Grade 3 Unit3

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Starters 3 Happy Birthday (continued) Mini-test

Reading & Writing, Part 3

Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

There is one example.

e k
a c
c a k e

e t
s e

u e
j i

e t
n e
p s

o b
n l o

t e
l c
o a

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Starters Mini-test

Listening, Part 2

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples. 13

What’s the girl’s name? Anna
What is the number of her house? 16


1 How many presents has Anna got today?

2 What’s the name of her favourite toy?

3 How many people are there in her family?

4 What’s her brother’s name?

5 How old is Anna today?

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CYLET Speaking Please see instructions in the Intensive Program Lesson Plans.

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Starters 3 At the beach
Words It’s a beautiful
day. We’re at the beach!
What can you see on the
beach and in the sea?

1 Draw lines from the words to the pictures.

sea sand beach water camera shells

2 Can you find these things in the picture? Complete the words.
1 2
b adm i nto n i cr m
k e b na s
b l l n d

s 4
d s
i e
t u e
b a
h b

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Starters Words & listening

1 Draw lines from the pictures to the words.

to drink
to kick
to wear
to eat
to fly
to read
to ride
to listen to

2 What are the children doing on the beach this morning?

Listen and draw lines. 14


Sam Tom

Ann Nick

Jill Lucy

Bill Kim

3 Talk about the children.

The children
are happy on the Yes, Lucy’s got
beach! a bike to ride.

And Kim’s
got some fruit
to eat.

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Starters Story & writing

1 Listen and read. Then act. 15

Look there!
1 Supper’s 2 And They’re eating ice
where are Jill creams.
ready. Where are Nick
and Kim?
and Sam?

Look there!
They’re riding

3 But I’ve got all 4

these sausages here. Let’s
go and get them!
at the sausages,

Oh no!
Fish and chips for

2 Write the words in the boxes and complete the words.

eating playing jumping finding
in the s .
We’re playing
t e n n i s .

We’re We’re
b r r s. s e s.

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Starters Language practice

1 Look and circle the letters to find the words.

1 s a o l h
b h e c l
2 r e p p r
h i l o o
3 o o i r h
b e a t d
4 l e n r o
m a r g y
5 r u a l l
p i e n o
6 s e a r l
b h e c h
7 w h a t n
t r e i r
8 l l r r n
p o a n y
9 w o p e o
h a t p r
10 r a r e o
m u l t r
11 t r i a y
o n e o n

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3 Lunch at the park
Have got (2)
Prepositions of place (behind,
in front of, next to, between)

Have got

Has Dave got a sandwich? Has he got a banana?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. He’s got an apple.

Affirmative Negative Question Short answers

I’ve got I haven’t got have I got? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
you’ve got you haven’t got have you got? Yes, you have. / No, you haven’t.
he’s got he hasn’t got has he got? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
she’s got she hasn’t got has she got? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.

I’ve = I have he’s = he has she’s = she has

haven’t = have not hasn’t = has not

1 Match.
1 Has she got a pizza? No, he hasn’t.

2 Has he got a milkshake? Yes, she has.

3 Has she got chicken? Yes, he has.

4 Has he got a pizza? No, she hasn’t.

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2 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions.

1 you Have got a biscuit 2 got Has he a milkshake

Have you got a biscuit ? ?

3 a sandwich got Have you 4 got a pizza you Have

? ?

5 a banana got she Has 6 Have got salad you

? ?

3 Follow and answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5 6

chicken fries a milkshake salad a sandwich a pizza

1 Has he got a milkshake? Yes, he has .

2 Has she got chicken? .
3 Has he got a sandwich? .
4 Has she got salad? .
5 Has he got a sandwich? .
6 Has she got fries? .

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4 Write questions and answers.

1 he / a pizza

Has he got a pizza ? Yes, he has .

2 she / chicken

? .

3 you / a milkshake

? .

4 you / fries

? .

5 he / a sandwich

? .

6 he / a banana

? .

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Prepositions of place

Put your juice next to your sandwich.

Where’s Jamie?

The salad is between Brian’s He’s behind that tree.

juice and my sandwich. Dave’s in front of the tree!

Prepositions of place tell us where something or someone is.

next to between behind in front of

5 Where is the food and drink? Write.

1 The fries are next to the salad.

2 The milkshake is the pizza.
3 The juice is the fries.
4 The pizza is the milkshake.
5 The fries are the salad and the juice.

