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a celebrity. But this time instead of talking about his award-
Listening Test 1 winning books or his TV cookery courses, he’ll be helping you.
You may have learnt how to cook at home, or at school, or
Part 1 (page 20) maybe you went to a cookery school. But are you still unsure
about a few things? Phil will try to clarify any doubts you may
Question One
still have, so whether it’s how to cook the perfect boiled egg
Well, there are two campsites, about five kilometres apart, or how to organise a five-course meal, now’s your chance.
but I’d go to the Morvich site if I were you – unless you Call us from three o’clock.
want to be near the castle and the museum, which are a fair Question Five
distance from it even if you’re driving. All we wanted was to
be able to go for walks and enjoy the stunning views of the A team of nutritionists has been evaluating the food which
lake. You definitely wouldn’t get that at the other site, though is on sale in a number of college canteens, with surprising
I’ve heard that the showers are better than at Morvich, and results. The survey shows that the increased variety of snacks
it’s also got a little shop which you may find useful. We don’t on offer is remarkable, though the situation’s still far from
bother about things like that, so we’ll definitely go back to ideal. It wasn’t long ago that there were constant complaints
Morvich next summer. about the lack of fruit and vegetables, and the predominance
of high sugar and fatty items, from teachers in particular.
Question Two
Probably as a result of that pressure, colleges became aware
M: I’ve just got back from the Alps. Lots of the mountain of the problem, without ever promising quick results. Perhaps
passes that are normally full of snow at this time of year, not surprisingly, the students themselves say they miss the
are still green. If this is the result of global warming, it’s sweeter snacks.
very worrying Question Six
W: There are certainly strange things happening to the
weather, but there’s nothing to worry about really. My I’d recently left school and I was helping my parents in
sister spent two weeks in Cape Town last year, where their shop, when I heard about this half-day vacancy at the
she’d hoped to find big waves and plenty of wind to bookshop. The only work I’d ever done was a few hours at
surf, and she was shocked to find nothing, I went two the shop and a few little holiday jobs, which were great fun
weeks ago and it was a completely different story. because my friends were doing them too. But whilst I was a
bit uneasy about this job because I’m not that good at admin
M: I can’t believe that you’re saying that. There’s no hope
tasks, I could see that this was my chance to focus on those
for our planet unless something’s done soon.
weak points. I’d have made more money if I’d stayed working
Question Three in the shop, as my parents were keen to point out, but I don’t
regret my choice.
W: You’ve got this idea that moving to the country’s going
to change your life dramatically, but it needn’t be like Question Seven
that at all. I know you can’t bear the thought of giving
M: A lot’s been said about Jack Sommer, the young designer
up simple things like going to the library or the gym, but
who’s set to dominate next years’ fashion shows with his
think of ...
bold designs in strong colours, hasn’t it Jane?
M: You don’t understand how important all that is for me.
W: Yes, Sommer’s collections have been both praised to
W: Well, the main thing is your job wouldn’t be affected, the sky and criticised harshly by the press, and it is not
you’d be able to carry on writing your articles difficult to understand why this should be. He uses
anywhere, wouldn’t you? everyday materials, but for dresses that would be out
M: From the point of view of work it might not be a bad of place anywhere except the catwalk. You can’t imagine
thing, there’d be no interruptions from well-meaning yourself wearing them, no matter how special the
friends dropping in for a chat any time of day. occasion. But I believe this is precisely his strength. He’s
an artist who has created objects of beauty unlike any
Question Four
This afternoon I’ll be joined by Phil Harkins, the chef whose
cookery books and television appearances have made him



Question Eight case throughout the trip. He couldn’t play because the boat
was always rolling about! He loved to read and he also had
W: So how’s it different to other winter sports? an iPod that his sister had lent him. This he plugged it into
M: Well, take downhill skiing, for instance. You have to book portable speakers and it was on pretty much all the time.
lessons, start on the nursery slopes and all that – but Was there anything that frightened Michael? He says the
with snow-kiting, you just need a wide, snow-covered weather was a bit of a worry at times, and once he got
area like a frozen lake or field, and you’re off. Like with caught in a force nine storm, but managed to handle the boat
all winter sports, beginners should err on the side of OK. The one event that really shook him was when a flying
caution. They need to be sure they can judge wind fish jumped into the boat and hit him on the shoulder. But
speed. mostly things were great, like sailing alongside dolphins and
seeing the bluest skies anyone could ever imagine.
Part 2 (page 21)
Everybody is really proud of Michael’s achievements. And
In 2007, Michael Perham, a fourteen-year-old boy from the a remarkable thing about the trip is that he also raised
south of England, became the youngest person to sail across thousands of pounds for the charity known as ‘Children
the Atlantic alone. Michael set off from Gibraltar on the 5,600 in Need’. His school has been very supportive – the
kilometre voyage which took forty-seven days. It was a long Headteacher allowed Michael to miss school, saying that
and, some may say, dangerous adventure, but Michael was a few weeks on the ocean would be an amazing learning
determined to get there. experience.
Michael started sailing when he was seven, and says the idea It’s quite likely that Michael’s next challenge will be to sail
of an Atlantic crossing had been floating around in his head non-stop around the world. His father would do the trip in
for a few years. Then one day, his father Peter, who’s a keen another boat, but it would be a very different experience
sailor, decided that the time was right. Michael helped with the because they would be in 20-metre boats which travel much
design of a new 9-metre yacht which was built for them and faster, so they would never really be in sight of each other.
to which Michael gave the name Cheeky Monkey. Michael says next time he’ll remember to pack some photos,
They say that for a real sailor, crossing the Atlantic isn’t a to remember friends and family if he feels lonely, but he’ll
big deal, but people imagine that sharks and huge waves leave the guitar at home.
would be the greatest dangers. In fact, Michael’s father sailed Part 3 (page 22)
alongside his son in his own boat to make sure he was OK.
They worked in shifts throughout the night; an hour on, then Speaker One
an hour off, because one of them had to be on watch, in case
There’s such a vast range of cookery schools, it’s unbelievable.
large ships came too near to them.
Before booking a course, it’s advisable to decide what you
Are you wondering what Michael ate during his voyage? Well, want from it. For me it was easy – I wanted to pick up
he says he and his father filled two supermarket trolleys with some new ideas for entertaining but didn’t need any basic
things like – sausages, spaghetti and stews, which could be techniques, so the course at the Brandale cookery school
easily heated in a pan. Everything had to be in tins, though, suited me well. There were some people there who didn’t
because that type of food keeps fresher than stuff in packets know how to boil an egg, but there was extra tuition for
or jars. them. The course is run by Sylvie Brandale, who’s written
So what did Michael miss most? He says he sometimes cookbooks and appeared on TV, and subjects included ‘Stress
missed human contact and having a face-to-face conversation. free parties’ and ‘Sauces from around the world’. All great
He got used to his limited food supply but says what he really topics and all of the ingredients were provided.
longed for was hot toast. Knowing what teenagers are like, I’d
Speaker Two
been expecting him to say burgers or crisps, but then Michael
is a no ordinary teenager! I was very lucky, really. I was on holiday, and I happened to
When asked how he communicated with his father, Michael hear that there was a new cookery school at the nearby Four
explains that it was all done by radio, though for Michael Seasons hotel. They had four hour classes every Saturday,
nothing compared with the pleasure of following his father’s starting at 7am! The day I attended there was a group of ten
progress through his binoculars. Michael also communicated enthusiastic participants, all eagerly awaiting instructions –
with his family at home by satellite phone. One day his father though I gathered from their conversations that, unlike me,
contacted Michael to tell him a part of his own boat was they were all fairly experienced cooks. You can imagine the
broken, which really disappointed Michael because it might look on our faces though when we were told we were going
mean that they would have to go slower. But, in the end, that to visit the open air fish market down by the port. We all
wasn’t necessary. came back having selected freshly caught seafood, and were
I asked Michael how he entertained himself on the boat. He then taught the art of preparing it. Great stuff!
told me he’d taken his guitar with him but it had stayed in its



Speaker Three the best students aren’t always the best designers, but
there’s no denying that a degree will show that you’ve
I’m a good cook, or so my sister says. So she thought I’d do got certain basic skills and get you your first job. Don’t
an advanced course. But I was keen to go through the basics be surprised to find colleagues with fewer qualifications
again, and this time I was determined to enjoy it. I registered on higher pay than yourself though. Making progress
for Glyn Harvey’s cookery classes – only four people in a from that point will depend entirely on your personal
class. We watched while he prepared the dishes, making it all talent.
seem so effortless! There wasn’t much real cooking, although
Interviewer: What basic skills do you need?
he did invite us to help slice the potatoes and tomatoes. And
we were given some tasty, easy to cook recipes to take home. PG: When you ask a fashion student what they want to do,
I came away bursting with ideas for giving a dinner party – they often reply ‘have my own line’. Not an easy task,
something I hadn’t felt like doing in a long time. I must say. You need work experience first, ideally in a
successful fashion shop, to understand that this industry
Speaker Four is led by commerce. Starting your own line requires
capital and a clear overview of how it’s going to develop.
The course I attended covered a range of techniques, from
Without it, clothes design can only be a hobby. Of
basic to advanced, and it gave you lots of practical tips. I was
course if you’ve got an eye for colour, style and shape
there to make up for the fact that, sadly, as a youngster, I was
and an ability to draw, you shouldn’t let go of the dream
hardly ever allowed into the kitchen, which meant I’d turned
into a chuck it in the pan sort of cook. Claire, the teacher, was Interviewer: Where do you get the inspiration for your
very chatty and full of enthusiasm. She demonstrated several designs?
dishes in the morning while we took notes, and then we were PG: To be a good designer, you have to be aware of the
given some equipment and it was our turn to have a go. I world you live in, you need to go out and look at
made a splendid vegetable tart, which we ate at lunch. Now people’s lives and attitudes, you really have to learn
I’m planning to go again and this time I’ll concentrate on the how to observe what’s happening around you. And I
more demanding recipes.. don’t mean going abroad necessarily – my social circle
is invaluable for me, for example – a constant source
Speaker Five of ideas. You have to remember the clothes are not
This weekend cookery course I did had an emphasis on for you, you have to adapt to what other people want.
local ingredients, with hands-on practice with the chefs. I And don’t be tempted to imitate the famous designers,
wouldn’t have been happy with taking notes and following however beautiful their collections might look.
demonstrations, no matter how impressive the food Interviewer: Now you’re a successful designer, are things
produced. I wanted to get my hands dirty, just as I’d done as a easier?
little girl in school cookery lessons. It was at a seaside resort, PG: It took me a while to learn to cope with criticism,
and you stay in a hotel which is very close to the fishing though. You think your design drawings look brilliant, but
port, and so get to cook the local seafood. It’s really intensive you mustn’t get upset if the garment doesn’t look as
and you cook two-course lunches as well as four course you’d imagined it. What I’ve never managed to get used
dinners! But you get enough free time to make it an enjoyable to is the sheer amount of work involved in finishing your
weekend too. collection well in advance of the season. Some designers
stop attending fashion shows, for example, which involve
Part 4 (page 23)
lots of time-consuming travelling, but I’d be unhappy to
Interviewer: Hello, Pamela, welcome to the programme. So give that up.
many young people want to be fashion designers these Interviewer: Do you have to do a lot of reading to keep up
days, but don’t know how to get started. with trends?
PG: Hi. I felt exactly like that myself! You must first discover PG: You have to read fashion magazines and other media
if this is really what you want to do. I wasn’t sure to that reflect current trends and tastes. It doesn’t matter
begin with, so I started off by looking for a store in my whether you want to use them in your own designs.
neighbourhood that sold its own clothes. The owner Nobody knows what styles will be fashionable in, say,
invited me into her studio and told me what a typical two years’ time, but the point is you have to know just
day was like. She allowed me to ask as many questions about everything that’s been done before, so that you
as I wanted. Having made up my mind, I then contacted can spot it when it becomes popular again.
a few colleges to see what courses in fashion were on Interviewer: This is a very competitive industry. Realistically,
offer, and I was lucky to find one that seemed ideal. what are the chances for somebody starting?
Interviewer: So a degree in fashion is a must? PG: Don’t make the mistake of aiming just for designing
PG: Well, you often meet designers who go to college later outfits, which is just one part of a vast industry. You
in life, after years of working in the industry. The truth is may be perfectly happy as an obscure but competent



designer of small pieces for collections – jewellery, hats, Mind you, it would get me out of the house and give
shoes – all of which need to be created. And then me something a bit less serious to do. And, of course, it
somebody has to market them, sell them, write about would help to have the extra money, what with the fees
them. Fame and glory is just for the top twenty world and the books I need this term.
designers, and life isn’t always wonderful even for them. W: I’m lucky not to have that problem. But I like the idea of
Interviewer: Pamela, many thanks ... meeting people. That really sounds fun and I don’t think
we should be worrying about our career prospects yet.

