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1, JANUARY 2022

Distribution System Operation With Renewables and

Energy Storage: A Linear Programming Based
Multistage Robust Feasibility Approach
Zhongjie Guo , Wei Wei , Senior Member, IEEE, Laijun Chen , Member, IEEE,
Mohammad Shahidehpour , Fellow, IEEE, and Shengwei Mei , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Distribution systems are operated with an increasing A. Indices and Sets

level of uncertainty. Energy storage is playing an important role
in shaving the peak load and mitigating uncertainty. This paper t∈T Index of time slots.
proposes a multistage robust optimization model for distribution i∈B Index of buses.
system operation with energy storage under uncertainty. Unlike l∈L Index of branches.
the conventional robust optimization paradigm which minimizes S Set of buses with storages.
the worst-case cost, the proposed formulation optimizes the cost
in the nominal scenario. In analogy to dynamic programming, we H Set of buses with renewable plants.
define dynamic robust feasible regions in a recursive manner. In Ft DRFR in slot t.
each period, the dynamic robust feasible region is shown to be
polyhedral, and a linear programming based projection algorithm B. Abbreviations
is developed to compute such regions offline. In the online stage, the
method is executed following a rolling horizon manner: renewable DP Dynamic programming.
output is observed at the beginning of each period, and the cost of re- DRFR Dynamic robust feasible region.
maining periods in the forecast scenario is to be minimized subject ESU Energy storage unit.
to operation constraints and dynamic robust feasible regions, giving MRF Multistage robust feasibility.
rise to a linear program. In this way, the dispatch strategy ensures
multistage operation security regardless of future realizations of MSRO Multistage robust optimization.
renewable power. In numeric tests on a modified IEEE 33-bus dis- RDDP Robust dual dynamic programming.
tribution system, the dynamic robust feasible regions are visualized SDDP Stochastic dual dynamic programming.
and analyzed, and the proposed method is compared with two SoC State of charge.
prevailing robust optimization methods, verifying its advantages
in terms of optimality and robustness. C. Parameters
Index Terms—Energy storage, distribution system, renewable
generation, multistage robust feasibility, uncertainty.
h Time duration of one interval, h = 1 h.
ξt Electricity price at the slack bus in slot t.
δ Penalty coefficient for voltage deviation.
NOMENCLATURE Pjsm Power capacity of storage j.
Pj,t Dispatchable wind power at bus j in slot t.
The major symbols and notations used throughout the paper Sl Apparent power capacity of branch l.
are defined below for quick reference. Others are clarified after rl /xl Resistance and reactance on branch l.
their first appearance as required. ηjc /ηjd Charging/discharging efficiency of storage j.
Uil /Uil Lower/upper bound of squared voltage.
Manuscript received February 17, 2021; revised May 19, 2021 and June Pj,t /Qdj,t Active/reactive demand at bus j in slot t.
21, 2021; accepted July 4, 2021. Date of publication July 7, 2021; date of
current version December 23, 2021. This work was supported by the National
Ej /Ejsm
SoC lower/upper bound of storage j.
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 51807101, 52077109, and
U1766203. Paper no. TPWRS-00275-2021. (Corresponding authors: Laijun D. Variables
Chen; Shengwei Mei.)
Zhongjie Guo, Wei Wei, and Shengwei Mei are with the State Key Lab- Pl,t Active power flow on branch l in slot t.
oratory of Power Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua Ql,t Rective power flow on branch l in slot t.
University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail:; wei-; Ui,t Squared magnitude of voltage at bus i in slot t.
Laijun Chen is with the New Energy Industry Research Center, Qinghai Ej,t SoC of Storage j in slot t.
University, Xining 810016, China (e-mail: sc
Pj,t Charging power of storage j in slot t.
Mohammad Shahidehpour is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering sd
Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA (e-mail: Pj,t Fischarging power of storage j in slot t.
Shahidehpour, Ptwg Power from wind turbine to grid in slot t.
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
Ptsg Power from storage to grid in slot t.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3095281 xt Vector of state variables in slot t.

