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Physiology of Aging
George E. Taffett

Aging, from maturity to senescence, results in an appar- physiologic deviation from normal using the APACHE
ent depletion of physiologic reserves that has been severity of illness scales.2 Acute physiologic assessment
termed homeostenosis. This term suggests a narrowing of points are generated by increased deviation from home-
homeostatic reserve mechanisms. Homeostenosis leads ostatic values for 12 variables, including vital signs,
to the increased vulnerability to disease that occurs with oxygenation, pH, electrolytes, hematocrit, white count,
aging. Primary aging changes, upon which we focus here, and creatinine. A normal person at homeostasis will have
are those that occur as a result of the passage of time and a zero score. A greater departure from homeostasis is
are independent of disease state, although there may be measured by a greater point total.
overlap between disease and these changes. The age Figure 3.2 shows young and old patients who experi-
changes may be accelerated or slowed by lifestyle but are enced a cardiac arrest. The younger group (mean age, 59
usually evident by the fourth or fifth decade and are years) had significantly higher (by 20%) acute physio-
gradual and inexorable. Overall, primary aging changes logic assessment scores than the older group (mean age,
result in little change in function when the older individ- 75).3 The data represent the worst values available in the
ual (or animal) is assessed in the unstressed state, but 24 h prearrest. These data support the concept that the
these age changes become readily evident when the older threshold, in this case being “sick” enough to have a
individual is stressed or moved away from homeostasis. cardiac arrest, is closer to homeostasis for the older than
Because disease produces such stresses, the impact, pre- for the younger group. In practice, the creators of the
sentation, and natural history of diseases are modified APACHE II or III scales recognized that advanced age
with age because the substrate, perhaps more than the adds to risk of physiologic impairment with intercurrent
disease pathophysiology, has been modified. illness. Another way to say this is that age reduces reserve
The concept of homeostenosis—the characteristic, pro- capacity and makes us less resilient. APACHE scales give
gressive constriction of homeostatic reserves that occurs “bonus points” for age so that the total scores are not
with aging in every organ system—was recognized by the different between the younger and older groups.3
famous physiologist Walter Cannon in the 1940s.1 Figure Despite the summative evidence, there is high vari-
3.1 graphically displays the traditional thinking about ability in these processes. Variation in the age effects on
homeostenosis. With aging, the capacity of older persons any parameter is large, and the variability appears to
to bring themselves back to homeostasis after a chal- increase with age. These variations are present from indi-
lenge becomes smaller. All challenges to homeostasis are vidual to individual at the same age, within a given indi-
movements off the baseline, and larger challenges require vidual from organ system to system, and even from cell
greater physiologic reserves to return to homeostasis. to cell isolated from the same person. For example, inves-
Aging itself brings the individual closer to the precipice tigators of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
or threshold by the loss of physiologic reserves. The performed serial measurements of glomerular filtration
“precipice” may be defined, for example, as death or ill rate (GFR) measured as creatinine clearance in healthy
enough to have a cardiac arrest or for hospital admission. people. Overall, the mean GFR decreased 1 ml/year;
The precipice may also be the appearance of common however, almost 30% of patients showed no decrement
and protean symptoms, such as confusion, weight loss, in function in repeated studies over as long as 30 years.
sleep disorder, or weakness. Others showed decreases in GFR of 2 ml/year or more.4
Although empirically this paradigm is true, direct evi- Similarly, when lymphocytes are isolated from an older
dence for this model may be derived from studying the person and then studied in vitro, some of the cells func-

28 G.E. Taffett

Figure 3.1. Standard schematic of homeostenosis.

As the individual ages, there is no change in home-
ostasis, but the amount of physiologic reserves
“The Precipice ” available to counter any challenge to homeostasis
decreases with aging. Challenges to homeostasis are
depicted as arrows moving away from the baseline.
The “precipice” may be any clinically evident
marker such as death, confusion, or cardiac arrest.

