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Ethical Considerations

To ensure a smooth flow on the conduct of the research, a letter of informed consent shall be
included at the first part of the Research Questionnaire. Chosen respondents is assured of safety
and no harm or force shall be inflicted.
Meanwhile, should the researchers did not seek the approval of the school administration and
other authorities concerned, the name and identity of the school shall not be disclosed and shall
not be identified or mentioned in any parts of the research.

Literatures cited:

Cyberbullying Student Survey

This survey seeks information from students about cyberbullying. Cyberbullying includes, but is
not limited to sending angry, rude, vulgar messages about a person to an online group or to that
person electronically; or sending harmful, untrue, or cruel statements about a person to other
people or posting such material online; or pretending to be someone else and sending or posting
material that makes that person look bad; or sending or posting material about a person that
contains sensitive, private, or embarrassing information, including forwarding private messages
or images, or cruelly excluding someone from 388 Q. Li an online group. Cyberbullying might
occur at home or at school, through the Internet network or a cell phone used. Your responses to
this survey are confidential. You may also choose not to respond to this survey. By completing
this survey, you are granting the researcher permission to use this information.
PART 1. Respondent’s Profile. Fill out the information being asked in the following items. Put a
tic mark on the space provided for some of the items.
Name: (Optional) _______________________________________ Age: Sex: __ M ___
Civil Status: ___ Single ___Married ____ Separated ____ Live-in ____
Family Monthly Income: ___ less than 10, 000 ___ 10-15,000 ____ 16-20,000 ___ more than
20,000. Residency: __ Rural __ Urban

PART 2. Behavioral Effects of Cyberbullying. Complete the survey below by putting a tic
mark on the items that applies based on your perspective.
A. When you are cyberbullied, you (check all that apply)
__Do nothing
__Tell the cyberbully to stop
__ Fight Back
__Get away (e.g., log off) from the cyberbully
__Cyberbully other people
__Bully other kids
__Tell an adult
__Tell a friend

B. When I get cyberbullied, to others I feel (Check all that applies)

__ Aloof
__ Angry
__ Untrustworthy
__ being criticized
__ disappointed
C. When I get cyberbullied, I become
___ anxious
___ fearful of what others would say
___ discouraged
___ pessimistic
___ low self- esteem
___ stressed
___ paranoid of being criticized

Part III. Please indicate your opinion to the following statements using the 5 point -Likert scale
as indicated below
5- Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2- Disagree 1- Strong Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
1. Cyberbullying is a normal part of the online
world. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it.
2. I know of someone who has been really hurt by
3. Things that happen online should stay online.
4. If someone is being hurt by cyberbullying, it is
important to tell a responsible adult.
5. I would report cyberbullying incidents, if I could
do so without anyone knowing it was me.
6. I have the right to say anything I want online,
even if what I say hurts someone or violates
someone’s privacy.
7. Adults should stay out of this

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