Effective Thickness of Laminated Glass B

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Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

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Engineering Structures
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Effective thickness of laminated glass beams: New expression

via a variational approach
Laura Galuppi, Gianni F. Royer-Carfagni ⇑
Department of Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, I 43100 Parma, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The performance of laminated glass, which consists of two or more glass plies bonded together by poly-
Received 30 October 2011 meric interlayers, depends upon shear coupling between the plies through the polymer. This is com-
Revised 22 December 2011 monly considered by defining the effective thickness, i.e., the thickness of a monolithic beam with
Accepted 23 December 2011
equivalent bending properties in terms of stress and deflection. General expressions have been proposed
Available online 15 February 2012
on the basis of simplified models by Newmark and Wölfel–Bennison, but they are either difficult to apply
or inaccurate. Here, a variational approach to the problem is presented. By choosing appropriate shape
functions for the laminated-beam deformation, minimization of the strain energy functional gives new
Structural glass
Laminated glass
expressions for the effective thickness under any constraint- and load-conditions, embracing the classical
Composite structures formulations as particular cases. Comparisons with numerical experiments confirm the better accuracy of
Bending strength the proposed approach with respect to the previous ones.
Effective thickness Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Variational approach

1. Introduction stiffness of the polymeric interlayer, as first mentioned by Hooper

[3] while studying the bending of simply supported laminated-
In order to reduce the risk of catastrophic collapse of structures glass beams. Since then, the problem has been considered by many
made of glass, the brittle material par excellence, an effective tech- authors [15], one of the most recent contribution being the careful
nique is to bond two or more glass plies with thermoplastic poly- finite element analysis of [14], which includes an updated list of
meric interlayers with a treatment in autoclave at high pressure the most relevant literature.
and temperature. This bond is quite strong because it is chemical In the pre glass-breakage modeling no distinction has to be
in type, being due to the union between hydroxyl groups along made for what the type of glass is concerned, because all treatments
the polymer and silanol groups on the glass surface. The resulting (annealing, heat strengthening, heat or chemical tempering) affect
laminated glass is a safety glass because, after breakage, the frag- the ultimate strength and the type of rupture (size of resulting
ments remain attached to the interlayer: risk of injuries is reduced shards) but not the elastic moduli (Young’s modulus E ’ 70 GPa
and the element maintains a certain consistency that prevents and Poisson ratio m ’ 0.2). If the response of glass is linear elastic
detachment from fixings. But the interlayer affects also the pre up to failure, the response of the polymeric interlayer is highly
glass-breakage response because it allows the transfer of shear non-linear, temperature-dependent and viscoelastic. There are
stresses among glass plies, at the price of a relative sliding due to three main commercial polymeric films, each one showing peculiar
the deformation of the polymer. The assessment of the degree of characteristics: Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB), Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
connection offered by the polymer is crucial for the design of glass (EVA), and Sentry Glass (SG) [16,10]. Pure PVB, a polyvinyl acetate,
structures in the serviceability limit state and this is why a great is stiff and brittle, but addition of softeners imparts plasticity and
number of studies, including this one, have considered the toughness, though influencing adhesion-strength, elasticity,
response of the composite laminated package before first cracking water-absorbing and dependence on temperature (glass transition
occurs. temperature Tg of the order of 20–25 °C). Depending on the compo-
Indeed, the polymeric interlayers are too soft to present flexural sition, the properties of EVA, a polyolefine, vary from partial crystal-
stiffness per se, but they can provide shear stresses that play an line and thermoplastic to amorphous and rubber-like, but an
important role for the glass-layer interaction [7]. In general, the increased quantity of vinyl acetate improves strength and ultimate
degree of coupling of two glass layers depends upon the shear elongation, though decreasing melting temperature: when used as
interlayers in laminated glass, modified EVAs are employed with
⇑ Corresponding author. mechanical properties similar to PVB. A somehow innovative
E-mail address: gianni.royer@unipr.it (G.F. Royer-Carfagni). material is SG, a ionoplast polymer that, when compared with

0141-0296/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
54 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

PVB, presents higher stiffness (>100  PVB), strength (>5  PVB), in [12] for numerical purposes, but here it is specialized towards
resistance to temperature (Tg  60 °C). Depending upon polymer two major goals: (i) the comparison of the various existing models
type, room-temperature T and characteristic load-duration t0, the under a common variation framework; (ii) the definition of more
secant shear modulus of the interlayer may vary from 0.01 MPa accurate expressions for the effective thickness that may apply to
(PVB at T = +60 °C under permanent load) up to 300 MPa (SG at a large number of constraint and load conditions. In particular,
T = 0 °C and t0 = 1 s). using convenient shape functions that fulfills general requirements
As pointed out by Norville [8], the response of the laminated of the solution, we find a simplified formulation, original to our
glass beams may vary between two borderline cases: (i) the layered knowledge, that can be used to define new expressions of the
limit, when the beam is composed of free-sliding glass plies; (ii) equivalent thickness for the laminated package. Comparisons with
the monolithic limit, where no relative slippage occurs and the clas- the traditional formulations and with numerical experiments
sical Euler–Bernoulli assumption that ‘‘plane sections remain based upon refined FEM models, highlight the accuracy of the pro-
plane’’ does hold. In the layered limit, the various plies equilibrate, posed approach with respect to previous ones, especially under
in parallel, an aliquot of the applied load proportional to their boundary and load conditions that are different from the com-
bending stiffness; in the monolithic limit, the response of the com- monly considered case of simply-supported beams under uniform
posite beam approaches that of a homogeneous beam with equal loading.
cross-section. It must be mentioned that in most models the inter-
layer thickness is not explicitly considered: ignoring the spacing 2. Review of simple models for laminated glass
provided by the polymeric layers, the equivalent monolith is often
taken to be one whose thickness equals the sum of that of the glass The classical expressions for the effective thickness of lami-
plies. Experimental tests, however, show [9] that the laminate can nated glass rely upon simplifying assumptions in modeling that
be stronger than this. Indeed, the monolithic limit has to be asso- are hardly mentioned in the literature. A brief review that will be
ciated with the case of a beam for which the cross-sectional inertia useful for the forthcoming considerations is here provided.
equals that of the cross sections of the composing glass layers,
properly spaced of the interlayer gaps. 2.1. Newmark’s model
The capability of the interlayer to transfer shear stress between
each pair of connected glass surfaces is affected by load-level, load- A simple analytical model for a structure made of two beams
duration, temperature, adhesion properties. This dependence has with elastic interaction was proposed in 1951 by Newmark [1].
been investigated in several studies [7,13,19], but consideration This theory was originally conceived of for a typical steel-concrete
of all these effects in modeling would be very complicated. A composite bridge deck, formed by a concrete slab and a steel beam
quite-effective technical solution, widely employed in the design bonded by shear connectors. The assumptions of the model are the
practice, consists in assuming perfect glass–polymer adhesion following: (i) the shear connection is continuous; (ii) the amount of
and in considering the polymer as a linear elastic material, charac- slip permitted by the shear connection is directly proportional to
terized by proper secant elastic moduli calibrated according to the load transmitted; (iii) the strain distribution in the slab and
room temperature and load duration. Geometric non-linearities in the beam is linear; (iv) the slab and the beam deflect equal
are usually important because of the slenderness of the laminated amounts at all points along their length. The model is applicable
panel [11], but can be neglected, at least as a first order approxima- to any composite beam consisting of two elements with bending
tion, when the loads are mainly orthogonal to the panel surface stiffness, connected by an interface with negligible thickness that
and no in-plane forces are present. transfers shear forces. Therefore, it can be conveniently used for
Numerical 3D models are used for the most important works laminated glass.
only, while 2D or 1D models are usually preferred because of their Consider, as indicated in Fig. 1, a laminated beam of length l and
simplicity. These are based upon the definition of an ‘‘equivalent’’ width b composed of two glass plies of thickness h1 and h2 and
beam or plate whose effective thickness is properly downgraded Young’s modulus E, connected by a polymeric interlayer of thick-
when compared with the monolithic limit. In simple words, the ness t and shear modulus G. Let
effective thickness of a laminated glass plate is the (constant) thick- 3
ness of the homogeneous plate that, under the same boundary and bhi h1 þ h2
Ai ¼ hi b; Ii ¼ ði ¼ 1; 2Þ; H¼tþ ; A
load conditions of the problem under consideration, presents the 12 2
same maximal stress or maximal deflection. This definition is very A1 A2
¼ ; Itot ¼ I1 þ I2 þ A H2 ; A ¼ bt ð2:1Þ
practical, but in the technical literature and in the national stan- A1 þ A2
dards various formulations that lead to diverse expressions for
and observe, in particular, that Itot represents the moment of inertia
the equivalent thickness have been proposed. In substance, the
of the full composite section (monolithic limit) that takes into ac-
two most common types of models are the one derived from the
count the spacing provided by the interlayer gap. Introduced a
theory by Newmark et al. [1] for layered composite beams with
right-handed orthogonal reference frame (x, y) with x parallel to
deformable connectors and that proposed by Bennison et al.
the beam axis, supposed horizontal, and y directed upwards, the
[17,10] based upon the original approach for sandwich beams by
transversal displacement v(x) is positive if in the same direction
Wölfel [4]. Both formulations furnish a one-dimensional analysis
of increasing y, the transversal load p(x) > 0 if directed downwards,
of the laminated-glass beam under the hypothesis that the inter-
while the bending moment M(x) is such that M00 (x) > 0 when
layer adhesion is sufficient to keep constant the relative distance
v00 (x) > 0. Then, as shown in [6], v(x) has to satisfy the differential
between the bonded glass surfaces, although their relative slippage
may be allowed by the relatively-low shear stiffness of the polymer.
The aim of this paper is to revise the classical problem of a com- 0000 MðxÞ pðxÞ
posite laminated glass beam under flexure, assuming linear elastic v ðxÞ  a2 v 00 ðxÞ þ a2 þ ¼ 0; ð2:2Þ
EItot EðI1 þ I2 Þ
response for the components (glass + polymer) and ruling out
delamination and geometric non-linearities. A variational ap- where
proach to this problem is presented that automatically furnishes
the governing differential equations and boundary conditions. To Gb K Itot
K¼ ; a2 ¼ : ð2:3Þ
this respect, the approach is substantially similar to that proposed t EA I1 þ I2
L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67 55


