Lecture 4 - BUILDING UTILITIES - Electrical System

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Part 4
 Electricity is a form of energy. It is also a manufactured product.
 Electricity is a "secondary energy source". It is manufactured from
the conversion of other "primary energy sources" like coal, natural
gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources.
 The energy sources used to make Electric Energy can be renewable
or non-renewable, but Electric Energy itself is neither renewable or
 Electricity is the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms,
and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains
positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles
called neutrons. The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively
charged particles called electrons.
 The negative charge of an electron
is equal to the positive charge of a
proton, and the number of
electrons in an atom is usually
equal to the number of protons.
 When the balancing force between
protons and electrons is upset by
an outside force, an atom may gain
or lose an electron. An atom that
loses electrons has more protons
than electrons and is positively
charged. An atom that gains
electrons has more negative
particles and is negatively charge.
A "charged" atom is called an "ion."
 When electrons are "lost" from an
atom, the free movement of these
electrons constitutes an electric

 Voltage (V)
 Current (I)
 Power (P)
 Resistance (R)
 VOLT - A unit of electrical
pressure (or electromotive
force) which causes current to
flow in a circuit. One volt is
the amount of pressure
required to cause one ampere
of current to flow against one
ohm of resistance.
 VOLTAGE - That force which is
generated to cause current to
flow in an electrical circuit. It
is also referred to as
electromotive force or
electrical potential. Voltage is
measured in volts.
 The standard unit used in measuring the
strength of electric current is ampere.
 It is the amount of current flow sent by one
volt through the resistance of one ohm
 When there is too much flow of electricity in a
small conductor or wire, heat is produced
which may cause the protective device to
blow-off, or burn the wire insulator and create
 The standard unit for measuring resistance to flow of
an electrical current is OHM.
 Every electrical conductor offers resistance to the
flow of current, just as a tube through which water
flows offers resistance to the current of water.
 One ohm is the amount of resistance that limits
current flow to one ampere in a circuit with one volt
of electrical pressure.

 states that 'the current

drifting in a conductor is
directly-proportional to
the potential difference
across the ends of that
conductor, provided all
physical conditions, such
as temperature, remain
Electric Power Formulas Electric Current Formulas
P=VI (1a) I=V/R (2a)
P = R I2 (1b) I=P/V (2b)
P = V2 / R (1c) I = (P / R)1/2 (2c)
P = power (Watts)
V = voltage (Volts)
I = current (Amperes)
Electric Resistance Formulas
R = resistance (Ohms) R=V/I (3a)
R = V2 / P (3b)
R = P / I2 (3c)

Electrical Potential Formulas - Ohms Law

V=RI (4a)
V=P/I (4b)
V = (P R)1/2 (4c)
Static Electricity
 Static electricity is when electrical charges build up on the surface of a
 It is usually caused by rubbing together two or more objects/materials
and making friction.
 The result of a build-up of static electricity is that objects may be
attracted to each other or may even cause a spark to jump from one to
the other.
 Before rubbing, all materials have a neutral charge. This is because they
each have an equal number of positively charged subatomic particles
(protons) and negatively charged subatomic particles (electrons).
 When materials are rubbed with each other, electrons are transferred
from one material to the other because of differences in the attraction
of the two materials for electrons. One material becomes negatively
charged because it gains electrons from the other material, while the
other material becomes positively charged because it loses electrons.
Current Electricity
 Current electricity is the flow of electric charge across an electrical field.
 Current is the rate of flow of electrons. It is produced by moving
electrons and it is measured in _______.
 Unlike static electricity, current electricity must flow through a
conductor, usually copper wire.
 Current with electricity is just like current of a river. The river flows
from one spot to another, and the speed it moves is the speed of the
 With electricity, current is a measure of the amount of energy
transferred over a period of time. That energy is called a flow of
electrons. One of the results of current is the heating of the conductor.
When an electric stove heats up, it's because of the flow of current.
 A turbine can be turned by many different sources of energy. These
vary widely and include fossil fuels, water and wind.
 A most common way to generate electricity throughout the world is
with high temperature and pressure steam from boiling water. Many
different fuels can be burned to heat the water including wood, coal,
oil and natural gas.
 In a nuclear generating plant, a process called nuclear fission creates
the heat by splitting uranium atoms.
 With our abundant water, coal and natural gas resources, the most
common forms of electricity generation are hydroelectric followed by
thermal coal and gas-fired generation.
 In recent years, generation from these traditional fuels has been
supplemented with a growing list of emerging technologies that use
the sun, wind and even biomass to produce electricity.
 Primary among these technologies are wind turbines and photovoltaic
or solar cells.
 Fuel cells are also emerging as possible energy sources for homes,
businesses and automobiles.
 So far, these new technologies are both costly and limited in their
 Most of the electricity produced comes from water, fossil fuels, and
 Although turbines and generators are the basic machinery used to
produce electricity, the technology differs somewhat based on the
energy source.
 There are two main categories of generation:
− hydroelectric generation, which uses falling water to turn the
− steam generation, which uses fossil fuels or nuclear fission to heat
water to make the steam that turns the turbines
 Does not change directions-- the electron flow is always from the negative
pole to the positive pole.
 Easy to determine voltage because it is non-varying or varies slowly over
 DC electricity also loses much more voltage when transmitted.
 Direct current is almost always what is used inside of electronic devices to
power the various internal components.


