1.1 Applications, Characteristics and Structures
1.2 Types of Wormgear Drives
1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of using wormgear drives
1.4 Geometry and Terminology
II. Kinematic analysis 2.1 Linear velocity and speed ratio
2.2 Sliding velocity
2.3 Efficiency of wormgear drive
2.4 Force analysis
III. Calculation and design of worm gear drives 3.1 Potential failure modes
3.2 Strength calculation
3.2 Thermal design
Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

I. Introduction
1- Worm
• Wormgear drives are used to transmit motion and power
between crossed shafts, usually at a right angle.

2- Wormgear
• The drive consists of a worm and a wormgear.

 The worm resembles a power screw thread on a high-speed shaft

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

1.2 Types of wormgears

a. According to the worm profile, there are three basic types of wormgear drives:

+ Cylindrical worm – Trục vít trụ

+ Toroidal worm – Trục vít lõm

+ Spiroid worm (or cone worm)

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

1.2 Types of wormgears

b. According to the tooth profile, which relates closely to the manufacturing methods,
cylindrical worms can be classified as
+ Archimedean worms – Trục Asimet
+ Straight-sided normal worms – Trục vít Convolute

+ Involute helicoid worms – Trục vít thân khai

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

1.2 Types of wormgears

c. According to the number of threads (z1), worms can be classified as

multi-threaded worm
threaded worm

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of using wormgear drives

1. Run very quietly and smoothly.
2. Resistant to shock loads and self-locking
3. Can have very high gear ratios in a compact area.
1. Low efficiency due to the high friction resulting from a pure sliding action.
2. Worm always should only be the input and the gear should always only be the output.

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

1.4 Geometry and Terminology

 

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

• Because a wormgear is cut by a hob acting as a worm, the reference diameter of the hob
should be identical to the reference diameter of the worm, so that the fabricated wormgear
can mesh properly with the worm.

• To limit the number of hobs for the same module, worm diameter factor q is specified
for the convenience of manufacturing management

EX 01: A worm drives has module m =2.5 mm, number of thread z1 =2, pitch
diameter d1 = 40 mm; number of teeth on wormgear z2 = 40. Find a, q, d2, da1, da2,
daM2, df1 and df2.

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

II. Kinematic analysis

2.1 Linear velocity and speed ratio
 Linear velocity:  Worm:

 Wormgear:

 Speed ratio – Tỷ số truyền:

 

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

2.2 Sliding velocity - Vận tốc trượt: Wormgear tooth

worm thread

Notes:  vt > v1; v2

The high-sliding velocity between the worm thread and wormgear teeth will cause
friction, wear and heat leading to the failure of teeth surface
Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

2.3 Efficiency of wormgear drives: Lead angle

 Worm is a driving link -TV là dẫn động: góc xoắn vít
due to churning of lubricating oil
hệ số do khoấy dầu
equivalent coefficient of friction
hệ ma sát thay thế

 Wormgear is a driving link-Bánh vít dẫn động:

’ equivalent friction angle
là góc ma sát thay thế
 When WG is a driver link and Motion can not transfer from WGW
When Worm is a driver link and Worm drives has self-locking (Khả năng tự hãm)
The efficiency of wormgear drives is low.
Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

2.4 Forces analysis on the worm and wormgear teeth:

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

III. Calculation and design of wormgear drives

3.1 Potential failure modes and calculation criteria

 Failure modes:
+ Dính

+ Mòn
+ Tróc rỗ bề mặt ren
 Chỉ tiêu tính toán:
Mòn và dính nguy hiểm hơn cả chưa có phương pháp tính.
Bánh vít làm bằng vật liệu có cơ tính kémtính độ bền cho răng BV
Vận tốc trượt lớn Sinh nhiệt nhiềutính nhiệt cho TV
Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

3.2 Strength calculation

 Contact strength:
 Mục đích: Tính toán H ≤ [H ] trên BV nhằm tránh
dạng hỏng dính răng và tróc rỗ bề mặt răng
 Điều kiện tính toán:
+ Tính tại tâm ăn khớp
+ Coi sự tiếp xúc của ren TV với răng BV như sự tiếp xúc của BR nghiêng
và thanh răng
 Thiết lập công thức:
+ Sử dụng công thức Hec:

hệ số kể đến cơ tính vật liệu của các TV, BV

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

+ Tải trọng riêng tính toán

hệ số tải trọng khi tính về độ bền tiếp xúc

hệ số xét đến sự thay đổi chiều dài tiếp xúc

+ Bán kính cong tương đương

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

+ Thay các công thức vào công thức

Công thức thiết kế độ bền tiếp xúc BV:

 Độ bền uốn:
Công thức kiểm nghiệm độ bền uốn của răng BV:

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanisms and Machine Components Design - Do Van Hien -

3.3 Thermal calculation

 Mục đích: Nhiệt lượng sinh Qs phải cân bằng với nhiệt lượng Qt thoát đi
 Công thức tính toán: công suất trục vít (kW)

Nhiệt lượng sinh ra trong 1 giờ:

hiệu suất bộ truyền

nhiệt độ dầu
hệ số tỏa nhiệt (W/m2oC) nhiệt độ môi trường
Nhiệt lượng thoát qua vách hộp:

diện tích bề mặt thoát nhiệt của hộp (m2)

hệ số xét đến sự thoát nhiệt qua đáy hộp xuống bệ máy

Dept: Fundamental of Machine Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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