0885-8950 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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wt Vector of uncertain parameters in slot t. the flexibility in real-time dispatch, and the dispatch policy is
yt Vector of non-state parameters in slot t. generally sub-optimal [18].
γ Vector of dual variables. Dynamic programming (DP) offers another paradigm to ob-
tain non-anticipative solutions. Taking uncertainty into account,
in the stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP) proposed
I. INTRODUCTION in [19], uncertainty realization is modeled via a scenario tree, and
URING the past decades, the penetration of renewable the cost-to-go functions are approximated via Benders cuts gen-
D energy in distribution systems has been steadily increas-
ing [1]. The volatile and intermittent nature of wind and solar
erated by the forward and backward swapping procedure. The
applications of SDDP cover real-time economic dispatch [20],
energy challenges system operation due to the lack of adequate [21] and microgrid energy management [22]. In [23], J. Zou,
dispatchable resources such as thermal power plants [2]. Amid et al. introduces a unit commitment model under the framework
the transition to a low-carbon power industry, energy storage unit of SDDP, which explicitly tackles discrete variables. It is further
(ESU) is expected to provide flexible adjustment for load shifting employed in distribution network planning and operation in [24].
and uncertainty mitigation [3] in future distribution systems Under the assumption of stage-wise independence, SDDP is
with a high share of renewable generation. Currently, power based on the scenario tree, whose size grows quickly with the
system operation with ESU and renewable generation has been number of stages, so does the computational complexity [25]
extensively studied. [26]. In a similar vein, robust dual dynamic programming
Stochastic optimization is a mature technique for decision- (RDDP) [27] assumes interval uncertainty and computes the
making problems in an uncertain environment. It assumes uncer- worst-case cost-to-go function via forward and backward swap-
tainty follows a certain empirical distribution, and considers pos- ping; RDDP has been applied in microgrid energy manage-
sible realizations via sampled scenarios, or requires constraints ment [28] and prosumer scheduling [29]. This approach allevi-
hold with a certain probability. Stochastic optimization has been ates the computational difficulty caused by the high-dimensional
applied in typical power systems operation problems, such as scenario tree; however, the results may be over-conservative
unit commitment [4], [5], economic dispatch, and optimal power because the probability of the worst-case scenario happening
flow [6]. However, it may be difficult to procure an accurate in every period is extremely low.
empirical distribution due to the lack of enough data. Therefore, As mentioned above, non-anticipativity or time-causality is a
robust optimization has attracted researchers’ attention. This practical requirement in a multistage problem. However, con-
approach assumes uncertain parameters vary in a pre-specified sidering time-causality does not guarantee multistage robust
set, and optimizes an objective function in the worst-case pa- feasibility (MRF), as discussed in [13]. To this end, a dedicated
rameter while ensuring feasibility for all possible scenarios. formulation for unit commitment is investigated in [30], [31],
The renowned two-stage robust optimization framework are em- which ensures MRF by incorporating some vertex scenarios
ployed in unit commitment [7], [8], economic dispatch [9], [10] of the hypercube uncertainty set. Nevertheless, explicitly char-
for transmission network, and reactive power optimization [11] acterizing robust feasible region under the multistage setting
as well as economic dispatch [12] for distribution networks. remains an open problem. This paper studies distribution system
However, storage dispatch entails a daily cycle that typically operation with renewables and ESUs. The contributions are
involves 24 periods. If the two-stage robust optimization is threefold:
applied, a major drawback is that the dispatch sequence is 1) A multistage robust optimization (MSRO) model for dis-
calculated under the assumption that the uncertain parameters tribution system operation is formulated. Decision variables
in all 24 periods are observed simultaneously, and the dispatch are categorized as state variables and non-state variables. The
strategy in every period depends on the entire realization of formers consist of state-of-charge (SoC) of ESUs that couple
uncertainty. As a result, the sequence is non-causal, because the operating status in consecutive periods; the latters refer to
in practice the uncertain parameters are observed sequentially, power flow variables and control strategies that are stage-wise
and dispatch orders are deployed period-by-period. The dispatch independent. The dynamic robust feasible regions (DRFR) of
strategy in any period cannot depend on the future information state variables are formally defined in a recursive manner. The
of uncertainty. Taking the unit commitment problem for an proposed MSRO model minimizes the cost in the nominal sce-
example, it is shown in [13] that the unit on-off status provided by nario rather than the worst one, and more importantly, guarantees
the two-stage robust optimization approach leads to an infeasible MRF.
real-time dispatch if non-anticipativity is taken into account. 2) The DRFRs are explicitly characterized and proven to be
To tackle the non-anticipativity issue, the key is to find a time- polyhedral. An recursive linear programming based polyhedral
causal policy, which means that the dispatch strategy pt in period projection algorithm is developed to calculate the hyperplane
t can only depend on the observed uncertain parameters dt up expression of DRFRs. To the best of our knowledge, no other
to period t. A straightforward way is to employ
 the affine policy method can compute analytical robust feasible regions of a
suggested in [14]. It assumes pt = p0t + ti=1 Gi di , where the multistage optimization problem.
gain matrix Gt and the offset p0t are to be determined. In this 3) The rolling horizon robust dispatch of distribution systems
way, the robust counterpart is a linear program [13], [14]. Affine is proposed. At the beginning of each period, the renewable
policy is also used in optimal power flow [15], [16] and real-time output is observed; the cost of the remaining periods associated
dispatch [17] under uncertainty. However, affine policy restricts with the latest forecast is minimized subject to network and

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operation constraints, as well as DRFRs calculated offline. The We assume it varies in a pre-specified uncertainty set, which
rolling horizon optimization gives rise to a linear program and will be discussed later; ΔPj,t
is the curtailed renewable power,
can be solved online. MRF is guaranteed by the DRFRs. which is a decision variable and satisfies
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The system
0 ≤ ΔPj,t
≤ Pj,t
, ∀j ∈ H, ∀t ∈ T (2)
operation model and the definition of DRFRs are given in Sec-
tion II. The property of DRFRs and the projection algorithm are ESU operating constraints are given as follows:
presented in Section III, followed by the rolling horizon robust
0 ≤ Pj,t
≤ Pjsm , 0 ≤ Pj,t
≤ Pjsm , ∀j ∈ S, ∀t (3a)
dispatch model. Case studies are conducted in Section IV. The
remedy to handle discrete variables is discussed in Section V. s
Ej,t = Ej,t−1
+ h[Pj,t
sc c
ηj − Pj,t
/ηjd ], ∀j ∈ S, ∀t (3b)
Conclusions are drawn in Section VI.
Ejsn ≤ Ej,t
≤ Ejsm , ∀j ∈ S, ∀t (3c)
II. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION where (3a) limits the charging/discharging power of ESU. (3b)
This section first formulates constraints and the objective simulates SoC dynamics, where ηjc /ηjd denotes charging/ dis-
function of distribution system operation; then, the DRFRs are charging efficiency where h is the duration of one period (typi-
defined; finally, the MSRO model is formulated. In the following cally one hour); (3c) is the feasible interval of SoC, preventing
context, T = {1, . . . , T } is the set of time periods; L/B is the over charging and deep discharging.
set of branches/buses; H/S is the set of buses with renewable
plants/storages. B. Objective Function
The objective function to be minimized is expressed as
A. Lossless Distflow Model