Listening Test 2 Question Five

M: Jane! Great to see you on your bike! So at last you’ve

Part 1 (page 42) left your car at home!
Question One W: Well, it’s not for the reasons you think. I’ve put the car
up for sale – on my student income, it just didn’t work.
This was a one week course, and I decided to go for it I know, I know, don’t start lecturing me about car fumes,
because at school I never had much time for art. I paid thirty the ozone layer, the polluted air we breathe . . . Look
pounds, which is reasonable when you consider that the at the state I’m in after a quarter of an hour of cycling!
materials are included. The thing is, although I didn’t expect Exhausted and cold, who knows, I might have caught flu
the teacher to do it all for me, I did at least expect some or something!
ideas about what to do, some useful tips, you know, like: ‘you
M: If you’re ill, you shouldn’t be doing this, of course.
should design your piece on paper first’, which would’ve
been useful. Anyway, the plate I produced didn’t look very W: Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll feel better when I warm up
professional, but I made a great soap dish for my bathroom. I a bit.
don’t think the other students did much better.
Question Six
Question Two
Scrambling is often described as the grey area between
With the summer approaching, and all this good weather walking and climbing – technically, as soon as you start to put
we’re having, it’s time to start thinking of the outdoor life. your hands on rock, it becomes a scramble. However, one
Graham Sanders, who’s an expert on mountain climbing, is person’s scrambling is another person’s climbing – it depends
going to be explaining how to make sure you get exactly the on your perception. If you come from a walking background,
right kit. There’s so many products now that finding the right as soon as your hand touches the ground you may class that
items can be a difficult job. But by picking up some insider as a scramble, whereas if you’re from a climbing background,
secrets you can be sure of making the right choice. And you’d think differently. The typical scramblers are people who
when you’ve got your gear home, it’ll be time to show off all find rock climbing too difficult or who don’t have a head for
you can do! As Graham often says, with some preparation, heights.
anybody can climb even the highest mountain. Question Seven
Question Three
Now for the weather in the north east for the rest of today
As soon as you start an exercise programme, you’ll start and tomorrow. The spell of cold weather, brought in by
looking healthier, and if you keep it up, you’ll see the arctic winds, is set to continue today, with increasing cloud
difference in the mirror within a few weeks. Forget the scales, this afternoon, followed by snow showers in the evening.
they’re not a good way of telling if you’re losing body fat. Tomorrow’s looking more promising, with temperatures rising
Replacing fat with muscle makes you look better, but it may by two or three degrees as a result of a few more hours of
actually increase your weight, as muscle weighs more. So just sunshine, though the wind will remain strong, perhaps slightly
look in the mirror and enjoy the improvement. And don’t be less so than today, with gusts of up to 80 kilometres an hour
fooled by the usual fad diets telling you to cut out sugar or in most areas. The severe weather’s likely to continue well into
bread. None of them work and some people think they’re next week.
downright dangerous. Question Eight
Question Four
And now some news about the Orion theatre. The local
W: Did you see the advert on the college noticeboard, council has decided to concentrate financial support on
about weekend jobs in the kitchens. other venues in the city centre, after realising that the
Orion would’ve needed about fourteen million pounds of
M: Yes, but I really wanted something that’s related to my
investment to save it. An award-winning film maker will make
studies, you know, that would look good on my CV.
a 45-minute documentary which will follow the staff and
production companies as the Orion theatre enters its final



season, including interviews with famous performers. The This also explains why television cameras cannot be used
aim is to concentrate on the achievements of the theatre as down there.
a venue for arts in the local community since it first opened So what else could be done? There was, for a time, a
its doors in 1989, and on its reputation for innovative and serious suggestion to bring in a number of dolphins to join
creative theatre. the researchers, but it soon became clear that this was a
Part 2 (page 43) nonstarter. The obstacles would have been enormous, starting
with the logistical problems of transporting them and then
Loch Ness, a large inland lake in Scotland, is one of the feeding them.
most famous tourist sites in the world — and this is not In 1972, new computer enhancement techniques were
simply because of its stunning beauty. Mostly, it is because introduced. Dr Robert Rines, of the Academy of Applied
of the mystery of the ‘Monster’ that may hide in its waters. Science in Boston, succeeded in taking a picture which is now
The Monster, known affectionately as Nessie, is said to have famous. Using a special flash, he photographed what appears
a huge, dark body and a long neck and its head has been to be the flipper of a huge animal. If it is, then it belongs to a
described as small and similar to a sheep’s. So, what is the creature unknown to science. Naturally this provoked a storm
actual evidence for its existence? of controversy, which shows no signs of dying down.
What captured people’s imaginations in 1933 was the So what’s the latest? Using the most modern technology,
publication of a picture of the monster in a London there’s now a project to investigate all the loch’s plants and
newspaper. This photograph was called ‘the surgeon’s picture’, animals, some of which have probably never been seen due
because that was the profession of the man who took it. to the incredible depth of the water. But will the monster
Many people had doubts about it, but the photo matched the offer itself for examination? Who knows! For nearly 1,500
descriptions of the monster by other eyewitnesses. years the legend of the Loch Ness monster has persisted and
The best known film evidence for the creature is a cine film the elusive beast still continues to exert its magnetism across
of something large moving at speed through the water. It the world.
was taken in 1960 by a man called Tim Dinsdale. It was shot
from the mouth of a river which runs into Loch Ness from Part 3 (page 44)
the south. Many critics said it was probably a boat, but when Speaker One
Dinsdale submitted the film for analysis by experts, they
concluded that this was definitely not the case. The concert went on for three hours and it featured a variety
Tim Dinsdale thought that the monster was very probably a of bands. I’d have preferred something shorter and of higher
prehistoric animal, one that people believed to be extinct. On quality, to be honest. The first band to come on, The Beats,
a more practical note, he discovered that sightings of Nessie didn’t seem to have rehearsed their set very well. Nice catchy
tended to happen on fine days and that Nessie spotting was rhythms, but otherwise it was a mess. What made the evening
a waste of time on windy or rainy days. However, if you visit worthwhile for me was the fact that all profits from ticket
Loch Ness, you’ll see lots of tourists spending hours staring at sales were going to a charity devoted to child care. There was
the loch in any weather, in the hope of spotting the monster. a huge audience because you don’t often get the chance to
see so many bands at one venue, and only for a few dollars.
Undoubtedly, some sightings are the product of wishful
thinking or the mistaken identification of objects on the loch. Speaker Two
But for the most part, the accounts are those of honest
people who insist they do not seek publicity but simply want This was a concert by Brighton Club, a great rock band just
to tell their amazing tale. With so many sightings, researchers back from a successful tour of Latin America. But the first part
eventually came to the conclusion that it would be worth was all new stuff – and a bit boring. And although everyone
spending the time and money needed to investigate it was shouting out the titles of songs they wanted to hear, the
scientifically. band took no notice, which was a shame. I mean it’s a bit bad
when you finally get the chance to see your favourite band
In 1962 the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau was set up, and
live and then they refuse to play their best songs. Anyway,
in 1968 the first serious underwater investigation of the loch
after a while, we all started getting into the new material and
was launched. Up to that point, the only technology available
by the end the audience response was great. So I don’t think
had been photography, but now sonar equipment was
anybody minded the forty dollars they’d paid.
available, which is the underwater equivalent of radar. Though
there were some strong contacts with a large moving object, Speaker Three
the results were inconclusive.
This was a concert by Celia Samson and her band who
In 1969 a small private submarine came to the loch with the
play pop with some touches of jazz and country. She’s got
intention of firing darts at the creature to get a sample of its
a beautiful voice, but the rest of the band let her down
skin. But like many others before and since, this project was
rather. At times it felt a bit like a high school recital, with the
defeated by the poor visibility because the dirty waters of
audience clapping and cheering all the time when there was
Loch Ness contain large amounts of peat, a type of black soil.



nothing much to shout about. All fine and good, except I Interviewer: So how difficult is it to become a member of
don’t particularly enjoy paying thirty dollars for a high school the ground crew?
performance where profits go to second-class musicians. Mind PS: The job of the ground crew is to assist the pilot. This
you, I’ve paid that kind of money in the past for concerts to includes setting up the balloon, and even talking to the
help research, or to fight world poverty, but that’s a different occasional nervous passenger, then taking the chase
thing entirely. vehicle and following the balloon. When the pilot has
Speaker Four located a field for landing, the crew will be informed by
radio. The crew must be there before the balloon lands,
This was a concert by The Brenda Amis band. I wouldn’t but every single flight is different in that any change in
have wanted to miss the beginning – a huge cloud of smoke the wind will mean the crew must adapt to it, this is the
swelled on the stage, and out of it emerged Brenda Amis, with main problem since not even the pilot can predict things
jet-black hair piled up with a feather and a big flower on top. I exactly.
know some people would’ve wanted her to include her latest Interviewer: So not anyone can be ground crew?
songs, but I was happy enough that the night was all about
PS: I’d say that the main skill of ground crew has little to do
the old favourites I’ve listened to so many times. At the end,
with the technical aspects of ballooning and more to do
she had a short exchange with the audience: ‘Thanks so much,
with dealing with the public. When the balloon is landing,
guys. You’re so nice.’, and then she sang ‘Only for Big Girls’, and
the crew has to ask the landowner for permission to
got a standing ovation.
retrieve the balloon, avoiding any conflict and ensuring
Speaker Five we’re not disturbing or damaging property. And yes,
some tasks do require a little bit of strength, but don’t
This was a gig by The Sam Barnes band. Sam’s my favourite worry, the majority don’t.
guitarist right now. His approach to the instrument is the
Interviewer: As a pilot, how do you get on with the ground
complete opposite to tradition – he’ll hold the guitar upside
down with the neck touching the ground. The music’s punk
PS: Pilots must get on with them. I’ve never treated any
and he’s got a great band, particularly the bass player and
the drummer. They’ve done some CDs, but they’ve never yet of the crew’s questions as if they were silly, not even
made a record that really captures what they do on stage. when I’ve been asked the same question by the same
You’re less likely to be impressed by their recordings, but person over and over again. A new crew member has
people were just stunned at the gig, it blew everybody’s mind. to understand that every task the crew performs is
I only wished they’d played more of my favourite tracks, but performed in a certain manner for a reason. When I see
you can’t have everything. somebody ignoring an instruction because they can’t
see the point of it, that makes me very cross.
Part 4 (page 45) Interviewer: Do you take part in balloon competitions?

