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A Project Report on

Electric Bicycle
Submitted by

Ameya Dengane (Roll no. 417)

Gurudayal Singh Dalawat (Roll no. 418)
Sankshep Singh (Roll no. 419)
Keshav Khetan (Roll no. 420)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree



Mechanical Engineering

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Vikrant Bhatia

St. Francis Institute of Technology, Mumbai

University of Mumbai
2022 - 2023

This is to certify that Ameya Dengane, Gurudayal Singh Dalawat, Sankshep

Singh and Keshav Khetan are the bonafide students of St. Francis Institute of
Technology, Mumbai. They have successfully carried out the project titled “Electric
Bicycle” in partial fulfilment of the requirement of B. E. Degree in Mechanical
Engineering of Mumbai University during the academic year 2022-2023. The work
has not been presented elsewhere for the award of any other degree or diploma prior
to this.

(Mr. Vikrant Bhatia)

————————– ————————
(Mr. Sunil Pansare) (Dr. Sincy George)
Project Report Approval for B.E.

This project entitled ‘Electric Bicycle’ by Ameya Dengane, Gurudayal

Singh Dalawat, Sankshep Singh and Keshav Khetan is approved for the
degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical from University of Mumbai.


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We are thankful to a number of individuals who have contributed towards our

third year mini project and without their help; it would not have been possible.
Firstly, we offer our sincere thanks to our project guide, Mr. Vikrant Bhatia for
his constant and timely help and guidance throughout our preparation.

We are grateful to all project co-ordinators for their valuable inputs to our
project. We are also grateful to the college authorities and the entire faculty for
their support in providing us with the facilities required throughout this semester.

We are also highly grateful to Mr. Sunil Pansare, Head of Department of

Mechanical Engineering, Principal Dr. Sincy George, and Director Bro. Jose
Thuruthiyil for providing the facilities, a conducive environment and

Signatures of all the students in the group

(Ameya Dengane)

(Gurudayal Singh Dalawat)

(Sankshep Singh)

(Keshav Khetan)


We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and
where others’ ideas or words have been included; we have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all
principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or
fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in this submission. We
understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by
the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not
been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when

Signatures of all the students in the group

(Ameya Dengane)

(Gurudayal Singh Dalawat)

(Sankshep Singh)

(Keshav Khetan)


This report provides an overview of electric bicycles, their design, types, usage, and
environmental impact. There are two main types of electric bicycles: pedelecs and
throttle-based e-bikes. Pedelecs, also known as pedal-assist e-bikes, provide
assistance only when the rider is pedalling. The motor is activated by the rider’s
pedalling motion, and the amount of assistance is determined by the level of
assistance selected by the rider. Throttle-based e-bikes, on the other hand, are
activated by a hand throttle and do not require pedalling. These e-bikes can reach
higher speeds and are more suited for recreational use. The advantages of electric
bicycles include their ability to provide assistance to riders, making it easier to
travel longer distances or uphill. Additionally, they can be a more affordable mode
of transportation compared to cars or public transportation, especially in urban
areas where parking and fuel costs can be high. Moreover, electric bicycles can have
a positive impact on the environment by reducing carbon emissions from
transportation. However, there are also some disadvantages to electric bicycles.
The cost of purchasing an e-bike can be relatively high, especially compared to
traditional bicycles. Additionally, the added weight and complexity of an electric
bicycle can make it more difficult to transport or store. Moreover, the battery life
and range of an e-bike may be limited, depending on the model and usage.
However, this report also went beyond just discussing the general aspects of electric
bicycles and provided a practical example of designing an electric bicycle with
complex calculations and CAD design, tailored for the rental model of SAAS. The
design process involved numerous calculations and considerations, such as selecting
the appropriate motor power, battery size, and frame geometry, to ensure the
optimal performance and safety of the electric bicycle. Furthermore, the use of
CAD software allowed for a precise and detailed design, ensuring that all

components were accurately placed and assembled. Moreover, the report highlighted
the potential benefits of incorporating electric bicycles into a SAAS rental model.
This would allow for an easy and affordable mode of transportation for users, while
also promoting sustainability by reducing carbon emissions.

