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qxp 4/7/09 2:51 PM Page 93

Topical Review: Placebo Responses and

Therapeutic Responses. How Are They Related?

Charles S. Greene, DDS This article presents a comprehensive review of the topic of place-
Clinical Professor bos, with a special focus on placebo analgesia. It includes a discus-
Department of Orthodontics sion of how placebos work (the placebo effect) and how patients
University of Illinois at Chicago react to them (the placebo response). A literature search was per-
College of Dentistry
formed to identify relevant literature and publications related to
Chicago, Illinois
the topic, and a qualitative assessment of papers was undertaken
Greg Goddard, DDS based on accepted rules for scientific evidence. The major finding
Associate Professor from this review was that concepts about placebo effects and
Center for Orofacial Pain responses have changed dramatically over the years, especially in
University of California at more recent years. This has occurred primarily as a result of more
San Francisco Medical Center sophisticated experimental protocols using placebos in clinical
San Francisco, California studies of patients in pain, as well as various studies involving nor-
mal subjects. Our understanding of the biological and psychologi-
Guido M. Macaluso, MD, DDS, MDS cal mechanisms underlying placebo effects has expanded signifi-
Professor cantly due to recent developments in the technology of brain
Università degli Studi di Parma
imaging. Based on findings from brain-imaging analyses, we now
Sezione di Odontostomatologia
know that placebo analgesia is definitely a real (ie, biologically
Parma, Italia
measurable) phenomenon. It can be pharmacologically blocked
Giovanni Mauro, MD, DDS and behaviorally enhanced, and these responses have been demon-
Visiting Professor strated to be similar to those elicited by administration of “real”
Università degli Studi di Parma analgesic substances. Psychological mechanisms involved in
Sezione di Odontostomatologia placebo analgesia include expectancy, meaning response, and clas-
Parma, Italia sical conditioning. This article concludes with an emphasis on
understanding therapeutic responses to various treatments for
Correspondence to: temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Acupuncture and splint
Prof Giovanni Mauro therapy can be good examples of powerful placebos in the field of
Università degli Studi di Parma
TMD, and both of these are discussed in detail. Present knowledge
Sezione di Odontostomatologia
suggests that every treatment for pain contains a placebo compo-
via Gramsci 14
I-43100 Parma, Italia nent, which sometimes is as powerful as the so-called “active”
Fax: +39 0521292955 counterpart. While the deceptive use of placebos must be consid-
Email: ered unethical, every health provider who is treating pain patients
must be aware of this important phenomenon in order to harness
its huge potential. J OROFAC PAIN 2009;23:93–107

Key words: acupuncture, brain imaging, expectancy, oral splints,

placebo effect, TMD

placebo is a sham treatment which produces no specific
biologic effects on the medical condition or symptoms that
a patient is experiencing. Placebos are used in randomized
clinical trials (RCTs) to be compared with the supposed activity of
a “real” drug, device, procedure, or behavioral manipulation.1 It
has been proposed to use the term “placebo response” when an
individual change occurs after a placebo manipulation, and
“placebo effect” when such changes occur in a group of subjects.2

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The construct underlying the use of placebos in “Placebo Domino in regione vivorum” (I will
clinical trials is the assumption that a supposed please the Lord in the land of living beings) that
active drug or treatment has to be at least superior was spoken by paid people at the deathbed of
to a placebo in producing positive outcomes. The wealthy individuals, the term “placebo” initially
implicit assumption of this research design is that had a positive connotation. Later, it became syn-
placebos have little, if any, efficacy (defined as a onymous with false or fraudulent action intended
specific treatment effect), because they are not tar- to replace the true (prayer).4
geted at specific symptoms or pathologies. Before the 19th century, little or no knowledge
However, recent research has shown that placebos about treatment mechanisms was available. The
do, in fact, elicit definite biological as well as empirical and popular applications of various
behavioral responses from patients within a wide herbs, potions, and folk remedies by court physi-
variety of medical conditions. cians, travelling healers, medicine men, and
The double-blind controlled RCT, in which nei- shamans were the only available form of “medi-
ther health providers nor patients know if they are cal” treatment. Yet their attempts to treat people
dealing with a sham treatment or with the (sup- sometimes resulted in the accidental discovery of
posed) active therapy, has become the gold stan- some active chemical compounds such as digitalis,
dard in modern therapeutic research. In its simplest acetylsalicylic acid, quinine, and others. In addi-
version (balanced placebo), patients are randomly tion, some empirically developed manipulative or
assigned to an active placebo (control) group or to surgical procedures later were found to produce
a treatment group, and the collection of the data true therapeutic effects.
must be performed by researchers different from For this reason, it can be safely concluded that
those who are providing the treatments. 1,2 The nearly all treatments in the pre-scientific history of
application of this gold standard has enabled the medicine were nothing more than placebos, or at
growth of evidence-based treatments, while also least included large doses of placebo. Whether
demonstrating the ineffectiveness of many tra- intended or not, the use of colorful pills and
ditional treatment modalities. The more RCTs potions, as well as a variety of theatrical gestures,
involving the use of placebos have been conducted often were able to at the least please the patient
around the world, the more awareness has been and divert him/her from excessive attention to
raised about the fact that placebos almost never ongoing disease. With the publication of Henry
have a zero effect. Indeed, they sometimes can pro- Beecher’s landmark paper, “The powerful
duce outcomes that can be as large or powerful as placebo,”5 and the design of the first randomized
the active treatments with which they are being trial by Austin Bradford Hill,6 the placebo effect
compared. The recognition of this phenomenon has became a subject for separate analysis and discus-
led some researchers to focus directly on analysis of sion. Initially it was suggested that the “illusionary
the “placebo effect” in both sick and healthy popu- part” of every treatment could be distinguished or
lations. As a result of those studies, a substantial “subtracted” from the supposed active compo-
core of scientific data regarding placebo response nents by evaluating the effects of administering the
mechanisms is now available, and this new evidence fake part alone. This construct implied that
has started to influence both treatment research and placebo action is the same regardless of whether it
clinical applications. is administrated by itself or embedded in an active
The aim in this article is to present a compre- treatment (supposed additive action). Later, in
hensive review of the most recent relevant advances conducting randomized placebo-controlled trials
in both placebo concept evolution and new insights of various treatments, it was found that the
on mechanisms involved in the placebo response. placebo effect was a much more complex phe-
We propose a conceptual model for interpretation nomenon.
of this phenomenon, with a special focus on its As the RCT paradigm became more popular in
implications in the treatment of temporomandibu- research, researchers began to realize that patients’
lar disorders (TMD). responses to placebos reflected a significant phe-
nomenon, especially in comparison to the outcomes
of patients who were enrolled in the no-treatment
History of Placebo arm of many studies. This observation led to the
paradoxical conclusion that the “non-active” coun-
The term “placebo” originally had quite a differ- terpart of any “true” treatment was somehow ther-
ent meaning from its present usage in the field of apeutic, because of its potential for producing mod-
medicine. Being the initial word of psalm 116:6 erate to high levels of positive responses.