 Does change direction
 Voltage is constantly changing; can be controlled using transformers to
increase or decrease the strength of the current, thus making it more
suitable for long-distance transmission.
 Standard household electricity is alternating current, because of its
flexibility in traveling long distances. It changes direction at a specific
frequency-- 60 times per second, or 60 Hz (in the United States, Japan, and
a couple of other countries; in Europe the standard is 50 Hz).
Alternating Current Direct Current
Amount of Safe to transfer over longer Voltage of DC cannot travel
energy that can city distances and can provide very far until it begins to lose
be carried: more power. energy.

Cause of the
Rotating magnet along the Steady magnetism along the
direction of flow
wire. wire.
of electrons:

The frequency of alternating

The frequency of direct
Frequency: current is 50Hz or 60Hz
current is zero.
depending upon the country.

It reverses its direction while It flows in one direction in the

flowing in a circuit. circuit.
It is the current of magnitude It is the current of constant
varying with time magnitude.
Electrons keep
Flow of Electrons move steadily in
switching directions- forward
Electrons: one direction or 'forward'.
and backward.
Obtained from: A.C Generator and mains. Cell or Battery.
Impedance. Resistance only
Power Factor: Lies between 0 & 1. it is always 1.
Sinusoidal, Trapezoidal,
Types: Pure and pulsating.
Triangular, Square.
Volt - unit of electrical potential or motive force - potential is required to send one
ampere of current through one ohm of resistance
Ohm - unit of resistance - one ohm is the resistance offered to the passage of one
ampere when impelled by one volt
Ampere - units of current - one ampere is the current which one volt can send
through a resistance of one ohm
Watt - unit of electrical energy or power - one watt is the product of one ampere
and one volt - one ampere of current flowing under the force of one volt gives one
watt of energy
Volt Ampere - product of volts and amperes as shown by a voltmeter and
ammeter - in direct current systems the volt ampere is the same as watts or the
energy delivered - in alternating current systems - the volts and amperes may or
may not be 100% synchronous - when synchronous the volt amperes equals the
watts on a wattmeter - when not synchronous volt amperes exceed watts -
reactive power
Kilovolt Ampere - one kilovolt ampere - KVA - is equal to 1,000 volt amperes
Power Factor - ratio of watts to volt amperes
 Electricity is a function of voltage and current. Combining high voltage and
low current generates the same amount of power as combining low voltage
and high current. During the transmission of electricity, current produces
heat. This heat represents the loss of electricity from the line. To minimize
electricity losses in the transmission system, power is transmitted across lines
with high voltage and low current.
 After the electricity is generated, large "step-up" transformers at the power
plants increase the voltage to carry electricity efficiently over long distances
along high voltage transmission lines. The lines can be as high as 115,000 to
735,000 volts. At the other end where the electricity is used, "step-down"
transformers in the distribution system lower the voltage to suitable levels for
domestic, commercial and industrial users.
 To step down electricity, a transformer takes in electricity at a higher voltage
and lets it run through a coil of wire wound around a core of iron or steel.
Because the current is alternating, the magnetism in the core is also
alternating. Also around the core is an output wire with fewer coils. The
magnetism changing back and forth makes a current in the wire. Having fewer
coils means less voltage. So the voltage is "stepped down.”
 Substations are key transformation points in the transmission system. A
substation at the power plant houses the step-up transformer that prepares
electricity for long-distance transmission. Nearer to the delivery points, utility
substations use step-down transformers to lower the voltage to feed the
distribution system. Some substations also provide equipment for switching
to connect power between different transmission systems.
 Power can be transmitted along overhead power lines or underground cables.
More expensive underground lines are used in urban areas or for crossing
bodies of water. Transmission lines are made of copper or aluminum because
of their low resistance.
 Overhead power lines have three main parts: supports, insulators and
 There are many different types of transmission line supports used, including
wooden poles or steel towers. Steel towers are commonly used for higher
voltage lines.
 Transmission lines are connected to the towers by insulators made of
porcelain, glass or other materials. These are designed to support the weight