Keywords: batteries; electric bicycle; electric vehicle; energy saving;



Acknowledgement iii

Declaration v

Abstract vi

List of Figures ix

List of Tables x

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Problem Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Organization of Project Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Literature Review 5

3.1 Sprockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4 Ball bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Construction 10
4.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2 Working of power on demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5 Analysis and its results 16
5.1 Analysis of Bicycle Crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2 Analysis of Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6 Future Scope 19
6.1 SAAS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

7 Conclusion 22
7.1 Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.3 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.4 Cost Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

List of Figures

5.1 Bicycle Crank(Deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.2 Bicycle Crank(Stress Distribution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Bicycle Frame(Stress Distribution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.4 Bicycle Frame(Deformation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.5 Bicycle Frame (Factor of Safety) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6.1 SAAS Model Login Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.2 Date and Time selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.3 Vehicle Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

7.1 Bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

List of Tables

7.1 Cost Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chapter 1


Electric bicycles, or e-bikes, are a rapidly growing segment of the bicycle market, and
are becoming an increasingly popular mode of transportation and recreation around
the world. E-bikes combine the health and environmental benefits of traditional
bicycles with the convenience and efficiency of electric motors, making them an
attractive option for commuters, recreational riders, and people with mobility issues.
In this report, we will explore the technology and design of e-bikes, their potential
benefits and drawbacks, and the current regulatory landscape surrounding their
use. We will examine the different types of e-bikes available, as well as the various
components that make up an e-bike, such as the motor, battery, and controller. We
will also discuss the potential environmental impact of e-bikes, and how they fit into
broader efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
Additionally, we will examine the market for e-bikes, including sales trends,
pricing, and consumer preferences. We will also look at the various factors that are
driving the growth of the e-bike market, such as urbanisation, rising fuel costs, and
changing attitudes towards active transportation.
Finally, we will examine the regulatory landscape surrounding e-bikes, including
how they are classified and regulated in different countries and jurisdictions. We
will discuss the various laws and regulations that govern e-bike use, and how they
are enforced.
Overall, this report will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state
of the e-bike market, and the potential impact of this technology on transportation,
the environment, and society as a whole.

In addition to the topics outlined in the introduction, a report on electric bicycles
could explore a wide range of other areas related to this technology. Here are a few
E-bike safety: With the rising popularity of e-bikes, concerns have been raised
about their safety, particularly in urban areas with heavy traffic. A report could
explore the different safety issues related to e-bike use, such as speed, visibility, and
the risk of accidents.
Health benefits of e-bikes: While traditional bicycles offer many health benefits,
some people may be deterred by the physical exertion required. E-bikes, however,
allow riders to get the benefits of cycling without having to exert as much effort.
A report could examine the potential health benefits of e-bikes, such as increased
physical activity and improved cardiovascular health.
E-bikes and urban transportation: As more people move into cities around the
world, finding sustainable, efficient transportation solutions has become
increasingly important. E-bikes offer a potential solution to many of the
transportation challenges faced by urban residents. A report could explore how
e-bikes are being used in cities around the world, and how they are impacting
urban transportation systems.
E-bikes and the sharing economy: Bike-sharing and scooter-sharing programs
have become popular in many cities around the world, and e-bikes are beginning to
be incorporated into these programs as well. A report could explore the potential
benefits and drawbacks of e-bike sharing programs, and how they fit into the broader
sharing economy.
Technological advancements in e-bikes: E-bikes are a rapidly evolving technology,
with new models and features being introduced all the time. A report could examine
the latest technological advancements in e-bikes, such as improved battery life and
motor efficiency, and how these advancements are impacting the market for e-bikes.
These are just a few examples of the many areas that could be explored in a
report on electric bicycles. The versatility and potential of this technology make
it a fascinating and important topic for researchers, policymakers, and consumers