Interviewer: In the studio today is Patrick Shaw, who is a PS: Oh, yes, they’re fun. Balloons don’t race in the normal
hot-air balloon pilot. Patrick, would you say ballooning is sense of the word. The objective is to get as close as you
a safe sport? can to the target, rather than being the first to finish.
And it’s tough because unlike most other forms of flying,
PS: Hi. Yes, a balloon’s a very simple thing: when the air
pilots do not have full control over the direction of flight.
inside is heated, the balloon rises, and to descend, the
Competition pilots, though, have become so skilled in
pilot allows the air to cool. The pilot has complete
using the wind to their advantage that the difference
control of the up and down movements. He may not
between first place and third or fourth can be just a few
know exactly where the balloon will land, but that
centimetres, which leads to some heated arguments.
doesn’t mean he can’t control the landing, which is
what people are most anxious about. The fabric of the Interviewer: What makes you such a good pilot, Patrick?
balloon is tough – if a bird were to fly into it, it would PS: All balloon pilots need a licence to fly. They must have
almost certainly bounce off. at least thirty-five hours of flight instruction, get basic
Interviewer: What’s the best way to start? aviation training and pass a written test. But it’s the
hours of flying after that, that gives you total confidence
PS: Well, I started as a member of what’s called ‘ground
in your skills. You do things that you wouldn’t have dared
crew.’ That means the people who help with all aspects
do when you started out. Like gently brushing the
of the flight, from take off to landing. It’s a job which
bottom of the basket across the top of a bush or tree
keeps you on the ground, but it does allow you to see
so that the occupants can pick up a leaf as souvenir of
at first hand what balloon flight is all about. That’s why
the flight.
you do it, and for the fun – don’t expect any money in
return for your efforts until you become a pilot though. Interviewer: Wow, sounds great! Patrick, thank you ...
They’re the only ones who make a living out of it.



Question Five
Listening Test 3
M: I opened the restaurant two weeks ago, and most days
Part 1 (page 62) it’s quite full. I was interviewed the other day for an
article in Good Eating magazine, and that’ll probably
Question One attract even more people.
W: Well, it may be that your very good website is making
We all knew that in the end Sam, the hero, would win back
the love of his girlfriend, Clare. I don’t think there was much people want to come and give you a try. I don’t know if
doubt about that, after all, series like this don’t go in for you designed it, but it’s very attractive indeed.
unhappy endings, if they did, they wouldn’t attract such large M: Actually, it was professionally done, though I’m sure
audiences. After weeks of drama and tears, we all wanted to you’re right. My wife wasn’t very keen on spending the
leave the characters on a high note, and that’s fair enough. But money on it, she reckons satisfied customers tell their
you’d have thought the scriptwriters would‘ve produced a friends, and that’s enough.
compelling last episode, to do justice to what was, up to that W: Mmm, she may have a point, of course. You’ll have to
point, a good series. But because most of the plot lines had wait and see.
resolved themselves the week before, it really wasn’t worth
watching. Question Six

Question Two This was partly a holiday and partly a study trip, to see the
places we’d studied in our geography lessons. I went with
People normally request the big names from the DJ, but three friends from school, which was great because we
I’ve got a huge collection, so there isn’t much I can’t offer. organised the whole trip together and got on so well. I’d
Sometimes somebody comes up to me and requests a song always travelled with my family, and this experience has been
that makes me say, ‘Yeah! That’s an awesome track, I’ll put that so important in making me realise I can actually do things on
on right now!’ Sometimes it’s something I don’t particularly my own. I speak good Spanish so I was doing all the talking
like, but it doesn’t bother me because it’s all part of the job, because neither of my friends know a word of it. But by the
and I don’t even mind playing old stuff, because that adds end of the trip they’d learnt the basics, and could more or less
variety. But what I can’t stand is when someone requests a manage to make themselves understood.
track and you have to tell them you’ve just played it – that
Question Seven
does get to me, even if it’s a band I really like.
There’s a lot of talk nowadays about how children should
Question Three
be doing more sport and spending less time in front of the
This is a collection of paintings from all over the world. There television or computer. Nobody doubts the fact that sport is
are four large rooms, with paintings from the 17th to the 20th good for your health, so I didn’t feel it was necessary to deal
centuries. I wish they’d devoted one room to each century with this in my article. My intention was to raise awareness
instead of grouping the paintings according to topic. I’d have of a key problem we need to address. We can’t just say, ‘go
found it more interesting. They were all landscapes by famous out and play a sport’ without first investing more on sports
painters – and if you were interested, there was something venues. We need to look at how other countries deal with
about the artist and the actual place where they painted. I this problem, and also at what we can learn from the past.
find that reading things about a painting distracts my attention,
Question Eight
but I did buy a book about the exhibition on my way out.
There were about one hundred paintings, which is impressive Camping is the best kind of holiday for me. I spend a lot of
for a small gallery. time planning each trip, so I can definitely give you some good
advice. I believe in making sure I’ll be warm and comfortable,
Question Four
so I take what some of my friends think is a completely
We’ve got a vacancy in our sales department and we’d like unnecessary amount of clothing, in case it gets cold or wet.
a young person, ideally somebody just out of college. This Well, it’s always worked for me, and I think they’re crazy when
job involves face-to-face contact with customers, and there’ll I see the amount of food they take, which I wouldn’t advise
be problems to solve for them. We’re offering full training in you to do, because it’s always possible to find things locally.
customer care, and the rest is learnt on the job. All you need Wherever you’re camping – there’s always a village not too
is lots of enthusiasm. But, of course we do need somebody far away.
who can produce a report in clear English, and we don’t
Part 2 (page 63)
give any training in that. And just in case you’re thinking
perhaps you need to be good at maths, we have an accounts In today’s programme, I’m going to be talking about roller
department that takes care of all that, so it’s not an issue. skating: how the sport started and how it has developed over
the years. So who was the first person to come up with the



idea of attaching wheels to the feet in order to get about safer than they had ever been in the past.
more quickly and easily. So why is roller skating so popular? I went to talk to some
Well, roller skates are not a new invention. In fact, roller fans at a rink in Huddersfield ...
skating developed out of the much older activity of ice-
skating, which has existed in Scandinavia and other northern Part 3 (page 64)
countries for centuries. The actual inventor of the first roller Speaker One
skates is not known, but it’s generally thought that they
originated in Holland in the early 1700s. I decided to study history – I want to be lecturer one day.
Roller skates first arrived in Britain in 1760, when the Belgian When you want to do a degree, say in pharmacy, there’s little
clockmaker John Merlin wore some to a formal ball in difference in content between universities, I think. But history
London. Merlin was known as something of a mad inventor, at one university can be very different to history at another,
but he surprised everybody at the ball when he whizzed so I had to do some research about the three colleges where
past them on wheels, playing the violin at the same time. I might’ve wanted to study. I’d heard good things about
Unfortunately, Merlin did not manage to persuade people Dundee University, and they all proved correct. I’m from
that roller skating was a good idea. His skates had no brakes Ireland and I got to study Irish history, plus a focus on the
and he ended up crashing into a large mirror. Merlin was quite European Union. I’ve been so busy, I’ve had no time to enjoy
seriously injured in the accident and, as a result, roller skating student parties, but that’ll come, I’m sure.
did not immediately become popular in Britain. Speaker Two
In Germany, however, roller skates made a better impression.
They were used in a ballet with the name Winter Pleasures, I’d always thought I wanted to study medicine, but the college
which included a scene where the dancers skated on I wanted to go to only had twenty places and I didn’t get a
ice. Because they couldn’t produce the ice on stage, the place. That was disappointing and I even thought I might take
organisers decided to use roller skates instead. a year out, but then I had second thoughts about my choice
of subject and went for nursing. I’m now at Sheffield Hallam
After this, the sport gradually became more popular, but it
college, which is linked to a variety of hospitals and isn’t
was only thanks to technical advances that it became safer.
too far away from home – though far enough for me to be
In 1863, an American named James Plimpton solved the
independent. People who’d gone there told me it was really
problem of controlling direction when skating by fitting them
good and the tutors had time for you. The course is brilliant
with rubber springs. His design is widely regarded as the
and there’s a friendly campus atmosphere.
origin of the modern roller skate, although rubber toe brakes,
another important safety feature didn’t come in until the Speaker Three
I’m studying for a degree in French at Sussex University. It’s
The late nineteenth century saw the beginnings of events
a part-time course, very few students would want to study
such as speed contests, artistic displays and roller dancing as
part-time for a first degree, of course. Part-time study is
well as the first team sport on roller skates, roller hockey.
mainly for people like me, who have other responsibilities – I
During the first decades of the twentieth century, hundreds of work mornings in a school, and I’m keen to keep it that way.
indoor and outdoor roller skating rinks opened, especially in I’m learning a lot, though it’s been different to what I expected
the USA, and the sport became really established as a popular – I thought it was going to be easier! Unlike me, full-time
pastime. The first roller skating championships were held in students live in accommodation on the campus, and I hear
Detroit in 1937. wonderful stories about the great parties they organise. They
The real development of the modern roller skate only began say I don’t know what I’m missing, but I don’t mind, really.
in the second half of the twentieth century. From the 1950s
Speaker Four
onwards, the use of plastics led to improvements in the design
and performance of roller skates, and roller disco movies Psychology was always my choice of degree subject. I studied
of the 1970s and 1980s increased the popularity of the it at school and soon realised it was what I wanted to do
sport, with roller discos opening in many parts of the world. at university. My parents tried hard, but failed, to make me
Meanwhile, the stage musical Starlight Express, which features change my mind – they said I was making the wrong choice
roller skating, ran for seventeen years and was seen by eight and that I wouldn’t be able to make a living. But I love it, I’m
million people. interested in social psychology, how people interact – it’s
The sport of roller skating has also been gaining a more fascinating, and I know I’ll be able to find work easily. I’m at
serious following, especially in southern Europe and South Coventry University, living in student accommodation which is
America. The biggest modern change to roller skates came very convenient. Coventry is really student-oriented and the
in 1983 with the introduction of in-line skates, also known as teachers are very friendly. And my brother lives only twenty
rollerblades. Then during the 1990s, new materials, brakes and minutes away, so I see him often.
boot fastenings all combined to make skates both lighter and