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Primary 3 Speaking
1 Look and listen. Then point and say. 16

I have a
milkshake. I have noodles. I have a pizza. I have grapes. I have salad.

2 Listen and answer the questions. 17

Answer the questions.

• Yes, he does.
C D • No, they don’t.

3 Listen and talk to your friend. 18

Talk to your friend about

the picture.

• Mom has a sandwich.

• There is pizza on the

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Primary Speaking Please see instructions in the Intensive Program Lesson Plans.

4 Listen. Then draw and talk to your friend. 19

Talk to your friend.


• Do you have milk?

 Yes, I do.
• Do you have a salad?
 No, I don’t.

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3 Extra writing
1 Write the words. Find them in the wordsearch.
1 2 s a n d w i c h m
x c d h g o y m i
sandwich       c b p i z z a k l
3 4 h u z b c f x d k
i p s a l a d a s

            c a s t b r j q h
5 6 k o x z t a o w a
e v f r i e s x k

n b t a d w r l e

2 Write in the missing numbers.

1 10 20 30 2 70 90
ten, twenty , thirty,      seventy,     , ninety,     

3 Look and write.

1 Does she have a pizza? does .

Yes, she
2      he      fries?         
3      he      a milkshake?         
4      she      an apple?         
5      she      salad?         

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3 Values
Healthy food

1 Which meals are healthy? Add the points.

1 2
fries 1

cheese 3

salad 5

fruit 5
3 points. Unhealthy points.      pizza 2
3 4 milkshake 3

1–5 Unhealthy
6–11 OK
12–20 Healthy

points.      points.     

2 Read and draw.

1 He has a pizza and fries. 2 She has chicken and salad.

He has a banana. She has a milkshake.

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3 Unit test
1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. /3

1 pizza   2 3 4

2 Match. /4

1 c 2 3 4 5

a forty b
twenty c thirty d
seventy e ninety

3 Underline the correct words. /5

1 2 3

1 (Does / Do / Is) 2 (Are / Does / Do) 3 (Is / Does / Do)

you have a pizza? she have fries? you have salad?

No, I (doesn’t / Yes, she (does / Yes, I (do / does /

don’t / do). doesn’t / do). don’t).

4 Complete. Do doesn’t have Yes 3 

Does Erica /3
a mikshake?

1 Do you
have a

2 , I do.
4 No, she .
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Grammar Review 1
1 Write This, That, These or Those.
1 This is a computer. 1 2 3
2 are pegs.
3 is a board.
4 are chairs. 4 5 6
5 is a poster.
6 is a cupboard.

2 Make the sentences into questions.

1 You’ve got chicken. 2 He’s got a pizza.
Have you got chicken ? ?
3 She’s got a sandwich. 4 She’s got salad.
? ?

3 Match and write has or hasn’t.


Has she got a doll? Yes, he .

Has he got a book? Yes, she .

Has she got a book? No, he .

Has he got a car? No, she hasn’t .

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Test Summative test 1
1 Circle the correct word. /2

1 board / poster 2 picture / computer 3 drawers / table

2 Look and write. /4

1 fish


4 5

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Summative test 1

3 Match the pictures with the beginning sounds. /5

1 4

a fr

b cr

2 5
c gr

d dr

e br
3 6

f tr

4 Write the words from 3. /5

1 grass 2 3

4 5 6

5 Listen and circle the beginning sounds you hear. 20 /4

1 gr br fr 2 dr tr cr

3 gr br fr 4 dr tr cr
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Test Skills test 1

1 Listen and write. 21 /5

1 30 2 3
4 5 6

2 Listen and check (✔). 22 /3


3 4


3 Read. Circle the correct answer. /3

Hello! My name’s Daisy. I’m eight. This is my classroom.

There are three tables and eight chairs. That is my
teacher, Miss Green. She is in front of the board. There
are two computers in my classroom. There are pictures
on the wall. There are lots of coat hooks. My coat hook
is blue. This is my bag, it’s yellow.

1 How many tables are there? three / four

2 How many chairs are there? nine / eight
3 How many computers are there? three / two
4 What color is Daisy’s coat hook? blue / yellow

4 Read again and write T (true) or F (false). /4

1 Daisy is nine. F 2 Miss Green is Daisy’s teacher.

3 There are pictures on the wall. 4 There are three computers.
5 Daisy’s bag is blue.

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Skills test 1


5 Look and write. /5

1  lasda 2  ckechin 3  kmilshkea


4  zzapi 5  ifres 6  wichands


6 Look and say. /5

What do they have? He has

a pizza …

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