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SUBECT: Science (Biology)

Students will be able to—
 explore the significance of asexual and sexual modes of reproduction.
 observe the different methods of vegetative propagation in our school garden demonstrated by the
 know about the methods of population control and their importance.
 justify the need of reproduction for the perpetuation and continuity of life.
 explore that sex ratio needs to be maintained to balance the reproductive process and to spread awareness
against female foeticide for a healthy society.
 appreciate the creation of nature by watching flowers blooming, seeds sprouting, etc.-realize that the
process of reproduction must continuously go on for any novel creation/evolution.
 Students will be able to--explore the replication and transfer of DNA to progeny from parent cells.
 explain the significance of variation in the survival of species.
 list the various modes of reproduction used by unicellular organisms.-observe the formation of two
daughter cells from a single parent cell (through slide).

 observe the Bryophyllum leaves, sprouting seeds and explore the parts of plant which propagate
 learn the concept of sexual reproduction.-draw labeled diagram to show the parts of a flower and learn the
functions of each part.
 explain the process of formation of diploid zygote by fertilization
 draw labeled diagram of male and female reproductive system.-
 analyse the need of reproductive health.-know about the various contraceptive measures& the need for
using them.


DA REPRODUCTION Methodology / Innovative methods: Activity based Students will be asked
Y-1 collaborative learning (group discussion and to draw the diagram
ASEXUAL AND presentation), question answer and discussion of amoeba in the
ITS DIFFERENT methods, audio visual (computer , smart board), notebook showing
TYPES: experimentation, Lab Method, field trip Inter- binary fission.
A. Fission disciplinary links: Art –drawing skill developed,
B. Budding Language-group discussion
STUDENTS WILL BE ASKED TO Students will be explained the concept of DNA
OBSERVE THE ABOVE PICTURE transfer-from one generation to another, and how
AND TRY TO FIND OUT THE variation takes place.
ANSWERS OF THE FOLLOWING Introduction to the Reproduction
QUESTIONS: It is a process of giving rise to offspring
Reproduction is of two types:
 How many parents are
there in asexual Organisms use a variety of reproduction strategies to
reproduction? pass genetic information to offspring.

Asexual reproduction is a useful strategy when

organisms need to reproduce rapidly and in large
 How is DNA involved numbers.
In asexual reproduction, there is a single parent that
in asexual transfers all its genetic material to the offspring. That
reproduction? means the offspring is genetically identical to the
 What role does parent.
mitosis play in asexual
reproduction? Organisms that use asexual reproduction include
 How is asexual yeast, hydra, some fungi, and all prokaryotes.
reproduction Remember, prokaryotes are organisms that lack a
beneficial for nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.
 What drawbacks Sexual Reproduction-in this type of reproduction two
might exist for parents are involved that transfer all its genetic
organisms that use material to the offspring’s.
asexual reproduction
exclusively? Types of Asexual mode of reproduction:

1.Binary Fission-
In this mode of reproduction, the parent cell divides
into two daughter cells, and each cell develops into a
new adult organism.
It is seen in organisms like amoeba and bacteria.

2.Budding-n this process, a daughter individual is

formed from a small bulb-like projection on the
parent body called a bud. The bud detaches from the
parent body and forms a new daughter cell.
It is seen in organisms such as Yeast and Hydra.

The ability of an individual organism's lost bodily
components to regenerate into a whole new organism
is known as regeneration.
A specialized mass of cells carries it out.
It is observed in organisms such
as Hydra and Planaria.

Permanent slides of Amoeba, yeast will be shown.

Specimen of Planaria will be shown.

Day Continuation . Students will be taught about other methods of

-2 with asexual asexual reproduction: 6Ew6mqwgGR0
mode of
4.Spore formation-students will be taught about spore
formation in rhizopus or also known as bread mould.
Spore Formation The thread-like structures that developed on the
Tissue culture bread are the hyphae of the bread mould (Rhizopus).
They are not reproductive parts. On the other hand,

Students will be asked to find the tiny blob-on-a-stick structures are involved in
out information on the green reproduction. The blobs are sporangia, which contain
fungus growing on the bread.
cells, or spores, that can eventually develop into new
Rhizopus individuals (Fig. 8.6). The spores are covered
by thick walls that protect them until they come into
contact with another moist surface and can begin to
The slide of rhizopus and the bread mould will be
shown to the students.
5.Fragmentation-The broken filaments of the
organism that develops into a new organism are
known as fragmentation. Each of these fragments
contains a protoplasm, so they grow into a new
filament of the algae by cell division. Fragmentation
occurs when the parent is matured and broken into
pieces. It is seen in Spirogyra.

6.Tissue culture: Tissue culture is also known

as micropropagation because it is involved
in reproducing the plants inside the laboratories.
Plant tissue culture is a separate branch of science as
it has the potentiality of each plant cell to grow into a
separate organism. This potential of the cell is known
as totipotency.