Speaker Five Interviewer: And what would you tell the kids who are
interested or thinking about acting as a career?
I’m studying geography at Swansea University, because I love
MS: I think drama school is the best thing. It’s the
this area. I came the first day thinking, what if I find out the
environment where you realise whether you want to
course isn’t what I wanted? But it’s amazing, the department
do it or not. You’re competitive all the time in the real
is really good and what really does it for me is that it’s been
world, and this competitive element can make you carry
brilliant in other ways, – pretty much every weekend there’s
on, though the job might be something you’re not suited
a chance for students to go out. There’s a group of us who
to, or something that you maybe don’t even like. But the
knew each other from school and we were all starting
competition can keep you going and that’s not good, it’s
together. I’m still living at home, but I hope to be able to do
not healthy.
some part-time work and rent a small flat with a couple of
friends next year. Interviewer: How do you cope with being a celebrity?
MS: I’m lucky, I’ve been doing this work for seven years now,
Part 4 (page 65) so it’s not, like, happened overnight. Over the last few
Interviewer: With us today is the actor Mikey Standish. Mikey, years, I’ve been getting recognised on the street more
with your career on the up, do you want to be the next and more often as the press coverage has increased,
Leonardo DiCaprio. but I can handle it OK. Had it been, like, bang, suddenly
you’re a star and your life’s not your own anymore, who
MS: I don’t really try to be anyone else. I know that’s what
knows, I might not have coped so well.
is said about me, and it upsets me, because I’m just
trying to experience as many different types and styles Interviewer: So what’s your next movie?
of acting as I can. So it’s not fair. I’ve managed to play a MS: I’ll do something I have always wanted to do, which is
wide range of roles. The cinema industry usually wants a sci-fi movie. It’s not starting till next year, and I’ve had
to see you doing the same thing all the time, but I prefer some calls from a director asking if I could fit in another
to stretch myself. movie in the meantime. It was a very tempting offer,
Interviewer: In your latest film, The Waterfall, you play Simon, which would’ve involved me in actually producing the
a young man very much like yourself. script as well. But the truth is that I’ve done five films
without much of a break, so I’m definitely in need of a
MS: Yeah, um, I thought it was going to be easy, because it’s
bit of time off. As from tomorrow actually.
closer to me. I’d been in full-time education for twenty
years, like Simon has. Simon’s middle class, I’m middle Interviewer: Right. Mikey Standish, thank you
class, etc., etc. So I understood where the guy was
coming from. But actually, that made it kind of frightening Listening Test 4
because if you’re not careful there’s no character to
hide behind, if you know what I mean. But doing it has
certainly made me into a better actor. Part 1 (page 80)

Interviewer: Are there any character types that you would Question One
prefer not to play?
Schools no longer have queues of kids saying they want to
MS: Yeah, I once played this man who was a real waste of
join the choir. It never used to be difficult to get children
time. We’ve seen that so often, the unworthy, totally
involved as all primary school children used to learn to sing
uninteresting person who then turns out to have the
in class. Unfortunately this practice has declined in recent
answer to everything, I want no part in that. I don’t mind
years, and I’m sure most parents would agree with me about
continuing to play the romantic lead, but the character
the reason for this. Fewer of today’s teachers feel confident
must develop in a way that’s believable.
to lead the singing, let alone accompany it on a keyboard. If
Interviewer: How old were you when you decided that children reach adolescence without having learnt to sing with
acting was something that you wanted to do? others with enjoyment and without embarrassment, there’s
MS: I applied for drama college before I decided that acting little chance of them ever taking it up.
was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I was
Question Two
offered a film when I was sixteen and I did it. I got that
part just out of the blue, with a French director, and M: So, you’ve taken to going to evening classes.
then I didn’t act for two years. I worked in a bakery and
W: Yes, I thought January was the perfect time to try
tried to get on at school, but I wasn’t doing too well. So
something new; change things I wasn’t happy with. The
it was either leave school and stay in the bakery, which
course in digital photography sounded ideal because it’s
was out of the question, really, or try drama school
so different from my coursework at college, which was
because I’d done this one film and I might get in.
overloading me and making me feel anxious.
M: Right.



W: I didn’t know then that it would actually look good on easy, I can tell you. I’ve been told it all gets more intense from
my CV and give me an extra thirty credits on top of my September. I was hoping I’d be thrown in at the deep end,
degree, which isn’t bad for a few hours’ work a week. that I’d be fluent by the end of the year, it’s disappointing. That
I might even find that when I go on holiday with my won’t happen now. Most of my classmates are doing other
friends, I’ll be entrusted with taking the photos! languages as well, and they’re happy with this pace.

Question Three Question Seven

W: Well, I reckon Café Promo’s doing well. It’s the perfect My whole life has been talking about food really, though
place to stop for a coffee and a bite to eat when you’re I’ve never been tempted to write about it. Me and my wife,
out in town. at dinner we’ll sit, eat and talk about where we’re going to
M: Yes, they’re really making an effort to offer something a source a new product from. I get excited about how we
little bit different. They obviously want to stand out from present food on the shelves. Sometimes I even get excited
the more predictable coffee chains. And they do great about the boxes food comes in or the way the grower has
baguettes and sandwiches with really generous fillings... presented it. I like to provide the local restaurants with food
that is fresh, and to support local farmers and small growers.
W: Rather too generous for my liking, but good value I
I’ve been interviewed for radio and television twice, so I’m
guess. People want something a bit out of the ordinary,
really concerned I might become a celebrity one of these
and they’ve certainly succeeded in doing that. Now they
need to pay more attention to training their staff, but I
think that’ll come. Question Eight
M: It may do.
I moved here with my wife and children three months ago,
Question Four from the city, we wanted a quieter life. But a week after the
move I found myself wanting to go back to the place we’d
He made it sound so adventurous and . . . liberating when left, thinking, that’s it, I’m too old for this, the friends’ I’ve got
he said: ‘It’s the total freedom of it, escaping the world, won’t bother to come this far to see me. It lasted a few days,
leaving civilization behind. It’s like exploring outer space.’ After and I’m afraid it worried my wife a lot – she’d keep telling me
that I changed my mind about caving. What had previously how nice the people next door were, how they’d given us this
seemed a rather puzzling, even unappealing, pastime became lovely bunch of flowers, how the kids had already made some
a passion thanks to the enthusiasm of this instructor. I was friends. She didn’t understand it wasn’t about that at all.
joining a group of other college students, and together with a
TV journalist and camera crew we were off to discover the Part 2 (page 81)
realities of life underground. I hoped that I wouldn’t make a
fool of myself on television; I was more frightened of that than Hi. My name’s Rita Lewis and I’ve come along today to
I was of the actual physical and mental challenges ahead of tell you about my work. I’m a researcher on a television
me. programme and I’m going to tell you about a typical working
day in my job. Well, quite an exciting day actually.
Question Five But first of all, I should explain that I work on a wildlife
I think on the whole the interview went rather well. They programme. I’ve always been interested in the sciences and
put me at ease straight away. Mr Grant started off by talking animals in particular, and I did my first degree in biology
about the company, and I found those five minutes really before going on to specialise in zoology in my second degree.
useful to collect myself. Then he asked me a number of My degree subjects are invaluable in my job as they help
questions and I was glad for the opportunity to talk about me to plan things like deciding which animals to film, where
the various experiences I’ve had. However, another time I’d to find them and how to approach them. But I also did a
go along with specific examples of my achievements to hand. post-graduate course in what’s known as media studies, that
When one of them asked the first question I thought: ‘Gosh, prepared me specifically for the television work, and it was
I can’t think of a time I’ve done that.’ I think the interview was the combination of the two things that really got me the job.
about my qualifications, but also about being the right fit for The job has taken me to a variety of countries including
the company. South Africa and Australia, but the day I’m going to tell you
about was last winter when I was in Costa Rica. I was in the
Question Six jungle doing some filming for the programme.
I woke up at five-thirty in my room at the Corcovado
I’ve just finished my first year and I have some good things to
National Park research centre. Before setting off we had to
say about the course. I thought it would be all girls on it, but
pack up our filming gear, which weighs fifty kilos, and head
I was surprised to see how many guys there are. I’ve gained
out to the first location. Fortunately there are twelve of us in
a basic knowledge of the language – Spanish grammar isn’t



the team, including three cameramen and a local guide, so we silver jewellery, and you’ll find my style has changed over time,
could share the load between us. because I’ve kept doing research into the latest techniques.
For this particular TV series the presenter, who’s called Jamie, There’s nothing worse than thinking you know it all. However
had to complete a variety of difficult wildlife challenges. much you advertise, your business will slow down.
You know the sort of thing, communicating with wild Speaker Two
monkeys, eating insects, etc. Anyway, that morning he had
to photograph a poisonous type of frog, and that meant There’s such a demand for handmade goods, because people
getting pretty close. The animals are not that hard to find, and are looking for the personal touch. One day I had the idea of
fortunately our guide found one very quickly. I had to hold it covering some jars and bottles with cloth, then putting a thin
very carefully, though, while Jamie got his camera ready. For coat of plaster on, and painting designs on the surface. I sold
me this is the best part of the job, when I get to interact with them so quickly that I decided to start a business. There were
the animals. bottles all over my house, in different stages of development,
Our first location was on top of a thirty-metre high waterfall. and I wished I’d given more thought to setting up an area
First of all we wanted to film Jamie abseiling over the edge. where I’d do the work. I lost time and money because I ended
Next we needed to get a shot of the same action from up getting in such a mess. So beginners, take notice! I also sell
below. We can’t risk sending the camera down on ropes, so online now, but most of my sales are from word-of-mouth
we have to walk for an hour and a half hike through heavy recommendations.
jungle to the pools beneath. Speaker Three
By the time we’d done that it was lunchtime. Some of the
crew tucked into chicken legs and cheese sandwiches, but Doing something you like to do and getting paid for it is great,
I’d got tuna in mine, which was fine for me. I ate them on a and it doesn’t have to be scary. By the time you actually start
completely empty, beautiful beach, and they tasted like the selling things, though, it’s essential to have a rough book-
best sandwiches ever. keeping system in place and to have worked out the profits
you expect and deducted your expenditure and possible
After lunch, the team relaxed for the afternoon, before the
losses. I started my own craft business two years ago –
evening’s filming. Jamie’s next challenge was to cross a river
making baskets, filling them with things like fruit and nuts, and
where crocodiles live. The river is near the sea, so we had to
decorating them with silk flowers. I wrapped them as gifts and
wait for the right tides. You need to use a torch to spot the
sold them to friends at first, but now I have lots of orders. I’m
crocodiles’ red eyes glowing in the dark and make sure they’re
even thinking of employing a couple of people.
not too close before you set out across the river.
We found a safe place to film and set up our lights. We were Speaker Four
using what we call a ‘Sun Gun’ light, which is used to film in
When you’re ready to launch your business, it pays to think
large areas at night. Jamie was just about to step into the
carefully about how your prospective customers will hear
water when the light went out. Fortunately we had a smaller
about you. There’s little point in taking out ads in the national
standby light, so we taped that onto the camera. We shone
papers at this stage, but it may well pay to invest in a colourful
the new light over where Jamie was about to step. There, right
brochure and posters, which can be left in shops in the area.
in front of him was a 3-metre-long crocodile. It must have
That’s how I started my business, which is designing and
come up from under the water while we were changing our
making greeting cards. Mind you, friends and acquaintances
equipment. That was close.
gave me contradictory advice, and I ended up paying
We moved upstream where the water was lower. Jamie finally someone to design a website for me when I wasn’t ready
crossed, but when you see the programme, you’ll see he for it. Anyway, my business is thriving and now takes up five
looks genuinely scared on screen, which is unusual for him as rooms in my house!
he’s usually really calm and relaxed on camera, whatever he’s
doing. So it was an exciting day. For me, getting out in the wild Speaker Five
is the best part of the job.
I started making lampshades, and it just went from hobby to
Part 3 (page 82) career. My home no longer offers enough space, so I may rent
some extra rooms from a friend. It was good to start small,
Speaker One though, I wouldn’t have been able to cope with lots of work
Most people who are interested in starting craft businesses then. I really knew nothing about marketing, and if you’re like
enjoy making or doing something, whether it’s making dolls, me, don’t worry, if your products sell, it’ll sort itself out. I owe
candles, or even cooking. But it’s not as easy as it might seem. part of my success to my brother who designed an amazing
Some think a good website and a few ads in the papers are website for me, which attracted lots of buyers. It does mean
all they need for their business to take off and provide a you need to organise a way to post things securely, but it’s all
regular income, but there’s much more to it than that. I make worthwhile doing.



