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with Ma’am Daria

Arts and crafts of MiMaRoPa

Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan
Content Standard: The Learner….
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
2. the salient features of the arts of MIMAROPA and the Visayan Islands by showing the relationship of the
elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the country.
3. the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times.

Learning Competency: The Learner….

1. analyzes the elements and principles of art in the production one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of
MIMAROPA and the Visayas A7EL-IIb1
2. identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in MIMAROPA and the Visayas, Marinduque
(Moriones masks), Palawan (Manunggul Jar), Mindoro (HanunuoMangyan writing, basketry, and weaving),
Bohol (churches), Cebu (furniture), Iloilo (culinary arts and old houses), Samar (Basey mats), etc. A7EL-Iia-2
The word “Mangyan”
is used to refer to the
indigenous people of
Mindoro. They were
made up of several
native groups in the
province. While the
other Mangyans who
opted to be civilized,
there were some like the
Buhid and the Hanunuo
Mangyans who retained
their native customs and
The ambahan has
several characteristics.
First, it is a rhythmic
poetic expression with
a meter of seven
syllable lines and
having rhythmic end-
Nito Weavers
Urukay means
"merrymaking", a joyful social.
gathering with singing and
dancing, etc. The. language
used in the Mangyan urukay
is archaic.
The Iraya-Mangyan are an
Indigenous Group residing in
Puerto Galera who for Nito Baskets and other nito
generations have safe guarded
and continue to breathe life into
the art of nito weaving.
Traditionally crafted into
baskets, the Iraya-Mangyan have
developed this art form to be
able to create modern items
such as coasters, trays, and and
bread plates among others.
The Moriones is a lenten
festival held annually on Holy
Marinduque (Tagalog Week on the island of
Marinduque, Philippines. The
pronunciation: "Moriones" are men and women
[maɾinˈduke]) is an in costumes and masks
island province in the replicating the garb of biblical
Imperial and Royal Roman
Philippines located in soldiers as interpreted by locals.
Southwestern Tagalog The Moriones tradition has
Region or Mimaropa, inspired the creation of other
festivals in the Philippines where
formerly designated as cultural practices is turned into
Region IV-B. Its capital street festivals
is the municipality of
Buri Palm
Weaving is a skill that
has been passed on
through the years by
the people of
Marinduque. Because
of the abundance of
buli (buri palm) and
raffia that grow in their
areas, these leaves
become staple
materials in the
weaving of
Marble products
Romblon is known for
its fine marble products.
Marble is worked and
made into variety of
items like small souvenir
eggs and animals, chess
sets, name plates,
mortar and pestle etc.
St. Joseph Church in Romblon
Aside from marble
products, they are also
noted for their good
woodwork in the
adornment of old houses
Romblon and beautifully woven
mats and bags.
Known as the last frontier
of the country.
Occupying a land area of
about 400 sq km at the
northern tip of Palawan
Island, it's famous for its
white sand beaches,
turquoise waters, coral
reefs, and splendid
limestone rock
Understandably, El Nido
is one of most popular
Palawan resort destinations in the
Tagbanua Tribe
the Tagbanwa people are
one of the oldest ethnic
groups in the Philippines,
and can be mainly
found in the central and
northern Palawan.
Research has shown that
the Tagbanwa are
possible descendants of
the Tabon Man, thus
making them one of the
original inhabitants of
the Philippines
Tingkop Weavers
It is a type of
Palawan traditional
basket made by
the "Palaw'an
tribe". It is one of
the unique
heritage art and Tingkop Basket
in Palawan and
mostly seen in the
Palawan mountains of the

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