1.1 Objective
1. Increased mobility: Electric bicycles can provide a faster, more efficient, and
affordable mode of transportation, particularly for short to medium distance trips.
The objective of electric bicycles, in this case, would be to increase mobility for
individuals and communities, reducing reliance on cars and public transportation.
2. Environmental sustainability: Electric bicycles can help reduce the carbon
footprint of transportation, as they emit fewer greenhouse gases than cars and
other motorised vehicles. The objective of electric bicycles, in this case, would be
to promote environmental sustainability and mitigate the negative impacts of
transportation on the environment.
3. Health and fitness: Electric bicycles can provide an opportunity for individuals
to engage in physical activity while also benefiting from the electric assist. The
objective of electric bicycles, in this case, would be to promote health and fitness
by encouraging more active transportation.
4. Accessibility: Electric bicycles can provide an accessible mode of transportation
for individuals who may not be able to use traditional bicycles due to physical
limitations. The objective of electric bicycles, in this case, would be to increase
accessibility to transportation for all individuals.
5. Cost savings: Electric bicycles can be a more cost-effective mode of
transportation compared to cars and other motorised vehicles, particularly in
terms of fuel and maintenance costs. The objective of electric bicycles, in this case,
would be to provide a more affordable transportation option for individuals and

1.2 Problem Definition

Electric bicycles face challenges related to cost, range anxiety, infrastructure,
safety, and regulations.
Cost: The cost of electric bicycles can be a barrier to adoption, particularly in
developing countries and low-income communities. The problem definition in this
case would be to find ways to make electric bicycles more affordable and accessible.

Range anxiety: Some electric bicycle users may experience range anxiety, which is
the fear of running out of battery power during a trip. The problem definition in
this case would be to find ways to increase the range of electric bicycles and
provide more accurate battery life information to users.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure for electric bicycles, including charging stations
and secure parking, may be lacking in some areas. The problem definition in this
case would be to improve the infrastructure for electric bicycles to promote their
adoption and use.
Safety: Electric bicycles can travel at higher speeds than traditional bicycles, and
some users may not be familiar with the handling and braking characteristics of
electric bicycles. The problem definition in this case would be to promote safe
riding practices and provide education and training to users.
Regulations: Regulations surrounding electric bicycles, including where they can
be ridden and what safety equipment is required, can vary widely depending on
the jurisdiction. The problem definition in this case would be to promote
consistent and clear regulations to support the adoption and use of electric

1.3 Organization of Project Report

This project report is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 presents the literature review
Chapter 3 provides a brief explanation of project.
Chapter 4 consists of all the construction details and calculations of this project .
Chapter 5 is dedicated to the analysis and its results.
Chapter 6 consists of future scope for this project.
Chapter 7 presents the conclusions of this project

Chapter 2

Literature Review

1) The German Naturalistic Cycling Study – Comparing cycling speed of riders of

different e-bikes and conventional bicycles Objective of this paper to was to
explore the acceleration and speed of orthodox and electrically powered bicycles
under truthful statuses. Authors distinguished between electric bicycles which
deliver provision up to 45 km/h (as known as S-pedelecs) and 25 km/h (speed of
pedelecs). Additionally, as speed limits of 30 km/h might influence especially on
the execution of speedier cyclists (e.g., Spedelec rider), the potential mean speed
might be even advanced under various situations. Authors also found noteworthy
variances in numerous measures between pedelecs and orthodox bicycles, although
less noticeable. This might interpret as a symptom that, when accelerating from
standstill, the assistance provided from motor used by the pedelec riders to reach
their preferred speed easier, not earlier. Authors also given the variance in the user
population, it is not irrational to admit that at present, e-bikes do not cause any
revolution in cycling mean speed at all. The growth of e-bikes in younger cyclists
is still there. It has even been embraced that the e-bicycle is going from being a
”recovery vehicle" to a stylish frill. By these authors gave the vision that this will
change two wheeled activity and street security in the center and long stretch. [2]
2) Urban Electric Bike In this paper, authors considered importance of easy
vehicle mobility and compactness. In which they revealed that folding is the
strategic feature of the ebike which would not have been probable devoid of the
folding arms. For the ease of sliding of the arms a bolt is provided. In order to
provide rigidity to the bike a guide has been provided on the main frame. About