Part 4 (page 83) of writing – I don’t assume everyone’s fascinated by

gardening, and I include some interviews, the kind
Interviewer: Monica, welcome to the programme. Your book of personal experience that may amuse the reader.
Make your Garden Unique has been a great success. But Of course the information is all correct, and well
why would people want to buy a book about gardening researched, but that has to be the case with any serious
instead of just buying some plants and putting them in writer.
the ground.
Interviewer: Do you choose the photographs for your
MD: Hello! Well, yes, I think that’s what most people do when books?
they move into a place, there’s often little time to think.
MD: I do. The quality of photography is excellent now of
Lots of readers have written to me saying that’s what
course. It’s been a fantastic development in that it’s
they’d done, gone to a garden centre, spent a lot of
brought many more people into gardening. Magazines
money on seeds and plants, with not very good results.
and books devote a lot of space to photography, and
In fact I think people with that sort of experience make
quite rightly, but the pictures often show how things
up the majority of my readers!
might be, rather than how they are, that’s my only
Interviewer: So, how did your interest in gardening start? criticism. The writing’s still the important part though,
Were your parents keen gardeners? readers don’t just buy beautiful pictures.
MD: Well, people imagine I must come from a family of Interviewer: Finally, we’ve heard you’ve been asked to take
gardeners. In fact, my parents would have much rather part in a TV programme.
seen me developing an interest in sport, as they were
MD: I have, and I’m still thinking about it. The idea is that I’d
both water sports teachers. But I was forever catching
interview people who’ve designed some of the most
colds and that put me off. Seeing me spending hours in
amazing gardens in Europe – it would get me away from
the garden, showing little interest in the world outside
my writing routine which does get a bit too much at
plants was a cause for concern rather than pride for
times, and it would give me plenty of ideas. It’s also true
them, though.
that such a programme can make you into a kind of
Interviewer: And how did you go from gardener to writer? celebrity, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that, you know,
MD: Well, I did win a short story prize at school, and enjoyed you start being recognised in the street. Although my
writing essays at college, but I had no real passion publisher says that that’s something I should be really
for writing then. I was making a good living looking happy about!
after gardens. Then one day I was working in a nature
reserve and I had to write about my day at work for
an environmental project. It gave me such a feeling of Listening Test 5
achievement that when I saw an advert for a gardening
journalist on a magazine, I applied, thinking I could do it Part 1 (page 98)
in my spare time when I wasn’t gardening.
Question One
Interviewer: And you got the job?
MD: I did, but after a while they made me an editor, which And now the weather for the weekend. I’m afraid it’s not
was a kind of promotion, but editors tend to find good news for sports enthusiasts. After a cloudy and rather
themselves doing everything but writing, and I’m windy Saturday morning, there’s a risk of showers in the
happiest when being creative, so I decided it was time afternoon, which will turn heavier and stay with us for the
for a change. My bosses weren’t very happy about it, I whole of Sunday. The temperatures will remain stable but low
must say. So I went back to working all hours planting for this time of year, at no more than 10 degrees centigrade
trees and flowers. on Saturday, rising slightly on Sunday afternoon. There will be
Interviewer: And that’s when you starting writing your book, moderate south west winds throughout the weekend, but
is that right? they should die down by Sunday evening. That’s the weather
for the weekend. I’m Mark Schapiro at the Midlands Weather
MD: Yes, and I’ve never looked back, really. I’m now writing
my second book, about gardens around the world.
Interviewer: So, what makes your gardening books so special Question Two
for readers?
I’m not sure what I’ve done to my arm. This muscle really
MD: It takes years of experience to lean to write attractively. hurts and I can’t do the simplest of things, not even the
It must flow perfectly when you read it, as if it had washing up at home! It might have happened at the office
required no effort at all. But to answer your question, when I tried to lift some heavy boxes, but, more likely, I may
I suppose it’s the fact that I’m not merely providing have overdone things with the weights. Everyone seems so fit
information, because that would make a jolly dull piece here, but of course I’ve only been doing regular exercise for



a couple of months. I’d really appreciate it if you could change how the money is being spent. To do its work, the Society
my workout programme to make it a bit lighter. It’s such a relies on financial contributions from the government and also
busy time at work I can’t risk having to miss a day again. on the generous support of the public who have helped to
plant hundreds of new trees to improve the forest habitat.
Question Three
Question Eight
Do you find it difficult to follow a recipe in a cookery book?
Sam Gordon, the famous cook and writer, will teach you how W: Why don’t you play a proper game in the open air
to cook even if you’ve never as much as fried an egg. He’ll instead of computer games?
guide you through basic preparation techniques which you’ll M: You don’t understand. I never enjoyed sport as a kid, I
be able to follow in your own kitchen, step by step, and if you found games awfully stressful. I always knew I was going
get into trouble, you’ll be able to phone the studio live. Sam to lose – I wasn’t a very competitive type. Instead, with
says he can guarantee that you’ll be so enthusiastic about computer games I know I can win if I put my mind
cooking after his lessons that he’ll have you dashing out to the to it, or I can always go back and find out why I lost.
nearest book store to buy his recipe collection. Computer games are having this amazing effect on me,
Question Four and they’ve even helped in my attitude to work. I can
face up to stressful situations in a way I couldn’t in the
We’ve been talking about Jane’s problems all morning, and past.
I don’t think it helps in the least, it doesn’t help Jane, or you,
or me. In fact, I find this rather painful, because it just proves Part 2 (page 99)
that something should’ve been done about it years ago. It In this evening’s talk I’m going to be telling you about the
would’ve been possible to help her then, but I chose to do peacock, which is one of the world’s most spectacular birds
nothing. I think I was feeling tired, fed up with the whole and a great favourite in zoos and tourist attractions in many
situation, which was the same, day after day, after day. Anyway, countries. The peacock is best known for its tail, which is huge
I think you should try and relax and find yourself an activity and brightly coloured and, sort of, stands up behind it. People
that’ll take your mind off the problem. say that it looks like a fan. When the bird opens and closes
Question Five this tail, it’s a wonderful sight.
There are two main types of peacock, the blue and the green.
When you buy a fashion magazine, do you ask yourself why The green peacock lives in Southeast Asia, in countries such
you see nothing but photos of models wearing the sort of as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, whereas the blue peacock
clothes that you’ll never be able to afford? If what you want is originally comes from India. And it’s the blue peacock that you
to wear that look that’ll turn people’s heads in the street and are more likely to see in other parts of the world, because it’s
make you look like a model on the catwalk, without paying better able to live in different climates than its green cousin.
the earth, then look no further than Fashion Crazy. This is a And it’s been kept by humans for many centuries.
great weekly: inspiring fashion and an expert look at the latest
In ancient cultures, blue peacocks were kept both because
designer collections: what to wear and what fashion disasters
they looked nice and also because they were good to eat.
to avoid at any cost!
The Ancient Romans certainly had them two thousand years
Question Six ago, and there is evidence of them in Ancient Egypt three
thousand years ago. But it’s thought that the first culture
I’m in two minds about selling my flat. I’ll be working at home to keep the birds were the Mesopotamians, who lived four
from next month and there’s no way I can fit a desk and all thousand years ago.
my files in here. And I could choose to live anywhere, really –
Now, as I said earlier, the blue peacock is spectacular to look
distance from the office will no longer be an issue. But it’s so
at. The bird has a long thin neck and a very small head on a
gorgeous in summer when it’s hot – with the windows open
big body and looks a bit like a turkey. It’s only when it opens
you can look out over the rooftops all around you. And you’d
its tail that you realise how beautiful it is. The tail, which stands
think it would be noisy, with all the traffic down below, but
up behind the bird, grows to a length of over two hundred
as soon as you close the windows you’re in a different world,
centimetres and is a wonderful shiny blue-green colour. This
maybe because it’s on the fourth floor.
tail is covered with large egg-shaped spots which are called
Question Seven ‘eyes’. It makes a wonderful pattern and in the sunlight the
colours are magnificent, the blues, greens and blacks turning
The Society for the Protection of Forest Wildlife will be to purple, black and gold.
holding its monthly meeting in the Town Hall on Saturday.
Unfortunately, it’s only the male bird that has this tail because
Harry Foster, the director, will be giving a presentation on
the purpose of all this wonderful display is to attract a mate.
the latest achievements of the Society in the preservation
The female bird, which is actually called the peahen, is brown
of endangered bird species. This is a chance not just for
and rather dull looking compared to her multicoloured mate.
members of the Society but for the general public to hear



The male walks up and down displaying his tail to impress mistake. The novel is a fictional version of my blog, and it
the female bird. It’s such a famous sight that we even find centres on a university librarian, his partner and their sons.
reference to it in different languages. In English, for example, Writing it wasn’t particularly hard because basically I was
we have the expression ‘as proud as a peacock’ to describe being asked to keep to the same style. And I’m now adapting
men who take a lot of trouble over their appearance. it for the screen. I’d always wanted a job that I could really
In the wild, the peacock’s natural habitat is the forest, where enjoy.
they live in small family groups. They like to live near water in Speaker Four
hilly jungle areas. Although they can fly quite well, they cannot
go very fast and they usually only fly for short distances, I used to watch a lot of TV, and I admit that the inspiration for
usually to escape from danger. When danger approaches, they my novel came from the dramas I watched, or rather from my
warn each other by making loud shrieking noises. Although disappointment at how unrealistic and far-fetched they were.
they spend most of their time on the ground, peacocks usually It was very rarely that any of them attempted to get under
sleep in trees. They move into the lower branches in the late the skin of the characters. So that’s what I aimed to do – tell it
afternoon and then gradually move higher up as night falls. like it was. It wasn’t easy, and when people say how wonderful
One of the best places in the world to see different types of it must be to be recognised in the street and to be asked to
peacocks is called Peacock Paradise and it’s located in Melaka sign autographs, I tell them about the long hours in front of
in Malaysia. There you can see both types of bird, and there’s the computer, and about forgetting what it means to have a
also a visitor centre which provides lots of information about free weekend.
peacocks and other similar birds. There’s even a pool full of Speaker Five
crocodiles to watch if you need a change from birds! If you
get the chance to go, it’s certainly worth a visit. I used to be a journalist in a national paper and I began work
on my novel in 2001. It’s a historical novel and I spent months
Part 3 (page 100) researching the history of the period – it’s set in India in the
Speaker One 1920s. I then spent two years writing it. Journalism wasn’t
a bad place to acquire useful skills. It taught me to be clear
I’d never done any writing before, though I was a keen reader. and edit myself, not to write too much. My parents couldn’t
This novel was inspired by my own childhood experiences – I believe it when they heard my name on the news. I hadn’t
got to meet a lot of people as a child because my parents told them anything because they never thought very highly of
owned a large, successful restaurant. I don’t think I could’ve anything I’d written previously, and I didn’t want to start having
written it if I hadn’t decided to take a degree in creative any doubts myself.
writing a few years ago though. It was a way of being serious
about writing and it gave me a lot of confidence. I began Part 4 (page 101)
work on the novel half way through the second year, and
Interviewer: David, a career in ceramics seems so attractive.
completed it after graduating. It was very, very hard work, but
Is that a realistic picture?
it’s all really been worthwhile.
DG: Well, for some it’s just a job, for others it’s a love affair.
Speaker Two But in all cases it’s crucial you do things at the right
stage, nothing can be rushed, if you’re the sort of person
I’m only twenty-two years old, and I’ve been writing since I
who can’t wait then this isn’t for you! I start by getting all
was thirteen – mainly short stories which were published in
the air bubbles out of the clay. Next, I ‘throw’ the clay —
teen magazines. When I started writing a novel I realised the
that’s the word we use — I shape it on a wheel, before
way I’d written so far wasn’t so good really, not for real fiction.
leaving it to harden. When it’s fully dry, I fire it in a kiln
So I knew I had to look at my favourite writers – you learn
at a high temperature, then glaze it, before firing it again.
a lot by seeing how they do what they do. I knew very well
It’s physical work — there’s lots of slapping the clay and
what I wanted to write about, though. I get bored with books
putting pressure on it. You feel tired by the end of the
where everyone is a bit like someone you know. I wanted
day, but you shouldn’t let that put you off.
to write about people who only exist in fiction. That’s what
readers find attractive. Interviewer: And it takes time to become a really good artist.
DG: You’ve got to be determined. I was apprenticed for
Speaker Three over two years to another potter, and very soon I
My novel began life as a blog on my website. Within a week was making the sort of shapes that have become a
of starting it, I’d been offered a book deal by a publisher. I distinctive feature of my pieces. It was relatively easy
remember sitting and looking at this offer on my computer for me to find my own voice. Not so with the financial
screen. The sum was several times bigger than my annual side of it, though. That was a steep learning curve and
librarian’s salary and I thought there must’ve been some for years I was barely making enough to survive, even
though I was putting in long days.