of the transmission conductors while separating live (energized) wires from
the towers. Each insulator consists of a metal cap on top and a metal pin
underneath separated by the insulating material. The number of insulators
used varies with the voltage level and application.
 Transmission lines may have smaller conductors called shield wires strung
above them. These are connected directly to the transmission line towers and
protect the main conductors from a direct lightning strike. The shield wires
provide an easy or low resistance path to the ground through the transmission
towers. If lighting strikes, it will hit the shield wires rather than the
What is electricity distribution?
 The electric system is made up of an interconnected network of
generating plants, transmission lines and distribution facilities.
 High voltage transmission systems carry electricity from the power
plants and transmit it over long distances.
 At the distribution substation, local electrical utilities take the power
from the high voltage transmission lines and lower the voltage to
suitable levels for local domestic, commercial and industrial
The first step in understanding building
electrical systems is to examine the
means by which electrical service is
brought into the structure.
 Typically have a service of 120/240 volts at 60-
200 amps
 One panel box of circuit breakers or fuses
 Rarely has any large electrical motors, 3-phase
wiring or extensive distribution networks
 Convenience outlets and lighting fixtures are
usually on the same circuit
 Typically found in residences and small
commercial buildings
 Typically regulated by a main switchboard near the
service entry and several smaller panel boxes in the
 Service, as high as 600 volts at 800 amps, may include
3-phase wiring, large feeder conductors in fireproof
 Convenience outlets and lighting fixtures on separate
circuits, 1 or 2 large motors having its own circuit
 May have remote electrical closets with stepdown
transformers and telecom switchboards
 Found in apartment complexes, hotels, recreation
centers, and commercial buildings
 Primary service is usually 2400, 4800, 7200, or 13400 volts and
passes thru a stepdown transformer before entering a regulating
equipment in a mechanical room
 Distribution systems include long feeders, extensive laterals, and
large electrical closets containing small SD transformers and
 Have large motors to operate elevators, HVAC equipment, and
heavy business and industrial machinery
 Circuitry wiring is typically laid above suspended ceilings, under
access floor panels or in wall-mounted raceways
 Feeder and branch conductors are placed in protective enclosures
that require ample chase space for maintenance, heat removal, and
future upgrading
 Require grounding and power conditioning devices to maximize
electron flow in each conductor
Parts of Building Electrical System
 Service – where electricity enters and is
regulated; includes power-handling equipment,
such as transformers, switchboards, panelboards,
large switches and circuit breakers
 Distribution – the conductors that carry the
current to all parts of the building; includes
wirings and raceways of all types
 Circuits – where the current is utilized; includes
actual utilization equipment, such as, lighting,
motors, controls, and wiring devices
 Length of the service run
 Type of terrain
 Customer participation in the cost of service
 Service voltage
 Size and nature of the electric load
 Importance of appearance
 Local practices and ordinances
 Maintenance and service reliability
 Weather conditions
 Type of interbuilding distribution, if applicable
How is electric service availed:
 Overhead service drop – service tap may be
connection on a pole
 Underground service lateral – connection to
an underground utility line with a service
lateral to the building
 Bare copper cables – supported on porcelain or glass
insulators on cross-arms; normally used for high-
voltage lines (2.4kV or higher)
 Weatherproof cables – generally run on porcelain spool
secondary racks using single conductor; used for low-
voltage circuits (600V and below)
 Pre-assembled aerial cables – consists of 3 or 4
insulated cables wrapped together with a metallic tape
and suspended by hooks from poles; used for voltages
of up to 15kV; more economical than cross-arm or rack
installation and more resistant to damage from severe
weather conditions
 Direct burial
 Installation in Type I, concrete-encased duct
 Installation in Type II, direct burial duct
 Cost premium for underground raceway
installation, including handholes if required
 History of outages for direct burial installation in
the immediate area
 Cost and availability of repair service (repair of
customer-owned underground service laterals
are done for a fee)
 Impact of electric service outage in terms of time
delays, inconvenience, necessity to dig lawns and
paved areas, and cost impact in the case of a
commercial facility

