Corrige Ang Bfem

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I ) Text comprehension

A) Read the text and choose the most appropriate answer.(1pt)

1) c. Children and the internet

B) Find three advantages and disadvantages of the internet in the text. (1.5 pts) ( 0.25x6)

2) cheapest means of communication 5) pornography

3) make various researches 6) virus attacks

4) to do shopping or order books 7) surfing than reading

C. Find in the text the synonyms of these definitions. (1.5 pts) (0.5x3)

8) teenagers 9)distant 10) to destroy

D. Write True or False after these statements, then justify with elements from the text. (3 pts)
11) false: “Apart ……. the cheapest means of communication”
12) false: “ It is possible for them ……… using SKYPE, facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Imo.”
13) true: “That’s why many teachers think that it has killed reading.”

E. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1.5 pts) (0.5x3)
14) the web 15) students 16) adults


F. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words in the list below. (3 pts) (0.5x6)
17) most 18) on 19) never 20) must 21) them 22) fight

G. Complete this skeleton dialogue between Amy and her friend Ama. ( 2.5 pts) (0.5x5)

23) Where were you? 24) What is the internet? 25) What is the main purpose of using the
internet?/What is it used for? 26) Have you ever used it? 27) Isn’t it?

H. Put the following passage into the passive voice: Start with the words or group of words in
bold types. (1.5 pts) (0.5x3)

Games and film are being downloaded by teenagers onto their computers. And various
researches related to their program can be made by students as well. But reading has been
killed by these activities.

III/ Writing: (5pts):

Topic understanding 1pt; Organization 1 pt; language accuracy 1 pt; Relevance and
consistency of arguments 2 pts pts ( but layout for the letter 1pt and relevance 1pt) ; originality
1 pt)

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