Interviewer: So what’s the best part of your job?

Listening Test 6
DG: I like the way that you don’t know exactly what’s going
to come out of the kiln, because the firing process
affects each piece differently. There are other pleasures, Part 1 (page 116)
but nothing equals that feeling. I still love seeing the
Question One
finished pots; that I’ve achieved something tangible. It’s
also nice to hear people’s positive responses. People tell People think working for a tourist company’s a glamorous job,
me that they use my cups and dishes every day. which may well be true if what you do is travel to dream-like
Interviewer: And the most difficult? resorts in search of the ideal beach holiday for your clients.
DG: Well, I have to do everything — all the paperwork for
That’s what one of my colleagues does – she comes back
example. It’s not hard work in itself, don’t get me wrong, with scores of great photos and that’s where I come in, to
in fact, at times it provides a welcome break from decide which of them will create the greatest impact in the
making pots, but it eats up valuable time. If I don’t plan company’s publicity material. But, would you believe it, she
my days very carefully, things don’t get done because I complains it’s not really a holiday for her! I’d agree if a tour
also need to look at new projects, come up with fresh guide said that, the poor guys definitely have no time for
initiatives, and that’s the toughest part of the job. But anything except dealing with difficult tourists.
I’m always keen to fulfil whatever I promise a client — I Question Two
hate to keep people waiting.
Interviewer: Recently you’ve been very successful. Why do W: So did you enjoy the film last night?
you think that is? M: I would’ve done, if it hadn’t been for that couple behind
DG: Yes, I’ve just designed a dinner service for a famous me who seemed to be providing a running commentary.
shop, and I must say it’s rare for a potter to do that. It so It was barely a whisper, but I could still hear every word.
happened that they were looking for a dinner service in I was sitting on the aisle, as usual, because in other seats
the classical style I do, and I think I was in the right place there’s not enough legroom for me as I’m so tall, but I
at the right time. Most potters work on their own, and would’ve gladly moved somewhere else, if only there’d
their money comes from exhibitions. They mostly work been an empty seat. But the place was packed, so that
extremely hard. Some also teach. wasn’t an option.

Interviewer: Have you ever considered teaching? W: I know what you mean, I know the film well – it’s got
superb dialogue and you wouldn’t want to miss a single
DG: Mmmm, I have, and recently I had a very tempting offer,
from one of the best art colleges in this area. They
wanted me to teach one morning a week, a special Question Three
ceramics workshop. It was just a few hours, and it would
have given me a different experience. I declined the I volunteered myself to run the marathon. I was at a party
offer because, yes, I have the knowledge and experience, and the director of a charity was talking about marathon
but I have no teaching qualification. The college principal running, and I said ‘I’ve always wanted to run the marathon!’
said I’d pick it up easily enough, but I wasn’t convinced. and then it was out there, and it was such a lie. I didn’t do
any sport at school, I used to say I wasn’t allowed to run. I left
Interviewer: So, finally, what would you say to a young
the party thinking, he’ll forget all about it. But then he wrote
person who wants a career in ceramics?
to me and I thought ‘I can’t back out now’. So I got myself a
DG: Don’t believe people who tell you you can do it all personal trainer, hit the gym five times a week and ran the
yourself. You could go to art school and do a degree marathon in five hours and thirteen minutes.
in ceramics, but there are also night classes and adult
education courses. If you decide you want to do it, focus Question Four
on it and don’t let yourself lose direction. The physical
It tells the time, maps the stars and calculates the height
skills develop through practice — you’ve got to stick
of buildings. No, it’s not the latest James Bond gadget, but
with it. You learn to attune your visual sense so you can
a scientific tool from the 14th century. It was the pocket
look at the curves of an object and see what looks good
calculator of its age and has been acquired by an anonymous
and what doesn’t, until you can develop your own style.
collector for a world record of £138,000. This is an extremely
Have self belief and be proud of your work.
rare piece, and there are only seven others in the world. It’s
Interviewer: David, many thanks. made of brass and it had lain hidden under a floor until three
years ago when it was discovered during building works. It
is thought that the previous owner may have been trying to
keep it safe from burglars.



Question Five something to reduce the amount of carbon they send out
into the atmosphere, but they don’t always know the best
I’m all in favour of the latest government policy to invest in way of doing this. What I do as a carbon coach is give them
facilities for young people, and I’m really pleased that the tax advice about how to achieve environmentally-friendly living.
we pay should be used in that way. What I don’t understand I’m now a full-time consultant, and my clients include both
is this local opposition to having an internet café, from people companies and private individuals.
who argue that most students have broadband and a laptop,
So, why did I decide to become a carbon coach? It all started
which is just wishful thinking. There are computers in the
about fifteen years ago. I’d always been interested in energy
library, I know, but are they available in the evening? Of course
saving and the environment and I studied to be an ecologist.
not, and there’s no point in extending opening hours – young
At that time, people were talking about very technical things
people want a relaxing environment in the evening, away from
like greenhouse gas emissions, then someone came up with
books and school.
the term ‘carbon footprint’, which is much easier for people
Question Six to understand.
I can tell ordinary families what their carbon footprint is.
I find theatre directing thrilling. It’s also the hardest thing you
In other words, I work out how much carbon dioxide the
can do, which is why I wanted to do it. There are very few
family’s generated over a year; firstly by studying their bills,
women running theatres, though we’re no less qualified than
then finding out how much waste they produce, how much
men. But I do wonder how they combine a career in theatre
they use the car, et cetera. Adding together all these figures,
with motherhood. The two are not really compatible with
I calculate their total carbon footprint in tonnes of carbon
the late hours, but more and more women just rise to the
dioxide. Then I look around their home and suggest ways of
challenge, which is something I felt unable to do, as much as I
reducing their carbon footprint.
wanted the job. I wouldn’t have minded giving up the part-
time work I’m doing at the moment, but, who knows, there To work out how much carbon each machine around the
may be other opportunities later on. house emits, I get the family to switch off everything that
uses electricity, then get them to turn them back on – one
Question Seven at a time. You can then see the amount of energy each one
consumes. I use a device known as a ‘carbon meter’, which
I run what I call ‘laughter workshops’. The gift of humour is
measures the amount of electricity being used in the house
part of the natural apparatus human beings are born with.
at any one time. It also shows how much carbon dioxide this
But my work is about learning to be less fearful of life’s
experiences because we know we can deal with anything.
When I was young I suffered horribly from other children People ask me what’s the least energy efficient thing I come
laughing at me, then I started to create that effect deliberately. across in homes? Well, I go into so many places and look in
And now I’m helping others in this way. I start with the roof and there’s no insulation – nothing stopping all the
improvisation exercises to help people introduce themselves heat just going straight out into the air. Insulation massively
to the group. One thing that gets people relaxed and laughing reduces your carbon footprint; it’s cheap and the government
is when I ask them to dance as badly as they can! Everybody offers to cover part of the cost.
can do that. Central heating systems can also be very inefficient and
people use unnecessary gadgets like electric knives and
Question Eight mixers, but the thing I really can’t stand is old-fashioned light
The first thing I noticed about the aeroplane was how small bulbs. They may be cheap, but up to ninety percent of the
it was. I’m not a particularly nervous flyer but this made me energy they produce is lost as heat. My advice is, if you have
a little apprehensive. I was in safe hands, though. I held my one, put it in a box and smash it up, so no one else can use it.
breath while my instructor got us into the air. After a short In terms of clients, I work with both individuals and businesses
demonstration of the controls, and a reassuring ‘you’re not – and even some celebrities, such as the band Supergrass. For
going to be expected to do anything complicated’ from one of their tours about three years ago, the band decided to
my instructor, I was allowed to try them myself. I whipped minimise their carbon footprint at concerts and then also cut
through the tops of clouds and began to turn the plane about. the amount of carbon produced when recording the album
The vast number of instruments seemed intimidating, but it that was released to coincide with it. We helped them to
turned out only one or two are necessary at any one time. create a special recording studio, where all the equipment was
as environmentally friendly as possible.
Part 2 (page 117)
For my next project, I’m working hard on introducing a really
My name’s Darren Howarth. I’m here to tell you about my green type of home in this country known as an ‘Earthship’.
work as what’s called a carbon coach. Now you’re probably It’s a building that creates its own energy, heats and cools itself,
wondering what that means exactly, so let me explain. Most collects its own water and deals with its own waste. It’s also
people know about global warming and would like to do built from recycled materials. It doesn’t need electricity or gas
for heating, as it captures and stores energy by using wind