Power distribution equipment proceeds from the service point

to the utilization points in a series of decreasing circuit capacity
 Device that changes or transforms AC current of one
voltage to AC current of another voltage; classified as
step-up or step-down
 May be pole- or pad-mounted outside the building or
installed in a room or vault inside the building
 Consist essentially of an iron core on which are wound
at least coils: a primary coil winding and a secondary
coil winding
 Available in single-phase or three-phase construction;
power capacity is rated in kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
 The unit’s cooling medium
is a characteristic of major
importance; dry, or air-
cooled (600V) or liquid-
filled (units rated above
 Classification by use:
- Load center transformers
are installed in unit
- Distribution transformers
are mounted on a pole or
on a concrete pad outdoors
- Substation transformers
are large and are always
concrete-pad mounted
To protect insulation, wiring, switches, and other apparatus from the
destructive effects of overload and short-circuit currents, an automatic
means for opening the circuit is required.
 Fuse – a simple device consisting of a fusible link or wire of low
melting temperature that, when enclosed in an insulating fiber
tube, is called a cartridge fuse and, when enclosed in a porcelain
cup, is known as a porcelain cup. Fuse works on the principle of a
large current melting the fuse wire.
 Circuit breaker – In some cases faults can occur in which the
current may not be large enough to melt the fuse but enough to
seriously harm the user of the electrical appliance. For protection
against faults of this nature a circuit-breaker is used in place of a
fuse. A circuit-breaker electromechanical device that functions like
a fuse and, in addition, acts like a switch; equipped with thermal
and magnetic trips, thermal trips act on an overload while magnetic
trips act on short circuit.
 Simple and foolproof  Usable as switches
 Constant characteristic (no  Multi-pole
aging)  No replacement storage
 Initial economy  Resettable
 Very high interrupting  Indicates trip
capacity  Trip-free
 No maintenance  Remote-controlled
 Instantaneous, energy-  Adjustable
limiting  Respond quicker
 More sensitive
 More reliable
 Single pole only  Low- to medium
 Necessity for storage of interrupting capacity
replacement fuses  Periodic maintenance
 Nonrenewable (one-time required
 High initial cost
 Nonadjustable
 Complex construction
 Non-indicating
changes with age
 No electric or remote
 Not trip-free
Switchboards and switchgears
 large free-standing assembly of
switches, fuses and/or circuit
breakers that normally provide
switching and over-current
protection to a number of circuits
connected to a single source
 metering and instruments are also
often included SWITCHBOARDS
 serve to distribute, with adequate
protection, bulk power into smaller
 all circuit breakers, switches, fuses,
and live parts are completely
enclosed in a metal structure
 all devices are controlled by means of
push buttons and insulated handles
on the front panel
 low-voltage switchboards with large
circuit breakers and all high-voltage
equipment (above 600V) are referred
to as switchgears SWITCHGEARS
 An electrical panel that serves essentially
the same function as a switchboard but
on a smaller scale, i.e., it accepts a
relatively large block of power and
distributes it in smaller blocks
 Comprises main buses to which are
connected circuit protective devices that
feed smaller circuits; the panelboard level
is usually the final distribution point
 May be equipped with a main circuit
breaker whose function is to disconnect
the entire panel in case of a major fault
 Three basic panelboard types are: bolt-
on/plug-in, circuit breaker panelboard
and fusible panelboard
 Panelboards are described and specified
by type, bus arrangement, branch
breaker, main breaker, voltage and
mounting; e.g., lighting panel, single-phase, 3-
wire, 200A mains, main CB, 150AT, 225 AF, branch
breakers, all 100AF, 8-SP/20A, 4-2P/20A, 4-
3P/30A, flush with hinged locked door
Unit substations