Day Vegetative Students will be asked to Students will be taught about vegetative Propagation Students will be
-3 Propagation complete the following fill ups. and its different types: asked to
Vegetative Propagation
It is of two types :  Write a brief
1.Natural: note on
-It is a method of growing plants in which parts of vegetative
plants like roots, stems or leaves Roots: Radish, Carrot, propagation in
Dahlia Stems: Rose, Sugarcane, Potato, Jasmine plants.
Leaves:Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe these spores fall on a  Grow a plant
suitable nutrient medium they germinate into new through
individuals The spores have a hard outer covering vegetative
which keeps them protected till they find favourable 1. propagation
Both have a hard outer covering which keeps them and replant in
protected. 2. Both of them require favourable the school
conditions to germinate. Seeds These are the products garden.
of asexual reproduction -These are products of sexual
Less no. of variations. –The seeds show large no. of
They are produced by fungus and non- flowering
plants. –They are produced by Gymnosperms and
Angiosperms. It is a method of growing plants in which
the new individuals are obtained from the vegetative
arts of plants like roots, stems or leaves : Rose,
Sugarcane, Potato, Jasmine.
a.: Cutting: In this process a part of the plant is cut and
is sown in the soil and a new individual arises from this
part eg. Rose, Jasmine, Sugarcane b.Layering: In this
process, in the plants having soft stems one of the
stem is bent into the soil from where a new plant
emerges. eg. Grass, Strawberry.
c.Grafting: In this process two plants are taken, The
upper part of one plant is grafted on lower part of
other plant. So, the new plant will have desired
characteristics that we want. Lower part – Stock Upper
part – scion eg : Citrus plants like oranges and lemons
and roses.

students will be taken to the ground and will be shown

the artificial way of growing plants by cutting and
layering method by the gardener.
Day Structure of a Students will be asked to bring Structure of flower will be explained:
-4 flower the Hibiscus flower from home VIDEO LINK:
and will observe its different
parts under the dissecting oZyMVoOIYJY

Most flowers have four main parts: sepals, petals,

stamens, and carpels. The stamens are the male part
whereas the carpels are the female part of the flower.
Most flowers are hermaphrodite where they contain
both male and female parts. Others may contain one of
the two parts and may be male or female.



DA POLLINATION STUDENTS WILL BE ASKED TO Students will be explained the different type of Worksheet on plant
Y-4 AND READ THE FOLLOWING pollination ,germination and double fertilization with reproduction will be
GERMINATION ARTICLE ON POLLINATION: the help of video and ppt given.
Reproductive process in plants:
1. n I) Pollination : It is the transfer of pollen
grains from anther to stigma of flowers
with the help of various agents like
insects, air etc. Types of pollination: Self
Cross 1. It is transfer of pollen grains
from the anther 1.Transfer of pollen
grains from the anther to the stigma of
the same flower. to the stigma of the
flower of same plant or another flower of
another plant of the same species. 2.
Less number of variations 2. More
variations II) Germination of pollen tube:
-Once the pollen grain falls on stigma, a
pollen tube germinates from pollen grain
which travels through the style to enter
the ovary and then to ovule. -Once it
enters the ovule, it releases two male
gametes. III) Fertilisation : -One male
gamete fuses with the female gamete to
form the zygote – syngamy -The second
male gamete fuses with two polar nuclei
and this fusion is known as triple fusion -
Since two fertilizations occur inside the
ovule, fertilization in plants is called as
double fertilization Double fertilization
Syngamy + Triple fusion =Double
fertilization IV) Formation of seeds/ post
fertilization changes in a flower: -The
zygote divides several times to form an
embryo inside the ovule which further
develops into a new plant -The ovule
develops a tough outer covering to form
the seed -The ovary ripens and matures
to form the fruit. -The stamens, stigma,
style, petals and sepals shrivel and fall
off. Structure of a seed: -The seed
contains the embryo or the future plant -
It also contains one or two cotyledons -
The seed also bears a structure called as
plumule which develops into future
shoot system and a radicle which
develops into future root system.

Ppt link:
video link:
Structure of pollen grains will be shown with the help
of permanent slide.