Fig. 1. Beam composed of two glass plies bonded by a polymeric interlayer. Longitudinal and cross sectional view (not in the same scale).

The model is accurate, but the solution of the differential Eq. the less the bending stiffness of the external layers, the more accu-
(2.2) is relatively simple only if the bending moment M(x) is rate is this hypothesis. Notice from (2.4) that K 2 ð0; þ1Þ. In partic-
known, i.e., the beam is statically determinate. Moreover, the mod- ular, G ! 1 ) K ! 0, so that from (2.5) also Bs ! EItot (monolithic
el is clearly one-dimensional and cannot be extrapolated to the limit); moreover, G ! 0 ) K ! 1 and Bs ! EðI1 þ I2 Þ (layered lim-
case of plates or shells under general boundary conditions. it). Henceforth, the coefficient ð1 þ KÞ indicates the degradation of
the bending stiffness due to the incomplete interaction between
2.2. The approach by Wölfel–Bennison the external layers.
Bennison et al. [17,18] have developed Wölfel’s approach spe-
The modeling that relies upon the original approach by Wölfel cifically for the case of laminated glass, by proposing to use (2.5)
for composite sandwich structures is attractive because of its to calculate the deflection of a laminated glass beam. More pre-
simplicity; this is why it is mentioned in many structural stan- cisely, the authors call C ¼ 1=ð1 þ KÞ, C 2 ð0; 1Þ, and introduce
dards. In fact, it provides a direct method to calculate the ‘‘effective the equivalent moment of inertia of the cross section in the form
thickness’’ of a monolithic beam with equivalent bending proper- A1 A2
ties to a laminated beam. However, this approach relies upon Ieq ¼ I1 þ I2 þ C H2 : ð2:6Þ
A1 þ A2
several simplifying assumptions that it is necessary to recall here,
because they are useful to understand the limits of the theory but, In order to evaluate the shear coefficient v that takes part in the
to our knowledge, they are never mentioned in the technical liter- definition of K and, consequently, of C, it is necessary to estimate
ature, apart from the original work by Wölfel [4] that is difficult to the shear stresses s and s , associated with the shear forces Q(x) and
find and written in German. Q ðxÞ, respectively. Under the same simplifying hypotheses that had
The model was primarily conceived of for a sandwich structure led to (2.4), i.e., neglecting the flexural inertia of each one of the
composed of three layers, the external ones with considerable axial external plies, one finds that sb = Q/H and s b ¼ Q =H. Then the
stiffness but negligible bending stiffness, while the intermediate shear coefficient, which is defined by
layer can only bear shear stress with zero axial and flexural Z Z Z Z Z Z l
v l 1 l 1 l QQ A
strength. Therefore, it well applies to sandwich panels composed QQ dx ¼ ssdAdx ¼ dAdx ¼ Q Q dx
GA 0 G 0 A G 0 A ðHbÞ2 2
GðHbÞ 0
of, e.g., a soft core and external metallic coating layers. With the
same notation of (2.1), let M(x) and MðxÞ, represent the bending ð2:7Þ
moments in the beam under, respectively, the external service load turns out to be
q(x) and a concentrated unit force at midspan, while Q(x) and Q ðxÞ
denote the corresponding shear forces. If v is the shear coefficient A2 t2
v¼ 2
¼ : ð2:8Þ
of the intermediate (soft) layer, from the principle of virtual work ðHbÞ H2
the sag d at midspan turns out to be:
The proposal by Bennison et al. is to consider for C the universal
Z l Z l Z l
1 v ð1 þ KÞ expression
d¼ MðxÞMðxÞdx þ Q ðxÞQ ðxÞdx ¼ MðxÞMðxÞdx;
Bs 0 GA 0 Bs 0 1 1
2Rl C¼ ¼ ; ð2:9Þ
vl Q ðxÞQ ðxÞdx vBs
1 þ b GAl tBs
1 þ 9:6 GbH
K ¼ bBs 2
; b¼ Rl 0 ; ð2:4Þ 2 2 2
GAl 0
with b = 9.6 as in the case of uniformly distributed loading. More
where Bs = EA⁄H2 represents the bending stiffness of the two areas A1 precisely, the authors define the nominal values hs;1 and hs;2 of
and A2, supposed to be concentrated in the corresponding centroid the thickness and the ‘‘bonding inertia’’ Is
and thus neglecting their individual bending stiffness. The coeffi-
Hh1 Hh2 Bs h1 h2
cient b in (2.4)3 depends upon the load condition and, for the most hs;1 ¼ ; hs;2 ¼ ; Is ¼ ¼ H2
h1 þ h2 h1 þ h2 Eb h1 þ h2
common cases, the corresponding values are recorded in [4]. In par-
2 2
ticular: b = 9.6 when the load is uniformly distributed; b = 12 for a ¼ h1 hs;2 þ h2 hs;1 ; ð2:10Þ
concentrated force at midspan; b = p2 for a sinusoidal load.
so that C of (2.9) can be written as
When the external layers presents considerable bending stiff-
ness, Wölfel proposed an approximate solution according to which 1
C¼ : ð2:11Þ
the bending stiffness Bs in (2.4) should be substituted by Bs defined EIs t
1 þ 9:6 GH 2 2
Z Consequently, recalling (2.6), for calculating the laminate deflection
1 1 one can consider a monolithic beam with deflection-effective
d¼  MðxÞMðxÞdx; Bs ¼ EI1 þ EI2 þ Bs ; ð2:5Þ
Bs 0 1þK thickness hef;w given by
that assumes that the individual bending stiffness of the external 3 3 3
hef ;w ¼ h1 þ h2 þ 12CIs : ð2:12Þ
layers has no influence on the bonding offered by the central layer:
56 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