 An assembly comprising a primary voltage switch-and-
fuse or circuit breaker, a step-down transformer,
meters, controls, busducts, and low-voltage switchgear
 Its function is to accept an incoming high-voltage
power line, transform the high-voltage to a level that
can be utilized in the facility, and distribute the low-
voltage power through low-voltage switchgear
 Location in the building is governed by the type of
transformer used. For this reason, almost all indoor
unit substations utilize dry-type transformers
Pictorial representation of a typical
building electrical power system
 Exposed insulated cables
 Insulated cables in open raceways (trays)
 Insulated conductors in closed raceways
 Combined conductor and enclosure
 Most common types of exposed insulated cables is AC armored
cable; cable construction provides the necessary electrical
insulation and mechanical protection
 Assembly of insulated wires bound together and enclosed in a
protective armor made of a spiral-wound interlocking strip of steel
 Installed with simple U-clamps or staples holding it against beams,
walls, slab soffits, etc.
 Frequently used in residences and in the rewiring of existing
 Use of this type is generally restricted to dry locations
 A similar construction with much broader application is metal-clad
(MC) cable. This may be used exposed or concealed and in cable
trays, and, when covered with a moisture-impervious jacket, in wet
and outdoor locations as well.
 Specifically intended for industrial application
 Relies on both the cable and the tray for safety
This system is the most general
type and is applicable to all types
of facilities. In general, the
raceways are installed first, and
the wirings are pulled in or laid in
later. The raceways may be:
 Buried in the structure –
conduits in the floor slab or
underfloor duct
 Attached to the structure – all
types of surface raceways,
including conduits and
wireways suspended above
hung ceilings
 Part of the structure – cellular
concrete and cellular metal
 Intended to cover all types of factory-
prepared and factory-constructed integral
assemblies of conductor and enclosure
 Included are all types of busway, busduct,
cablebus, flat cable assemblies and lighting
tracks, flat cable intended for undercarpet
installation and manufactured wiring systems
 An electrical component that confines the flow of electrical
current within itself
 Means by which the current is conducted through the electrical
 The standard of the American wire and cable industry for round
cross-section conductors is the American Wire Gauge (AWG)
 A single insulated conductor No. 6 AWG or larger or several
conductors of any size assembled into a single unit are referred to
as cable
 Single conductors No. 8 AWG and smaller are called wire
 The AWG numbers run in reverse order to the size of the wire, i.e.,
the smaller the AWG number, the larger the size
 The No. 0000 (or No. 4/0) is the largest AWG designation, beyond
which, a different designation called kcmil (thousand circular mill)
is used
 Wire types that are generally installed in
raceways and are referred to by the term
building wires
 These wires consist of a copper conductor
covered with insulation and, in some
instances, with a jacket
 Material (copper, aluminum, etc.)
 Form (wire, cable, bus, bus duct, etc.)
 Composition (solid, stranded, etc.)
 Voltage class (100v, 250v, 600v, 5000v, etc.)
 Insulation (rubber, thermoplastic, asbestos,
 Covering (lead, aluminum, nonmetallic,
crosslinks polymer, etc.)
 Temperature rating (60oC, 75oC, 90oC, etc.)
American Wire
Diameter Diameter Cross Sectional Area
(inches) (mm) (mm2)
0000 0.46 11.68 107.16
000 0.4096 10.40 84.97
00 0.3648 9.27 67.40
0 0.3249 8.25 53.46
1 0.2893 7.35 42.39
2 0.2576 6.54 33.61
3 0.2294 5.83 26.65
4 0.2043 5.19 21.14
5 0.1819 4.62 16.76
6 0.162 4.11 13.29
7 0.1443 3.67 10.55
8 0.1285 3.26 8.36
9 0.1144 2.91 6.63
10 0.1019 2.59 5.26
11 0.0907 2.30 4.17
12 0.0808 2.05 3.31
13 0.072 1.83 2.63
14 0.0641 1.63 2.08
15 0.0571 1.45 1.65
16 0.0508 1.29 1.31
17 0.0453 1.15 1.04
18 0.0403 1.02 0.82
19 0.0359 0.91 0.65
20 0.032 0.81 0.52
21 0.0285 0.72 0.41
