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cnrubtinE |ltdter Srstens 3sj

12.2.3 Cncubtins
WaterPumps e]ltemal envionment. Commonmaterialsusedfor circula!
Cncuhiing watcr punps supplycooling water ar the re ng waterpiping, in order of increasingcapiral cost.irctude
quired flow rate andheadio rhe power plant condenseran.t carbon steel. reinJorcedconcrereembeddedcylinder pipe,
theplDt auxiliary cooling waler heatexchangers. and tiberglass-reinforcedplastic pipe. The lar8e wa!e. re
The circu
lating water pumpsmusr operateeconomicaUyand reliabty quirement associaaedwirh circularine waier systemsr)?
over the lilbrime of the planr_ ically rnakes it uneconomical to use high-quaiiry water
The threetypesof pumpsmosrcommonlyusedfor cncu- soxrces.The sourccof circularing waterusualty dependson
lating waier seriice are vertical wer pii, hodzontal dry pir, ihe locationof the power plant. Coasialplant sitesrypicaly
and venical dry pir pumps. Typical anaugemenrsof rhese usc seawaier or brackish water as the circulaling warer
pumptlpes areshownin Fie. 12-10. For once-through source.whether wirhdrawn by pumping direcdy from the
ng sysiems.verical wet pit pnmpsare mosr commonly body of wateror by inslalling wells ro exrracrnearbyground
used,with occasional useof honzontaldry pit pumpsand water Inlandplant siresusualiyarelocatedneara lake.river,
!e rn!l dl] pir pLmp,.l-or rc(L.utadne (ooring.yLcm,. or othernaturalwatersource.Again, wateris iypically either
vertical wei pit andhorizontal dry pii pumpsareusedabout withdrawn drectly liom the source or indirectly itrroueh
equally, with occasionaluseof venicat dry pn !u!rps. gound wells-
The warerfrom rhesesou.cescancontainhigh concenra-
12.2.4 Circulatins
WaterPipins tions of conosive contaminants.Any pipe maierialsconsid-
eredmustincludemeasxresto proiectthepipefor rheseffice
Circulating water piping carriesihe cooting water liom rhe
liteoi rhepla' . Fore\dmple. carboi.reetpipe,in .eawarer
circulatingwaterpumpsro thecondenserandrctumsrnewarcr
se rce usualy require an iniemal coaring o. an imFessed
to thecoolingtower(or dischargeshcture. in thecrje or once-
cunent cathodicproteciion systeln.or boah.concrere pipe
throughcooling). The rouring of this piping jncludesabove
may requrrea specialdenseconcreremix to withsrandcllo-
andbelow-gradepiping bctweenrhe following componenrs:
ride attack.Theseprorec.ivemea.sures signincantlyincrease
. Thecirculating warerpumpsandauxiliarycootinswater the capilal cost of an installation such that ir can be as
pups to Lhecondenser inletwarerboxes. economical to insta fibcrglass-reinforcedplasiic pipe to
. Thecondenser outlerwaterboxesrothecoolngrowerriscf(oi obtain the sameservicelife. As exisring water sourcesbe-
dischdgestructure).ed comemore strainedandnew waier sourcesmorc scarceand
. Thecftulating w er pun! sucriondping (*herer€quired). expensiveto develop, the qualiry of circularing wdtef in
The large Row raies associaiedwith circulating warer tuture power plantsis expectedto declinetunher. This wil
systemsqrpicallyrcquire$e useof large-diameter likely turther the trend loward corosion resisranipiping
Conlmon pipe sizesrange from 36 ro 96 jn. (900 io 2,400
mm) in diameter although.nuchlargerpipe diame.ershave
12.2.5 tiquidTransient
The designof the circulaiingwaterpiping systemmusi The large flow rates of a rypical circulating water sysrem
considerthe environmentintemal to ihe pipe, lts well as rhe wilh flow velocities rangingfrom 6 to 12 frls introducerhe

Fig. 12.10, Typical

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