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of Printed Pages : 8 sAE-105

Time : 3 hours Maximum. Marks : 150

Instructions :
o paper is in three sections. The candidate has to write answers to
The question -**n
15 qiestinns S questions com.pulsorily from each section. Each questinn
carries 70 marks.
(ii) Enough space is auailable in the Answer Sheet for writing all answers. There is
no prooision for odd,itional Answer Sheets.
(iii) Th.e cand.i.d.ate has to write his answers in the medium chosen by himl her
only. If thzre is any d,euiatinn from paper to paper or part of thc paper, the
candidature w ould becomn inuali.d.
(iu) und,erlining or highli.ghting or puttinl special marks in answers would. make the
Answer Sheet inialid.. Wiitin{ in different inks would also make th.e paper
inuali.d.. Cand.idates ntust use either blue or black ink only. Otherwise, the paper
will be treated as inualid.
(u) Though the paper in English is taken as standard. for ualuation -undcr normal
circulnstancis,- if necessary, a balanced oiew would be taken after comparing
English and Telugu uersions.
$vuisest ,
fil OAWa, $Pc) olnro,$ silnaoboa. Als,a,6o *C!4PoY!-e?g''d,B
l{gaSoo bbeeeus eroltietb42oetoa. Qe9 B€S* 10 rz66ut d0rlQ2oeaoa'
Gi) $arg,$ b$rJ,d of,2 ara)u) ePobrlrg) etn$ FoA,'j go6. ed6Q) fiA'P.6 bg!$)
fiiil eico @;ir J^Ir)5:J) irdr;pa;g,f5 ag9u)u) A:abio,$. zrg ed) bgt$) $oob)
,i{e Bq aga&etSaS eSeT€a'€scS tgeuiel, aob 36361naet8grb'$fi6,
(iu) ao"catet $oa 6a 6$e e75 p{e|,,bI" eJe !>p* BrlsSptS tu9 :)d,E", aa"aD i)gt))
ts6o{gt &altcsdds. sd adfu)tl" aovflj-)a) 36 e6 dotlset bee5, 4rd" dPabvd).
Cbei) 30 6o,'b be e"5 els ag, bo" s"5 argtt a"d&8,$. e15cf,aeao rc$at t$oxgt
(u) ittt xssJ.1:.t ttiloxO .SobnAb etod$) 8,C bgtu),$ a.a.t"dtatm '1aSaSsrA€,
-rSndi oatd aoglttt619 atooltt aub 83 &UtiD"..,'- b6?0o2' boeboeet,g
a esxDgftabeSroa.

SAE-105 1 P.T.O.
q16$u r
1. (a) Examine the survival and continuity of Harappan culture in the
present times. 10
(b) Eyamine the socio-religious life and adi,r-rinistration of early India
with respect to the writings of Chinese travellers such as Fa_Hien,
Hiuen-Tsang and l-Tsang. 10
(er) 1X>X-le5 s"e;od Jrd*; X:ob6.y& JoiDd6 JDOob $,$Jnog.{o
(er ) +-:ICtuS, irr:"5dr5-o3ofi JDOcb ac-e.o6 Soej tr5-.)
c[rg&Soe; d,5Jo5o X:oeroeor) AO aydu5dXo dlSl ]i]zg5-
JDeTSdOJ dle0l JD0c6D bolo5,{o bOAOo,jo&.
2. (a) Examine the manner in which the Chola village administration had
contributed to the growth of village autonomy as indicated by the
Uttaramerur/Uttaramallur inscriptions. 10
(b) Explain Alauddin Khilji's market regulations and discuss their
impact. 10
(er) 6{6drd}6J/a$dJoWb z"Xro'er: XryOotJ S6on" CI"JD
i5cboqb&5Q SOQS ,S+ gn"S JOJe;J lt6on u$a;aod
(er ) eeql$65 SQ SOae5 Sao6Je;Jo tJoor5o& Jooctu J"e3
1be,yr"Sy d03ot5o&.
3. (a) Discuss the features of Mughal architecture and examine the
influence of Hindu elements on Mughal architecture. 10

(b) 'The state that was ..".t"a t| Shivaji was not only egalitarian in
conception but also a welfare state in nature., Examine. 10
(qc ) A){De5 cXp?e;;o dl5a e;Sea"e-:,{o ri03or5o6 JoOcSl tuiDe5
a"Xp?e;;op. 3roclr J:yos"o Lbalr$) bOSOoJo&.
(er) '?a"d Xrligo.f5 o1[o SSrJe!5 4rJJ o"oldBr s-Sooa" boSJo
o.aJorP tsrra" 6o6.' X)OAOo.5o&.
SAE-105 2
4. (a) Explain the land revenue systems that were introduced by the
British. Assess the impact of these revenue systems on the Indian
econom,' 10
(b) Assess the socio-religious reform movements in the Muslim
community during the 19th century. Discuss the contributions made
by Sayyid Ahmad Khan towards the upliftment of the Muslim
community. 10
(eo ) 1De3-audu 1$6d-o€J aly OE.iyS JS5*e;,to lSOod5o&. ay66
erQS 55J$p 6a ero-c$ J55Se-: Lbz,rr$) eeor5d" tsc[:o6.

