Ihrm Ass 3 Sep-Dec

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Instructor’s name: Mr. Ken Kalali

Course number: HRM 2208
[International Human
[Ass 3]
International HRM 2208 May 2021

Discuss emerging issues/challenges that organizations/investors are currently facing in as far as

international human resource management is concerned.

Minimum 2 pages and maximum 4 pages including references.

Times New Roman 12

1.5 spacing


In the twenty-first century, HR jobs have taken on a whole new meaning, especially because
of globalization. Manpower management is a taxing job that necessitates specific knowledge.
Many shifts have occurred in the last few years, such as due to massive layoffs in; many
people lost their employment, putting a lot of strain on the economy. Management of the
organization should re-evaluate its procedures and strategies [1].
I. Reducing employee turnover
It has become a major difficulty to keep individuals from looking for new jobs in
the current environment when there are many of them. It has been noted that firms
have opened doors to make global hiring; as a result, HR managers must build
better retention policies. We recognize that all people are unique, and companies
must adopt a variety of strategies to motivate and retain their employees. Financial
incentives are no longer seen as a means of retaining employees. Every firm must
embrace fresh and cutting-edge methods for pleasing its employees, which will
aid in lowering the rate of turnover [2].
II. Labour relations
One of the biggest complex problems of modern industrial society is labour laws.
The progress of any industry is quite impossible without worker cooperation and
harmonious relationships [3]. Therefore, it is in interest of HR managers to
develop and maintain healthy relationships between worker/labours (employees)
and management (employers). It’s usually not in the best interest for MNC to have
their workers unionize rather they would prefer a close understanding amongst
themselves. This is a key area for Hr managers practicing within IHRM who need
to try fit the organisations goals while still maintaining a healthy relationship with
the workforce
III. Recruitment & selection
One of the first function of HR is to locate the people with needed expertise for
the progression of a company [4]. The quality of people hired depends highly on
how effective recruitment & selection strategies are. However, this process of
recruitment & selection is faced with many challenges due to globalization that
has allowed firms to invest overseas. The balancing of locals to expatriates has
both its advantages and disadvantages leaving HR managers at a tough spot. Other
problems faced during the process may include the cost of advertising job
openings while intangible obstacles can be communication gaps between
recruiters and hiring managers. We all know that each person is unique; even the
hiring committee will make decisions based on their own perceptions, influenced
by their values, beliefs, and social views, making it difficult to rule out the
possibility of prejudice. Multinational and local enterprises' human resources
departments are going through a tough time. Businesses are having difficulty
finding qualified candidates. It is critical for 21st-century managers to extend their
vision of judging individuals based on their origin, culture, values, ethnicity, and
background to select the cream of bright people from the entire pool.
IV. Promoting organization culture & heterogeneous workforce
Due to globalisation, it has resulted to a unique understanding of incorporating
both locals and expatriates. The organizations today are having heterogeneous
workforce, which is off course considered to be a positive thing as diverse minds
will guide to new creations & ideas, but managing the culture where people have
different mindsets and putting across the cultural values is indeed a challenging
task. Culture of any workplace is its root and hence HR managers really must put
a lot of effort for developing a successful organization culture [5].

V. Managing Multi-Generational Workforce

Organizations these days have employees belonging to multi generations who fall
under various age groups. These generations are classified as Baby Boomers I,
Generation Jones or Boomers II, Generation X, and Generation Y. Generation X
and Y born people are known to be better aware of technology and they like to use
new techniques of working. They prefer to adopt new philosophies and they are
innovative, while baby boomers & boomers II feel comfortable with their
traditional ways, and they do not like to come out of their comfort zone. It is
important for an organization to retain both sets of people, as both categories are
equally the task of HR manager is to respond to their needs accordingly.
VI. Business ethics and values
With the current ongoing changes in organizational culture, it is critical for HR
departments to pay attention to corporate ethics and values [6]. Firms that have
effective values and ethics are more likely to be successful. For lengthy periods of
time, the global market will be sustainable. The HR sections oversee various
ethical difficulties, which become more obvious when businesses operate in a
competitive environment the international scene [7]. Ethical issues have the
potential to be a source of conflict. Companies' reputations are not only harmed,
but their long-term financial prospects are also harmed. Organizational
sustainability [8]. Establishing a clear set of company values and ensuring that all
employees in diverse jurisdictions do not comprise the values continues to be a
key challenge being faced in IHRM [9].

VII. Flexible work hours

Time has become more flexible as we moved into 21st century, which is a big
challenge for HR managers. Due to the advancement of technologies and many
other reasons, people nowadays prefer to work from home. The internet has given
birth to virtual world and 24/7 marketplace. Although flexible work arrangements
have tremendous benefits but at the same time it is going to increase the level of
stress on management & workforce that must be dealt well by 21st century
managers [10]. With the flexible work arrangements, the HR professionals need to
regularly monitor the successes in various projects and challenges faced during
the period. This can help to take better measures regarding flexible work
arrangements in future. IX. Striking work life.

Globalization has various impacts for businesses, including the diversity of

cultures, from the perspective of 21st century HRM formation. In today's world,
HRM must develop the expertise, mindset, and competencies required to gain a
competitive advantage on a worldwide scale. Organizations should try to match
their HR practices with their overall organizational goals. Finally, HR must be on
the lookout for originality and innovation, which is widely recognized as a
cornerstone to success.
1. (Zorlu, 2009).
2. (Henson, 2007).
3. (Argyris, 1977).
4. (Miller & Cardy, 2000).
5. (Williams, 2003).
6. (Nankervis, Rowley, and Salleh, 2016).
7. (Budhwar and Mellahi, 2016).
8. (Kimball, 2017).
9. (Foster and Rana, 2020).
10. (Anderson, 2002).

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