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Conversely, two recent reviews by Hrobjartsson presented to patients, the more colorful, strangely
and Gotzsche7,8 that evaluated 130 controlled clin- shaped, big or tasteful they are, the more the
ical trials and 52 RCTs of placebo versus no treat- placebo effect is enhanced.21 Administration via
ment did not seem to confirm the power of this injections has been shown to have more efficacy
response. Instead, their analysis suggested that for than any oral administration,22 with intramuscular
both binary and continuous outcomes, no net posi- being inferior to intravenous.23 Medical devices
tive effect at all can be elicited by placebos when seem to have more therapeutic power than per-
standardized conditions are imposed in the experi- sonal clinical interventions. 24 Some types of
mental setting (except for studies involving placebo, notably placebo analgesia, can show
placebo analgesia). However, when these skeptical somatotopic distribution.25
conclusions were discussed by other researchers, it
was noted that almost all of the trials included in Placebo Responders and Non-responders
those reviews were selected to exclude every kind
of interaction between health givers and patients, It was assumed initially that only a part of the popu-
virtually blocking any kind of “contextual” effect.9 lation was placebo-sensitive, but as more studies
During the past 10 years, an increasing awareness have been published on this topic, the results suggest
of contextual effects has lead researchers to the con- that almost all individuals can be, in one situation or
clusion that they can play a major role in the thera- another, responders to placebos. The magnitude of
peutic efficacy of every treatment effort and can the placebo effect is also influenced by contextual
better explain placebo effects. 9,10 Medical factors including conditioning and expectancy26 and
researchers now agree that it is essential to appre- drug-related information that can modify the drug
ciate the contextual factors that surround all thera- response.27 Nevertheless, there is little research
peutic interactions between doctors and patients, as about consistency of the placebo response. While it
well as other environmental factors that may affect is possible to define contextual factors as solid
the course of any medical condition. The contextual placebo response predictors, it seems difficult to
factors include a variety of verbal and non-verbal elicit specific personality traits predicting this same
elements, including empathy by doctor and staff, response.28 A pattern of repeated treatment-seeking
easing of anxiety by proper diagnosis and treat- behavior seems to account for the often-reported
ment, and suggesting generic healthy regimens of short life span of the placebo response. The implica-
diet, exercise, rest, and anxiety control. 10 tions for placebo response modeling are that,
Environmental factors include the natural course of according to contextual factors, a clinician may or
the disease (natural history), which usually includes may not obtain the same type of placebo response
regression to the mean from a maximal symptom each time a chronic pain patient gets a new treat-
state to a better level.2 Combinations of these fac- ment, whether alternative or mainstream.
tors come from the beliefs and expectations of the
patients, their families, and all parties involved in Placebo Analgesia
the medical “gestalt.”1–3,11–13
Placebo analgesia is defined as a positive response
to the administration of a substance known to be
Current Understanding of the Placebo non-analgesic, but the patient strongly believes
Response that he/she received a potent pain killer. 29,30
Placebo analgesia today represents one of the best
Characteristics of Placebos investigated models of placebo response.31
The existence of placebo analgesia is well docu-
The term “placebo effect” is often used in the sin- mented, starting from initial studies using dental
gular form, but in fact there are a variety of postsurgical pain as a model.32,33 Initially, these
placebo responses that have been investigated, researches were criticized for the absence of a
leading to the conclusion that they can vary widely “real” treatment group, because it seemed that the
from analgesia to physical performance improve- patients were receiving no treatment.34 However,
ments to changes in unconscious phenomena such recent advances 30,35 showed clear experimental
as heart rate or hormone and neurotransmitter evidence for the efficacy of placebo analgesia,
production.14–20 along with significant correlation to objective find-
All placebos share a number of interesting ings like respiratory depression.36 Placebo analge-
characteristics, but there are also notable differ- sia can be powerful: subjects induced to believe
ences between them. For example, when pills are that a potent painkiller drug has been administered