22 0.0254 0.65 0.33
23 0.0226 0.57 0.26
24 0.0201 0.51 0.20
25 0.0179 0.45 0.16
26 0.0159 0.40 0.13
 An assembly of copper or aluminum bars in a rigid
metallic housing
 Bus duct, or busway, is a prefabricated electrical
distribution system. In other words, it is a system that
distributes electrical power throughout a building.
 The two types of these systems are feeder and plug-in.
A feeder busway distributes power to one area,
whereas a plug-in busway is used to distribute power
over a larger area.
 Preferable when it is necessary to carry large amounts
of current and to tap onto an electrical power
conductor at frequent interval along the length
 Typical application of busduct might be a vertical
feeder in a high-rise building connecting the basement
switchboard to the penthouse machine room
Pictorial comparison between using sets of cables and a busbar
The purpose of the conduit is to:
 Protect the enclosed wiring from mechanical injury and
damage from the surrounding atmosphere
 Provide a grounded metal enclosure for the wiring in
order to avoid shock hazard
 Provide a system ground path
 Protect surroundings against fire hazard as a result of
overheating or arcing of the enclosed conductors
 Support the conductors
 Heavy-wall steel conduit, also referred to
simply as rigid steel conduit (RSC); uses
threaded fittings
 Intermediate metal conduit, usually referred
to as IMC; also uses threaded fittings as RSC
 Electric metallic tubing normally known as
EMT or thin-wall conduit; due to the thinness
of the walls, it uses set-screw and pressure
 Weight advantage over steel, being even lighter than
 Better corrosion resistance in most atmosphere
 Nonmagnetic, giving a lower voltage drop; nonsparking
 Generally does not require painting
 Has destructive effect on many types of concrete,
causing spalling and cracking when embedded
 Inadvisable to bury in earth, with or without asphalt
 Difficulty in obtaining electrical contact with grounding
 Consists of an empty spirally wound, interlocked
armor steel or aluminum raceway
 Used principally for motor connections and other
locations where vibration is present, where
movement is encountered, or where physical
obstructions makes it necessary
 Acoustic and vibration isolation is one of flexible
conduit’s most important application
 Suitable for use in wet locations when covered
with liquid-tight plastic jacket
 Raceways that are formed from fiber, asbestos-
cement, soapstone, rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and
high density polyethylene
 Must be flame-retardant, tough and resistant to heat
distortion, sunlight, and low-temperature effects
 Has temperature and physical strength limitations
 PVC is the material of choice for indoor exposed use
 A separate ground wire must be provided because
the ground provided by the metallic conduit is
 A continuous path of conductors and outlets
through which a stream of electrons flows
 Each path begins with a fuse or a circuit breaker,
continues via a live wire through each outlet to
the remote outlet, then returns via a neutral wire
through each outlet, which terminates through
the circuit breaker
 The live and neutral wires are accompanied by a
ground wire that also runs through each outlet,
where it gathers stray electrons, then carries
them safely into the ground under the building
 Series Circuits
– the elements are connected one after another,
thus, in a series
– resistances and voltages add up
– the current is the same in all parts of the circuit
 Parallel Circuits
– 2 or more branches or loads in a circuit are
connected between the same 2 points
– voltage across each load is the same
– the current in each load or branch depends upon
the resistance of that load, thus the total current
in the circuit is the sum of the individual currents
flowing in the branches
 A minimum of two 20A appliance branch circuits is
required to feed all receptacle outlets in all areas. No
more than 4 outlets should be wired per 20A circuit.
 A minimum of two 15A/20A lighting branch circuits is
required to illuminate all areas.
 Outlets in open areas must be of Ground-fault circuit