Once the effective stiffness of the laminate is established, the max- where the first term represents the flexional contributions, the sec-
imum stress in the glass can be easily estimated. Eventually, one ond and the third terms are the extensional strain energy of the
finds that the maximum bending stress in each glass plies is the upper and lower glass plies, respectively, whereas the fourth term
same of that in a fictitious monolithic beam loaded by the service corresponds to the interfacial strain energy due to the shear elastic
load q(x) with respectively stress-effective thickness strain of the polymer; the last term expresses the contribution of
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the loading p(x). The zeroing of the first variation with respect to
3 3
hef ;w hef ;w v(x), u1(x) and u2(x) gives respectively the Euler’s equilibrium
h1;ef ;r ¼ ; h2;ef ;r ¼ : ð2:13Þ
h1 þ 2Chs;2 h2 þ 2Chs;1 equations

It is important to notice that the method of the effective thick- 0000 Gb

EðI1 þ I2 Þv ðxÞ  ðu1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞHÞ0 H þ p ¼ 0; ð3:3Þ
ness relies upon the assumed form of C given by (2.9) and (2.11), t
which contains the coefficient b = 9.6, i.e., the one proposed by Gb
EA1 u001 ðxÞ ¼ ðu1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞHÞ; ð3:4Þ
Wölfel for the unique case of simply supported beams under uniformly t
distributed loading. For other kind of loading and boundary con- Gb
EA2 u002 ðxÞ ¼  ðu1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞHÞ: ð3:5Þ
straint, other values for b should be chosen. Moreover, according t
to Wölfel himself [4], the validity of the method is limited because
Observe, in passing, that Eqs. (3.4) and (3.5) can be rearranged
its simplifying assumptions are valid for statically-determined
composite beams, for which the bending stiffness of the composite
plies is negligible. A1 u001 ðxÞ ¼ A2 u002 ðxÞ; ð3:6Þ
Gb E 
ðu1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞHÞ ¼ A1 u001 ðxÞ  A2 u002 ðxÞ : ð3:7Þ
3. The energetic approach t 2
Recalling that EAi u00i ðxÞ is the derivative of the axial force Ni in
With respect to a reference system (x, y) as in Fig. 1, consider the
the ith glass layer, conditions (3.6) and (3.7) represent the axial
laminated beam l/2 6 x 6 l/2 composed of two glass plies bonded
equilibrium of the two glass plies under the mutual shear force
by a thin polymeric interlayer, whose geometric sizes are defined
per unit length s, transmitted by the polymeric interlayer
by the same parameters of (2.1). Again, E and G represent the
(Fig. 3a), i.e., A1 u001 ðxÞ ¼ A2 u002 ðxÞ ¼ s ¼ Gcb. Such shear contribu-
Young’s modulus of the glass and the shear modulus of the inter-
tions are statically equipollent to a distributed torque per unit
layer, and the beam is loaded under a generic load per unit length
length equal to s(h1/2 + t⁄) (t⁄ is arbitrary as shown in Fig. 3) in
p(x), not necessarily uniformly distributed.
the upper glass beam, s(h2/2 + t  t⁄) in the lower glass beam
and st in the interlayer. Then, as represented in Fig. 3b, condition
3.1. The variational formulation
(3.3) represents the equilibrium under bending of the package
glass+polymer, which is ofthe form EIv (x) + p(x) + m0 (x) = 0, with
The glass–polymer bond is supposed to be perfect and the inter- h1 þh2
I = I1 + I2 and mðxÞ ¼ sðxÞ 2 þ t ¼ sðxÞH.
layer strain in direction y is negligible. Under the hypothesis that
Standard arguments in the calculus of variation [5] furnish the
strains are small and the rotations moderate, the kinematics is
boundary conditions
completely described by the vertical displacement v(x), the same
for the two glass components, and the horizontal displacements Gb
u1(x) and u2(x) of the centroid of the upper and lower glass ele-
ðEðI1 þ I2 Þv 000 ðxÞ þ cðxÞHÞdv ðxÞ ¼ 0;
t l=2
ment, respectively. As shown in detail in Fig. 2, let usup(x) and uinf(x)
denote the horizontal displacement at the intrados of the upper ½EðI1 þ I2 Þv 00 ðxÞdv 0 ðxÞl=2
l=2 ¼ 0; ð3:8Þ
glass element and the extrados of the lower glass element, i.e., at ½EA1 u01 ðxÞdu1 ðxÞl=2
l=2 ¼ 0;
the interface with the interlayer. Then, the shear strain in the inter- l=2
layer is then given by ½EA2 u02 ðxÞdu2 ðxÞl=2 ¼ 0;
1 1 where dv(x), du1(x) and du2(x) denote the variations of v(x), u1(x)
c ¼ ½usup ðxÞ  uinf ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞt ¼ ½u1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞH: ð3:1Þ
t t and u2(x). Such variations are null at the boundary where the dis-
The corresponding energy of the system [2] may be written as placement is prescribed, and arbitrary otherwise.
follows: It should be also observed that whenever G ? 0, the Euler’s
Z ( equations give
1h 8
E½u1 ðxÞ; u2 ðxÞ; v ðxÞ ¼ EðI1 þ I2 Þ½v 00 ðxÞ2 þ EA1 ½u01 ðxÞ2 0000
l=2 2 < EðI1 þ I2 Þv ðxÞ þ p ¼ 0;
 EA1 u001 ðxÞ ¼ 0; ð3:9Þ
Gb >
þ EA2 ½u02 ðxÞ2 þ ðu1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞHÞ2 :
EA2 u002 ðxÞ ¼ 0;
that correspond to the equilibrium of two frictionless sliding glass
þ v ðxÞ dx; ð3:2Þ
beams (layered limit).
In order to recover the equilibrium equation for the case of per-
fect bonding, a relationship between the horizontal displacement
of the upper and lower glass plies can be found from Eq. (3.6).
u1 v’(x) Observe that such an equation can be rearranged in the form:
y ðEA1 u01 ðxÞ þ EA2 u02 ðxÞÞ0 ¼ 0 ) EA1 u01 ðxÞ þ EA2 u02 ðxÞ ¼ const;

x u2
where EA1 u01 ðxÞ
¼ N 1 ðxÞ and EA2 u02 ðxÞ
¼ N2 ðxÞ represent the axial
forces in the glass layers at x. If the beam is not constrained at
Fig. 2. Relevant displacement components and corresponding deformation in the one of its ends, so that du1(l/2) – 0 and du2(l/2) – 0 (or du1(l/
composite beam. 2) – 0 and du2(l/2) – 0), then EA1 u01 ðl=2Þ ¼ EA2 u02 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0 (or
L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67 57



N2 N2+dN2

dx dx
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Interpretation of the Euler’s equations in terms of equilibrium of an infinitesimal voussoir.