other components, both the plates are welded on front arm of the bike and a
constraint is established on the back arm to confine the angle between the two
arms to 50°. Furthermore, in paper the specifications and functionalities regarding
components of e-bike were discussed. At initially, fundamental driving component
about Hub Motor that Regular electric motors utilize a mechanical gadget called a
commutator and two contacts named carbon brushes to switch the electric current
periodically and affirm the pivot continues handing over the comparative bearing.
Hub motors are characteristically brushless motors (See fig. 4) which replaces the
commutator and brushes with planetary gears and an electronic circuit. The Hall
Effect Sensors help to locate the position of the permanent magnets and which
coils to activate to keep the motor spinning. Then about the accelerator or say
throttle, author discussed below working. Working of a Twist throttle is based on
the principle of potentiometer which is also called variable resistor. It is used to
fluctuate the voltage passing through the throttle. In order to pass more through
the throttle, the more twist should be provided as a result less is the resistance.
Therefore, twist throttle offers the signal to the BLDC hub motor controller to
increase or decrease the current passed to the motor. [3]
3) Campus Mobility for The Future: The Electric Bicycle This paper presents
the various outcomes and results of the study containing visions into the scheme.
Electric bikes, of much sort have been surveyed by and by in a semi-open contract
conspire on the Nanyang Technological University campus in Singapore.
According to this campus, it is a famous and helpful administration, with a few
models of electric bike being exceptionally very much utilized. Riders contemplate
the premier of the electric bikes to be both agreeable and engaging while at the
same time utilizing it, and extremely suitable for campus travel. Understudies and
general society alike view the plan unhesitatingly, and creators have seen a
lessening in the quantity of miles driven via auto inside the grounds for the
dominant part of clients who are additionally drivers. In this paper, authors have
sensibly inspected the utilization of bikes on campus, displaying and investigating
review results that endeavor to clarify blocks to bigger acknowledgment of the
bike. Authors likewise bolster the general public by giving arrangement that if this
information is coordinates with a portion of the qualities of the campus

encompassing, it is conceivable to suggest specialized, arranging and reasonable
arrangements that together should help the more prominent acknowledgment of
bike transport. This is the concentration of the rest of the paper. [4]

Chapter 3


3.1 Sprockets
A sprocket, sprocket-wheel or chainwheel is a profiled wheel with teeth that mesh
with a chain, track or other perforated or indented material. The name ’sprocket’
applies generally to any wheel upon which radial projections engage a chain passing
over it. It is distinguished from a gear in that sprockets are never meshed together
directly, and differs from a pulley in that sprockets have teeth and pulleys are smooth
except for timing pulleys used with toothed belts.

3.2 Chain
A bicycle chain is a roller chain that transfers power from the pedals to the
drive-wheel of a bicycle, thus propelling it. Most bicycle chains are made from
plain carbon or alloy steel, but some are nickel-plated to prevent rust, or simply
for aesthetics

3.3 Brakes
Brake is the most important because by the help it, we can stop the vehicle. There
are many types of brakes are present in the market but we are using the most
suitable brake with our requirement which is DISC BRAKE. A disc brake consists
of a metal disc, or "rotor", attached to the wheel hub that rotates with the wheel.

Calipers are attached to the frame or fork along with pads that squeeze the rotors
for braking. As the pads drag against the rotor, the wheel - and thus the bicycle - is
slowed as kinetic energy (motion) is transformed into thermal energy (heat). Disc
brakes may be actuated mechanically by cable, or hydraulically.

3.4 Ball bearings

Ball Bearings are extremely common because they can handle both radial and thrust
loads, but can only handle a small amount of weight. They are found in a wide
array of applications, such as roller blades and even hard drives, but are prone to
deforming if they are overloaded. In a ball bearing, the load is transmitted from the
outer race to the ball and from the ball to the inner race. Since the ball is a sphere,
it only contacts the inner and outer race at a very small point which helps it spin
very smoothly. But it also means that there is not very much contact area holding
that load so if the bearing is overloaded, the balls can deform or squish, ruining the
Types of bearings
• Ball Bearings
• Roller Bearings
• Ball Thrust Bearings
• Roller Thrust Bearings
• Tapered Roller Bearings