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after a surgical procedure can report a decreased nous opioid system. The well-known opiate-antag-
visual analog scale (VAS) score up to 2 to 3 points onizing effect of naloxone inhibits placebo analge-
on a 10-point scale. This produces an efficiency sia, at least when the placebo is induced via
index (pain decrease with placebo/pain decrease expectancy or via conditioning to opioids.35,45 The
with morphine) of 0.56, which means that the administration of proglumide (which has no anti-
placebo is 56 percent as effective as a standard pain action in normal conditions) produces a
dose of morphine.29 It has been observed that, if potentiating effect on both placebo and exogenous
the pharmaceutical industry could introduce on opiate analgesia. To explain this outcome, it has
the market a substance with similar analgesic been hypothesized that proglumide, being an
properties, this would surely be considered a major antagonist of the polypeptide cholecystokinin
development in the field of pharmacological pain (CCK) which is in turn a potent opiate antagonist,
treatment. has the net effect of enhancing the opiate system-
mediated inhibition of pain processing in the cen-
Beyond Placebo Analgesia: Other Types of tral nervous system (CNS). These data account for
Placebo Responses the existence of a balance between the endogenous
opioid system and CCK in determining placebo
For many years, placebo analgesia has been the analgesia outcomes.29–31,43–46
most common model for investigating the placebo But placebo analgesia is not fully explained by the
response. However, the more the placebo response activation of the endogenous opiate system. For
is investigated, the more it is evident that this phe- instance, conditioning to non-steroidal anti-inflam-
nomenon involves a wide variety of biological matory drugs (NSAIDs) or other drugs appears to
activities beyond analgesia. Recently many papers be mediated by other unknown mechanisms, since
describing different placebo responses have been they are naloxone-insensitive.35,45 There is emerging
published, ranging in several fields including car- evidence that the dopaminergic “reward system” or
diovascular diseases and, notably, immunomo- “brain reward circuitry” is also centrally involved
dulation responses. 37–41 Different explanatory and cooperates with the opiate system in developing
mechanisms have been proposed for these non- placebo analgesia. The dopaminergic system has
analgesic placebo responses, leading to the sugges- already been linked with expectation of reward in
tion that placebo analgesia is only the very tip of neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s
the iceberg; it appears that placebos represent a disease.14–20
kind of ubiquitous phenomenon, able to elicit a In animal models, when the expectancy of a
wide range of biological responses, including but reward reaches the 0.5 probability level (maximum
not limited to analgesia in both animals and uncertainty), a maximum amount of tonic activa-
humans. tion is present in both prefrontal and tegmental
The following parts of this review will focus on dopaminergic neurons which project to the dorsal
placebo analgesia, but the reader interested in and ventral striatum.47
other placebo responses is invited to read the cited Also in animal models, the tonic firing of
reviews for further details. mesolimbic dopamine (DA) cells increases with the
expectation of a positive outcome and is reduced
when the expected outcome is less prominent than
How Does Placebo Analgesia Work? that predicted by initial cues. In other words,
Explanatory Models mesolimbic DA neurons are thought to be involved
in reward expectation and variations from
Neurochemical Foundations: Endogenous Opioid expected outcomes.48,49
and Non-opioid Pathways as Mediators. From a Interestingly, a human study has demonstrated
neurochemical standpoint, there is strong evidence that subjects who have high expectations of a
that at least a part of the response to placebo anal- reward are more prone to experience the effective-
gesia is regulated by endogenous opioid mecha- ness of a placebo. In other words, people in whom
nisms.42–46 Certain specific areas of the brain have the activation of the dopaminergic reward system
been topographically related with the endogenous is stronger would be more likely to be good
opioid system, as postulated in early pharmacologi- placebo responders, accounting for individual dif-
cal studies; this topic will be discussed further in ferences in placebo response.50 Another human
the “Imaging Studies” section below. Various study has shown that placebo administration
strategies have been used to study the link between increases the activity of dopaminergic cells in the
the placebo effect and the activity of the endoge- nucleus accumbens, in a similar way to the opiate