EA1 u01 ðl=2Þ ¼ EA2 u02 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0) and, consequently, EA1 u01 ðl=2Þþ 3.2. Comparison with Newmark’s model
EA2 u02 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0 (or EA1 u01 ðl=2Þ þ EA2 u02 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0). From (3.10), this
leads to N1(x) + N2(x) = 0, "x 2 (l/2, l/2). Remarkably, the first of Euler’s Eq. (3.3) can be related to the
In the most general case in which the beam is constrained at Newmark’s forth-order differential Eq. (2.2), as shown in the
both its ends so that du1(±l/2) = du2(±l/2) = 0, we may suppose that sequel.
no axial elongation is given to each glass ply, i.e., In the previous section, we have shown that the axial resultant
Z l=2 Z l=2 force N(x) = N1(x) + N2(x) is null. Observe now that the bending mo-
u01 ðxÞdx ¼ u02 ðxÞdx ¼ 0: ð3:11Þ ment at x in the ith glass layer, i = 1, 2, is Mi(x) = EIiv00 (x). Conse-
l=2 l=2 quently, if N1(x) = N2(x) the resulting bending moment in the
Then, if one assumed that N1(x) + N2(x) = N – 0, where N repre- whole cross-section of the composite beam is M(x) = M1(x) +
sents the resultant axial force in the composite beam, one would M2(x) + N2(x)H = M1(x) + M2(x)  N1(x)H, that is
find 0 0
MðxÞ ¼ EðI1 þ I2 Þv 00 ðxÞ þ EAu2 ðxÞH ¼ EðI1 þ I2 Þv 00 ðxÞ  EAu1 ðxÞH: ð3:18Þ
Z l=2
From this, one finds
0¼ EA1 u01 ðxÞ þ EA2 u02 ðxÞ dx ¼ Nl ) N ¼ 0: ð3:12Þ
HA1 u01 ðxÞ ¼ ðI1 þ I2 Þv 00 ðxÞ  MðxÞ=E;
In conclusion, if one of the bar ends is not constrained, or if the bar HA2 u02 ðxÞ ¼ ðI1 þ I2 Þv 00 ðxÞ þ MðxÞ=E:
ends are not displaced apart, the axial resultant force is null, leading
to: By substituting (3.19), Eq. (3.3) can be rewritten as follows:
0000 Gb A1 þ A2 Gb A1 þ A2
ðEA1 u1 ðxÞ þ EA2 u2 ðxÞÞ0 ¼ 0 ) A1 u1 ðxÞ þ A2 u2 ðxÞ ¼ const: ð3:13Þ EðI1 þ I2 Þv ðxÞ  Itot v 00 ðxÞ þ MðxÞ þ p ¼ 0:
t A1 A2 tE A1 A2
In order to prevent the rigid body motion in x direction, at least one
point of the structure may be rigidly fixed in space. This condition After setting, as in (2.3) and (2.1), K:¼Gb/t and A⁄ = A1A2/(A1 + A2),
may be imposed not only on the displacement of the upper or lower Eq. (3.20) can be rearranged in the form
glass ply, but also on the (weighted) average displacement field K Itot 00 K I pðxÞ
A1u1(x) + A2u2(x), leading to v 0000
ðxÞ  v ðxÞ þ 2  tot MðxÞ þ ¼ 0; ð3:21Þ
EA I1 þ I2 E A I1 þ I2 EðI1 þ I2 Þ
A1 which represents Newmark’s Eq. (2.2).
A1 u1 ðxÞ þ A2 u2 ðxÞ ¼ 0 ) u2 ðxÞ ¼  u1 ðxÞ: ð3:14Þ
4. Approximate simple models
Eq. (3.14) in the case of perfect bonding, i.e. G ? 1, c = 0, leads to
the following relationship between vertical and horizontal 4.1. Generalized Newmark (GN) approach
Newmark’s model represents an accurate elegant re-formula-
c ¼ u1 ðxÞ  u2 ðxÞ þ v 0 ðxÞH ¼ 0 ) u1 ðxÞ ¼ v 0 ðxÞH ; ð3:15Þ tion of the governing differential equations for the composite
A1 þ A2 beam, based upon the association through equilibrium consider-
ation of relevant terms with the bending-moment resultant. How-
leading to ever, it presents two major drawbacks. On the one hand, the
function M(x) must be known a priori, which is, in general, possible
Gbc ¼ EA1 u1 ðxÞ ¼ EHA v 000 ðxÞ; ð3:16Þ
only if the structure is statically determined. On the other hand,
the definition of an effective thickness as done in (2.12) or (2.13)
where A⁄ is defined by Eq. (2.1). Hence, the governing Eqs. (3.3),
is not as straightforward as in Wölfel’s approach. Whenever the
(3.4) and (3.5) may be rearranged as follows:
static constraints render the beam statically undetermined, an
8 0000 0000 approximate solution can be found by considering for M(x) in
< EðI1 þ I2 Þv ðxÞ  Gbc þ p ¼ EItot v ðxÞ þ p ¼ 0;
(3.20) the expression corresponding to the bending moment in a
A1 u001 ðxÞ ¼ A2 u002 ðxÞ; ð3:17Þ beam of constant thickness under the same static scheme, i.e., with
Gbc ¼ EA1 u001 ðxÞ; the same constraints of the considered problem. Observe that un-
der this hypothesis M(x) can be easily calculated and does not de-
where Itot has been defined by Eq. (2.1) and corresponds to the pend upon the (supposed constant) thickness of the beam. This
moment of inertia of the monolithic beam. procedure, as will be shown in Section 5, gives in general accurate
58 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

solutions even if, rigorously speaking, the coupling effect offered Here, the parameter g is a non-dimensional quantity, tuning
by the shear stiffness of the interlayer is variable along the length the behavior from the layered limit (g = 0) to the monolithic
of the beam; consequently, the effective form of M(x) would coin- limit (g = 1), while g(x) is the assumed shape function for the vertical
cide with that for a hyperstatic beam with variable cross-sectional displacement, that in general must be selected according to the form
height, but cannot be determined a-priori because the cross sec- of the external load p(x) and the geometric boundary conditions.
tional height would depend upon M(x) itself. Requiring in (3.1) that c = 0 for the monolithic borderline case,
Once M(x) is given, the fields v(x), u1(x) and u2(x) can be deter- recalling condition (3.6), the horizontal displacements u1(x) and
mined by integrating the differential system (3.21), (3.4) and (3.5), u2(x) can be chosen of the form
with boundary conditions (3.8). The system can be easily solved 1 A2 1 A1
numerically. Eqs. (3.18) and (3.19) allow then to determine the u1 ðxÞ ¼ b Hg 0 ðxÞ; u2 ðxÞ ¼ b Hg 0 ðxÞ; ð4:6Þ
EItot A1 þ A2 EItot A1 þ A2
bending moment and the axial force in both glass layers and, con-
where b is another non-dimensional parameter, again tuning the re-
sequently, to calculate the maximum stress jr(i)jmaxj in the ith layer
sponse from the layered limit (b = 0, leading to null horizontal force
in the glass layers) to the monolithic limit (b = 1, leading to c = 0).