The Distflow model is proposed in [32]. When lossy terms min ξt P0,t h + δ |Uj,t − Uref | (4)
are neglected, the model is linear. In period t, the power flow in t=1 t=1 ∀j∈B
branch l(i, j) from bus i to j can be expressed as:
 where ξt is the electricity price at the slack bus in period t,
Pl,t + Pj,t = Pk,t , ∀l(i, j) ∈ L, ∀t ∈ T (1a) and P0,t stands for the active power imported from the main
∀k∈π(j) and delivered in the line starting at the slack bus; Uref is the
 reference value of nodal voltage magnitude (usually 1.0 p.u.).
Ql,t + Qinj
j,t = Qk,t , ∀l(i, j) ∈ L, ∀t ∈ T (1b) The first term in (4) is the purchasing cost paid to the main grid.
∀k∈π(j) δ is a penalty coefficient; the second term in (4) tries to improve
Uj,t = Ui,t − 2(rl Pl,t + xl Ql,t ), voltage profile by minimizing total voltage deviation.
By introducing auxiliary variables σj,t , the absolute value
∀l(i, j) ∈ L, ∀t ∈ T (1c)  
function in the last term can be replaced by Tt=1 ∀j∈B σj,t
Uil ≤ Ui,t ≤ Uiu , ∀i ∈ B, ∀t ∈ T (1d) with the following constraints:
σj,t ≥ Uj,t − Uref , σj,t ≥ Uref − Uj,t , ∀t ∈ T , ∀j ∈ B (5)
(Pl,t )2 + (Ql,t )2 ≤ Sl2 , ∀l(i, j) ∈ L, ∀t ∈ T (1e)
where Pl,t /Ql,t is the active/reactive power flow on branch Two remarks on the above operation model:
inj 1) With the first economic objective in (4), the complemen-
l; Pj,t /Qinj
j,t is the net injection of active/reactive power at
j,t · pj,t = 0 is relaxed in model (3), because
tarity constraint psc sd
bus j; π(j) represents the set of branches starting at bus j;
simultaneously charging and discharging a storage is an uneco-
Uj,t is the squared magnitude of voltage at bus j; rl /xl is
nomic dispatch due to imperfect energy conversion indicated by
the resistance/reactance on branch l. Constraints (1a) and (1b)
efficiencies ηjc and ηjd ; so even if it is relaxed, the solution still
represent nodal active and reactive power balance; (1c) describes
implicitly satisfies the complementarity constraint, as analyzed
the forward voltage drop along a branch; (1d) indicates that the
in [34].
squared magnitude of voltage at bus i is bounded below/above
l u 2) Summing up two sub-objectives with the weight δ is a
by Uj,t /Uj,t , respectively. (1e) is the power flow limit on branch
simple method; nevertheless, the objective does not affect the
l, whose apparent power capacity is Sl . The quadratic constraint
our concerned robust feasibility, so how to compromise two sub-
(1e) can be approximated by a series of linear constraints; please
objectives is not our main focus. Interested readers in multi-
see for [33] the details.
objective optimization are recommended with [35].
In (1a) and (1b), the net injection power Pl,t /Ql,t depends on
nodal demand Pj,t d
/Qdj,t , net export power (Pj,t
− Pj,t
) from
C. Compact Form and Dynamic Robust Feasible Regions
the ESU, and dispatched renewable power (Pj,t − ΔPj,tr r
), if
there is any. Local generators are omitted but can be considered Following the concept in DP, decision variables appearing
without any difficulty. Two reasons account for the neglect of in two consecutive periods are called state variables. In the
fossil fuel generators: first, decarbonization is a general trend considered problem, state variables are storage SoCs. In period
in the future; second, this work aims to highlight the value of t, state variable xt = [E1,t s s
, . . . , E|S|,t ]; uncertain parameters
ESU in distribution systems. The total dispatchable renewable representing renewable output are encapsulated into vector wt =
power Pj,tr
is uncertain and depends on the weather conditions. [P1,t
r r
, . . . , P|H|,t ]; non-state variable yt collects all remaining

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⎧  ⎫
⎪  Axt + Byt + Cxt−1 ⎪
⎨  ⎬

Λ(xt−1 , wt ) = (xt , yt ) ≤ bt + Dwt (10)

⎩  ⎪

 x t ∈ Ft
Fig. 1. Illustration of state transition between two consecutive periods.
with boundary condition FT = {xT |E sn ≤ xT ≤ E sm } where
vector E sn /E sm represents the lower/upper bounds of SoC of
variables in the power flow model that are stagewise inde- all ESUs.
pendent. Demand and price uncertainty, if necessary, can be It should be noted that the above boundary condition is not
enclosed in wt without injuring the proposed method. completely strict. Taking T = 24 as an example, the future
The state transition in two consecutive periods is illustrated periods after period 24 will impact the feasibility of period 24;
in Fig. 1. In period t, the state xt−1 is already known, and wt is in fact, the multistage robust feasibility couples infinitely many
observed; By the notations defined above, the compact form of periods. However, it is not viable to consider an infinite horizon,
constraints in (1)–(3) and (5) can be written as: whether in simulation or in practice. As a remedy, the proposed
method with a 24-period horizon can be implemented every 12
Axt + Byt + Cxt−1 ≤ bt + Dwt , ∀t ∈ T (6) periods. In detail, before period 1, we calculate the dynamic
where A, B, C, bt and D are coefficient matrices derived from robust feasible regions for period 1∼24 and use them in period
(1)–(3) and (5); any equality can be replaced by two opposite 1∼12; before period 12, the dynamic robust feasible regions for
inequalities. The objective function (4) can be expressed as: period 13∼36 are updated and used in period 13∼24... and so
on. In such a fashion, the impact of the future 12 periods on

