1.U2 Vocabulary

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I. Vocabulary
- Vena cava: vein - Circulatory system
- Aorta: Artery - Heart
- Atrium: Atria - Valve
- Ventricle - Pulmonary artery
- Septum - Capillary
- Pulmonary vein - Chamber
- Oxygen - Superior vena cava
- Inferior vena cava - Blood vessel
+ P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + S __ __ __ __ __
+ V __ __ __ c __ __ __ + V __ __ __
+ A __ __ __ __ + V __ __ __ __
+ V __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + V __ __ __ __ __
+ C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + C __ __ __ __ __ __
+ A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + A __ __ __ __
+ A __ __ __ __ __ + H __ __ __ __
+ A __ __ __ __ __
V __ __ __ __ __ __

Right atrium Left atrium

• Receives blood _______ • Receives blood_________________
• high in C_______________ • high in O________________________
• low in O________________ • low in C_________________________


Right ventricle Left ventricle

• pumps ___________________ • Pumps blood ____________________
This blood is: This blood is:
• high in C_________________ • high in O__________________________
• low in O__________________ • low in C___________________________
atrium (x2) blood ventricle (x2) Septum
1. A muscular wall dividing the right side of the heart from the
left side is called the _______________.
2. Both ventricles pump __________out of the heart at the same
3. The right ________pumps blood to the lungs. This blood is high
in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.
4. The right ________receives blood from all parts of the body.
Blood in the right atrium is high in carbon dioxide and low in
5. The left ________ pumps blood to all parts of the body. Blood in
the left ventricle is high in oxygen. It is low in carbon dioxide.
6. The left ________receives blood from the lungs. Blood in the
left atrium is high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide.

+ Cardiomyopathy /ˌkɑː.di.əʊ.maɪˈɒp.ə.θi/
+ Atriotomy (atrio- +‎-tomy):
+ Supraventricular: /ˈsuː.prə. ˈven.trɪ.kəl/
+ Valvectomy /væl.vek.tə.mi /

+ Angiopathy /ˈæn.dʒi.əʊ.pəˈθi/
+ Vasodilation /ˌveɪ.zəʊ.daɪ.ˈleɪ.ʃn/
+ Endarterial /en.dɑːˈ.tɪə.riəl/
+ Aortitis /eɪˈɔː.taɪ.tɪs/
+ Venography /vɪ.ˈnɒ.ɡrə.fɪ/
+ Phlebectomy /flɪ.ˈbek.tə.mi/
+ Cardialgia /kɑː.dɪ.ˈæl.dʒɪə/
+ Cardiocele /kɑː.di.əʊ.sel/
+ Vasodilation /ˌveɪ.zəʊ.daɪ.ˈleɪ.ʃən/
+ Cardiodynia /kɑː.di.əʊ.ˈdɪ.nɪə/
+ Cardiomegaly /kɑ: diəʊ ˈmegəli/
+ Angioma /ˌæn.dʒiˈəʊ.mə/
+ Cardiomyopathy /ˌkɑː.di.əʊ.maɪˈɒp.ə.θi/
+ Angioplasty /ˈæn.dʒi.əʊˌplæs.ti/
+ Arteriorrhage /ɑːˈtɪə.ri.əʊ.r.ɪdʒ/
+ Angiorrhexis /ˈæn.dʒi.əʊ.ˈrek.sɪs/
+ Arteriosclerosis /ɑ:.tiə.riəυ.sklə:.rəυ.sis/
+ Vasospasm /ˌveɪ.zəʊ.spæ.zm/
A diases in which the muscle of the heart is much thicker,
bigger or stiffer than normal.
+ cardiomyopathy /ˌkɑː.di.əʊ.maɪˈɒp.ə.θi/
+ Atriotomy (atrio- +‎-tomy): /ˌeɪ.tri.əʊ.tə.mi/
The surgical opening of an atrium.
+ supraventricular: /ˈsuː.prə. ˈven.trɪ.kəl/
Located or occurring above the ventricles.
+ valvectomy /vælvek.tə.mi /
+ angiopathy / /ˈændʒiəʊ pəˈθi/
+ vasodilation /ˌveɪzəʊdaɪˈleɪʃn/
+ endarterial / /endɑːˈtɪəriəl/
+ Aortitis /eɪˈɔːtaɪtɪs/ + Venography /vɪˈnɒɡrəfɪ/
1. An immature red blood cell ____________________
2. A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood
3. Formation of red blood cells _________________
4. The study of blood _________________
5. Specialist in the study of immunity _________________
6. White blood cell _________________
7. Specialist in blood diseases _________________
8. Abnormal increase of leukocytes _________________
9. Formation (production) of blood _________________
10. Decrease in lymphocytes ______________________
Mid-term test: 30 sent/ Unit 1-2
Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary
Unit 1: Zero conditional sent/ because; as soon as..
Unit 2: Relative clause; 1st conditional sentence
Part 2: Reading: Circle the best answer for each question
Part 3: Writing
1. Write a word for each definition
2. Write a medical term for each definition
3. With NO more than three words
+ because -> so; although -> but/ in spite of
-> We are not free on Sunday ______we cannot visit our…
Hematopoiesis/ hemapoiesis
1. Endocarditis 2. Myocarditis
3. Pericarditis 4. cardiology
5. (excision) angiectomy 6. aortopathy
7. Cardiologist 8. phlebotomy
9. Vasodilation 10. angiogram

Picture/ record/ image ~ gram

1. Enlargement of the heart 8. the contraction of a vein
2. Rupture of an artery 9. a rupture of the heart
3. Fast heart rate 10. the inflammation of a vein
4. Slow heart rate
5. X-ray picture of the aorta.
6. Surgical operation of suturing an artery./ a suture of an
7. Narrowing of the aorta.
1. If you don't study harder, you 'll get bad marks.
=> Unless you study harder, you will….
2.Unless this man is a driver, he can’t help you move by car. -> IF
3. If he doesn't practice writing every day, he can't improve his writing
skill. => Unless
4. Unless you return this book to the library today, you’ll have to pay a
fine. => If
5. Unless you go out more often, you might fall ill. => If
6. If you are absent from school, you have to write a sick-note. => Unless
7. Unless the seas is warmer, the ice at the North and South pole will not
1. If you don't study harder, you 'll get bad marks.=> Unless
2. Unless this man is a driver, he can’t help you move by car.=> If
3. If he doesn't practice writing every day, he can't improve his writing
skill. => Unless
4. Unless you return this book to the library today, you’ll have to pay a
fine.=> If
5. Unless you go out more often, you might fall ill.=> If
1. Unless they were absent now, they would meet the head master.
=> If ...........................................................................
2. Unless he cleaned up the car now, his boss could ask him to do this.
=> If ...........................................................................
3. If I didn’t know the number, I would not ring her up.
=> Unless .......................
She is ill so she cannot complete her duty.
-> She cannot complete her duty ________she is ill.
Which/ who/ whose
The patient is a young man. He has a frontal headache.
-> The patient __________a frontal headache is a young man.
-> The patient is a young man __________a frontal headache.
1. You will be seriously ill unless you stop smoking. -> IF
2. Unless we pass the driving test, we can not have driving
license. -> If___________

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