Ni ðxÞ M i ðxÞ hi The corresponding energy (3.2) can thus be re-written as a func-
jrðiÞ jmax ¼ max  : ð4:1Þ
x Ai Ii 2 tion of the parameters g and b to give
b g; b; gðxÞ
E½u1 ðxÞ; u2 ðxÞ; v ðxÞ ¼ E½
For any particular considered case, once the system of differen-
tial equations has been solved, a deflection-effective thickness can be
Z l=2 (  2
1 ðI1 þ I2 Þ g 1g
defined by imposing that the maximum sag of a beam with that ¼ ½ þ ½g 00 ðxÞ2
l=2 2 E Itot I1 þ I2
constant thickness, under the same constraint and load conditions,
coincides with that for the problem solved according to Newmark’s b2 A1 A2
þ H2 ½g 00 ðxÞ2
theory. This can be easily done by recalling that the maximum sag EI2tot A1 þ A2

of a beam of constant thickness hwN is inversely proportional to the  
Gb H2 b g 1g 2 0 2
moment of inertia I of the beam itself; for example, for a simply
⁄ þ   ½g ðxÞ
t E2 Itot Itot Itot I1 þ I2
5 ql4 5 ql4  
supported beam the maximum sag is wmax ¼ 384 EI
¼ 384 bh3
. pðxÞ g 1g
E 12  2 þ gðxÞ dx; ð4:7Þ
Analogously, one can define the stress-effective thickness as the E Itot I1 þ I2

(constant) thickness hrN of that beam for which the maximum in which the shape function g(x) is a priori given.
stress rmax ¼  2 is equal to the corresponding stress defined by Consequently, the minimization of the energy is associated with
the minimization with respect to the only free parameters g and b,
(4.1). The values of the deflection- or stress-effective thickness de- leading to
pend upon the case under consideration and, in general, no simple 8 R l=2 00 h i
g R l=2
explicit expressions of the same type of (2.12) and (2.13) can be >
b A1 A2
Itot A1 þA2 l=2
½g ðxÞ2 dx þ Gb b
tE Itot
 Itot  I1
1 þI2 l=2
½g 0 ðxÞ2 dx ¼ 0;
< h i
found for Newmark’s theory. However, the effective thicknesses g R l=2
ðI1 þ I2 Þ Itotg
þ I1 ½g 00 ðxÞ2 dx
may serve as parameters of comparison for various theories and >
> 1 þI2 l=2
> h i
so will be considered for the particular cases analyzed in Section 5. >
: g R l=2 R l=2
þ Gb
H2 Itot
b g
 Itot  I1
1 þI 2 l=2
½g 0 ðxÞ2 dx  l=2 pðxÞgðxÞdx ¼ 0:

4.2. Enhanced effective-thickness (EET) approach ð4:8Þ

The system (4.8) can be substantially simplified provided that a
The definition of an ‘‘effective thickness’’ for laminated glass particular shape function g(x) is chosen. To illustrate, suppose that
represents an efficient method to solve the most various problems, g(x) is such that v ðxÞ ¼  gðxÞ represent the solution of the elastic
but since Newmark’s approach is not able to provide simple expli- bending of a beam with constant moment of inertia IR under the
cit expressions, an attempt is now made to consider enhanced load p(x), with the same boundary condition of the problem at
approximated solutions through the choice of appropriate and con- hand. Consider the virtual work equality for this system in which
venient shape functions for the unknown fields v(x), u1(x) and the aforementioned v(x) is selected as the strain/displacement
u2(x), whose explicit expression will be found through energetic field, whereas the bending moment in equilibrium with p(x) is
minimization. given by M(x) = v00 (x) EIR. The external and internal virtual work
In order to achieve a sufficient approximation, the shape func- can be written as
tions for the horizontal and vertical displacements must be compat- Z l=2 Z l=2 Z l=2
gðxÞ g 00 ðxÞ
ible with the qualitative properties of the solution. In particular, the Lv e ¼ pðxÞ dx; Lv i ¼ MðxÞv 00 ðxÞdx ¼ g 00 ðxÞ dx; ð4:9Þ
proposed approximation must converge to the monolithic limit l=2 l=2 l=2

when G ? 1, and to the layered limit when G ? 0. Such limits so that the equality between external and internal virtual work
correspond to the solutions of Eqs. (4.2) and (4.3), respectively leads to
Z l=2 Z l=2
0000 gðxÞ pðxÞgðxÞdx ¼ ½g 00 ðxÞ2 dx: ð4:10Þ
EItot v ðxÞ þ pðxÞ ¼ 0 ) v ðxÞ ¼ v M ðxÞ   ; ð4:2Þ
EItot l=2 l=2

0000 gðxÞ This condition can be used to simplify (4.8), yielding the following
EðI1 þ I2 Þv ðxÞ þ pðxÞ ¼ 0 ) v ðxÞ ¼ v L ðxÞ   : ð4:3Þ
EðI1 þ I2 Þ noteworthy expression for b and g that in this particular case coin-
cide, i.e.,
Henceforth, the general solution can be sought of the form
gðxÞ g¼b¼ ; ð4:11Þ
v ðxÞ ¼  ; ð4:4Þ 1 þ Il1 þI 2
A1 A2
A1 þA2
where the coefficient
where IR is the equivalent (reduced) moment of inertia defined by R l=2
½g 00 ðxÞ2 dx
1 g 1g W ¼ R l=2 ð4:12Þ
¼ þ : ð4:5Þ ½g 0 ðxÞ2 dx
IR Itot I1 þ I2 l=2
L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67 59

depends upon the geometry of the beam and on its boundary and structural parameters for all cases are l = 3150 mm, b = 1000 mm,
loading condition, whereas the non-dimensional coefficient l, de- h1 = h2 = 10 mm, t = 0.76 mm, E = 70 GPa, while the modulus G of
fined through the polymeric interlayer is varied to evaluate its influence on the
shear-coupling of the glass plies and it is nearly incompressible
l¼ ; ð4:13Þ (m = 0.49). The distributed pressure on the beam is taken equal to
0.75 kN/m2 so that, with b = 1000 mm, the distributed load per unit
represents a measure of the elastic stiffness of glass with respect to length becomes p = 0.75 N/mm. For the concentrated force in
the stiffness of the interlayer. Fig. 4b, we take F = 1 kN.
It should also be noticed that the coefficient g (or b) that ap- For each case, first the analysis is numerically performed on a
pears in the definition of IR as per (4.5), is somehow similar to monolithic glass beam, with the same size, boundary and loading
the parameter C of (2.6). In fact, the layered limit corresponds to conditions of the laminated glass beam under consideration, and
C = g = 0 and the monolithic limit to C = g = 1, but comparing thickness hM = h1 + h2 + t. This furnishes the value of the maximum
(4.5) and (2.6) one can realize that the values of both parameters
stress rMmax ¼ 6Mbhmax
2 (where Mmax denotes the maximum bending
coincide only on the borderline cases. More precisely, C and g M