min c t yt (7) MRF can be considered.
From (9) and (10), DRFRs are given in a recursive manner. If
DRFRs can be analytically expressed, adding them in the MSRO
where ct depends on the coefficients in (4).
model guarantees operation feasibility in every period.
Unlike the prevailing robust optimization paradigm which
optimizes the worst-case performance, the cost in the nominal
scenario is minimized in (7). Robustness refers to the feasibility D. Distribution System Operation as MSRO
of (6) for any wt varying in set With constraints (6), (8)–(10) and the objective function (7),
the robust operation of distribution system can be cast as an
Wt = {wt | 0 ≤ wt ≤ wu } (8)
MSRO over periods t = 1, . . . , T as follows:
where wu is a vector representing the upper bound of wt , which
is equal to the installed capacity. The lower and upper bounds min c t yt
(xt ,yt )∈Λ(xt−1 ,wt )
can be adjusted according to the desired conservativeness. This
framework inherits the core feature of robust optimization, while 
+ min c τ yτ (11)
leads to more tractable computation, which will be discussed (xτ ,yτ )∈Λ(xτ −1 ,wτ ),τ =t+1,...,T
τ =t+1
If there are only two stages, robust feasibility means that where wt is the observation of renewable power in period t; wτ
when (x1 , y1 ) is determined, constraint (6) must be non-empty is the prediction of uncertainty in period τ . DRFRs Ft appear
for (x2 , y2 ) for any w2 ∈ W2 , which coincides with two-stage in constraints and maintain operating feasibility under dynamic
robust optimization. On this basis, the concept of robust feasi- uncertainty. Some remarks on (11) are given.
bility can be extended to the multistage case: In period t, state 1) Unlike traditional robust optimization paradigm such as
variable xt and non-state variable yt should be determined from the two-stage formulation in [7] or the multistage formulation
(6) based on the value of state variable xt−1 in the previous stage in [27] which optimizes the worst-case performance, model (11)
and the observed uncertain parameter wt in period t, we denote minimizes the total cost in the predicted scenario and ensures
this dependence by (xt , yt ) ∈ Λ(xt−1 , wt ). MRF requires that robust feasibility in all possible scenarios. Such a treatment
set Λ(xt−1 , wt ) must be non-empty for any wt ∈ Wt . Such reduces the conservativeness while inherits the core advantage
a requirement imposes further restrictions on (xt−1 , yt−1 ) in of robust optimization [9].
addition to the basic operating constraint (6). Since non-state 2) Problem (11) is solved in a rolling horizon fashion with
variable yt is stage-wise independent, MRF constraints are the latest update on renewable prediction. However, standard
actually imposed on the state variable xt−1 connecting period techniques, such as model predictive control, account for the
t − 1 and period t, inspiring the definition of dynamic robust feasibility only for the forecast scenario; since DRFRs are
feasible regions. incorporated in (11), it warrants dispatch feasibility in every
Definition 1: Dynamic robust feasible regions {Ft−1 }Tt=2 for period regardless of the sequence of uncertainty realization.
state variable {xt−1 }Tt=2 are 3) In the next section, we will prove DRFRs are polyhedral
   sets; their hyperplane representation can be retrieved offline by a

sm  ∀wt ∈ Wt linear programming based projection algorithm. Consequently,
Ft−1 = xt−1 ∈ [E , E ]
 Λ(xt−1 , wt ) = ∅ MSRO (11) for distribution system operation comes down to

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solving linear programs and enjoys high efficiency, exhibiting all constraints in (10) can be expressed by
the potential of online use.
xt + B
yt ≤ b
t − C
xt−1 + D
wt (17)
, B
, b
t , C
, D
correspond to the coefficients of con-
straints in (10) including those of xt ∈ Ft . Also, (16) can be
The analytical expressions of DRFRs Ft , t = 1, . . . , T are the
extended to each stage, i.e.
last barrier to solve (11). In this section, the polyhedral property 
of Ft is revealed first; then the projection algorithm is developed Ft−1 = Ft−1 (wt ), t = 2, . . . , T (18)
∀wt ∈vert(Wt )
to construct Ft explicitly; finally, the rolling horizon procedure
is discussed. To obtain the explicit expression of Ft−1 (wtk ) and further
calculate Ft−1 by (18), an efficient algorithm to compute poly-
A. Properties of Dynamic Robust Feasible Regions hedral projection is required. Foremost, we need a condition to
Consider a polyhedron in variable x with parameter u ∈ U : certify set Λ(xt−1 , wtk ) = ∅. Given a fixed wtk , we can test the
feasibility of (17) by solving the following linear program:
X(u) = {x|Ex ≤ F + Gu} (12)
min 1 z
where E, F and G are constant coefficients; U is a bounded xt ,yt ,z≥0