Day Male and female Male and female reproduction system will be VIDEO WILL BE
-5 reproductive STUDENTS will be asked to find explained with the help of ppt. SHOWN:
system and out the answer of the following
fertilisation questions: PPT WpbzdKOPjB8
Game – What Am I? case based question
Identify the parts of the male 19XSj6eaco4LVXi7EcTnlXdeRDOaHiyvu/edit? will be given :
reproductive system: usp=sharing&ouid=113324198338522467777&rtpof=t https://
Picture of male reproductive rue&sd=true
system will be shown to them forms/d/
and questions will be asked 1Cb70i3UhKIzot_E6E
1.They are made up of coiled MMEq48T7nPT3edi3rr
tubules in which the sperm are agMVHL3M/edit
2.The male external sex organs.
3.The pouch of skin that hangs
behind the penis and protects students will be asked
the testes. to draw the male and
4.The tube that passes through female reproductive
the penis to the outside of the system on an a-4 size
body, which carries urine and sheet(portfolio
sperm. activity)
5.The tube that receives sperm
from the epididymis of each The male reproductive organs are the penis, the
testicle. testicles, the epididymis, the vas deferens and the
prostate gland:

 Penis – contains tissue that fills with blood

during sexual arousal, making the penis erect
(or ‘hard’). Semen is a mixture of sperm and
fluid from the male reproductive organs. It
exits the penis, through the urethra, during
 Testicles (testes) – oval sex glands located in a
skin sack called the scrotum. Sperm and sex
hormones are made by the testicles. Keeping
the testicles outside of the body means they
have a lower temperature than the rest of
the body, which is important for sperm
 Epididymis – a series of small tubes attached
to the back of each testicle. The epididymis
collects and stores sperm.
 Vas deferens – the epididymis eventually
becomes the vas deferens, a larger tube that
transports sperm to the urethra (the urinary
passage from the bladder).
 Accessory sex glands – including the prostate
gland, seminal vesicles and the bulbourethral
glands. These glands contribute nourishing
fluid to the sperm.


The female reproductive organs are the vagina, womb

(uterus), fallopian tubes and ovaries:

 Vagina – a muscular canal around 7.5 cm long

that extends from the neck of the womb to
the genitals, or vulva.
 Uterus (womb) – a muscular organ, shaped
like an upside down pear. Its lining is called
the endometrium. The neck or entrance to
the womb is the cervix, which has a small
hole in its centre called the os.
 Fallopian (uterine) tubes – these tubes extend
from the womb, one on each side. They both
open near an ovary. These tubes carry the
egg (ovum) from the ovary to the womb.
 Ovaries – two small almond-shaped glands
that contain ova. Sex hormones are also
made by the ovaries.

DA MENSTRUATION Students will be taught about : WORKSHEET ON

CONTRACEPTIVE i)Barrier methods( it will not allow the sperm and REPRODUCTION
S ovum to meet) 1. Condoms: These are devices which
are worn on the penis of male so that the sperms are
not allowed to enter the vaginal tract during sexual
intercourse. 2. Vaginal caps: These are used by
females which again does not allow the sperms to
meet the ova/ ovum during intercourse. ii)Chemical
methods: -Oral Pills – These are taken by women
which change hormonal balance of body so that
ovulation does not take place ) ( egg is not released
from ovaries ) and hence fertilization does not occur
even if sperms enter the body during sexual
intercourse. ( chemical methods should be avoided as
they can have many side effects) -IUCD- Intra Uterine
Contraceptive Device eg. Copper – T – It’s a T – shaped
structure which is placed inside the uterus and hence
implantation does not take place and hence pregnancy
is avoided. iii) Surgical methods: a) Vasectomy : It is a
process in which vas deferens is cut and ligated so that
the transfer of sperms can be prevented. b)
Tubectomy : It is a method in which fallopian tube in
females is cut and tied up so that the eggs are not
released and hence fertilization is prevented even if
sperms enter the body. c) Abortions: -Surgeries are
performed to remove unwanted pregnancies but
generally this method is misused. -People carry out sex
selective abortions of female foetus (female foeticide)
which creates an imbalance between the male and
female sex ratio.(pre natal sex determination is
banned by law) Advantage: In case the child is
suffering from any kind of genetic disorder, then such
foetus can be aborted before they are given birth to.
Importance of Studying Reproductive Health: Study of
reproductive health is a very important aspect of life
as it helps an individual to know about: -Awareness
about STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) -Helps a
couple to plan family after marriage. -To take care of
mother’s and child’s health eg. If mother is not
prepared for bearing a child, then unwanted
pregnancies can have negative effects on body as well
on mind.

Ppt link:

DA REPRODUCTIVE Reproductive Health Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Y-7 HEALTY AND Bacterial Viral Eg.Gonorrhoea, Syphilis Eg. AIDS, warts
STD’S AIDS- Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome Cause –
HIV- Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. How does AIDS
spread? -During sexual intercourse, the virus can be
transmitted from infected to a healthy person. -Using
infected syringes and razors. -From an infected mother
to her child during pregnancy and breast feeding. -
Blood transfusion. Population control: Effects of over
population -Scarcity of food and shortage of space for
the people to live. -Unemployment and poverty. -
Overexploitation of natural resources. -Environmental
degradation leading to effects like pollution, ozone
depletion, global warming etc. To control the
population certain methods have been devised to
avoid pregnancy after sexual act. These methods are
called as contraceptive methods


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