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system, suggesting that both systems are active in unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimu-
defining placebo response. 51 This study also lus.1,55 In other words, what the subject or patient
demonstrated that placebo and nocebo effects are “learns” is the relationship between the uncon-
defined by opposite opioid and dopaminergic ditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus, and
responses. Nocebo effect, a less-studied phe- presumably such learning causes the expectancy of
nomenon in which the development of adverse the unconditioned stimulus. This means that, in
events or worsening of a condition occurs after the order to facilitate this association process, the pre-
administration of a placebo, has been linked to a sentation and the pairing must be overt, so it can be
deactivation of the same dopaminergic and opioid perceived by the patient or subject.
systems, notably in the nucleus accumbens.
Another theory proposes that verbal nocebo sug- Philosophical Foundations:
gestions are likely to activate anticipatory anxiety The Meaning Response
that, in turn, activates the descending hypothala-
mus-pituitary gland axis as well as the CCK- Placebo analgesia can be conceptualized as a partic-
related pro-nociceptive system.52 ular case of “meaning response,” according to
Moerman’s definition: the physiological or psycho-
Psychophysiological Foundations: Conditioning logical effects of meaning in the treatment of an ill-
Versus Expectancy ness. In this special case, the response is elicited by
inert medications or sham procedures.56 Therefore,
Obviously, there is a need for psychophysiologic a so-called nonactive (placebo) treatment, far from
explanatory models for understanding how being no therapy at all, produces a therapeutic
placebo analgesia works. To date, the main focus response because it represents the consequence of
has been on two theoretical mechanisms: classical the meaning that the treatment has (the meaning
conditioning and expectancy effect. response). Drugs, therapeutic manipulations, diag-
Classical Conditioning. This learning model is noses, and other aspects of the doctor-patient rela-
based on the Pavlovian stimulus substitution con- tionship can thus be seen as informational vectors
cept, in which an unconditioned stimulus causes an of a meaning. As a result, to say that a treatment is
unconditioned response. The pairing of an uncon- not better than placebo does not mean that it does
ditioned stimulus, eg, an aspirin pill, with a condi- nothing. It simply means that the effectiveness of
tioned stimulus, ie, shape, color, flavor, taste, con- that treatment was not better than the effect of the
sistency of the pill can lead to a conditioned context in which the treatment was given (or the
response such as relief from pain, even when the effect of meaning that it carried during the study).
conditioned stimulus is administered by itself.53 The meaning of the treatment depends on various
Expectancy. This theory postulates that the factors that are very difficult to rule out in a
expectation of the patient regarding the effect of the research study.57 Not surprisingly, the meaning
treatment somehow (exact mechanism unknown) response is always present in doctor-patient trans-
triggers the effect.54 In other words, this seems to be actions of all kinds, so clinicians need to appreciate
a universal response to any external “intended-to- that not all positive responses to their treatments
heal” action,1 provided that the healing action pro- are based on the specific qualities of their treatment
motes a symmetrical and complementary endoge- protocols.
nous reaction within the patient. These findings have had a major effect on the
It has been suggested that unconscious condition- design of clinical trials as well as the interpretation
ing works on unconscious processes such as hor- of results from placebo-controlled studies. For
mone secretion, while conscious expectancy example, they suggest that an open/hidden proto-
explains conscious placebo effects such as placebo col (told drug/get drug and told no drug/get drug)
analgesia.55 In any case, expectancy appears to be plus a natural history (untreated) group can rule
the main drive when both mechanisms are out contextual and placebo (meaning) response
involved.1 Expectancy and conditioning are not better than the traditional balanced placebo RCT.
mutually exclusive; a unifying approach based on
insights coming from emerging informational and Cultural, Gender, and Psychosocial
expectancy theories in the classical conditioning Foundations
mode has been proposed. The informational clue to
the patient or subject that the conditioned stimulus Both cultural and gender differences are well
is a valid predictor of the unconditioned stimulus established as important conditions that influence
leads to associative learning, ie, to the pairing of pain experience and response to treatment.58,59

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In addition, psychosocial factors have an impact even within the same patient because of his/her pre-
on response to both placebo and real therapies.31 vious experiences and beliefs. In other words, the
Culture has been shown to play a specific role, significance of these new data for placebo phe-
accounting for differences in interpretation and nomenology is that the response to a pain stimulus
meaning of pain-related physical signs and symp- may be better predicted from the non-specific a pri-
toms. The verbal description of pain experience is ori state of the brain than from the specific patho-
deeply influenced by cultural issues, and this has physiologic mechanisms or the specific treatment
led to the development of different psychometric being provided.
tools in different countries. Similarly, psycho-
logical concerns can be elicited from certain char-
acteristics of verbal pain reports.60 Culture also Imaging Studies
influences responses to both real and placebo
treatment interventions through complex and One of the problems in quantifying the impact of
powerful biologic predispositions interacting with any therapy for people in pain is the obvious obser-
developmental history. vation that, no matter which mechanisms may be
It has become evident that the study of placebo involved (active action, expectancy, conditioning,
must include the study of the psychosocial environ- etc), clinicians ultimately receive nothing more than
ment that surrounds the placebo response.31 Hence a subjective report from the patient. The old saying
the biopsychosocial model61 is particularly appro- that “pain cannot be measured, since it is a totally
priate, because it posits an interaction between bio- personal experience” can be extended to anti-noci-
logic activity, internal meaning states (eg, psycho- ceptive properties of drugs (or placebos), because
logical states such as depression, anxiety, etc) and the efficacy of a substance was until recently mea-
socio-cultural concepts of sickness and health. In sured mainly via personal statements (VAS score or
addition to being the most satisfactory explanatory similar assessments) as well as the request for more
model for chronic pain, the biopsychosocial model descriptive comments.
is also suitable for discussing the placebo response. Recently this aspect of pain research has been
It provides a framework for understanding placebo greatly enhanced by the application of several new
phenomena at the different levels where they can types of imaging modalities. Two of the most valu-
be observed—eg, functional magnetic resonance able approaches involve Single Photon Emission
imaging (fMRI), cognitive expression, emotional Computed Tomography (SPECT) and fMRI, both
arousal and behavior—and also for appreciating of which allow real-time imaging of brain activity.
the significance of these interactions between biol- Another important imaging modality, known as
ogy and culture. positron emission tomography (PET), has been uti-
lized for studies of brain activity under various
Other Mechanisms, Top-down Influences conditions. Studies utilizing these modalities repre-
sent a totally new “objective” approach to the
Signal-detection theory, response-appropriate sensa- study of pain analgesia, by “opening a window”
tion, and reward theory62 have been proposed as on brain activity along the endogenous opiate sys-
alternative explanations for placebo analgesia. These tem both during pain and administration of place-
concepts have not been extensively studied, and bos or active treatments. In addition, researchers
although they should not be rejected, it should be are now able to locate with accuracy which groups
understood that different mechanisms are not mutu- of neurons sharing the same neurochemistry are
ally exclusive, allowing for multimodal interpreta- active when pain is occurring, or when a supposed
tions of the placebo response phenomenon. anti-pain substance is administered. New data
However, there are other top-down brain influ- coming from imaging studies have shown where,
ences that should be considered, even though cur- when, and how brain activity is related to cognitive
rent knowledge about them is limited. Neuro- inputs, such as expectancy of pain relief. Other
scientists are only at early stages in understanding data coming from neuropharmacologic and neuro-
how pre-existing brain states such as expectancy logical studies suggest that cognitive inputs can
can shape perceptions, emotions, and behavior, as influence and are capable—via the endogenous opi-
well as how they can influence the type of pain ate system—of modulating physical and emotional
response or treatment response that will occur in a states. The combination of all this new information
patient.63 By analyzing events within this frame- has enabled this research area to become known as
work, one can understand for instance why the the “new mind-body frontier” in imaging and
same occlusal splint can produce different outcomes behavioral fields. With placebo analgesia imaging,