Chapter 4


4.1 Requirements
1) Battery: - It basically stores the electrical energy generated and utilize it to run
the motor. A battery has a positive terminal called cathode and negative terminal
called anode. The terminal marked positive is at higher electric potential energy
and the terminal marked negative is source of electrons when connected to
external circuit will flow and deliver energy to external device Rechargeable
batteries are recharged multiple times. We will be using a Li ion 20V 12Ah battery
2) Motor Controller Circuitry: -It used to control all the working of cycle.
3) BLDC Hub Motor: - To provide a drive to rear wheel without the necessity of
human power, we need an alternative such as a motor. Therefore, we are using 24
volts, 350-watts brushless motor with pedal assist technology that can fulfill our
4) Chain and Sprocket: -Take the suitable material no. of teeth according to
center distance.
5) Front and Rear wheel: - It is a main component of an automobile. There are
many types of wheels are available in the market with high specs. However, we are
using 36 spokes 24-inches tubeless wheel on both front and rear for better
6) Throttle: - Throttle is the main component by which we can control the power
delivered to the wheel with the help of a motor and engage and disengage the
motor to the wheel as well. There are many types of throttles available in the

market but we are using racing type throttle by which we can control the speed of
7) Frame: - It is a backbone of every automobile. The entire component is
mounted in it. We are using an aluminum-based frame with more rigidity and for
better space management.
8) Seat: - It is mounted on top of the frame with a comfortable cushion, so that
rider sit comfortably.
9) Pedal: - It is a component, which is connected on both side and with the front
sprocket, and front sprocket are connected with chain and chain are connected
with rear sprocket and doing pedaling, we can drive the rear wheel.
10) Handlebar: - It is used to control the vehicle and give direction as well.
Therefore, we are an aggressive style handlebar for better grip and control to the

4.2 Working of power on demand

Some e-bikes have an electric motor that operates on a power-on-demand basis only.
In this case, the electric motor is engaged and operated manually using a throttle,
which is usually on the handgrip just like the ones on a motorbike or scooter. These
sorts of e-bikes often, but not always, have more powerful motors than pedelecs do.
With power-on-demand only e-bikes the rider can:
• Ride by pedal power alone, i.e., fully human-powered.
• Ride by electric motor alone by operating the throttle manually.
• Ride using both together at the same time.

4.3 Calculations

Mass of cycle = 10kg

Mass of cyclist = 80kg

Rc (Bicycle pedal arm) = 100mm

Rp (radius from pedal to center of crank) = 80mm

Rg (Radius of rear sprockets) = 20mm – 50mm

Rt (Radius of tire) = 350mm

T = tension in chain

= torque

c = torque on crank

t = torque on rear wheel

f = friction force

I = moment of inertia

Tension in chain

= RcT – RpW

0 = RcT – RpW . . . (Assuming constant speed)

T = RpW/Rc

= (100 x 90)/80 x 9.81

T = 1103.625 N

Torque on rear wheel

t = Rg T

Rg = 20mm – 50mm tmin = 20 x 1103.625 N

= 0.02m x 1103.625 N

= 22.0725 Nm

tmin = 22.0725 Nm

tmax = 50 x 1103.625 N

= 0.05 X 1103.625 N

= 55.18125 Nm

tmax = 55.18125 Nm

Friction force

t (total) = f – t

= Rt f – Rg t

f = Rg/Rt t

= Rs/Rt (Rp/Rc W)

= (20 X 100)/(50 X 80) x 90 x 9.81

f = 63.064 N

Motor calculation

Rolling force = Mg Rc

= 90 x 9.81 x 0.01

= 8.83 N

Pr = 8.83 x 6.94

Pr = 60.4 W . . . . . . (Rolling Power)

Drag force = ½ Af V2 Cd = ·x1.2x0.55x0.88x6.942

= 14 N

Pd = 97.16 W . . . . . . (Drag Power)

Gradient force = mgsin = 90 x 9.81 x sin3

= 46.20

Pg = 320.62 W . . . . . . ..(Gradient Power)


1.15m 90kg 1.2 kg/m2 0.88r = 350mm

Speed = 6.94 m/s

Linear distance = 2 x 0.35 = 2.2m

RPM = Speed/(linear distance)

= (25 X 1000)/(60 X 2.2)

= 190 rpm

Total power = rolling force + drag force + gradient force

= 60.4 + 97.16 + 320.62

= 478.18 W Results :


