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The bell just rang.

Here comes the HEAVY RAIN, flooding the canals and streets near the
school. Here comes the rainy season. As I went out of the door of my room, I saw our school
principal. I took my red umbrella and suddenly had my heartstrings. I took my umbrella and
quickly went home alone.
I reached home and no one was around. I went to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.
There was a cake in the refrigerator, took a slice, sat on the table and played some music.
Suddenly, memories begin to flash back to my mind.
It was gloomy day on the summer of 2018. It was supposed to be a happy day for me, as I was
celebrating my 12th Birthday. Everyone was having fun, enjoying the moment of my special day.
Everything was going smoothly that it pulled me to my heartstrings. Suddenly my father shook
my head and left carrying his bag with him.
Teardrops began to fell when I was saw my mother weeping at the corner. My smile suddenly
faded and my heartstrings began to shatter like a glass. On her hand was the necklace she gave
him on their 10th year anniversary. I was in agony, seeing my mother crying as my father walks
away from us, leaving me and my mother behind, uncertain of what will happen to us.
The next day, the house was quiet. I can hear my mother crying in her room. Hatred began to
bloom in the heart. Suddenly, I heard someone crashing down the floor. Quickly I went to my
mother’s room and saw her lying on the floor covered with blood. I cried for help, held her in my
hands crying. Neighbors came and carried her to the hospital.
My tears continue to drop as I watch her placed in a stretcher. I stood at the hospital stairs, with
pain and hatred in my heart. I was dying inside, torn into pieces, uncertain of what fate designed
for me.
Few minutes later, the doctor came told me of the bad news. My mom just passed away.
Hurriedly, I went to her room. Slowly, with my eyes on tears, walked towards her. I held her
hand and rubbed in my face. There I made a promise. From that day on, my father no longer
exists. I made a promise of forever that no matter where, I will not forgive my father.
Finally I came to my senses. It’s already dawn. I found myself in tears once more. I never
expected to see my father in that uniform. On the same day today, my father left. Should I keep
my promise? I thought it was that easy.

Whether or not?
Exactly a year today, the Philippine gates closed. Towns and cities went into lockdown as the
threats of the Corona Virus Disease (CoVID19) continue to spread and cases continue to rise all
throughout the world. As the range of casualty arise, the government through the medical experts
spent their time and effort in finding the cure for the disease.
At the moment, there are numerous vaccines under trial by experts and two vaccines of which is
now tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These are the Pfizer-BioNTech
COVID-19 vaccine and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
To prove the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, each must pass three phases of tests. The last
phase requires 10,000 participants. In December 11, last year, Pfizer received FDA approval for
its emergency use since it showed to be 95% effective. (
The government purchased already vaccines and launched the “Bida Bakunation” which initial
objective is to spread awareness to the Filipinos the advantages and benefits of the vaccine. The
Philippine government wants to ensure the security and safety of its people.
Because of this, Filipinos are now at debate whether or not to submit themselves to the
vaccination. Questions began to pop up and questions the effectiveness and safety of those who
receive it. In other words, Filipinos wants an assurance on the side effects that will not disrupt
human normal functions.
Now, the decision lies to the people. We as Filipino people are given the freedom to choose. But
as we decide, may we consider not just on our own good but for the good of all those around us.
The risk is high. We are uncertain of what effects will it give us or what will it cause us. Now the
decision is yours.

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