Increasing Age

tion as well as those from a younger person5; of course, physiologic reserves have not “disappeared,” as sug-
others function poorly, and it is the relative ratio of the gested in Figure 3.1, but they remain unavailable to
two groups that impacts overall function. Therefore, as counter additional challenges. I focus on examples from
opposed to the pediatrician who can within a few weeks the cardiovascular system, such as heart rate, cardiac
anticipate when a baby will start to walk, the geriatrician hypertrophy, and diastolic function, because the data in
has a much harder time predicting when senescent this area provide an ample molecular, biochemical, and
changes will become clinically evident. physiologic foundation to reinterpret the traditional
Another reason for the variability in the physiologic approach to homeostenosis.
changes associated with aging is the contribution of Although resting heart rate in unchanged with age,
behavioral factors such as exercise and diet, both of maximum heart rate attained with exercise or pharma-
which are strong influences on healthy aging. Epidemiol- cologic manipulation decreases with age. Baltimore
ogists describe the growing rate of obesity, especially Longitudinal Study data, obtained from healthy, highly
among older men, as an increasingly sedentary existence screened individuals, give a regression equation of
of most people beyond 30 years of age. For many of the
variables listed in Table 3.1, exercise or other choices are
known to attenuate but not totally abrogate aging effects.
Some, such as the decrease in maximum heart rate
attained with exercise, appear to be more predictable.
Table 3.1 summarizes many of the major changes in
systems receiving further elucidation in respective sec-
tions of this volume. Data from the cardiovascular system
are expanded here because the data in this area provide
ample rationale to justify the necessity to reinterpret the
traditional approach to homeostenosis. This reinterpre-
tation helps one understand the phenomenon of frailty, a
central concern of geriatrics. Frailty is the state when
physiologic reserves are reduced to the point at which
susceptibility to disability is increased. Frailty is, there-
fore, the clinical manifestation of the later stages of
homeostenosis, an intolerance of homeostatic challenges.
Additionally, the reinterpretation of homeostenosis
makes those caring for the elderly appreciate and under-
stand the complexities they face.
In the elderly, as in youth, maintaining homeostasis is
a dynamic, active process. The reinterpretation of Figure
Figure 3.2. Age decreases the level of physiologic derange-
3.1 shown in Figure 3.3 is based on the concept that older ment associated with cardiac arrest. Acute physiologic assess-
persons are actively employing some of their physiologic ment (APA) scores (from the APACHE II severity of illness
reserves just to maintain homeostasis. Their available scale) are shown from patients who subsequently experienced
reserves appear depleted because they in are already in cardiac arrest and a resuscitation attempt. The data show the
use by the old heart (or other organ or system) to com- APA scores were significantly higher in the younger patients
pensate for primary age-related or other changes. The who arrested than the older ones (p < 0.05; Beer et al. 19943).
3. Physiology of Aging 29

Table 3.1. Major changes in system.

Endocrine system
Impaired glucose tolerance (fasting glucose increased 1 mg/dl/decade; postprandial increased 10 mg/dl/decade)
Increased serum insulin and increased HgbA1C nocturnal growth hormone peaks lost, decreased 1GF-1
Marked decrease in dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Decreased free and bioavailable testosterone
Decreased T3
Increased parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Decreased production of vitamin D by skin
Ovarian failure, decreased ovarian hormones
Increased serum homocysteine levels
Unchanged resting heart rate (HR), decreased maximum HR
Impaired left ventricular filling
Marked dropout of pacemaker cells in SA node
Increased contribution of atrial systole to ventricular filling
Left atrial hypertrophy
Prolonged contraction and relaxation of left ventricle
Decreased inotropic, chronotropic, lusitropic response to beta-adrenergic stimulation
Decreased maximum cardiac output
Decreased hypertrophy in response to volume or pressure overload
Increased serum atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
Large arteries increase in wall thickness, lumen, and length, become less distensible, and compliance decreases
Subendothelial layer thickened with connective tissue
Irregularities in size and shape of endothelial cells
Fragmentation of elastin in media of arterial wall
Peripheral vascular resistance increases
Blood pressure
Increased systolic blood pressure (BP), unchanged diastolic BP
Beta-adrenergic-mediated vasodilatation decreased
Alpha-adrenergic-mediated vasoconstriction unchanged
Brain autoregulation of perfusion impaired
Decreased FEV1 and FVC
Increased residual volume
Cough less effective
Ciliary action less effective
Ventilation–perfusion mismatching causes PaO2 to decrease with age: 100 - (0.32 * age)
Trachea and central airways increase in diameter
Enlarged alveolar ducts due to lost elastic lung parenchyma structural support result in decreased surface area
Decreased lung mass
Expansion of thorax
Maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures decrease
Decreased respiratory muscle strength
Chest wall stiffens
Diffusion of CO decreased
Decreased ventilatory response to hypercapnia
Bone marrow reserves decreased in response to high demand
Attenuated reticulocytosis to erythropoeitin administration
Decreased creatinine clearance and GFR 10 ml/decade
Decrease of 25% in renal mass, mostly from cortex with a relative increased perfusion of juxtamedullary nephrons
Decreased sodium excretion and conservation
Decreased potassium excretion and conservation
Decreased concentrating and diluting capacity
Impaired secretion of acid load
Decreased serum renin and aldosterone
Accentuated ADH release in response to dehydration
Decreased nitric oxide production
Increased dependence of renal prostaglandins to maintain perfusion
Decreased vitamin D activation
30 G.E. Taffett