BLDC HUB 500 W 200 rpm 36 V 1.4 kg

Batttery Calculation

Battery Amperage

Whr / km = 500/20 = 25 wh/km

= 25/36 V Ah/km

= 0.7 Ah/km

For 10km – 0.7 x 10 x 1.2 = 8.4 x 1.04 . . . . . . . . . (1.2 is efficiency factor) = 8.74 Ah
... . . . . . .(1.4 for li-ion battery) For 20km – 0.7 x 20 x 1.2 = 16.8 x 1.04 = 17.5 Ah
Torque of BLDC motor

Power = 500W,

n (Efficiency of BLDC motor) = 85

N = 200rpm

N = (O/p)/(I/p)

= 0.85 x 500

= 425 W

(2N )/60 = 425

= (425 X 60)/(2 X 200)

= 20.29 Nm

Charging Time

P = 500W,

V = 36 V

A = 17.5 Ah

T = (36 X 17.5)/500

= 1.26 hrs

= 75.6 mins

Gear Ratio gear ratio = /

Teeth on driver 12 14 18 22 28

Teeth on driven

50 4.17 3.57 2.78 2.5 1.79

34 2.83 2.47 1.89 1.7 1.21

Chapter 5

Analysis and its results

5.1 Analysis of Bicycle Crank

Figure 5.1: Bicycle Crank(Deformation

Figure 5.2: Bicycle Crank(Stress Distribution)

5.2 Analysis of Frame

Figure 5.3: Bicycle Frame(Stress Distribution)

Figure 5.4: Bicycle Frame(Deformation)

Figure 5.5: Bicycle Frame (Factor of Safety)

Analysis of frame was done where a load of 1000N was applied.Material used for
frame is Aluminium Alloy and square cross section is used of 25 x 25 mm and
thickness 3 mm. On doing the analysis the deformation found was 0.23 mm.

Chapter 6

Future Scope

6.1 SAAS Model

Figure 6.1: SAAS Model Login Page

The SAAS (Software as a Service) model for renting electric bicycles on an app
involves using a software platform that enables customers to rent and use electric
bicycles on a pay-per-use basis.

Customers can search for and locate available electric bicycles near them,

Figure 6.2: Date and Time selection

Figure 6.3: Vehicle Selection

reserve a bicycle for a specific period, and unlock it using the app. The app also
allows customers to track their usage and the distance covered, as well as provide

feedback on their rental experience.

The SAAS provider manages the back-end operations of the service, including
bike maintenance, charging, and logistics. The provider also manages the billing
and payment process, taking a percentage of the rental fee as a commission.

Overall, the SAAS model for renting electric bicycles on an app provides
customers with a convenient, flexible, and affordable way to access and use electric
bicycles without having to own one. At the same time, it allows bike rental
operators to reduce their capital investment in bikes and infrastructure and focus
on providing an excellent customer experience.

Chapter 7


7.1 Result

Figure 7.1: Bicycle

7.2 Conclusion
The research in relation to electric bicycles every year incorporates new technologies
that make more and more people bet on this alternative means of transport, which
makes it compatible with a healthier lifestyle, is respectful to the environment, and
will contribute to energy saving. More research is needed to improve the knowledge
base on the use and safety of the e-bicycle, particularly on two key issues: firstly,
improving road safety and secondly reducing the impact of conventional lead-acid
batteries in favor of less environmentally polluting ones.

7.3 Comparison
• Parameter 1: Battery Pack type
Expected : Li-ion Battery pack
Actual : Lead Acid battery pack
• Parameter 2: Battery Pack placing
Expected : Inside the frame
Actual : Outside the frame
• Parameter 3: Motor Rating
Expected : 500 W
Actual : 350 W

7.4 Cost Estimation

The cost estimation given below are the manufacturing and assembly costs:-

Sr. No. Components Cost

1. BLDC Hub Motor and accessories Rs. 8000/-
2. Lead Acid battery (24 Volts) Rs. 3000/-
3. Bicycle Rs. 1500/-
4. Assembly Cost Rs. 3000/-
Total Rs. 15500/-

Table 7.1: Cost Estimation


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