polyhedron. Let vert(U ) = {uk }K k=1 denote the set of vertices s.t. A
xt + B
yt − Iz ≤ b
t − C
xt−1 + D
wtk : γ (19)
of U . Thereis no extreme ray due to boundedness.
Claim 1: ∀u∈U X(u) = ∅ if ∀u∈vert(U) X(uk ) = ∅. where z is the vector of slack variables; γ following the colon
 is the dual variable; I is the identity matrix with a compatible
Proof: Let x∗ ∈ ∀u∈vert(U) X(uk ), which means x∗ is feasi-
dimension. If the optimum of (19) is zero, (17) is feasible, and
ble in constraints (12) for uk , k = 1, . . . , K, i.e.: Λ(xt−1 , wtk ) is non-empty. The dual problem of (19) reads:
Ex∗ ≤ F + Guk , k = 1, . . . , K (13) max γ (b
t − C
xt−1 + D
wtk ) (20)
U is polyhedral and thus convex. Any u ∈ U can be expressed as
= where Γ = {γ | A
γ = 0, B
γ = 0, −1 ≤ γ ≤ 0} is the fea-
k λk u where
the convex combination
 of its vertices, i.e. u
λk ≥ 0 and k λk = 1. Multiplying both sides of (13) with λk sible set of dual variable γ. Hence, we have
and summing up the K inequalities together yields Claim 3: Ft−1 (wtk ) can be expressed as

Ex∗ ≤ F + Gu (14) Ft−1 (wtk )

which means x∗ ∈ X(u), ∀u ∈ U . Hence, ∀u∈U X(u) = ∅.   γ C

 t−1 ≥ γ (bt + D wt )
Claim 2: Ft , t = 1, . . . , T − 1 are polyhedral sets. = xt−1 ∈ [E , E ] sn sm
 ∀γ ∈ vert(Γ)
Proof: FT = {xT |0 ≤ xT ≤ E sm } is a hypercube and hence (21)
polyhedral, so is Λ(xT −1 , wT ). According to (9): Proof: As mentioned above, if the optimum of problem (19)

FT −1 = FT −1 (wT ) (15) is zero, then Λ(xt−1 , wtk ) is non-empty. By strong duality, the
∀wT ∈WT optimum of dual problem (20) should not be positive, i.e.:
where FT −1 (wT ) = {xT −1 | Λ(xT −1 , wT ) = ∅} is a set for γ (b
t − C
xt−1 + D
wtk ) ≤ 0, ∀γ ∈ Γ (22)
fixed wT ∈ WT . Furthermore, by Claim 1, the union over WT
can be replaced by the union over a finite number of vertices: As (20) is a linear program whose optimum can always be found
 at some vertex, enumeration in (22) is equivalent to
FT −1 = FT −1 (wT ) (16)
∀wT ∈vert(WT ) γ C
xt−1 ≥ γ (b
t + D
wtk ), ∀γ ∈ vert(Γ) (23)
Define the following polyhedron So we have (21). 
⎧  ⎫
⎪  AxT + ByT + CxT −1 ⎪ Claim 3 gives the explicit hyperplane representation of set

⎪  ⎪

⎨  ≤ b + Dw ⎬ Ft−1 (wtk ), and Ft−1 can be further constructed by (18). The
 T T
PT −1 (wT ) = (xT , yT , xT −1 ) number of vertices in vert(Wt ) depends on the dimension of wt ,

⎪  x T ∈ FT ⎪

⎩  ⎪
⎭ which is generally not high, so (18) is computationally viable.
t−1 ∈ [E , E ]
sn sm
However, the vertex enumeration for Γ is not tractable because
According to the definition of projection operator, FT −1 (wT ) is the dimension of dual variable γ is high.
the projection of PT −1 (wT ) on the subspace spanned by the co-
ordinates of xT −1 . Because PT −1 (wT ) is a polyhedron, its pro- B. Linear Programming Based Projection Algorithm
jection FT −1 (wT ) remains polyhedral (Theorem B.2.5, [36]). An efficient polyhedral projection algorithm is developed to
Recall (16), FT −1 is the intersection of a finite number of poly- circumvent vertex enumeration in (21). To this end, formula (21)
hedral sets hence remains polyhedral. By a backward recursion, indicates that
Ft , t = 1, . . . , T − 1 are all polyhedra.  γ C
xt−1 ≥ γ (b
t + D
wtk ),
In the proof of Claim 2, it has been recognized that for any
t = 2, . . . , T , Λ(xt−1 , wt ) is polyhedra. So the compact form of ∀xt−1 ∈ Ft−1 (wtk ), ∀γ ∈ vert(Γ) (24)

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Algorithm 2: Rolling horizon procedure for multistage ro-

bust operation of distribution system.
Input: The initial state x0 .
For t = 1, . . . , T
Solve (30) with the last state xt−1 , the newly
observed wt and the predicted wτ , τ = t + 1, . . . , T ; the
optimal solution is (x∗t:T , yt:T

Deploy the strategy yt∗ in period t, calculate the stage
cost ct yt∗ , and update the state variable xt = x∗t .
Output: The total operating cost Tt=1 ct yt∗ and the
∗ ∗
Fig. 2. Illustration of the construction of Ft−1 (wtk ). dispatch strategies (xt , yt ), t = 1, . . . , T .