Table 3.1. Continued

Genitourinary (GU)
Prolonged refractory period for erections for men
Reduced intensity of orgasm for men and women
Incomplete bladder emptying and increased postvoid residuals
Decreased prostatic secretions in urine
Decreased concentrations of antiadherence factor Tamm–Horsfall protein
Impaired shivering
Decreased cutaneous vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Decreased sweat production
Increased core temperature to start sweating
Marked decrease in muscle mass (sarcopenia) due to loss of muscle fibers
Aging effects smallest in diaphragm (role of activity), more in legs than arms
Decreased myosin heavy chain synthesis
Small if any decrease in specific force
Decreased innervation, increased number of myofibrils per motor unit
Infiltration of fat into muscle bundles
Increased fatigability
Decrease in basal metabolic rate (decrease 4%/decade after age 50) parallels loss of muscle
Slower healing of fractures
Decreasing bone mass in men and women, both trabecular and cortical bone
Decreased osteoclast bone formation
Disordered cartilage matrix
Modified proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans
Peripheral nervous system
Loss of spinal motor neurons
Decreased vibratory sensation, especially in feet
Decreased thermal sensitivity (warm–cool)
Decreased sensory nerve action potential amplitude
Decreased size of large myelinated fibers
Increased heterogeneity of axon myelin sheaths
Central nervous system
Small decrease in brain mass
Decreased brain blood flow and impaired autoregulation of perfusion
Nonrandom loss of neurons to modest extents
Proliferation of astrocytes
Decreased density of dendritic connections
Increased numbers of scattered neurofibrillary tangles
Increased numbers of scattered senile plaques
Decreased myelin and total brain lipid
Altered neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin
Increased monoamine oxidase activity
Decrease in hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors
Decline in fluid intelligence
Slowed central processing and reaction time
Gastrointestinal (GI)
Decreased liver size and blood flow
Impaired clearance by liver of drugs that require extensive phase I metabolism
Reduced inducibility of liver mixed-function oxidase enzymes Mild decrease in bilirubin
Hepatocytes accumulate secondary lysosomes, residual bodies, and lipofuscin
Mild decrease in stomach acid production, probably due to nonautoimmune loss of parietal cells
Impaired response to gastric mucosal injury
Decreased pancreatic mass and enzymatic reserves
Decrease in effective colonic contractions
Decreased calcium absorption
Decrease in gut-associated lymphoid tissue
3. Physiology of Aging 31

Table 3.1. Continued

Impaired dark adaptation
Yellowing of lens
Inability to focus on near items (presbyopia)
Minimal decrease in static acuity, profound decrease in dynamic acuity (moving target)
Decreased contrast sensitivity
Decreased lacrimation
Detection decreased by 50%
Decreased thirst drive
Impaired control of thirst by endorphins
Increased threshold vestibular responses
Reduced number of organ of Corti hair cells
Bilateral loss of high-frequency tones
Central processing deficit
Difficulty discriminating source of sound
Impaired discrimination of target from noise
Increased aromatase activity
Increased tendency to lipolysis
Immune system
Decreased cell-mediated immunity
Lower affinity antibody production
Increased autoantibodies
Facilitated production of anti-idiotype antibodies
Increased occurrence of MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance)
More nonresponders to vaccines
Decreased delayed-type hypersensitivity
Impaired macrophage function (Interferon-gamma, TGF-beta, TNF, IL-6, IL-1 release increased with age)
Decreased cell proliferative response to mitogens
Atrophy of thymus and loss of thymic hormones
Accumulation of memory T cells (CD-45+)
Increased circulating IL-6
Decreased IL-2 release and IL-2 responsiveness
Decreased production of B cells by bone marrow

208 - (0.95 ¥ age) for maximum heart rate attained with rate (the heart rate in the absence of sympathetic and
exercise. It is likely that women have lower maximum parasympathetic stimulation), as well as invokes
heart rates at age 30 and a more gentle fall with aging reserves just to maintain resting heart rate. Data from
than this equation predicts. This decrease in maximum Jose,6 although regretfully including only a modest
heart rate responsiveness results from a combination of number of elders, show a decrease in intrinsic heart rate
factors. First, primary aging decreases the intrinsic heart from 120–130/min to less than 80. There is no difference

“The Precipice ”