power, solar panels on the roof also charge up batteries and my goal was to one day climb Kilimanjaro, which is at a really
provide power too. high altitude. But to have a chance of reaching the summit, I
There are some disadvantages to this. You have to change clearly needed to make a start by climbing some smaller hills!
your lifestyle and keep an eye on changes in the weather. My trainer said I shouldn’t give up the gym, but you can’t do
There are thousands of examples around the world and everything, can you?
there’s a handbook on sale that explains everything about it – Speaker Five
you’ll find the details on my website – and it’s something you
can do yourself – you don’t have to employ someone to do I quite enjoy the hills these days, though it’s still a real physical
the work for you. effort, but I think that’s the case for lots of people. When I get
So, before I go on to ... to the top, though, I’m totally buzzing with what I’ve achieved.
I played football regularly until I was twenty, then I discovered
Part 3 (page 118) there was something wrong with one of my knees, and I was
advised to try hillwalking, which was supposed to strengthen
Speaker One it. I liked it so much that I’ve never looked back, though my
knee is absolutely fine now. I’m now trying to organise a
I was very unfit but determined to do some hillwalking. The hillwalking group because the sport’s so much more fun when
first time I went though, my companions almost gave up on you can share it.
me. They had to keep stopping while I caught my breath or
rested aching muscles – not surprising, really, as I’d never been Part 4 (page 119)
one for sports or trips to the gym. So the walk was no fun for
Interviewer: Jennie, welcome to the programme. A job in a
them, even less so for me. But as I couldn’t face the thought
circus, on the flying trapeze, sounds like a dream. How
of going alone, I knew I had to get myself fit enough to be
did you become a trapeze artist?
accepted as a full member of the group. I decided hillwalking
would be my road to fitness, and by persevering, I got there. JT: I’d say first of all that it’s not that magical – it’s work.
You have to work extremely hard, but if you have the
Speaker Two physical capacity and talent, it’s not that difficult. I did
gymnastics and ballet as a child before joining a youth
I’m a very fit person because I’ve been going to the gym and circus at fourteen. I’d been in a number of ballet shows
doing different sports for years. The problem was that, being so I felt confident. Then I studied at a circus school for
a very competitive person, I found it difficult to really relax. three years, and as part of the training I did a number
After reading interviews with hillwalkers, I was convinced that of performances there. The manager of the circus I
this sport would give me a sense of achievement without now work for saw me in one of them and offered me
the pressure: that it was something I’d actually enjoy doing. a job. But I know that they also recruit acrobats from
It wasn’t easy knowing where to start, though. Fortunately, I gymnastic competitions.
met an experienced walker who’d climbed the highest hills in
Interviewer: Do you have to practise every day?
Scotland. He gave me some tips, and then I just went for it, on
my own, because I don’t believe in walking in groups. JT: I perform at night, so I like to sleep in, then practise
on stage for forty-five minutes. I perform my trapeze
Speaker Three act once or twice a day, nine or ten times every
week. Before each show, I put on my make-up and
For me, hillwalking’s been a real challenge. When I first started, sparkly costume, and warm up for half an hour, doing
I often wanted to turn back when I was only halfway up handstands and abdominal push-ups. I have to do a lot
a hill. I would ask myself: ‘Why am I doing this?’ But I knew of strength and flexibility exercises. After the show, I
the answer really. I’d failed spectacularly when I’d tried to practise again for at least another half an hour. That’s
get fit playing tennis or swimming, maybe because I wasn’t when my muscles are warmest, so I can push my body
making enough of an effort, but I couldn’t see the point. With even harder.
hillwalking, I could feel it was strengthening my legs and the
Interviewer: Is a trapeze artist job well paid, is it enough to
aerobic exercise was just wonderful. An unexpected bonus
live on comfortably?
was making so many friends because you immediately have
something in common with people you meet on the hill. JT: We get paid per show, and the amount depends on
how you’ve negotiated your contract, but it’s usually
Speaker Four very good. I’ve only met two trapeze artists in their late
thirties or early forties, that’s an advanced age in this
I used to have a personal trainer, who believed conventional profession and time to slow down, so you need to think
fitness tests were rubbish. He always said: ‘All you need to ahead. If you’ve done a range of theatrical, dance and
know is how fit you feel now, and how fit you need to be acrobatic training, it’ll be easier to redirect your career.
to achieve your own goals.’ He trained me in the gym, which You could create your own show, or teach, for example.
improved my muscle tone and my strength in general, but



Interviewer: But once you become a trapeze artist, how do their instruments. It was a great shame, because in the end
you get to be one of the best? there wasn’t enough time for all the bands to perform.
JT: It’s very competitive. All the trapeze artists I know are Question Two
talented ... and they’re adaptable, and they’re physically
slim, which is necessary so your partner can catch you Following their successful national tour, that included gigs in
easily. But there’s one quality only the best have, and it’s Birmingham and Edinburgh, the band Bright Water are off to
a characteristic of real stars: they aren’t at all nervous – Australia. We’re all a bit sad that last night’s gig in London will
when there are 5,000 people watching them, they keep be the last in this country for a while, but don’t despair, lead
their cool, which is difficult, even if you know there’s a singer Clive Sands will be chatting to Kevin Paulton after the
safety net below to catch you if something goes wrong. eight o’clock news. Joining Clive on the sofa in this evening’s
Interviewer: What do you love about your job and what’s show will be award-winning documentary film-maker, Sally
tough about it? West, who’s been following the group’s tour with her camera
team making a programme about the live music scene that
JT: It’s a physical challenge, but it’s also an art. You’re
will be broadcast in the autumn. So, to hear how that went,
expressing yourself through the way you move. Working
tune in after the news.
late each day, sometimes you wake up feeling you really
want to stay in bed , but you still have to perform. I have Question Three
rough hands from holding on to the trapeze bar, and
sometimes they’re painful, but they don’t bother me as I can only praise what you’ve achieved with the Year 4 pupils.
much as my sore muscles. That’s something that never I had them last year and they seemed to have no interest
goes, really. I like to have a massage once a week. whatsoever in what I was trying to teach them. I remember
saying to them we needed to have a serious discussion about
Interviewer: But it is possible to learn circus skills just as a
homework, or rather about the fact that they were doing no
kind of exercise, isn’t it?
homework at all. How could they expect to learn anything?
JT: Oh, yes, performing circus skills is great exercise in itself
I called a parents’ meeting to try and get their support, and
and has other benefits. I know there are schools where that seemed to work, there was a slight improvement, but not
they’ve noticed an improvement in the schoolwork of for long. That’s why I’m really impressed to see how they’ve
students with concentration problems as a result of turned out. I’ve no idea how you’ve managed.
learning circus skills, because it helps them focus on one
thing. They all start at the same point, discovering their Question Four
own strengths and limitations in this new area, and it’s
We’re constantly increasing the amount of harmful substances
we release into the environment, but there isn’t enough
Interviewer: So what does the future hold for you, Jennie?
information about exactly which species these substances are
JT: I’ve been looking at the possibility of doing a part- actually damaging most. We’re poisoning the air and the soil,
time course and getting a management qualification at as well as oceans and rivers, so we’re not just talking about
college, with a view to starting my own circus school endangered fish. We know that pollution’s destroying the
when my contract with the circus runs out in two years’ planet, people hear it everyday, but it’s not enough to say that
time. That’ll only be possible if the circus manager allows we may wipe out two-thirds of animal life within the next fifty
me the time off, so we’ll see. years, that’s too general a statement – we need to publicise
Interviewer: Jennie, many thanks … the details.

Question Five
Listening Test 7
W: So is all your training on the saddle?
M: Yes, I race a hundred days a year, five hours a day on
Part 1 (page 134)
average. When I train, it’s thirty hours a week, varying
Question One from hill work to sprints. Because it’s not really about
talent this sport, it’s more about will, drive, the ability to
I love open-air festivals, whatever the music, I go just to soak suffer. Some of the hardest men in the world are cyclists.
up the atmosphere, you know, even before any of the music Footballers who roll over in pain or athletes who get
has started, watch the people. Up to the last minute, you hurt after a little run make me laugh! I mean I’m a wreck
often don’t know who’ll be on stage next, which is part of the at the end of a race and, you know, broken bones,
festival experience, if you ask me, that unpredictability. Anyway, gushing blood or whatever, in this sport you finish a
there was this air of expectation all around, and suddenly a race, then go to hospital!
few people started getting impatient and climbing on to the
stage, which upset some of the musicians who were tuning



Question Six Firstly, people often ask me what sort of training a surfer
needs to do. Well, just surfing really, that’s the best training
M: And now over to Melanie in Weston. Hello there. you can have. I live on the Atlantic coast, so I can surf all year
W: Hi Steve. It’s a bit of a long story, but basically without round. Summer is pretty bad wave-wise because the sea’s so
going into all the details, I borrowed a friend’s digital calm, but I try to do two sets of three hours or three sets
camera and unfortunately I dropped it in a lake. I mean, of two hours. I’m completely exhausted after that, but for
it was my fault and she’s accepted my apologies and all me that’s a great feeling. In winter, it’s bitterly cold, of course,
that. But I wanted to know whether I could claim on my but you get great waves at that time of year. Wearing a
insurance or if she had to claim on hers. I mean, I’ve still wetsuit, I can stand about twenty minutes before it becomes
got the camera because I did manage to fish it out in unbearable.
the end, but I need to replace it obviously. Of course, when I’m not surfing, I have to keep fit. But I don’t
M: Oh dear. You’re friend sounds very understanding, but do workouts or lift weights at the gym if that’s what you’re
anyway ... thinking. I just do yoga and stretching every day, for between
half an hour and an hour and a half. Surfing uses your whole
Question Seven
body. When you’re on the board, the focus is on your legs and
W: I can’t see the point of zoos. Why do people still go to torso; when you’re paddling out to get to the waves, it’s the
them when it’s so obviously cruel to imprison animals arms, back and upper shoulders. Everything needs to be loose.
like that. I’m quite good at listening to what my body’s telling me. I also
M: In a perfect world, there’d be no need for zoos, but try to swim three times a week. My goal is thirty-two lengths
you know they do very important conservation work. of a twenty-five-metre pool in fourteen minutes. Normally I
Without zoos, lots of animals would be extinct right do it in twelve and a half or thirteen actually.
now. So, what about injuries? Well, people pull muscles and
W: Well I don’t deny that the conservation work’s sometimes break an arm or an ankle. I’ve been lucky, but
important, but that doesn’t explain why there’s still when I was fifteen and I’d just started surfing, the board
things like elephants and penguins there. They’re not whacked me in the face and it broke my nose. While surfing
threatened with extinction – it’s just that people like you get hit by the board, hit by the waves, tossed around, the
going to see them. more flexible you are, the less likely you are to get injured.
M: Well, who knows which animals are going to be In terms of other dangers, there used to be a lot of problems
threatened next? At least if there are some in zoos ... with pollution in the water. But we set up an organisation
W: I still don’t agree with them locally to campaign about that and it’s been very successful.
The water’s now a lot cleaner and that has real health
Question Eight benefits. I mean, before the water was cleaned up, people
used to get coughs and colds a lot, and sore throats especially,
W: So what’s a bowerbird, Nigel?
as well as stomach upsets. For me it was always my ears that
M: Well Carla, it’s a bird that builds its nest out of unusual got sore, you know, because it affected people in different
materials, you know, bits of old cloth it finds, shiny bits ways.
of plastic and so on. And the result is often incredibly
Another thing people always ask is what’s the biggest wave
beautiful in an odd sort of way.
I’ve ever surfed. And I’ve surfed big waves in Australia, both
W: So it’s a good name for the place we’re going to visit in Sydney and the beaches further north, but the biggest ones
today’s programme. were in Hawaii, at a place called Sunset Beach. That was about
M: Indeed. The owners of the Bowerbird store can offer seven metres, which is really awesome. About six other waves
you things like old fruit boxes made into kitchen units, came down on top of me. But once it’s happened, you know
a mirror made out of tractor wheel, even an old boat you can do it and it gives you more confidence.
made into a garden seat. I’m very strict about my diet and I never eat meat because I’m
W: Just the thing for anyone who’s into recycling or wanting a vegetarian, I used to eat fish, but I don’t do that any more
to furnish a home with a difference. either. I tend to eat pretty healthily. Sometimes I’ll have a jam
M: Exactly. sandwich or a cream cake. It feels so good, even if you know
it’s bad for you. But I also know when to stop. Like, I’ve just
Part 2 (page 135) spent two weeks being a fruitarian – only eating fruit, because
I wanted to cleanse my body. It gave me heaps of energy and I
Hi there. My name’s Mara Barnes and I’d like to tell you about
felt so much better for it.
my sport, which is surfing.
Before a competition, you can’t be tense or stressed out
At events like this, I try to explain what my motivation is and
or your surfing would suffer. I listen to music to stop that
give people an idea of what it’s like to be involved in the
happening. I often sit on the beach with my earbuds in and



listen to rap songs – usually old favourites from years back. skill. So while most employers want teamwork skill, that’s not
But if I’m feeling really stressed, I’ll give a friend a game of something we’re particularly concerned about. Generally
chess to prepare myself mentally. I usually win actually! speaking, we want employees who are creative, and we’ll give
So, before I go on to ... them lots of training on the job.