Algorithm 1: Calculation of dynamic robust feasible

dimension of xt−1 is low, so the vertices of F t−1 (wtk ) can be
located easily. In detail, assume that F t−1 (wtk ) has M vertices,
Input: For t = 2, . . . , T , F t−1 (wtk ) = [E sn , E sm ]; FT = named xm t−1 , m = 1, · · · M ; with fixed xt−1 , (26) becomes a

[E sn , E sm ]. linear program over γ, whose optimal solution is γm ∗

and optimal
For t = T, . . . , 2 ∗
value is Vm . Then, the optimal solution of the original bilinear
For ∀wtk ∈ vert(Wt ) program (26) is:
Step 1: Solve bilinear program (26); save V ∗ , γ ∗ .
Step 2: If V ∗ > 0, add the cutting plane (27) into (γ ∗ , x∗t−1 ) = (γm̂

t−1 )
, xm̂ (28)
the set F t−1 (wtk ) and go back to step 1; else if V ∗ ≤ 0,
save Ft−1 (wtk ) = F t−1 (wtk ).
end  V ∗ = max{Vm∗ }, m̂ : Vm̂∗ = V ∗ (29)
Save Ft−1 = ∀wtk ∈vert(Wt ) Ft−1 (wtk ). m

end The above technique converts a bilinear program into M linear

Output: Ft−1 , t = 2, . . . , T . programs.
When a cut in (27) is added to F t−1 (wtk ), only a few new
vertices are generated. So we only need to solve linear program
If x∗t−1 ∈
/ Ft−1 (wtk ), there must be some γ ∗ ∈ vert(Γ) so that (20) corresponding to the newly generated vertices of F t−1 (wtk ),
and pick out the one leads to the maximal objective value. In
γ ∗ C
x∗t−1 < γ ∗ (b
t + D
wtk )
practice, we can retrieve a group of hyperplanes in (27) with
and the hyperplane multiple γi∗ , whose corresponding Vi∗ is larger than zero. Hence,
multiple cuts can be generated and added into F t−1 (wtk ) at one
γ ∗ C
xt−1 = γ ∗ (b
t + D
wtk ) (25)
time, thus accelerating algorithm convergence.
strictly separates x∗t−1 from Ft−1 (wtk ).
On this basis, the idea to construct Ft−1 (wtk ) is as follows: C. Rolling Horizon Robust Dispatch
initiate a large enough set F t−1 (wtk ) ⊇ Ft−1 (wtk ); then, identify
some xt−1 ∈ F t−1 (wtk ) not belonging to Ft−1 (wtk ), and remove The multistage robust operation of distribution system is
it from F t−1 (wt ), until condition (24) is met, as in Fig. 2. To implemented via a rolling horizon process: at the beginning of
check condition (24), we need to solve the following bilinear period t, the state xt−1 is known and wt is observed; with the
program: predicted wτ , τ = t + 1, . . . , T , we solve the following opti-
mization problem:
V ∗ = max γ (b
t + D
wtk ) − γ C

min c τ yτ
s.t γ ∈ Γ, xt−1 ∈ F t−1 (wtk ) (26) xt:T ,yt:T
τ =t
The optimal value is V ∗ , and the optimal solution is (γ ∗ , x∗t−1 ). s.t. Axt + Byt + Cxt−1 ≤ bt + Dwt
If V ∗ > 0, then x∗t−1 ∈
/ Ft−1 (wtk ), and cutting plane
Axτ + Byτ + Cxτ −1 ≤ bτ + Dwτ , τ = t + 1, . . . , T
γ ∗ C
xt−1 ≥ γ ∗ (b
t + D
wtk ) (27)
xτ ∈ Fτ , τ = t, . . . , T (30)
is created in the hyperplane representation of F t−1 (wtk ); other-
wise, F t−1 (wtk ) = Ft−1 (wtk ) is certified. The optimal solutions are (x∗t:T , yt:T

). Deploy the strategy
The projection algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1. To yt∗ ;
in period t, leading to a stage cost of ct yt∗ , the state variable
solve bilinear program (26), notice that the optimal solution evolves to x∗t as calculated, and then proceed to the next stage.
must be found at some vertex of F t−1 (wtk ) and Γ [37]; the The rolling horizon procedure is summarized in Algorithm 2.

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prediction/observation curves are drawn in Fig. 4(b). Some

critical parameters are summarized in Table I. The complete
system data are provided in [39]. Optimization problems are
Fig. 3. Structure of the modified IEEE 33-bus distribution system. solved by CPLEX 12.6 on a laptop with Intel i5-8250 U CPU
and 8 GB memory.