Figure 3.3. Revised schematic of homeostenosis. Available
In comparison to Figure 3.1, this diagram shows
that maintaining homeostasis is a dynamic process. Physiologic
The older person employs or consumes physiologic Reserves
reserves just to maintain homeostasis, and therefore Already In Use
there are fewer reserves available for meeting new
challenges. Increasing Age
32 G.E. Taffett

in resting heart rate with age, so the extent of parasym-

pathetic tone, slowing heart rate at rest, is decreased. Sympathetic Stimulation
Removal of parasympathetic tone, the first mechanism

Actual Heart Rate

invoked to increase heart rate with exercise, is then less
effective for the elderly because vagal tone is already
diminished at rest; this is consistent with the attenuated Intrinsic Heart Rate
heart rate response of healthy elders to administration of
atropine. The decreased yield from lysis of parasympa-
thetic tone is added to decreased beta-adrenergic
chronotropic responsiveness to contribute to the overall
decreased maximal heart rate in response to exercise Vagal Tone
(Fig. 3.4).
Importantly, the same limitation in maximum heart Age 20 Age 80
rate with exercise applies to that in response to other Resting Heart Rate
stimuli, such as infection or anemia. Therefore, an 80-
year-old man with a sinus tachycardia of 120, mounting Figure 3.4. Resting and exercise heart rates. There are no dif-
close to a maximum heart rate response, could be con- ferences in resting heart rate between the older and young
sidered as a young man who had a heart rate of 170. In person, but the extent of the resting vagal tone, slowing heart
the setting of an infection, although a 120 heart rate rate (dark gray bar), is decreased in the older person. With exer-
tion, the removal of the vagal tone results in smaller increment
would hardly raise eyebrows, a 170 would surely provoke
in heart rate and the beta-adrenergic chronotropic responsive-
serious concern. For their respective age groups, both ness is also decreased (light gray bar), all contributing to the
values roughly represent an equivalent of 75% of decreased maximum heart rate in the old. The straight line rep-
maximum response. resents the intrinsic heart rate (absence of any sympathetic or
A similar set of observations, that reserves are invoked vagal tone).
to maintain homeostasis in the old, are seen following the
response to another challenge, pressure overload induced ated in the old heart, with little induction of the immedi-
by banding the aorta (Fig. 3.5).7 In older male rats (18 ate early response genes c-jun and c-fos. Skeletal actin,
months of age), there is only trivial increase in left ven- which precedes cardiac actin when new contractile ele-
tricular mass in response to pressure overload. This same ments are laid down in the heart, was not increased in the
manipulation results in a 40% hypertrophy of the left older, banded heart. All these molecular markers con-
ventricle in adult (9-month) animals. The molecular firmed the absence of hypertrophic response to banding
response to the pressure overload was markedly attenu- in the old heart.

Figure 3.5. Decreased response to pressure stimulus in the old natriuretic peptide (ANP), a marker for myocyte hypertrophy,
heart. After aortic banding in the young and old rat, there is a is increased in the control and old hearts, suggesting prior invo-
decreased elaboration of RNA for “early immediate response cation of the hypertrophic response (Takahashi et al. 19927 with
genes” (fos and jun) in the old heart, followed by decreased con- permission.)
tractile protein response (skeletal actin). Ventricular atrial
3. Physiology of Aging 33

