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Week 1: Introduction to Quantitative Methods

Overview of quantitative research

Role of quantitative methods in social sciences
Basic concepts and terminology

Week 2: Variables and Measurement (ace)

Types of variables
Operationalization and measurement
Reliability and validity

Week 3: Descriptive Statistics (ryan)

Measures of central tendency

Measures of dispersion
Graphical representation of data

Week 4: Probability Theory (angelica)

Basic principles of probability

Probability distributions
Normal distribution

Week 5: Sampling and Sampling Distributions (Michael)

Types of sampling techniques

Sampling distributions
Central Limit Theorem

Week 6: Hypothesis Testing

Null and alternative hypotheses

Type I and Type II errors
One-sample t-test

Week 7: Independent Samples t-test

Comparing two independent groups

Assumptions and limitations
Effect size

Week 8: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

One-way ANOVA
Post-hoc tests
Interpreting ANOVA results

Week 9: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression

Correlation analysis
Pearson correlation coefficient
Simple linear regression model

Week 10: Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple regression analysis

Assumptions and diagnostics
Interpreting regression coefficients
Week 11: Nonparametric Tests

Chi-square test
Mann-Whitney U test
Kruskal-Wallis test

Week 12: Factor Analysis

Exploratory factor analysis

Factor extraction methods
Interpreting factor loadings

Week 13: Logistic Regression

Introduction to logistic regression

Logistic regression model
Odds ratio and interpretation

Week 14: Time Series Analysis

Components of time series data

Moving averages
Exponential smoothing

Week 15: Experimental Design

Basics of experimental design

Randomized controlled trials
Quasi-experimental designs

Week 16: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

ANCOVA as an extension of ANOVA

Adjusting for covariates
Interpreting ANCOVA results

Week 17: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Introduction to SEM
Confirmatory factor analysis
Path analysis

Week 18: Advanced Topics

Longitudinal data analysis

Multilevel modeling
Bayesian statistics

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