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we may be able for the first time to see “in vivo”

how brain circuitry is able to use cognitive cues to
activate certain functional areas.64,65 +
A pioneer PET study demonstrated (taking into tiv
account the resolution limits of this technique) a
large overlapping of brain regions activated during

Positive responses
both opioid and placebo analgesia: rostral anterior eb
ac Nonactive
cingulate cortex (rACC) and orbitofrontal cortex Pl tx (placebo)
(OrbC).66 More accurate techniques such as fMRI Nonactive active part
have shown that during administration of a tx (placebo) of tx
placebo (with expectation of analgesia), there is a tx
significant co-activity between rACC and rostral No tx perceived tx perceived
ventromedial medulla (RVM), as well as between (expectancy) (expectancy)
No tx perceived +
rACC and periaqueductal gray (PAG), suggesting a No expectancy Active effects
top-down rACC/PAG/RVM pain-modulating cir-
Due to Natural recovery Natural Natural recovery
cuitry involved in placebo analgesia. The activity recovery Expectancy
of other regions such as thalamus, anterior insula Expectancy Active effects
(aINS), and the caudal rACC is decreased under
placebo, accounting for a reduction in nociceptive Fig 1 Mechanisms of positive response under three
activity. Finally, the activation of dorsolateral pre- conditions: no treatment (tx), placebo administration,
frontal cortex (DLPFC), OrbC, superior parietal and active treatment administration.
cortex, and PAG immediately before the placebo
response is consistent with the activation of top-
down cognitive-evaluative circuits, as previously
discussed.31,67,68 These brain regions are rich in
endogenous opiate mediators; therefore, these
imaging studies have confirmed previously
described naloxone-based pharmacological studies. sham surgery producing positive effects, probably
Since it is the activation of mu opioid receptors due to the power of expectancy.17,18 Therefore, it
that mediates the activity of this endogenous opi- currently is more appropriate to separate therapeu-
ate system, it is not surprising that the availability tic encounters into:
of these receptors, when marked with radiotracer,
1. “Real” treatments, which have specific thera-
is found to be reduced in PET imaging during such
peutic mechanisms and clear-cut superiority
conditions.69 This and other imaging studies70–72
over sham treatments
have given further support to the evidence coming
2. Placebo treatments, which elicit a variety of gen-
from neuropharmacological and neurological stud-
eralized (nonspecific) responses
ies that cognitive expectations can directly affect
3. No treatment at all (waiting list control group,
the neurotransmission activity of the endogenous
etc); Fig 1.
opiate system.
The constantly increasing body of evidence
regarding expectancy and conditioning processes
Reconceptualizing the Placebo Response in triggering placebo analgesia has provided many
clues about “when” and under which conditions
Implications from Scientific Research such phenomena occur. The insights coming from
neuropharmacological research and confirmed by
It should be clear from the literature cited brain-imaging studies have increased our under-
throughout this article that placebos can no longer standing of “how” this process develops. And
be considered to be “inactive” in the way that finally, the discovery of biologic mechanisms that
sugar pills were characterized many years ago. are triggered by administration of placebos con-
Indeed, thinking about placebos in this way has firms that something very real is occurring. In the
been recently described as a misleading preju- following paragraphs, an explanatory model is
dice.1,2 Studies on transplantation of stem cells proposed to address the gray area of “why” such
producing DA in Parkinson’s disease patients have responses can play an important role in the
demonstrated that even the most “organically human body’s response to all “sham” and “real”
driven” RCTs can lead to the surprising results of therapeutic interventions.