are associated with the weighted arithmetic and geometric mean stress) and the maximum sag wMmax, that is inversely proportional
of Itot and I1 + I2, respectively. In any case, analogously to the to the moment of inertia IM ¼ 12
of the beam itself. The finite ele-
expression (2.12) for C, also the parameter g can be used to define
^ ment analysis allows to evaluate the maximum sag w ~ max for the
the deflection-effective thickness h ef ;w that, from (4.5), turns out to
laminated glass beam, and, consequently, the ‘‘experimental’’
be ~w may be easily evaluated through
deflection-effective thickness h
u 1 the relation
^ u
hw ¼ t
; ð4:14Þ
þ ð1gÞ
ðh31 þh32 þ12Is Þ ðh31 þh32 Þ wMmax h ~3
¼ 3w : ð5:1Þ
Is having been defined in (2.10). w~ max hM
For the calculation of the maximum (in absolute value) bending Furthermore, the F.E. analysis allows to calculate the maximum
stress jr(i)jmax in the ith glass layer, i = 1, 2, it is possible to use the stress in the laminated glass beam r ~ max , which allows to evaluate
stress-effective thickness h i;ef ;r , analogous to that defined in (2.13) ~r through the
the ‘‘experimental’’ stress-effective thickness h
for Wölfel’s model, defined through relation
max jMðxÞj
Ni ðxÞ M i ðxÞ hi rMmax h~2r
jrðiÞ jmax ¼
¼ max  ; ð4:15Þ
1 ^2 x Ai Ii 2 ¼ : ð5:2Þ
bhi;ef ;r r~ max h2M
where recalling (4.4), (4.6) and (4.11), The mesh employed in the numerical simulations can be recog-
g nized in Fig. 5, which shows the stress state for the double-
Ni ðxÞ ¼ EAi u0i ðxÞ ¼ ð1Þi A Hg 00 ðxÞ; Mi ðxÞ ¼ EIi v 00 ðxÞ clamped beam of Fig. 4c. The fine meshing allows to accurately
determine the stress and strain fields.
Ii 00
¼ g ðxÞ: ð4:16Þ It should be mentioned that the numerical model of Fig. 5 cor-
responds to a plate rather than a beam and, consequently, there
Recalling the definitions of hs;1 and hs;2 of (2.10), one finds from may be a difference with the 1-D beam theory for what the deflec-
(4.15) the following expression for the stress-effective thickness: tion is concerned. When the width of the plate is comparable with
u its length, this can be up to a multiplier of the order of 1  m2,
^1;r ¼ u 1 ^2;r ¼ u 1 where m is the Poisson’s ratio of glass, i.e., m = 0.2. Here, the length
h t 2gh ; h t 2gh : ð4:17Þ
h3 þh3 þ12I
þ h^h31 s;1
h3 þh3 þ12I
þ h^h32 of the plate is about 3.5 times its width and consequently the dif-
1 2 s w 1 2 s w
ference with beam theory is expected to be considerably smaller
Clearly, the expressions for the equivalent thickness for deflec- than that. In any case, since the effective thickness approach is
tion and stress are different from those of (2.12) and (2.13), defined used to calculate plates of laminated glass, here the comparison
by Bennison et al. [18]. A detailed comparison will be made in the has been made on purpose with a geometry that can be found in
following section. the design practice. The differences with the borderline cases
m = 0 are found to be less than 2%.
5. Examples
5.1. Simply supported beam under uniformly distributed load
The results obtainable with the approximate approaches of Sec-
tions 4.1 and 4.2 are now compared with those proposed by Benn- For the case of the simply supported beam shown in Fig. 4a, the
ison et al. [17], that relies upon Wölfel’s theory of Section 2, and boundary conditions (3.8) give v(±l/2) = 0, v00 (±l/2) = 0, u01 ðl=2Þ ¼
with the numerical solutions of a FEM model, which considers u02 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0. Consider as a shape function in (4.4) the function
the effective stiffness of the interlayer in the composite package. g(x) associated with the elastic deflection of a monolithic simply
Numerical simulations have been made with the program Abaqus, supported beam under uniformly distributed load p, i.e.,
using a 3-D mesh with solid 20-node quadratic bricks with reduced  
1 4 1 2 2 5 4
integration, available in the program library [20]. gðxÞ ¼ p x  l x þ l : ð5:3Þ
24 16 384
As shown in Fig. 5, the structured mesh has been crated by
dividing the length of the beam in 100 elements, the width in 50 Such choice, through (4.4) and (4.6), leads to expressions for
elements and the thickness of each glass ply in 5 elements; v(x), u1(x) and u2(x) that satisfy the aforementioned boundary con-
whereas the thickness of the interlayer has been divided in 3 ele- ditions. Moreover, it is compatible with (4.10), so that (4.11) holds
ments. The four paradigmatic cases represented in Fig. 4 have been and g = b.
considered for the sake of comparison because they represent By substituting the shape function (5.3) into Eq. (4.12), the
beams under different boundary and loading conditions. Assumed following simple expression for coefficient W may be obtained:
60 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

y p y p

(a) x (c) x
l l

y y p
(b) x (d) x
l l

Fig. 4. Representative examples of laminated glass beams under different boundary and load conditions.

Fig. 5. Axial stress of a double-clamped beam under uniformly distributed load, plotted on the deformed shape.

168 > 1 3 2 1 3
W¼ ; ð5:4Þ < F  12 x  18 lx þ 48 l for  l=2 6 x 6 0;
17l gðxÞ ¼   ð5:5Þ
> 1 3 1 2 1
: F 12 x  8 lx þ 48 l 3
for 0 < x 6 l=2:
allowing to simply evaluate the coefficient g through (4.11).
For a shear modulus of the polymeric interlayer G varying Thus, after substitution into (4.12), one finds
from 0.01 MPa to 10 MPa, the graphs of Fig. 6 compare the
deflection- and stress-effective thickness, calculated according 10
W¼ 2
: ð5:6Þ
to the proposed enhanced effective thickness (EET) approach l
of Section 4.2, as per Eqs. (4.17) and (4.14), with the effective Fig. 8 shows, as a function of G, comparisons of the enhanced
thickness according to Wölfel–Bennison (WB) of (2.13) and effective thicknesses (EET) calculated with Eqs. (4.17) and (4.14),
(2.12), as well as with the effective thickness evaluated by with the effective thicknesses calculated through expressions
adopting the revised generalized Newmark (GN) model of Sec- (2.13) and (2.12) for the Wölfel–Bennison (WB) model [18]. Notice
tion 4.1, that for this statically determinate case coincides with that, also for this load condition, both approaches give results that
the classical Newmark formulation of [1]. Observe that here all practically coincide. As a matter of fact, it was observed in Section
the models give results that in practice coincide, a finding that 2 that Wölfel’s theory prescribes for this case a coefficient b = 12 in
is not surprising because this is the simplest case upon which (2.4), instead of 9.6 as indicated by the formulation of Wölfel–
all the approaches have been calibrated. The good approxima- Bennison [18]. However, at least for the case at hand, the difference
tion achieved by the simplified approaches is evidenced by a is not substantial and the values of the effective thicknesses that
comparison with the numerical results, also reported in the would be obtained using either 12 or 9.6 are almost the same, at
same figure. least when G varies in the aforementioned range.
Fig. 7 shows the values of the maximum sag of the beam as a Further comparing these results with those obtainable with the
function of the interlayer shear modulus G. Again, the numerical revised generalized Newmark (GN) model (coinciding also in this
output confirms the accuracy of all the simplified approaches. case with the classical formulation [1]), it is evident from Fig. 8 that
the deflection-effective thickness coincides with those of both
5.2. Simply supported beam under concentrated load aforementioned formulations, whereas the stress-effective thick-
ness is qualitatively different, especially in those branches tending
Consider the same beam, but now under a concentrate load F at to the monolithic limit. The numerical simulations, whose results
midspan (Fig. 4b). The boundary conditions are the same as before are also reported in the same figure, are in good agreement with
and the function g(x) to be considered in (4.4) is now Newmark theory. This is not surprising because, as already noticed
L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67 61

(a) 22 (b) 22

21 21

20 20

19 19

18 18

17 17

16 16

15 15

14 EET 14 EET
13 GN 13 GN
Numerical Numerical
12 12
-2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
G[MPa] G[MPa]