In contrast, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a marker in decreasing vulnerability. To date, evidence for this
for myocyte hypertrophy when it is expressed by the opportunity to increase reserves remains unproven.
ventricular myocyte, is increased significantly after Older persons are frailer, more likely to cross a given
banding in the young heart. The ventricular ANP is not “precipice” after a stress, not only because they have lost
detectable in the control young heart. ANP is signifi- some reserves because of aging, but because they are
cantly elevated in the ventricle from both the banded and already utilizing other reserves to compensate for those
control older hearts, providing evidence that the old heart lost just to maintain homeostasis. Older people are more
has already invoked the hypertrophic response even likely to drown when thrown a brick, not because they
before the banding is applied. cannot swim but because they are already treading water.
Morphologic evidence of myocyte hypertrophy in It is well known that the mortality associated with
aging is provided by examining myocyte size. Myocytes myocardial infarction (MI) increases dramatically with
from the ventricles of older persons and animals are age. Although absolute death rates have improved with
larger than those from young adults, consistent with treatment for all ages, the 10-fold increase in mortality
ongoing myocyte hypertrophy in response to uncertain after MI from ages 40 to 80 has not been modified. This
stresses. Various investigators report 25% increase in age-related increase in mortality has been variously
myocyte length and 50% or more increases in myocyte attributed to increased infarct size in the old, comorbid
width.8 There is likely a maximum size for the myocyte; conditions, less aggressive therapy for the old, noncom-
therefore, myocytes in the old heart may be unable to pliance with medical regimens, or increased existence of
hypertrophy further because they have already multivessel coronary artery disease. Some of the points
responded to prior or ongoing challenges. may be true, but in studies where all these factors are con-
With aging in animals and man, there are impairments trolled, the mortality is still much higher in the older
in early cardiac relaxation, largely caused by alterations groups. Age is the key component, and I hypothesize that
in cellular calcium flux. The increased dependence on it is the age-related inability to respond to challenge,
transsarcolemmal calcium flux (in and out of the cell) homeostenosis in the cardiovascular system, that results
seen in the old rat heart maintains adequate calcium in the increased mortality.
availability for contraction. This adaptation appears to be A similar set of implications can be made relevant to
a compensation for decreased transsarcoplasmic reticu- the increased frequency of falls in response to challenge
lum calcium flux. Therefore, the compensation comes at in the elderly. Decreases in baroreceptor sensitivity, arte-
a cost, the lengthening of contraction by both slowing the rial compliance, cardiac compliance (and greater depend-
development of force and slowing cardiac relaxation. ence on cardiac filling to maintain cardiac output),
Using gene therapy, a key sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium renal sodium conservation, plasma volume, vasopressin
pump can be restored in old rats to levels found in the response to standing, and renin, angiotensin, and aldos-
young heart, and cardiac relaxation improves signifi- terone levels all contribute to the propensity to fall with
cantly.9 One manifestation of the impaired relaxation is postural change. Many of the problems with medications
the decreased effectiveness of early diastolic filling of the in the elderly, once attributed to altered pharmaco-
left ventricle. As a compensation to maintain ventricular dynamics, may be explained by this apparent depletion
filling, contribution of atrial systole to diastolic filling of physiologic reserves.
increases from 10% to 15% at age 20 to almost 50% at Data from the MacArthur Study of Aging support the
age 80.10 In addition to explaining why atrial fibrillation concept that healthy elders are actively compensating
(and the loss of atrial systole) becomes so devastating in just to maintain homeostasis and that the presence of
the elderly, the ability to augment the atrial contribution invoked compensation is associated with poor out-
to further increase cardiac output is limited. Therefore, comes.11 Only 7% of those aged 70 to 79 had no evidence
the Frank–Starling mechanism is invoked; filling pres- of such compensation, and the lack of compensation was
sures increase to augment cardiac output. associated with highest level of function. Seeman refers
There are numerous other changes in the cardiovascu- to this activation as “allostatic load,” and while some of
lar system (CVS) that follow the paradigm just described, the markers, such as elevated cholesterol and systolic
and the pattern is not at all limited to the CVS, such as blood pressure, are known risk factors for CV events and
the limited heat shock protein elaboration in response to death, others reflect the activity of sympathetic nervous
certain stimuli. These changes support rethinking the system or the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis.
concept of frailty. Frailty is not a static state of increased Those patients with high allostatic load had decreased
vulnerability to stressors; rather, it is a dynamic state in physical and cognitive function at 2-year follow-up.
which the older person tolerates additional challenges There is some evidence that the inverse may also be
poorly because reserves are already engaged in battles, true. Masoro believes that one mechanism by which the
seen or unseen. From a therapeutic standpoint, this beneficial, life-prolonging effects of caloric restriction
suggests that efforts to disengage reserves may result occur is precisely that the decreased availability of calo-
34 G.E. Taffett

Figure 3.6. Altered presentation of illness may be

another manifestation of homeostenosis. With age,
Orientation the precipices may approach homeostasis at dif-
fering rates so that modest challenges produce
clinically evident events, in this case, new onset of
incontinence, and in others, disorientation or
Reserves confusion.

Already In Use

Increasing Age

ries is a low-intensity stress.12 The beneficial effects of low- age 60, indicating the rate of loss increases with increas-
dose radiation may also be via this mechanism. Persistent, ing age. Strength follows mass in this pattern. It is likely
harmless stresses, such as caloric restriction or radiation, that most age-related physiologic changes are not linear
may be good for us; larger stresses may be harmful. functions of age.
Invoking compensatory mechanisms has the additional In summary, there is an apparent loss of physiologic
effect of constraining the complexity of many variables. reserves that leads to an intolerance of challenges to the
Heart rate variability decreases with aging, and this con- homeostasis of older persons. One should appreciate that
striction of heart rate may be due to decreased parasym- this frailty is, in part, present because the older person
pathetic tone and possible activation of the sympathetic is continually expending reserves to compensate for
nervous system while at rest.13 A similar constriction is primary age changes and other unseen processes absent
seen in blood pressure variability. The decrease in vari- or trivial in the younger individual.
ability may correspond with the ongoing activation of
compensatory reserves.
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