interrupter (GFCI) type
 At least one 20A appliance circuit supply the laundry
outlets only
 Lay out convenience outlets so that no point on a wall
is more than 1.80 meters from outlet
 Circuit the lighting and receptacles so that each room
has parts of at least 2 circuits
 Avoid placing all the lighting in a building on a
single circuit
 Supply at least one 20A wall-mounted receptacle
adjacent to each bathroom lavatory location.
Such receptacle must have GFCI protection.
 Provide at least 2 GFCI-protected and
weatherproof receptacles on the outside of the
house, one in front and the other at the rear
 In bedrooms, supply two duplex outlets at either
side of the bed location to accommodate
appliances, such as lamps, clocks, radios, tec.
 Grounding - removing the disturbing electrons from
reactive areas by running 1 or 2 ground wires from each
piece of electronic equipment to nearby steel or
reinforced concrete structure or underfloor signal
reference grids
 Distancing – locating electronic devices and occupants at
least 1.20 meters from all wiring runs and separating
circuits of different voltage
 Shielding – placing barriers between reactive areas and
occupants, e.g., shielded cables in metal conduits, sheets
of insect screen or lead-lined drywall behind all finished
surfaces that enclose large electronic equipment
Convenience circuits
 carry electricity to portable luminaires and
small appliances, usually via a series of
recessed wallboxes or surface-mounted plug
 Each outlet is generally rated at 2.5A in
residences and 4A in commercial occupancies
 Circuit loads are 12A maximum on 15A circuits
and 16A maximum on 20A circuits
Appliance circuits
 Circuits for areas of heavy electrical use, such as
kitchens, workshops, laboratories, theater
projection booths, and most industrial operations
 At least 2-20A appliance circuits with no more
than 3 outlets/circuit should be installed in
kitchens, pantries, dining rooms and family areas
 Appliance circuits are sized as specifically
Lighting circuits
 Outlets usually located in ceilings or at least
1.80 meters high on a wall
 At least 1 outlet is required for every general
occupancy area
 Multiple outlets in each space should be on at
least 2 circuits in case one fails
 Design load per outlet is 480W or 2.0A at
Motor circuits
 Outlets intended for appliances that use motors,
such as dishwashers, refrigerators, clothes
washers, grinders, dryers, AC units, etc.
 Only one outlet for each equipment should be
 Most important criterion to consider in designing
for motor circuit is the required horsepower
 Line accessories include voltage regulators, surge
suppressors, ramp starters to reduce excess
inrush currents and motor wear
Signal circuits
 Specialized low-voltage circuits that include everything
from doorbells to Total Building Management (TBM)
 Each has 3 components: transmitter that sends
electromagnetic signal; receiver that receives that
signal and converts it to perceptible form; conductor,
the wiring between the transmitter and the receiver
 Primary function of signal circuits is to ensure proper
building operation
 Signal circuitry is typically installed on 1 low-voltage,
usually 24VA, control panel
 NEC requires that wirings for electrical circuitry shall be of RHW, T,
THW, TW, THWN, XHHW types in a raceway or cables
 A 15A-circuit shall not draw a maximum load of more than 12A
 On a 20A-circuit, a single appliance shall not draw current in excess
of 16 amperes
 If a branch circuit is combines with lighting or portable appliances,
any fixed appliance shall not be allowed to draw more than 7.5A on
a 15A-circuit and 10A on a 20A-circuit
 On a 30A-circuit, a single appliance shall not draw in excess of 24A
 A heavy lamp holder shall be rated not less than 750 watts
 A 30-, 40-, and 50A-circuit shall not be used for fixed lighting in
 When loads are connected for a long period of time, its actual load
shall be computed not to exceed 80% of the fixed rating. These
loads refer to electric motors, air conditioner, and other
 Branch circuit protection for a single motor shall be increased by
250% of the full load current of the motor