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Endogenous Physiologic Responses: Placebo as ties, while defending them by saying that “every-
a New “Member” of the Group thing seems to work.” Advocates of so-called alter-
native medicine have generally been unable to
There are many “embedded” endogenous physio- demonstrate therapeutic effects; however, the same
logical responses which have significance for self- observation is equally relevant to advocates of
preservation. These fundamental activities involve many of the unfounded treatments currently
autonomic, endocrine, immune, nervous, and car- offered by mainstream dental and medical practi-
diovascular systems (among others). Examples of tioners for pain management generally, and for
such activities are: healing of fractures, fight-or- TMD pain more specifically. Similarly, clinicians
flight (stress) responses, cicratization of wounds, who use ineffective or, even worse, excessive treat-
and release of endorphins. All these endogenous ments will have a certain level of “positive” out-
responses have an obvious strength from an evolu- comes, but the price paid by patients both physi-
tionary standpoint, and it appears that they can be cally and financially may be too high. Therefore,
enhanced by ALL therapeutic approaches from out- the scientific community still should demand
side agents. empirical proof before recognizing any alternative
Therefore, the placebo response construct can be or radical procedures as being validated. In the fol-
reconceptualized by including this phenomenon in lowing sections, two examples are provided to
the above group of “preset” biological conservative demonstrate how our new understanding of place-
responses. While placebo effects have traditionally bos has influenced clinical thinking. First, a new
been described mostly in behavioral terms, it is look at how acupuncture works as a treatment for
clear that they also must be considered as part of an pain will be presented. Second, the impact of place-
inner biological process, reaction, or response. In bos in the management of TMD will be considered.
this conceptual framework, the “placebo response”
becomes something that enhances the chance for an Acupuncture: Real and Sham (Placebo) Effects
organism to respond positively to any external
intervention, provided that such interventions have Acupuncture is probably the best-known and most
the meaning of (or are viewed as) a cure, a therapy, widely used alternative medicine procedure for the
or a treatment. Being an endogenous response, it is treatment of pain. Its status as an alternative tech-
fully mediated by internal psychophysiological nique is based on its ancient Eastern origins, which
mechanisms, involving but not limited to the were based on either anatomic speculations or
endogenous opiate system, and it can be enhanced empirical testing of so-called “acupuncture points
or depressed by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors. and meridians.” However, since its introduction
For those therapies that are intended to relieve pain, into the world of Western (allopathic) medicine, it
the placebo effect must be distinguished from the has been subjected to a variety of placebo-con-
net effects of the active treatment in order to deter- trolled trials and, in addition, has been studied
mine how powerful that treatment really is. In addi- with the brain-imaging techniques discussed earlier
tion, since placebo and expectancy effects are in this article.
embedded in each kind of therapy, it should be Modern investigators have attempted to explain
appreciated that placebos add a non-specific “plus- acupuncture in terms of Western science. They have
value” to any conventional or alternative treatment. suggested that the mechanical action of needling
Some diseases and/or symptoms could be more activates receptors in peripheral tissues so that neu-
prone than others to the beneficial effects of place- ral impulses are conducted to the CNS, which act
bos as well as real therapies. Ultimately, it would on ascending pathways to higher levels of the brain
not be unreasonable to describe placebos as an and cause the release of neurotransmitters that sub-
intermediate therapy, ie, one that produces more sequently modulate pain processing in the CNS.
positive responses than no treatment at all, but less This Western theory of the mechanism of acupunc-
than proven effective therapies. ture, which clearly is quite different from the
Eastern flow of energy theory, is based on studies
that have used acupuncture to treat pain as well as
Clinical Implications of studies of normal subjects in pain-provoking experi-
New Placebo Concepts ments.73–82 Several studies have also suggested that
acupuncture-induced analgesia is mediated by the
This modern understanding of placebo effects and release of endogenous opioids. 83 Results from
placebo responses should not be used to justify the human and animal studies, with the help of PET
indiscriminate use of all sorts of treatment modali- and fMRI, support these conclusions.84–87

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Nevertheless, culture and expectancy are two Real acupuncture activated pain centers in the
issues that need to be evaluated in acupuncture brain more than placebo acupuncture, but both
studies. It has been argued that acupuncture ther- real and placebo acupuncture (with the same
apy is different from most Western medical treat- expectation of a therapeutic effect as real acupunc-
ments because it views the patient in a holistic ture) caused greater activation of pain centers in
way. Viewing the patient “holistically” is associ- the brain than the skin-prick.88
ated with a medical philosophy originating from Kong et al utilized a well-established expectancy
certain Asian cultures. Therefore, “Western” ther- manipulation model which was combined with a
apeutic research using placebo controls may novel placebo intervention, ie, a validated sham
undermine a large part of the effectiveness of acupuncture needle, to investigate the brain net-
acupuncture. There are problems with double work involved in placebo analgesia. Their compli-
blinding, as it is impossible for the acupuncturist cated experimental protocol involved 24 subjects
not to know which subject is receiving “real” or who received heat stimuli to various areas of the
sham acupuncture. It is also difficult for subjects forearm, while deliberately confusing them by sug-
to be blinded, especially if they have had acupunc- gesting different scenarios to expect. Their results
ture previously and can recognize the feeling of suggest that placebo analgesia may be configured
acupuncture needles penetrating their skin. through multiple brain pathways and
Nevertheless, some clever types of sham acupunc- mechanisms.72 Another study89 investigated how a
ture procedures have been developed, including the subject’s perception of what kind of acupuncture
use of retractable needles as well as applying real treatment they received affected their outcome
needles to “incorrect” locations. The behavioral responses. In that study, a group of myofascial
aspects of sham acupuncture treatments should be TMD patients showed improvement in their sub-
similar to their real treatment counterparts, assum- jective complaints based on how they perceived
ing that the investigators conduct the experiments which treatment they received. Those who believed
properly. However, to date there seems to be little they got real acupuncture reported significant
information about many of the other complex decreases in their subjective pain reports after
interactions between acupuncture, placebo, acupuncture treatment, regardless of whether the
patient, doctor, and setting, so all studies of this actual treatment was real or sham.
phenomenon suffer from that deficiency. Some excellent review papers have been published
Although scientific evidence supports a physio- recently that deal with the issue of patient
logical basis for acupuncture analgesia, the true expectancy as it affects therapeutic research. Linde
efficacy of acupuncture for pain relief in humans et al examined the pooled analysis of four ran-
remains in question, since both specific and non- domized controlled acupuncture trials comprising a
specific factors may play a role in acupuncture ther- total of 864 patients. These trials found a significant
apy for pain. Many acupuncture trials have shown association between better improvement and higher
little or no superiority of correctly performed (true) outcome expectations, again showing that the
acupuncture over placebo/sham controls, in spite of patients who considered acupuncture an effective or
the fact that both seem to be clinically effective. For highly effective therapy did better than the patients
example, research comparing acupuncture to sham who were more skeptical.90 Lewith et al reviewed
acupuncture (placing a needle into a non-acupoint the literature on the effect of acupuncture on brain
and just barely penetrating the skin) has shown activation as measured by fMRI and PET.91 They
that both treatments decreased the pain response to concluded that pain involves a complex psycho-
a pressure algometer applied to the masseter muscle physiologic matrix that is intimately intertwined
in a group of myofascial pain patients.75 with expectation. Acupuncture clearly affects this
The study of real and placebo acupuncture has matrix in both a specific and non-specific manner
been enhanced recently by the recognition of the that is consistent with its specific clinical effects, as
expectancy and meaning-response phenomena dis- well as the effects of expectation on pain relief.
cussed elsewhere in this article. By manipulating From a cultural standpoint, these studies suggest
the patient’s expectations and other behavioral that for a treatment such as acupuncture to be effec-
variables, some remarkable outcomes have been tive, even if it comes from a culture different from
obtained. For example, Pariente et al used PET to that of the provider/patient, a common cultural
examine the cerebral consequences of needling and layer/background must exist, allowing both the
expectation in a study utilizing real acupuncture, provider and the patient to share a common set of
placebo acupuncture, and a skin-prick that the expectations or beliefs. Beliefs/expectations are, of
patient was told would have no therapeutic effect. course, pre-existing mental/brain states and their