(er ) tsJ {opod ir:"go X>5raod aOfi.$ J5}dS-Joe, X:oXlldea

6'655ro,io eeoJil'dc$o6. 5lfto Xt5ra eg4bSJ:&S ScS:sE
erXr36 er"S dfuJ S.;ilS JO3o5o6.

5. (a) Explain the factors that led to the peasant movement in India and
examine its impact on the national movement in India. 10
(b) Has communalism indirectly helped the British to perpetuate their
control over India ? Examine the indicative traits of the
Communalists and assess their impact on India's modern history. 10

(er) ayd6ddod pdD 65JJy,lS dO&fuJ eeod-e.>$D SJ0o.jo6

JDOctu Ey66d6od a.&c$ 6.55Joo! o"S t$AlySf
(er) z,Idirddop 6JD Cc6o16ea,{o a"{56on" SJJ.flodoCS
Jo66e55o 56'Son gDe3'"r a"OS SXfc$$6oo"? Joe5e!e55*doe>
Xrr5o"63S o5ea"oJo 5O&OoiSod JoOob A:"de5dd erdo$S
t5O16p a"O 154ra"C1 eso6-" tscbod.

SAE-105 3 P.T.O.
qtt{$u rr
6. (a) Discuss the socio-religious conditions during the Satavahana period
with special reference to prominence bestowed on women. 10
(b) Explaia the re-structuring of the socio-religious life of the Eastern
Chalukyas with reference to the impact caused by immigrations, caste
mobility and social awakening. 10

(o) a.elslrJoo s"ood0 JSyd 5- JDeS$dO J $ 0il60o,{o LbdSSo n"

Jo'.:" So 5o ee o 6 o $,5 FJr: p 5 6,tD Iu 0 o.) i5 0 3 o,5 o 6.


(qr) 5o$er, $e-: .5e;5foe, JDOcfu J"JydS $elaob 5e; SOd

Lbalr"C) XyAX)I 6vduf a"etuSu5e.: J$dS-Jo6 dfe,
$JO;o"3er0y lJ0oi5o6.

7. (a) Examine the socio-religious and cultural life of the Vijayanagara

kingdom with respect to the writings of foreign travellers such as
Nicolo Conti, Abdur Razzak, Duarte Barbosa and Domingo Paes. 10

(b) Examine the socio-cultural and religious conditions of the Reddi
kingdoms with specific reference to the development of Telugu
literature. 10

(o) $$d soe3, epap6 da"S, do*Q ar6'1J" JDoob Gtoofi" *":F: 5oe3
fdA c6IL&50e; 6r55e;3u Soa:o6or) lacbJ66 o'a5o dlSl
JSydS-JDerX)dAJ JDOc[>: J'obaO&S dlu0y X>03Oo,5o6.


(er) OS o"a"5o JJvdS-JoX>66&S 5oOobc 5De5X)dPS 5Oildoe.:,$o

' 6o:i'u J'3r65 eg05OQ3,SQA X)J"isJe9' X:0iOo.5o&.

SAE.105 4
8. (a) Write a short note on the following :

(i) Gumjada Apparao's contribution to social reform through the

medium of literature 5

(ii) Gidugu Ramamurthy's pioneering efforts to strengthen the

Vyavaharika Bhasha movement 5

(b) Write a short note on the following East India Company officials and
their contributions : 10

(i) Sir Thomas Munro

(ii) Sir Arthur Cotton

(iii) Charles Phillip Brown

(o) SoO a"e3-p .),$y l1Jo05,to [a"c5ro6:

(il Jirel5 iy6SJoo c"So" $o$ XroX:ldea5u /ud:a"6

er}So'g dfu,S 5;3r
(ii) S5JXfOS a.v* 655Jy,0) ard*.:6o dcSra"SS n60d)
o"JD$yE dfu,$ 5.13,r


(er) 3o6 ao6o5y 5o-":5 esQs-do$ IDOc$) ;rO X:Xrs"6o! a"5

r)Jy l1505,to grc$>o6:

(i) X:6 O-JoF> xl)l,$
(ii) bE er{6
(iii) m"Qtu ;:Ob tars
SAE-105 5 P.T.O.
9. (a) Examine the role of Alluri Sitarama Raju as the leader of Rampa
Rebellion. 10
(b) The evolution of Telugu Dalit literature has led an ideological
narrative against caste discrimination, and for a just and equal
society with focus on self-respect and dignity. In this connection,
examine the contributions made by the Dalit Poets. 10

(o) dob &dlttaye.l o"c[:5u6n' eee;rO fuso"Jo o,ai ]g6,$o


(s) 6e:>lb 6Qd Jle!5o dr51 X:Oea.Joo Sue.> SJS.SD 55&d5orr

JDOob er63tr6Jo JDOctu tr6Jop 5JA JOod ilSCSJD,$
JDoob $5v,5 X>Jvao S60 Eg'o&S S6o"sS Fo$fuoa. 6,tS
X>oa:o6or), 6Qe5 SOer: dfu ,$ 6.5,$ l>030o.5o6.

10. (a) Explain the inconsistencies of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization

Act 20L4 that had adversely affected the residuary state of Andhra
Pradesh with regards to apportionment of assets and liabilities. 10
(b) Examine the principles envisaged under Schedule Eleven of the
Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 20"1,4, with reference to the
functioning of the river management boards. 10

(e,) erQer: 50Oc[x eeb)o laJaSSo X>oao6or) egJd5 eeoL6ll)df

o"Lil'Sr gb & Su"oo n" tX: avl"5o dtu,$ er o1$ g$d6 Jo,$dSS Jfu Sdec
is$)o 2014 dl51 el$sr,$e5e-:,{o SJoo,5o6.

(er) eroldLx)dfl O,$6JJJ"CS6ca i5qlo .2o14d0 adr5e5 55sodo

1i:s6o 56oo S65Sea at'{>o 5C&6rSi 5oaro6o.) drrs'o6o0J
Xr:"1oo5o b03Oo,5o&.

SAE.105 6
qIilsD rII
11. (a) What are the climatic controls? How do they influence India's
climate ? 10
(b) Describe the characteristic features of Black and Alluvial soils of
Andhra Pradesh. 10
(e, ) r"@Jdsc Cc$o16eao SfDeJ? eg$ ql66d{ a"uJdea"Cl Jer
LXra:'Se5o dQ"or z

(s) eeold LX)dE dl51 ,Sel$ JDOob e"oldD Se.>e.> osec e.>$sa.e>,{D

12. (a) What are the objectives and key features of Sagarmala Project ? Why
is it important ? 10
(b) Discuss the role of sea-ports in the economic development of Andhra
Pradesh. 10
(eo ) J'r165ye-: LJ85 d)Sa osjq) JD0ob JDq)S e-:5€8"e:> SIDeJ?
aO Jodo$:5)q>5pJO ?
(c, ) ca o L6 1.i df, er Q s"fl 5.; Q d 2., 6d g e; J16.Io 15 0 3 o t5 o 6.
18. (a) Give a description of the 'demographic dividend' in the Indian context. I0
(b) What are different types of rural settlements and factors affecting
them ? Add a note on rural settlement patterns in India. 10
(es ) al6&c[> Soddlod' 6$do5' luoor) I5dea eJ5o6.
(er ) iS6 6s"o gr5ea fJo.o JoOc[r: o"e3,l 1X>qrIeSo dr.; egoa's:
5tue3 z ay66ddod gr5:ee fJo"o J5yo"sa .IJDCSJD
SAE-105 7 P.T.O.
14. (a) Discuss various forest conservation strategies in India. 10

(b) Discuss various in situ conservation strategies of biodiversity in
Andhra Pradesh. 10

(eo) 4yd6ddods rs6 ese.:S X>od5ee {p5Xfe-:,$o t503or5o&.


(er) erol6G5dEd dJEf6So dr5a 3f6 aS tuer; (in situ) 5OdSee

{fS5" ,503oi5o6.

16. (a) What is meant by Environment Impact Assessment ? Evaluate it.

Also give suggestions to make it effective. 10

(b) Defrne 'Drought'. What are its different types ? Add a note on drought
prone areas in India. 10

(o) 5o"556ea Lbar5o eeodil" (JiSo"SEood eoJE ee-dfuErod)

€eofJ 5iDe3 ? cvsi Sr:"er5o5Jo dc$o&. LbarJSodon 6oder
$I.5Je:: Srva'aJJo6.

(s) '56$'S Cd50o$o6. cl0 116 6s"e;:5loei ? aydeSd{od sdJ$

no66 f6o,Jo&.
1*oooa llJDCS,to

SAE-105 8

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