 A continuous type of load shall be considered at 125% of the actual
load in all load calculations
 A single receptacle on individual branch circuit shall have a rating of
not less than the circuit
 Receptacles feeding portable and/or steady appliance shall be
limited to loads of 80% of their rating, that is:
 12A for a 15A- receptacle
 16A for a 20A- receptacle
 25A for a 30A- receptacle
 The number of outlets in circuit shall limited to:
 6 outlets on a 15A- circuit
 8 outlets on a 20A- circuit
 100 watts shall be the maximum load for each household lighting
 Each single receptacle shall be considered at not more than 180w
 The neutral conductor of a 3-wire line-to-line supply system shall
have an ampacity of not less than 70% of the ungrounded wire
conductor or 2 trade size smaller than the ungrounded conductor
 If the computed load exceeds 10Kw (10,000w), the conductor and
over-current protection shall be rated not less than 100 amperes
Allowable Ampacities Insulated Conductors (In a Raceway)
Table 310-16 1996 N.E.C.
60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C
18 14*
16 18*
14 20* 20* 25*
12 25* 25* 30* 20* 20* 25*
10 30* 35* 40* 25* 30* 35*
8 40 50 55 30 40 45
6 55 65 75 40 50 60
4 70 85 95 55 65 75
3 85 100 110 65 75 85
2 95 115 130 75 90 100
1 110 130 150 85 100 115
1/0 125 150 170 100 120 135
2/0 145 175 195 115 135 150
3/0 165 200 225 130 155 175
4/0 195 230 260 150 180 205
250 215 255 290 170 205 230
300 240 285 320 190 230 255
350 260 310 350 210 250 280
400 280 335 380 225 270 305
500 320 380 430 260 310 350
600 355 420 475 285 340 385
700 385 460 520 310 375 420
750 400 475 535 320 385 435
Wire Size (THWN, THHN) Conductor Size AWG/kcmil
Trade Size
14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 750
EMT 12 9 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
1/2 IMC 14 10 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
GRC 13 9 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
EMT 22 16 10 6 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3/4 IMC 24 17 11 6 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
GRC 22 16 10 6 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
EMT 35 26 16 9 7 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 IMC 39 29 18 10 7 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GRC 36 26 17 9 7 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
EMT 61 45 28 16 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1/4 IMC 68 49 31 18 13 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GRC 63 46 29 16 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
EMT 84 61 38 22 16 10 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1/2 IMC 91 67 42 24 17 10 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GRC 85 62 39 22 16 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
EMT 138 101 63 36 26 16 13 11 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 IMC 149 109 68 39 38 17 15 12 9 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
GRC 140 102 64 37 27 16 14 11 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
EMT 241 176 111 64 46 28 24 20 15 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1
2 1/2 IMC 211 154 97 56 40 25 21 17 13 11 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1
GRC 200 146 92 53 38 23 20 17 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1
EMT 364 266 167 96 69 43 36 30 22 19 16 13 11 9 7 6 6 5 4 3 3
3 IMC 362 238 150 86 62 38 32 27 20 17 14 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 3
GRC 309 225 142 82 59 36 31 26 19 16 13 11 9 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 3
EMT 476 347 219 126 91 56 47 40 29 25 20 17 14 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 4
3 1/2 IMC 436 318 200 115 83 51 43 36 27 23 19 16 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 4
GRC 412 301 189 109 79 48 41 34 25 21 18 15 12 10 8 7 7 5 4 4 4
EMT 608 443 279 161 116 71 60 51 37 32 26 22 18 15 13 11 10 8 7 6 5
4 IMC 562 410 258 149 107 66 56 47 35 29 24 20 17 13 12 10 9 7 6 5 5
GRC 531 387 244 140 101 62 53 44 33 27 23 19 16 13 11 10 8 7 6 5 5

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