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top-down non-specific influence on pain experience critically challenged their underlying assumptions.
is well known. The natural (untreated) course of most TMD had
In conclusion, it appears that both real and never been properly studied, and the possibility of
placebo acupuncture can produce significant pain conservative treatment being sufficient for most
relief for many people. A recent German study TMD patients had not been seriously considered.
showed that both of them were more effective than Furthermore, the possibility that psychosocial fac-
a traditional conservative care regimen for treating tors could play an important role in both the eti-
back pain patients.92 This kind of result suggests ology and management of TMD pain was only
that acupuncture is at the very least an elegant- beginning to be recognized.104,105 Therefore, the
type of placebo, similar in many ways to occlusal use of placebos in clinical studies became a valu-
appliances (see below), and therefore it should be able tool for challenging the strong positive biases
viewed as a low-risk and high-prudence of certain clinicians, as well as a means for evalu-
procedure93 for successfully treating various types ating whether a conservative biopsychosocial
of pain patients. treatment approach might be more appropriate
than a mechanistic one.
Applying Present Knowledge About Placebo The outcomes from this series of placebo studies
Effects and Placebo Responses to TMD had significant impact on the direction of subse-
Treatments quent TMD research and treatment. Not only did
many of the placebo-treated patients respond very
The history of placebo utilization in TMD treat- positively but, in addition, long-term follow-up
ment studies goes back more than 40 years. studies showed that most of them continued to do
Schwartz and his colleagues at Columbia well for years afterward. 106–110 The “blinded”
University used a placebo pill in a simple study of placebo groups in typical controlled studies
the effects of carisiprodol in 1958,94 but it was not responded much as Beecher’s classic paper5 had
until the 1960s and 1970s that placebos became concluded, ie, about one third of the patients
more widely used in this field. In a series of clinical reported considerable or total pain relief.
studies conducted by Laskin and Greene and their However, when the placebos were augmented by
group of colleagues at the University of Illinois in writing prescriptions, positive commentaries by the
Chicago, various types of placebos were provided doctors, or elaborate treatment procedures, these
to TMD patients who were involved in treatment numbers sometimes went as high as two thirds
outcome studies. These included dummy pills dis- positive outcomes. Finally, the discovery that both
pensed double-blind in some scenarios,95 but in placebos and conservative treatment modalities
others they were dispensed by prescription in order could produce as much or more clinical success for
to see how much the doctor-patient relationship the majority of TMD patients than more aggres-
might augment the placebo response.96 In other sive procedures became the basis for a gradual
studies, a placebo (non-occluding) splint was used (and still ongoing) transformation: the evolution
as a control in a study of oral appliances97; fake from a dental model to a medical model.111
biofeedback was used as a comparison to real Today we find that TMD treatments offered to
biofeedback98; inert physical therapy devices were patients in the community of dental practitioners
used in comparisons with real devices 99 ; and around the world can include a wide variety of
finally, a group of myofascial pain patients modalities, ranging from mechanical dental and
received mock equilibrations instead of real surgical treatments to conservative physical modal-
ones.100 ities and cognitive-behavioral interventions.93,112
The initial rationale offered by the Chicago Also, a sizeable number of patients report the use
group for utilizing these diverse placebos in their of alternative and complementary medicine
studies was not only the necessity of having exper- approaches.113,114 Many of these approaches claim
imental comparisons or controls, but also the need to be successful, and in some cases these claims are
to challenge existing biases in the field. Unlike backed up by limited evidence of efficacy in clini-
some other medical conditions, TMD seemed to cal trials.115–117 Nevertheless, no therapy available
be very responsive to a variety of untested thera- for TMD at pres-ent shows evidence of clear-cut
pies, many of which were irreversible, invasive, efficacy, nor has any one demonstrated net superi-
and expensive. Despite having many papers pub- ority over others when matched with placebos in
lished about the dento-skeletal etiology and mech- controlled trials. A classical example of these stud-
anistic treatment of these disorders during the first ies118 proved in a RCT setting that splints with
two thirds of the 20th century,101–103 nobody had only palatal coverage (and consequently no possi-

