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Lights on...

Meets Eve sitting by the lake (stage front) Both hands, stroking her thick mane, her face,
smiling as she admires the beauty of her reflection from the lake below her. Lucifer walks in
slowly and his eyes gazed upon her and his thoughts become audible.....

Look at her!
Fashioned by the very hands of God.....
Custodians of this Jewel Earth....
How could he? (Anger)
Why did he hate us so much?...... (breathes in, exhales)
As much as I hate to admit it..... she is a beauty to behold, more glorious than I expected....
While thinking out loud, he slowly walks in behind her and stops hovering over Eve who is lost
in her fantasy....

What do you see down there?

Beauty. .... Perfection! (without looking away)

Oh!!... And is that all you see?

(Eve wondering why this strange voice would respondlike that, she turns
around to find the tall figure of Lucifer above her)

What else is there to see? Adam my love, and Husband tells me that I am
beyound beauty. And God at sunset reminds me all the time that I make
the sunrise in awe of my Glory. Or don't you think I am beautiful?

(Turning away)
You are beautiful indeed........(unimpressed tone)

And. .....? (looking in his direction)

With no response coming, Eve calls out..... Hey!!!!!. Looking around only
to find he was behind her..... startled, she steps forward and presses
again.. And???

What is True Beauty if it only lies with your looks.

But you are a Beautiful creature as well......

No!! I... am beyond Beauty..... I am perfect..... Unlike you, your beauty is limited, bound yo your
physical appearance, And what good can that bring?
I still don't get your point....

Is this all you want to be?

You speak as if you know of something more. What more can I be?

Believe me there is!

True beauty is beyond a face or a body.....
Its a thing of light and Knowledge, its both Fire and Air, It is breath and Spirit, its Brave and
Unafraid, its so much more.....

Light and Knowledge (Turns around to think)

Lucifer already stands near the tree set up on one corner of the stage with its Fruit in his hands,
staring into it, Eve calls out.


Ssshh (with a finger in her direction. .... telling her to pause)

You said!!

Sshhh (To be quiet again... Eve becomes restless)

Eve goes closer to him....

Beautiful isn't it?

How He could hide so much in just so little....

Eve recognises the Fruit in his hands....

Hey! Where did you?

You are not supposed to go near that tree, not even
touch or taste of it's Fruit.

Let me guess!
God told you that?... I mean he must have commended you not to....(scoffs)
And did He tell you what was going to happen if you did eat......

(Eve recalling what Adam told her)

God said......Err..... From the day we eat from the fruit of the
tree, he called Forbidden, we shall surely die....!
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! (Loudly and mockingly)

Are you making fun of me?..... leave me alone.

Listen to me!
You shall not die!! Haha! You can't die!!

Are you saying God lied?

No!no!! He can't lie!....He is God for Heaven's sake. But you see... He never told you the truth

What truth?

Truth about what you can become....

He gifted you this world to dominate, to rule over every living creature..... How can you rule if
you are not like God Himself??

(Confused Eve)
Like God?...
He gave us power over all living creatures... Any and all our
Call will obey.....

Power is but one Piece of the puzzle!

But what is power, without Knowledge, without wisdom
The ability to know what is right from wrong...
To see what is Good and what is Evil.
These are Keys to Rule... without them, you are no different from us all.
And in this Fruit....
Lies the Key to your deity.... The fruit will unleash the Wisdom of God upon he who eats.... And
you will be the God you should be....

Why Forbidden?
Why keep it away from us who He had told to rule.... Why is
this Knowledge Sin?
His can Knowledge bring death?

God wants servants!

Those who will Forever worship at His feet... But you and your Husband, He called to Rule...
He expects you to know what to do...
Right here (giving her the fruit) is where it all begins.....
(Eve takes the fruit in her hand and she stares deep into it)

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