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Install Sun VirtualBox

Install Ubuntu Linux

Here is a screenshot showing Ubuntu installed and running in VirtualBox

Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing the Command Line and Opening the Text Editor

This is aimed to provide a detailed step-by-step guide on accessing the command line interface
and opening the text editor in Ubuntu Linux. The guide outlines the actions taken to navigate the
command line and the command issued to open the text editor

1. Accessing the Command Line

a. The command line interface was accessed by launching the Terminal application from the
Ubuntu Linux GUI.

b. Upon launching the Terminal, a new terminal window appeared, providing the command line

2. Navigating to the Default Editor

a. The default text editor, Nano, was accessed by typing the command "nano" in the terminal

b. Pressing the Enter key initiated the opening of Nano, displaying a blank document or an
existing document, if any were previously open.
3. Editing Files

a. Within Nano, the user can create or edit text files using the available commands displayed at
the bottom of the editor.

b. Navigation within the file was accomplished using the arrow keys, allowing movement
throughout the text.

c. Made changes to the text were using the keyboard.

d. Saving changes to the file was achieved by pressing "Ctrl + O."

e. Use Command Ctrl + X” to exit Nano.

Step-by-Step Guide to Opening a Text Editor Using the GUI

1.Launching Ubuntu Linux and Accessing the GUI:

The process was initiated by launching VirtualBox on my computer and selected the Ubuntu
Linux virtual machine.

, I initiated the boot process was initiated by Clicking on the "Start" button of the virtual

2.Navigating to the Application Launcher:

Once Ubuntu had booted up, I located the application launcher, which was conveniently situated
in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

By clicking on the application launcher, I opened it, revealing a menu of available applications.

Finding the Text Editor Application:

Within the application launcher, I utilized the search function to locate the text editor application

Typing either "Text Editor" or "gedit" in the search bar, I patiently awaited the appearance of the
search results.
Opening the Text Editor Application

Once the text editor application ("Text Editor" or "gedit") appeared in the search results, I
selected it by clicking on it.

This action launched the text editor application, which promptly displayed either a blank
document or any previously open document.

Text Editing

To create a new file, I navigated to the "File" option located in the menu bar at the top of the text
editor application.

Selecting "New" from the menu or using the associated keyboard shortcut, I initiated the creation
of a new file within the text editor.

To open an existing file, I again accessed the "File" option in the menu bar and chose "Open."
Then, I navigated to the desired file's location and selected it.

With the file open in the text editor, I utilized the available features and functionalities to edit the
contents of the file effectively.


Overall, I found the process of installing VirtualBox and Ubuntu to be straightforward. The

Ubuntu installation steps are very similar to installing Windows. The main challenge was getting used to

the Linux terminal andfinding applications, since I am used to a Windows environment. The terminal uses

a lot of unfamiliar text-based commands compared to the graphical interface I am used to. However, the

GUI still provides point-and-click interaction for basic tasks like opening apps. Ubuntu seems very user-

friendly and I can see similarities to Windows in terms of the dock, search bar, and general layout. After

more practice, I think I would get comfortable using both the terminal and the Ubuntu desktop

part 3

Table 1: Operating System Comparison

Criteria Windows iOS Android macOS Linux Unix

Reliability Windows has iOS is very Android macOS is Linux is very Unix is extremely
improved in reliable due reliability reliable reliable and reliable and robust,
reliability over to Apple's depends on OEM thanks to stable thanks used in mission
the years, but closed implementations. Apple's tight to its modular critical systems.
still ecosystem Stock Android is integration of architecture.
experiences and extensive reliable but third software and
some crashes testing. party skins can hardware.
and bugs. cause instability.
User Very easy to Very intuitive Can have a Easy to use Moderate Steep learning
Friendliness use, familiar and user steeper learning for novices learning curve curve, designed for
interface for friendly curve depending and power for new users. advanced users.
most users. interface. on OEM skin. users alike. Very
Easy for Stock Android is customizable
novices. easy to use. for power
Security Vulnerable to Very secure Vulnerable to Very secure, Secure with Very secure,
viruses and due to app malware without integrated proper advanced security
malware vetting and up to date security configurations, features built-in.
without proper sandboxing. patches. features. some
precautions. vulnerabilities.
Gaming Excellent Good Good Decent Varies based Not designed for
Performance gaming performance performance for performance on hardware gaming, though
support and for mobile mobile games. when running and drivers. possible on some
performance. games. Limited by Windows via Generally not Unix variants.
Limited by hardware. Boot Camp. the best for
hardware. gaming.
Software Huge selection Restricted to Over 3.3 million Decent Massive Limited
Availability of both free App Store, apps on Google selection of selection of commercial
and paid over 2.2 Play Store. over 300,000 free open software, mainly
software. million apps apps on App source open source.
available. Store. software.
Hardware Works with Limited to Works across Limited to Works with Typically runs on
Support most consumer Apple mobile thousands of Apple most hardware server and
PC hardware devices only. Android device desktops and but may enterprise
configurations. models. laptops. require driver hardware.
Customizability Highly Limited Very Can be Extremely Customization
customizable customization customizable customized customizable possible but
in look and options. with launchers to a degree. to user's needs. requires expertise.
function. and themes.
Cost Wide range of Premium Varies by OEM. Premium Free open Expensive
pricing for OS pricing for Flagship phones pricing for source OS. commercial Unix
and hardware. devices can be expensive. Mac Cheap variants. Value
running iOS. hardware. hardware open source options
options. available.
Performance Very good Excellent Great Optimized Lightweight Very high
performance performance performance on for Apple and fast if performance for
on modern on Apple flagship devices, hardware, configured servers and mission
hardware. mobile low-end can great correctly. critical systems.
hardware. struggle. performance.
Developer Excellent tools Restrictive Open Mac and iOS Many Typically uses C
Support and support development environment with development languages and and shell scripting.
for developers. environment, SDKs and require tools available. Very stable APIs.
must use developer XCode. Very open and
XCode. options. flexible.

Best Uses for each operating system

Windows is best suited for the average home PC user who wants an easy to use operating system

with broad hardware and software compatibility and support. It works well for most everyday


iOS shines when used on Apple mobile devices. The tight integration between hardware and

software allows for an extremely reliable and user friendly experience. It excels at simple on-the-

go tasks.

Android provides maximum choice and customization on mobile. With a variety of models

available, users can choose a device that fits their preferences and budget. Android offers good

compatibility and hardware performance.

macOS is best used by creative professionals who prefer the Apple ecosystem. The optimization

between Mac hardware and software provides excellent performance for tasks like photo and

video editing.

Linux provides unlimited customization and is ideal for programmers and IT professionals who

want full control over their operating system. It offers excellent security and stability.
Unix is designed for mission critical server and enterprise applications where reliability and

performance are paramount. Its advanced security makes it ideal for sensitive computing needs.

Windows. (n.d.). Microsoft. Retrieved from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows

iOS. (n.d.). Apple. Retrieved from https://www.apple.com/ios/

Android Versions. (n.d.). Android Developers. Retrieved from


macOS. (n.d.). Apple. Retrieved from https://www.apple.com/macos/

Linux OS. (n.d.). Linux.com. Retrieved from https://www.linux.com/what-is-linux/

UNIX Tutorial. (n.d.). TutorialsPoint. Retrieved from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/index.htm

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