481 DR Ata l2 Syllabus For Legal English Anglais Juridique Sept20 DR Atta

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Syllabus for Legal English

Course ID: ADF6204.2 # LEGAL ENGLISH (Anglais juridique)

Course Instructor : Dr. ATTA Kouamé François

Office Location : Library
E-mail : atta.kouamefrancois@univ-fhb.edu.ci/atta.k@iugb.edu.ci
Phone Number : 07906932
Office Hours : Library on appointment
Class Meeting time and location:
Course Pre-requisite(s):
Turnitin Course ID: Password:
Required Text: RUPERT, HAIGH. Legal English. Second Edition. London: Routledge Cavendish,
Additional resource: Martin, Jacques., Business Administration English. Anglais de la Gestion,
Edition Marketing, Paris, 145 pages, 1993.

Course Description
This course is a survey of legal English, with consideration of elements of legal writing, basic
standards of legal writing, as well as, elements of good styles with focus on clarity, consistency,
This course is aimed at legal professionals, law students and other persons who regularly deal with
legal documents written in English. It is a first step in the initiation to legal English for students in
general. It will help them both understand English legal language as it appears in contemporary written
and oral context, and to use clear, accurate English in every legal and business situations.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
 Understand elements of legal writing, basic standards of legal writing,
 define key literary terms/concepts and implement these in oral/written discussion
 analyze and explain how various components of legal English work together to create
 apply writing and revision as tools for understanding legal English and its interpretation
 recognize and describe legal English history as chronological, developmental (moving through
time periods), and generic/thematic
 recognize elements of good styles with focus on clarity, consistency, effectiveness.
 to provide students with opportunities for both individual and group (co-operative) learning

Preparing the Course

The student is responsible for preparing the lecture topics using the course support. S/he is expected to
read assignments before class meetings, contribute positively to class discussions, write clear and
concise responses to assignments and complete any homework or project assigned.

Evaluation Procedures
The assessment of student progress and performance will be done through homework assignments,
projects, quizzes, presentations, and examinations throughout the semester.
At least one mid-term examination will be scheduled during the semester. . In addition, students are
expected to take a final examination at the end of the semester.

Tentative Outline of Course Lectures

Weeks Course Lectures

1 Syllabus presentation
An Oveview of Law
Introduction to Legal English
Legal terms and jargon
Words English Legal meaning and ordinary meaning- In-Class
2 Elements of legal English -Articles, prepositions, pronouns-In-Class

Elements of legal English (continued)-Adjectives, adverbs, phrasal

verbs, Negative

Mid Term Exam

3 Elements of Good Styles
General considerations
4 Elements of Good Styles

Consistebcy and effectiveness

Final Exam

 The student is responsible for knowing university policies and procedures.
 This syllabus is tentative and subject to change.
 A student who misses a quiz or an exam without valid reason is given a zero.

Best wishes for a successful course!

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