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ble mechanical effect on occlusion and/or Placebo Responses and Treatment of

temporomandibular joint and muscle function) Pain Disorders: Ethical Issues
were as effective as the supposed “active” splints
in diminishing signs and symptoms of myofascial The American Pain Society (APS) published a
pain. While several other studies 119–123 have major position paper in 2005 on the use of place-
reported similar outcomes, a Swedish series of bos in both clinical research and patient care.129
studies by Ekberg, Vallon, and Nilner have shown Based on a combination of scientific findings and
superiority of real splints over placebo versions, ethical considerations, they offered the following
but these authors have acknowledged that both conclusions:
types produced high percentages of positive
1. The deceptive use of placebos and the misinter-
pretation of the placebo response to discredit the
In the discussion section of their comprehensive
patient’s pain report are unethical and should be
review paper about splint therapy for TMD, Dao
and Lavigne128 have offered an interesting obser-
2. The ethical use of placebos is justified only as
vation which may tie together much of the previ-
part of [therapy] studies…and not as the ongo-
ous discussion in this paper about our new under-
ing treatment when the trial is over
standing of placebo responses. They separate the
3. Health-care providers, when using placebos,
terms “efficacy” and “effectiveness” by defining
have an ethical obligation to ensure that place-
the first as a real therapeutic impact, while the sec-
bos are not used for the punishment, deception,
ond term explains the subjective impact of a suc-
or long-term under-treatment of patients with
cessful treatment experience. They then recom-
mended that, despite their lack of true efficacy,
splints should be employed as a treatment modal- Nothing in this article is in disagreement with
ity for TMD because they are effective treatments those guidelines. However, in a field where there
and they are harmless when properly utilized. are no definitive treatments, and with few treat-
Obviously, this implies that so long as clinicians ments directed precisely at underlying tissue patho-
stay in the domain of conservative and reversible physiology, and also with no clearly superior treat-
care, there will be a variety of other effective treat- ment modalities, clinicians have to make practical
ments available in addition to splints that are choices within these limitations. 93 Fortunately,
likely to be helpful in treating their TMD patients. both the natural course of most non-chronic TMD
Combined with a cognitive-behavioral education as well as the patients’ tendencies to respond to
of patients and an awareness of important psy- treatment interventions are very positive compared
chosocial factors (especially in chronic pain to many other medical conditions. The authors are
patients), this approach should lead to “effective” not recommending the deliberate use of placebo
treatment protocols and the avoidance of aggres- modalities in treating TMD patients, but rather
sive ones. A practical checklist of contextual fac- think it is essential for clinicians to be aware of the
tors that can increase or decrease the subjective hidden (but powerful) impact of the placebo
effectiveness of any treatment is shown in Table 1. effects that are embedded in all of their therapeutic
A reevaluation of TMD therapy literature in interactions. They should also recognize that every
light of our new understanding of placebo intervention, whether pharmacological, mechani-
response suggests that, once all the confounding cal, psychological, or surgical, can elicit the
factors are accounted for, the capability to elicit a expectancy responses described earlier. Therefore,
positive endogenous response is the common fea- they can enhance the likelihood of good outcomes
ture of many TMD pain treatments that have been by learning how to elicit trust and promote posi-
demonstrated to be more effective than no treat- tive expectations in their patients (see Table 1).
ment. This interpretation also accounts for the dif- Finally, we agree with the position of the APS
ferences frequently observed between the no-treat- that, from both an ethical and a semantics point of
ment group (negative control) and the placebo view, the term placebo should not be used in the
control group in many TMD pain studies. In addi- typical office setting, nor should the sham version
tion, it explains better than the placebo/active of any therapy be prescribed. Instead, discussions
treatment paradigm why outcomes such as those between doctors and their patients should focus on
produced in studies of sham versus true acupunc- enhancing natural healing responses and providing
ture as a treatment for TMD and other painful pain relief during that process (“make people feel
conditions turn out the way they do.75,92 better while they get better”). By staying on the
conservative and reversible side of the therapeutic

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Table 1 Will It Work? A Checklist Table of 30 Specific Contextual Factors Influencing Effectiveness of a Treatment
Clinician Treatment Patient

+ – + – + –

Good communicator Poor communicator, New, innovative, Same as usual (tradi- No previous experi- Previous negative
explains the treatment expects the treat- technical tional) ence with the pro- experiences with the
ment to work by itself posed treatment same treatment
Bona fide believer in Minimal confidence Looks like a powerful No features External influences: External influences:
the treatment in the treatment treatment (shape and evoking a sense of advertisements, nobody knows the
color of pills, hands- powerfulness opinions of friends treatment, negative
on manipulations, and colleagues, repu- opinions collected,
mechanical devices, tation of the clinician clinician unknown
injections, etc)
Good "healer actor" Feels empathy, com- Background of the Background of the Inner attitudes: abil- Inner attitudes: “the
skills (ability to show mitment, support, treatment (philo- treatment (contrary ity to "think positive," glass is always half
feelings of empathy, but does not show it sophical, scientific, to patient beliefs) good coping skills, empty,” depression,
commitment, sup- (shyness, busyness, according to patient locus of control secondary gains, ill-
port, etc) etc) beliefs) ness behavior
Good office environ- Bad office environ- Treatment makes Treatment seems to Appreciates healing Self-focused, pas-
mental setting (colors mental setting sense and seems to be complex, scary, efforts, compliant sive, non-compliant,
of the walls, noisy be scientific unproven with treatment, unrealistic expecta-
office, busy clinician, involved in self-care tions
nurses' attitude
toward patient, etc)
Ability to enhance the Focused on unsuc- Branded (well estab- Unbranded (experi- Signal detection: Signal detection:
amount of positive cessful outcome, lished, familiar, good mental, not widely positive response negative response
outcome (and mini- concerned about track record) used, unfamiliar) bias in judging treat- bias in judging treat-
mize the negative) future treatment ment/pain relief ment/pain relief
+ ENHANCE meaning response, expectancy, placebo effect.
– DEPRESS meaning response, expectancy, placebo effect.

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