A. Dynamic Robust Feasible Regions

The DRFRs are 24 polyhedra in R3 . Results provided by
Algorithm 1 are visualized in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5(f),
in periods 1-16 and 22-24, the DRFRs are [E sn , E sm ], the same
as initiation. The reason is that in these periods, the load level is
not high; all the system operating constraints and MRF can be
satisfied regardless of the SoC level of ESUs within [E sn , E sm ].
For periods 17-21, the DRFRs are plotted in Figs. 5(a)–5(e).
As the load increases quickly during the evening peak hours,
the DRFRs in these periods are strict subsets of the initial
set [E sn , E sm ]. Cutting planes are generated to remove SoC
combinations that cannot guarantee system security considering
the uncertainty of wind generation. For example, as in Fig. 5(c),
the DRFR in period 19 incorporates three cutting planes:
0.9000x1 + 0.9000x2 + 0.9000x3 ≥ 2.4033
0.0010x1 + 0.0242x2 + 0.0575x3 ≥ 0.0519
0.7768x1 + 0.7999x2 + 0.8333x3 ≥ 2.1234 (31)
where xi is the SoC of the i-th ESU. Infeasibility is mainly
caused by network constraints: the maximum import power
is 4MW, and the voltage magnitude drops along branches; so
during evening peak hours, it is impossible to supply all load by
purchasing power from the main grid without the support from
ESUs. For example, in period 19, the SoC of ESUs must meet
the conditions in (31), which implies that all ESU must maintain
a certain level of storage in case that wind power drops down.
Moreover, the minimum storage levels are correlated, taking full
advantage of the power delivery capacity of the network.
Fig. 4. Data used in case studies.
B. Dispatch Results With Different Storage Capacities
Given the prediction and observation of wind power in
IV. CASE STUDIES Fig. 4(b), we perform the rolling horizon procedure in
The modified IEEE 33-bus distribution system is used to test Algorithm 2.
the proposed method. Its topology is shown in Fig. 3. Bus #1 As the wind power is observed period by period from t = 1
is the slack bus; the voltage is 1.0 p.u., and the import power to t = 24, the rolling horizon dispatch achieves the total elec-
capacity is set to 4MW. The voltage at the remaining buses tricity purchasing cost of $519.0; the voltage deviation of all
can vary in the interval [0.93, 1.07] in per unit. Three identical the
 buses across the entire time horizon is 19.02 per unit, i.e.
ESUs are deployed at bus #2, #6 and #16, respectively; a wind ∀i,t |ui,t − uref | = 19.02 where ui,t is the per-unit voltage
turbine (WT) connects to the system at bus #30. The demand magnitude at bus i in period t and uref = 1.0 per unit is a
curve and the electricity price are collected from PJM database reference. The SoC dynamics of ESUs are given in Fig. 6. ESUs
on April 7th, 2019 [38] and given in Fig. 4(a). Wind power are charged mainly in the late night and the afternoon when

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Fig. 5. Dynamic robust feasible regions.

To highlight the value of ESUs, we analyze the sensitivity of

optimums to the storage capacities; we multiply the capacity of
ESUs with a ratio ρ, and the power/energy capacity becomes
ρP sm /ρE sm ; then Algorithm 2 is executed. The results are
summarized in Table II. Without energy storage, dispatch is
infeasible because of limited line capacity and the interval con-
straints on nodal voltage. When ρ = 0.2, the total cost increases
by 4% and the voltage deviation by 3.5% compared with the
base case in which ρ = 1.0. The above findings reveal the value
of ESUs in supporting system operation.

C. Comparison With Traditional Robust Approaches

The proposed MSRO method is compared with two renowned
Fig. 6. SoC dynamics in rolling horizon dispatch.
robust optimization approaches: two-stage robust optimization
(TSRO) [9] and multistage robust optimization with affine policy
(MSRO-AP) [13], from the perspectives of MRF and optimality.
the wind power is abundant while the demand and electricity To ensure comparability, the results come from the nominal
price are relatively low; the stored energy is discharged during scenario where the realization of renewable power for each
the evening peak in periods 18-22 when the load and electricity compared method is the observation in Fig. 4(b); TSRO min-
price reach a high level at the same time. Correspondingly, the imizes the costs under the nominal scenario while maintaining
power scheduling of each ESU are given in Fig. 7. It can be found the robust feasibility in the rest periods with the first-period
that for each ESU, charging and discharging are complementary, strategy; MSRO-AP also optimizes the nominal scenario and
even we use a relaxed ESU model without binary variables. The calculates the robust affine policy. Results about optimality are
reason, as explained in Section II-B, is that we have an economic gathered in Table III. SoC dynamics and DRFRs in periods
term in the objective function (4); simultaneously charging and 19∼21 are illustrated in Fig. 8.
discharging is not an economic strategy due to the imperfect The third and fourth columns of Table III suggest the TSRO
energy conversion with efficiency η c and η d and thus generally gives a slightly lower operating cost and a mildly smaller voltage
does not occur. deviation than the proposed method. The reason is that TSRO

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assumes uncertainty can be spotted at one time, and determines

a non-causal dispatch strategy with full information on uncer-
tainty. However, such a strategy may be infeasible in a multistage
sense. This can be seen in Fig. 8 where storage SoC conditions
of TSRO in periods 19∼21 are relatively small and fall outside
the DRFRs. The lack of adequate wind power may trigger load
shedding or induce constraint violation such as over-low voltage
or line congestion.
As for MSRO-AP, although MRF is warranted, the designated
affine policy restricts the operational flexibility and leads to
sub-optimality. From the last column in Table III, the purchasing
cost corresponding to MSRO-AP is 5.07% higher than that
of MSRO, and the voltage deviation is 38.7% worse. Based
on the above observations, the proposed method enjoys better
optimality compared to the affine policy based approach, and
ensures MRF which may be wrecked in the classic two-stage
robust optimization method.
Lastly, the solution time is compared in the bottom row of
Table III. For MSRO, it takes 1.125 s to calculate the DRFRs
by Algorithm 1. TSRO and MSRO-AP consume 0.878 s and
0.605 s, respectively. Some discussions on the solution time:
1) Generally, all these three methods are computationally
cheap, since the distribution operation model is linear. Solving
linear programs is highly efficient.
2) The reason why the proposed MSRO method takes a longer
time is that it needs a backward recursion by Algorithm 1
while the other two methods solve larger but fewer optimization
3) Considering larger systems and more energy storage units
will definitely increase the solution time since the problem
(26) becomes larger. More significantly, the computational
burden heavily depends on the number of renewable plants
because in Algorithm 1, we need to enumerate the vertices
of uncertainty set; the number of vertices is 2N where N is
the number of renewable plants. Nevertheless, linear programs
are solved offline to obtain DRFRs by commercial solvers
Fig. 7. Scheduling of energy storages. with very high efficiency; so the solution time is a relatively
small concern. Therefore, the proposed method enjoys good

The proposed method cannot directly handle binary variables,
because the discrete nature will injure the convexity of dynamic
robust feasible regions and the effectiveness of Algorithm 1 in
Section III.