Fig. 6. Simply supported beam under uniform load. Comparison of the effective thicknesses obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison approach (WB); generalized Newmark’s
approach (GN); enhanced effective-thickness approach (EET). Results from the numerical experiments are also reported for the sake of comparison.



maximum sag [mm]




-80 WB
-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10

Fig. 7. Simply supported beam under uniform load. Comparison of the maximum sag obtained with the proposed simplified approaches, generalized Newmark (GN) and
enhanced effective thickness (EET), and with the model by Wölfel–Bennison (WB). The results from numerical experiments are also indicated.

in Section 4.1, Newmark theory is very accurate when the diagram statically undetermined. The boundary conditions (3.8) for v(x)
of bending moment is a priori known, as it is the case in a statically are of the form v(±l/2) = 0, v0 (±l/2) = 0, while for what the horizon-
determined structure. tal displacement is concerned, we set u01 ðl=2Þ ¼ u02 ðl=2Þ ¼ 0.
The maximum deflexion of the beam, calculated with the three These conditions imply that the beam ends cannot rotate but the
formulations, is recorded as a function of G in Fig. 9. One may observe border is stress free. As the shape function in (4.4) consider then
that the enhanced effective-thickness method predicts a slightly- the function g(x) defined as
stiffer beam than Wölfel–Bennison formulation, but the difference  
is very very small. The numerical experiments, also reported in the 1 4 1 2 2 1 4
gðxÞ ¼ p x  l x þ l ; ð5:7Þ
same figure, confirm the prediction of the approximate models. 24 48 384

associated with the elastic curve of a monolithic beam under the

5.3. Double clamped beam under uniform load same load. This choice is compatible with (4.10) and leads in (4.4)
and (4.6) to expressions for v(x), u1(x) and u2(x) that respect all
What distinguishes the case of the double clamped beam the boundary conditions (3.8). Then, substituting into (4.12), the
(Fig. 4c) from the previous ones is that now the structure is non-dimensional coefficient W turns out to be
62 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

(a) 22 (b) 22

21 21

20 20

19 19

18 18

17 17

16 16

15 15

14 EET 14 EET
13 GN 13 GN
Numerical Numerical
12 12
-2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
G[MPa] G[MPa]

Fig. 8. Simply supported beam under concentrated load. Comparison of the effective thicknesses obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison (WB) approach; the generalized Newmark
model (GN); the enhanced effective thickness (EET) approach; the numerical simulations.




maximum sag [mm]





-50 EET
-55 GN
-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10

Fig. 9. Simply supported beam under concentrated load. Maximum sag obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison (WB) approach; the revised Newmark (GN) model; the enhanced
effective thickness (EET) approach; the numerical simulations.

42 The aforementioned approaches rely upon simplifying assump-

W¼ 2
: ð5:8Þ
l tions that provide a correspondence between the laminated beam
and a monolithic beam of constant thickness. However, if one con-
Fig. 10 shows in particular the comparison of the enhanced effec- sidered the actual response of the laminated beam through, e.g., an
tive thicknesses (EET), calculated through Eqs. (4.17) and (4.14), accurate numerical model, one would find that the bonding effect
with the Wölfel–Bennison (WB) effective thicknesses defined in offered by the interlayer varies from section to section. Since the
(2.13) and (2.12) as per [18]. What is evident here is that the pro- effective thickness depends upon the bonding offered by the inter-
posed EET approach and the WB formulation give different results layer, the correct correspondence would be with a monolithic
at the qualitative level, especially for low values of G. Most of all, beam with variable cross section. This correspondence, however,
WB is not on the side of safeness, because it predicts deflection is difficult to determine because the effective cross-sectional iner-
and stress values much lower than those predicted by our tia depends upon the form of the diagram of the bending moment,
formulation. but the distribution of bending moments in a hyperstatic beam
L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67 63

(a) 22 (b) 22
21 21

20 20

19 19

18 18

17 17

16 16

15 15

14 EET 14
13 GN 13
12 12 -2 -1 0 1
-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
G[MPa] G[MPa]

Fig. 10. Double clamped beam under uniform load. Comparison of the effective thicknesses obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison (WB) approach; the generalized Newmark (GN)
model (at two cross sections); the enhanced effective thickness (EET) approach; the numerical simulations (at two cross sections).

depends upon the cross-sectional inertia. In any case, once the the constant-thickness beam, though the sag at midspan is the
laminated beam problem has been accurately solved, one may de- same. This is another evidence of how the variability of the
fine for each cross section a stress-effective thickness as the thick- bonding stiffness offered by the interlayer in a hyperstatic beam
ness of a hyperstatic monolithic beam with constant cross section may effect its deformation, that would correspond to that of a
that exhibits, at the section under consideration, the same maximal hyperstatic beam with variable cross section. In the same figure
stress of the laminated beam. the results of the numerical simulation, which are in excellent
For the sake of comparison, the stress-effective thickness de- agreement with the GN predictions.
fined as above has been derived from the numerical experiments
in two representative cross sections, i.e., in proximity of the 5.4. Beam with three supports under uniform load
clamped edges and at the midspan of the beam. Remarkably,
as shown in Fig. 10, our EET formulation furnishes an average The case of the beam with three supports under uniformly dis-
value of the stress-effective thickness. Notice as well that the tributed load, shown in Fig. 4d, represents an intermediate case be-
formulation WB does not provide accurate results. This is not tween those of Fig. 4a and c. In fact, using the symmetry, only half
surprising because, as already observed in Section 2 when the of the system, say 0 6 x 6 l, can be considered with boundary con-
structure is not statically determined Wölfel’s hypotheses do ditions in (3.8) of the type v(0) = v(l) = 0, v0 (0) = 0, v00 (l) = 0. For this
not hold. The inaccuracy of the approach WB is also confirmed case, we set as a shape function in (4.4) the expression
by the graphs of the maximum deflexion of the beam, recorded 8  
in Fig. 11. > 1 4 5 3 1 2 2
< p 24 x þ 48 lx þ 16 l x for  l 6 x 6 0;
It is interesting for this case to discuss the results obtainable gðxÞ ¼   ð5:9Þ
> 1 4
: p 24 5
x  48
3 1 2 2
lx þ 16 l x for 0 < x 6 l:
with the revised Newmark model (GN) of Section 4.1 that, we
recall, relies upon the simplifying assumption that M(x) has the
same form of the bending moments in a hyperstatic beam with This choice implies through (4.6) that u01 ð0Þ ¼ u02 ð0Þ ¼ 0, which
constant thickness. Observing first Figs. 10a and 11, it is clear is not completely consistent because at the symmetry section
that GN well captures the deflection of the beam. For what the x = 0 one should assume u1(0) = u2(0) = 0. In fact, in general,
stress is concerned, this approach can account for the variability u01 ð0Þ–0 and u02 ð0Þ–0 because the resultant axial force in each glass
of the bonding effect of the interlayer along the beam axis and, ply is not necessarily null at the symmetry section. However, we
consequently, the stress effective thickness is sectional-depen- will verify later on that this approximation does not considerably
dent as mentioned above. It is then evident from Fig. 10b that affect the results.
GN is able to accurately provide the stress at the beam midspan, Again, the assumed shape functions corresponds to the deflec-
but it is not so precise when stress is evaluated at the clamped tion curve of the corresponding statically indeterminate problem,
ends. implying g = b. Substituting in the relevant expressions, one thus
The revision of Newmark’s approach may be perhaps better obtains the value of coefficient
understood from Fig. 12, where the deflection curve is compared
with that of the enhanced effective-thickness approach of Section W¼ 2
: ð5:10Þ
4.2 for the case G = 1 MPa. Indeed, the latter one is determined l
by the choice (5.7) for the shape function g(x) that, for the case The comparison between the deflection-effective thicknesses
at hand, is derived from the elastic curve of a double clamped beam calculated with the three approaches is represented in Fig. 13a to-
with uniform cross section. On the other hand, the GN model gether with numerical experiments. Here, we can notice a substan-
assumes the distribution of the bending moment of the double tial deviation of Wölfel–Bennison approach especially for the
clamped beam with uniform cross section but not the correspond- lowest values of G, but the numerical experiments are in favor of
ing deformation and, indeed its deflection curve differs from that of the enhanced effective-thickness approach, which gives results
64 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67



maximum sag [mm]





-16 WB
-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10

Fig. 11. Double clamped beam under uniform load. Maximum sag obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison (WB) approach; the generalized Newmark (GN) model; the enhanced
effective thickness (EET) approach; the numerical simulations.

