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The coordination of the degree in Language Teaching in the

framework of the XVII Celebration of languages calls students from
2nd to 4th semester to participate in the


Terms and conditions
1. Students enrolled in 2nd and 4th semester of the BA in Language Teaching of
our Faculty may participate.
2. The contest will have 2 categories:
a) Elemental (2º semester )
b) Pre-Intermediate (4º semester)
3. Participants can register as of the publication of this call with their respective
English teacher who will make the selection within the group. Three participants
per group maximum will be selected.
4. Once the English teacher has selected the participants he/she has to enroll
them with the organizing committee. Deadline to enroll: March 24th
5. The contest will be held:
Date: March 24th, 2023
Hour: 01 :00 - 3:00 hrs
Place: Faculty Auditorium "Diego Ortiz"

6. For the final stage, the participants must show up 30 minutes before starting the
7. The order of participation will be done considering the registration order.
8. The jury will be integrated by three experts in the field and their decision will be
not subject to appeal.


1. The participants will review and study during the three days before the contest a
list of words provided by the organizing committee according to their category.
2. At the time of the contest the participants must not have with them books,
dictionaries, translators, cell phones or any electronic device.
3. The participants will select a card containing a group of five words that will be
pronounced by the jury.
4. So that the jury can pronounce the word to spell there must be absolute silence
in the room.
5. The qualifying jury will pronounce the word to spell twice and / or will give an
example of the use of the word in context in case the participant asks for it.
6. The participants must first say the pronounced word, spell it immediately and
say it again at the end.
7. Once the participant has started to spell the word he/she cannot go backwards
or correct himself /herself during the spelling.
8. Double letters in a word can be spelled either repeating the letter twice or
saying double plus the letter, e.g. classroom could be spelled c-l-a-s-s-r-o-o-m
or c-l-a-double s-r-double o-m.
9. The participant who has the most words spelled correctly will be the winner. In
case of a tie, another round of five words will be spelled to each participant to
get a winner. In case of another tie there will be sudden death.


● The first three places in each category will be awarded.

● A certificate of participation will be given to all the participants in the contest.
● Matters not addressed in this call will be decided by the organizing committee.

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