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Fig. 8. Comparisons on multistage robust feasibility.

As a remedy, we can relax the binary variable {0, 1} to

continuous variable in the interval [0,1] and implement the
proposed method; the obtained DRFR is the convex hull of the
exact region with binary variables. Here we give two very simple
examples for illustration:
1) Consider a two-period problem, i.e. t = 1, 2, with con-
tinuous state variables xt , yt ∈ [−1, 1] and binary non-state
variables zt ∈ {0, 1}, as well as an external uncertainty pa-
rameter wt ∈ [−1.5, 1.5]. In slot t = 1, we decide x1 , y1 , z1
so that for any w2 ∈ [−1.5, 1.5], there is at least one solution
(x2 , y2 , z2 ) that satisfies the transition condition x2 + y2 − z2 ≤
w2 − (x1 + y1 ). Therefore, the dynamic robust feasible region
F1 is defined as
⎧  ⎫
⎪  ∀w2 ∈ [−2, 2], ∃(x2 , y2 , z2 ) : ⎪ Fig. 9. DRFR in the first illustrative example with discrete variables.
⎨  ⎬

F1 = (x1 , y1 ) ∈ [−1, 1]2  x2 + y2 − z2 ≤ w2 − (x1 + y1 )

⎩  ⎪

 x2 , y2 ∈ [−1, 1], z2 ∈ {0, 1} First, given z2 = 0 and w2 = −1 (the “worst” vertex of
[−1, 1] for the above ‘≤’ condition in terms of robust feasibility),
For such a simple problem, we can calculate the exact region. the maximum of w2 + z2 + x2 and w2 + z2 + y2 is 1; in this
Given w2 = −1.5, the ‘worst’ vertex of [−2, 2] for the above case, we have
‘≤’ condition in terms of robust feasibility, the minimum of
x2 + y2 − z2 is −3 by determining z2 = 1; hence, as long as F1case1 = {(x1 , y1 )|0 ≤ x1 ≤ 1, 0 ≤ x2 ≤ 1} (32)
x1 + y1 ≤ 1.5, transition condition can be satisfied, and we have
F1 = {(x1 , y1 ) ∈ [−1, 1]2 |x1 + y1 ≤ 1.5}. Then, we relax the Then, given z2 = 1 and w2 = −1, the maximum of w2 +
binary variable z2 to continuous variable in the interval [0,1] and z + x and w + z + y is 2; in this case, we have
2 2 2 2 2
recall the proposed Algorithm 1, we obtain the same region, as
plotted in Fig. 9.
F1case2 = {(x1 , y1 )|1 ≤ x1 ≤ 2, 1 ≤ x2 ≤ 2} (33)
2) Consider a two-period problem, i.e. t = 1, 2, with con-
tinuous state variables xt , yt ∈ [0, 2] and binary non-state vari-
ables zt ∈ {0, 1}, as well as an external uncertainty parameter The final dynamic robust feasible region F1 is the union set
wt ∈ [−1, 1]. In slot t = 1, we decide x1 , y1 , z1 so that for any of the F1case1 and F1case2 .
w2 ∈ [−1, 1], there is at least one solution (x2 , y2 , z2 ) that sat- By relaxing the binary z2 ∈ {0, 1} into z2 ∈ [0, 1], we employ
isfies z2 ≤ x1 ≤ w2 + z2 + x2 and z2 ≤ y1 ≤ w2 + z2 + y2 . the proposed Algorithm 1 to obtained the relaxed dynamic robust
Therefore, the dynamic robust feasible region F1 is defined as feasible region, named F1relaxed . Shown in Fig. 10, the relaxed
region is a convex hull of the exact region.
⎧  ⎫ From the above two illustrative examples, we conclude
⎪  ∀w ∈ [−1, 1], ∃(x2 , y2 , z2 ) : ⎪

⎪  2 ⎪
⎪ that the technique that relaxes binary variables to continu-
⎨ z ≤ x ≤ w + z + x ⎬
 2 1 2 2 2
F1 = (x1 , y1 ) ∈ [0, 2]2  ous ones can calculate exact dynamic robust feasible regions

⎪  z 2 ≤ y 1 ≤ w 2 + z 2 + y 2 ⎪
⎪ in some situations; generally, it can obtain a convex hull of

⎩  ⎪
 x , y ∈ [−1, 1], z ∈ {0, 1} ⎭ the exact region with binary variables. Generalizing the pro-
2 2 2
posed method to incorporate binary variables is our ongoing
For such a simple problem, we can calculate the exact region: work.

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the IEEE PES Douglas M. Staszesky Distribution
Accessed: Jul. 15, 2021. [Online]. Available:
Automation Award, and the IEEE PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator
Award. He is a Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow
[39] Z. Guo, “Multistage-IEEE 33-Bus Distribution System Data,” 2020, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Fellow of
[Online]. Available:
the National Academy of Inventors.

Shengwei Mei (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.Sc.

degree in mathematics from Xinjiang University,
Zhongjie Guo received the B.S. degree from Central Urumqi, China, in 1984, the M.Sc. degree in oper-
South University, Changsha, China, in 2018 and he ations research from Tsinghua University, Beijing,
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree with China, in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree in automatic
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. control from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bei-
His research interests include energy storage, jing, China, in 1996. He is currently a Professor with
renewable power generation, and power system Tsinghua University. His research interests include
operation. power system complexity and control, game theory,
and its application in power systems.

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