0 GN






-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500

Fig. 12. Deformed shape of double clamped beam under uniform load. Comparison of results obtained with the enhanced effective-thickness (EET) approach, the generalized
Newmark (GN) approach and the numerical experiments.

that in practice coincide with the revised Newmark (GN) theory. of 1 MPa) are sufficient to provide a considerable bonding strength
This finding is confirmed by the graphs of the maximum deflexion that is sufficient to produce a response remarkably close to that of
of the beam, recorded in Fig. 14. the monolithic limit. This is why an accurate definition of the effec-
For what the stress-effective thickness is concerned, since the tive thickness, especially in the case of soft interlayers, is crucial to
system is not statically determined, from the results of the numer- achieve a good design on the side of slenderness, lightness and
ical simulations, as well as from the GN approach, we have consid- economy.
ered two representative cross sections, one in the neighborhood of
the central support x = 0, the other one at x = 5l/8, where the bend-
ing moment should be extremal. For this case, the enhanced effec- 6. Discussion and conclusions
tive-thickness (EET) approach gives results that well capture the
stress in the middle of the beam, but are not so accurate at the The two major simple approaches to the structural design of
symmetry section. On the other hand, the revised Newmark (GN) laminated glass are essentially Newmark model [1] and the ap-
model gives excellent results at both cross sections. proach by Bennison et al. [17,18], which is based upon the original
The results that are obtained with the enhanced effective-thick- work by Wölfel [4]. These two formulations have been reconsid-
ness (EET) approach are summarized, for the sake of comparison, in ered here and a common denominator to them, traditionally re-
Fig. 15 that shows the deflection of the beam in the four configura- puted completely different, has been found by considering the
tions of Fig. 4 for different values of G. The bonding performance of problem within a variational framework. In particular, it has been
the interlayer is clearly recognizable by the comparison with the shown that the model by Wölfel–Bennison derives from assuming
monolithic and layered limits. Even small values of G (of the order a proper shape function for the beam deformation in the
L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67 65

(a) 22 (b) 22

21 21

20 20

19 19

18 18

17 17

16 16 EET
15 15

14 EET 14
13 GN 13
12 -2 -1 0 1
12 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
G[MPa] G[MPa]

Fig. 13. Beam with three supports under uniform load. Comparison of the effective thicknesses obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison (WB) approach; the generalized Newmark
(GN) model (at two representative cross sections); the enhanced effective thickness (EET) approach; the numerical simulations (at two cross sections).


maximum sag [mm]




-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10

Fig. 14. Beam with three supports under uniform load. Maximum sag obtained with: Wölfel–Bennison (WB) approach; the generalized Newmark (GN) model; the enhanced
effective thickness (EET) approach; the numerical simulations.

corresponding strain energy functional, whereas the approach by On the other hand, Newmark model is perfectly applicable and
Newmark recognizes that some relevant terms in the governing gives excellent results only when the beam is statically deter-
Euler–Lagrange equations represent the resultant bending mo- mined, i.e., when the bending moment diagram is precisely
ment at the composite cross section. Roughly speaking, Wölfel– determinable.
Bennisonl is based upon an assumption for the deformation field, Here, we have revised these two approaches and proposed pos-
whereas in Newmark it is the bending moment distribution that sible generalizations. For what the Newmark formulation is con-
must be known a priori. More in particular, Wölfel–Bennison ap- cerned, in order to deal with hyperstatic structures the proposal
proach assumes for the laminated glass beam a deflection curve is to consider for the bending moment that distribution corre-
similar in type to the elastic curve of simply supported beam under sponding to the case of a beam of uniform constant thickness un-
uniformly distributed load and, consequently, turns out to be accu- der the same boundary and load conditions of the problem at hand.
rate when the case under consideration reflects these hypotheses. We have verified with representative examples and comparison
66 L. Galuppi, G.F. Royer-Carfagni / Engineering Structures 38 (2012) 53–67

(a) 0
IT (c) 0 MIT
-10 -2

-15 -3

-20 -4

-25 -5

-30 -6

-35 -7

-40 -8

-45 -9
-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500

(b) 0
(d) 0
-5 MONOLI -0.2

-15 -0.4

-30 LA
-35 -1 YE
-40 M
-1.2 IM
-45 IT

-50 -1.4
-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500

Fig. 15. Deformed shape of the laminated glass beam calculated with the enhanced effective-thickness (EET) approach. Case h1 = h2 = 10 mm, t = 0.76 mm, l = 3150 mm,
b = 10,000 mm, E = 70 GPa, p = 0.75 N/mm F = 1000 N.

with accurate numerical experiments that this position usually is not so natural and does not lead to compact expression. In par-
provides excellent results, both for the deflection and the stress ticular, the stress-effective thickness depends upon the particular
calculation. On the other side, to extend Wölfel–Bennison calcula- section at which the stress needs to be evaluated.
tions we have proposed to assume various shape function for the Last but not least, all the models here considered are valid only
laminated beam deflection, which should reflect the effective for the 1-D scheme of a laminated glass beam under flexure, i.e.,
boundary and load conditions of the structure under consideration. when the glass panel is constrained at two borders and the defor-
This formulation results particularly simple if one consider as the mation is cylindrical. On the other hand, it is customary in the de-
shape function the form of the elastic curve of a monolithic beam sign practice to use the effective thickness calculated according to
with constant cross section under the same conditions. With this Wölfel–Bennison, using the expression (2.12) and (2.13), to esti-
position, the proposed approach gives excellent results and rela- mate the state of stress and the deformation of a laminated plate,
tively compact formulas. under the most various boundary and load conditions. This proce-
We have also verified that the approach à la Wölfel–Bennison dure needs to be questioned since we have demonstrated here that
allows to naturally define a deflection- and stress-effective thick- the aforementioned formulation does not give in general accurate
ness as per Eqs. (2.12) and (2.13), which is very convenient for results, except for the case of a simply supported 1-D beams. The
the structural design. Here, we have extended such formulas to extension of the effective-thickness notion to the case of plates
the case of more elaborated boundary and load conditions, reach- and shells under bending is the subject of presently ongoing work.
ing simple expressions for the effective thickness, recorded in
(4.14) and (4.17), that can be easily adapted to shape functions
of any form through the introduction of the coupling parameter
g, defined in (4.11), that varies between the threshold value 0
The authors acknowledge the Italian MURST for partial support
(layered limit) and 1 (monolithic limit). The calculation of the
under the PRIN2008 program.
effective thickness according to the enhanced proposed approach
thus presents no additional difficulty with respect to the tradi-
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