Part 3 (page 136) Speaker Five

Speaker One In our company, the more IT packages employees have an

understanding of, the better, whether it’s word processing,
When recruiting staff, I’m looking for a range of different design programmes, or whatever. Often people just list these
skills, but then there are skills that can be learnt on the job, skills on their CVs, but it’s much more useful to show in a
for example a new employee may feel uncomfortable with sentence or two how they’ve used them. Of course they’ll
the way we work in groups, if they’re more used to working be able to explain this further when we interview them. We
on their own, but they’ll get used to that. The thing that’s a don’t insist so much on good interpersonal skills, as many
must for anyone hoping to join our company is having the other employers do, simply because the jobs on offer won’t
ability to express themselves clearly. We get applicants to give require them to deal with customers face-to-face. And we
a presentation or write a report to demonstrate this. We like confident people who know what their strengths are, but
run training programmes in computer technology for all new who also aware of the areas where they’re weak
employees, though most young people nowadays are more
up to speed in that than most of us. Part 4 (page 137)

Speaker Two Interviewer: Renowned restaurants tend to be in large cities,

Graham. Why did you choose a small town?
I think most employers look for multi-skilled people with lots
GM: When my father died, he left me this house, which he’d
of energy and motivation, and I’m no exception. But general
bought with the idea that one day the whole family
skills aren’t enough. When they’re faced with a situation
would move here – he dreamed of a quieter life, but
they’ve not come across before, I want my staff to be able to
the move never happened – we continued to live in a
use their imagination to analyse what’s going on and come up
flat in the city. I wanted my own restaurant and renting
with a solution. What I don’t want is someone who’s forever
was out of the question – so it made sense to use this
asking questions because they don’t know what the best
building. I moved here with my wife and it took me five
course of action is. We’ll always offer the right person all he
years to make it work properly.
or she may need, including secretarial and technical support
to organise the day-to-day administrative stuff, so that they’re Interviewer: But surely it would be more profitable to have a
able to concentrate on more important matters. restaurant in a large city?
GM: It’s true that cities have visitors all the time, while here
Speaker Three we rely on two or three busy seasons, but that works
In my company, a new employee will be expected to work fine for me – when there are fewer customers, we find
quite quickly and in an effective way with people they time to catch up with friends. Because there are more
probably won’t know at all. That’s why our best employees opportunities, big cities tend to attract more talented
have tended to come from colleges or universities where people, who prefer jobs in busy centres. And that is
groupwork was encouraged. Of course, there are people a problem – it’s been a struggle to get, and keep, the
who just have that skill naturally, and they have no problem very good cooks I’ve got now, I must say. But I’m happy,
at all adapting to our situation. But there are others who because, on the other hand, the local farmers and
just want to be left alone to concentrate on, say, the latest fishermen are more accessible here.
computer programmes for example, or who feel that they’re Interviewer: You made a decision to attend business school
leaders and so try to dominate discussions rather than help after secondary school. Was it useful?
to develop them, and they are not what we want. GM: It was incredibly significant. It was during that time that
I decided to be a chef. I always loved food, but I’d never
Speaker Four
considered it as a career. There was a terrible canteen at
Employees in our company mostly have to work by college so I was going home each night, looking forward
themselves for hours, though of course there’s always to cooking my own dinner – precisely what my friends
somebody higher up who’ll give them advice when needed. at college hated most. I knew then what I really wanted
But working independently means it’s very easy to get to be was a professional chef, and it wasn’t to do with all
distracted from what is really important, what must come first. the theory about business which I was having at college.
So being able to sit down and plan a programme of work, Interviewer: Can anyone with a major interest in food
with clear targets, this really comes top of the list of qualities become a great chef?
we’re looking for – we won’t employ anybody without that



GM: A good chef can prepare a great meal, but it’s only the a wall before a concert. I realised that I was just as
top ones who get it right all the time, for them it’s not a susceptible to injury as a ballet dancer, so I needed to
hit-or-miss thing, so the difference is in the consistency. keep in shape.
Cooking is an art, and it isn’t a question of inventing new
Question Two
things every day, chefs who try to do that often lose the
special quality that made them special in the first place, M: So Fiona, having chosen your print to put on the wall,
the thing that set them apart from an ordinary cook ... what about framing?
Interviewer: What’s is your opinion of the young cooks who W: Well, of course it may come in a frame – but if it
graduate from cookery schools? doesn’t, my advice would be not to try and save money
GM: I think there are too many students who enrol in these on the frame because it will only cost a fraction of the
courses for the wrong reasons. They’re thinking of cost of the print and yet could make all the difference.
instantaneous success and it rarely happens this way. You You should, for example, go for specialist glass – this is
have to love this business. Having said that, I have great well worth the expense. The glass in a frame can really
respect for the ones who know what they’re doing and affect your enjoyment of a picture. Plain glass can act
are willing to work ridiculously long hours while the like a mirror, so you’re always seeing your own reflection
rest of the world is having fun. They’ll go a long way, and rather than the art. Now, you don’t want that.
deservedly so, but they are a minority.
Question Three
Interviewer: So after all these years, the passion is still there ...
GM: Absolutely, I still find myself saving articles on the W: Tom’s here to tell us about a new product that’s just
restaurant business and cutting out endless recipes come on the market. Tom.
that I’m anxious to try. The endurance is not the same, M: Well what this particular company did was to challenge
though – I suppose that’s something to be expected. design students round the world to create a new
There isn’t the strength of earlier years which allowed household appliance that would encourage healthy
me to go on and on. That’s why I rely a lot on the eating habits. The winning design would then be
people I train – because the restaurant must keep on manufactured and marketed by the company. In the end
being profitable for years to come. the gadget that got the prize is something that might
Interviewer: Looking ahead to, say in ten years, do you still end up being the lunchbox of the future. It’s a little
see yourself in the kitchen? container which maintains homemade meals at a given
temperature wherever you happen to be at any time
GM: I really believe that I’ll be doing something different. I’ll
of the day, so it could mean less snacking on unhealthy
always cook, but it won’t be in a restaurant kitchen. I’ll
food for want of an alternative.
find a house in a warmer country and find the time to
do it in a relaxing way. Of course, when I mentioned this Question Four
idea in a newspaper interview recently, I had a number
of offers from some lovely tourist resorts around W: So what did you think?
Europe. I must make it clear that I wasn’t looking for M: Well it was pretty slow moving at the beginning and at
either job or travel opportunities! one point I thought I wasn’t going to like it, but then it
Interviewer: Graham Malley, it’s been a pleasure to ... got going.
W: Yeah, I found the story a bit hard to follow in places,
didn’t you?
Listening Test 8
M: Well, it was complicated, especially when they started
doing all those flashbacks to him as a child and all that
Part 1 (page 152) – but I didn’t mind that because at least it kept things
Question One moving. What really got me were the actors. Hardly
brilliant performances from the two leads – that spoilt it
Interviewer: And to what extent do you need to be for me.
physically fit to do your work? W: Really? Oh I barely noticed them actually.
M: The aerobic exercise of twenty-five hours a week on M: Quite.
the podium is astonishing. People say it’s one of the
reasons we tend to live to a great age! And a couple Question Five
of years ago, I injured my shoulder halfway through
Ok, this may be disappointing news, but from next week, you
an opera. I mean I was useless for the remaining acts,
won’t be able to use the school sports facilities at weekends.
though the orchestra and singers kept going somehow!
This is because of refurbishment work that is being carried
These days, I loosen up by doing arm stretches against



out on the sports hall and changing rooms. It means that we’ll to meet some famous composers. This event is known as a
need to find a new venue for the football championships, and workshop, and it lasts one full day. Remember this won’t be
inform those parents who are coming along to support our a music lesson or a test. It should be fun and you’ll be able to
team. Your sports teacher has suggested we postpone it, but make music and ask lots of questions, and it’s free of charge.
I’d like to have your opinions before I make a decision. The What will you need to bring on the day? Well, your
alternative is to ask Darrington School to allow us to use their instrument, of course, but most importantly, we’re asking
sports field. So, let’s have your thoughts. Yes, Jack, what do you you to come with your latest piece of work, not one you
think? composed a long time ago. It could be anything. Maybe a
Question Six rhythm or a tune, or even a whole symphony. The idea is
to try it out on the experts. Oh, and do feel free to bring a
This is the best rucksack for me. I go trekking most weekends friend along, too. You’ll be able to meet many other young
and I need to take all my gear in it, including a warm jumper composers on the day, so you’ll be able to share your ideas
and a waterproof jacket, just in case. It’s on the small side, with them, and maybe pick up some new ones. And don’t be
because anything bigger feels uncomfortable on my back, so afraid you won’t be left on your own. There’ll be professional
I think carefully and pack only what I really need, which isn’t a musicians there who’ll be offering everyone friendly and
bad thing – I know people who take way too much. The thing useful advice. Remember, all good composers started off as
is, it weighs just under a kilo, so you’re not carrying anything beginners once.
unnecessary. That’s what makes it ideal, really. I can’t wait to Now, after that day of shared experiences you’ll all go home
try it out this weekend, whatever the weather. and compose a new piece which will be your competition
Question Seven entry. It could be a piece for the human voice, or for an
orchestra, or simply music for the guitar. This was actually the
So now, have you got a pen handy? In today’s competition preferred style from most young composers last year. But you
you can win two season tickets for the Odeon Cinema, valid could also decide to go to the other end of the decibel range
for two months, and also the latest DVD from the band The with heavy metal, or a new style you’ve dreamed up yourself.
Brambles, along with a signed photograph. All you need to The rules are simple, in fact there’s only one rule. Entries
do is tell us the name, and the nationality, of the songwriter should last no more than five minutes. You’ll definitely need to
who wrote All About Love, the 1990s hit. We want her full remember that because we can’t accept pieces even if they’re
name, and if you need a little help, her surname is the same only slightly longer. Even six minutes would be no good. If
as that of a famous 19th-century poet. Send us an email and, you’ve composed something which is, say, a quarter of an
who knows, you might be the lucky winner we announce hour long, you’ll need to think whether it can be shortened.
tomorrow. You probably wouldn’t want to submit anything shorter than
three minutes, either. So, what will the judges be looking for?
Question Eight
As in previous years, nobody will expect perfection. They
Well, you couldn’t imagine a more beautiful spot. It’s always won’t be looking hard for mistakes. We all make them when
been a holiday paradise for those who could afford it, but until we’re learning. What they will want to find in your pieces, is
recently that meant relatively few people. Now, however, with originality, so try not to write in the style of your favourite
cheaper flights available, it’s becoming a much more popular composer, which would make it harder for your own voice
destination. As a consequence, lots of hotels and restaurants to come through. And bear in mind the thorny question of
are being built very quickly, and, frankly, they’re not really much technology. There’s no doubt that this has transformed the
to look at. Although the development is good for the local lives of people making a living from writing music, but there’s
economy, and will mean that young people don’t need to go a danger. Those pieces composed in someone’s head, rather
and find jobs elsewhere, the government has acknowledged than on a computer screen, are generally the best. Each year
that the natural beauty of the place is threatened. we get some pieces that show little appreciation for the
sounds that the instruments will actually make, and we think
Part 2 (page 153) this is why.

Could you be this year’s winner of the young composer’s The closing date for entries is May the 11th and winners will
competition? If you’re a school or college student between then be announced on June the 22nd at the latest, through
the age of 11 and 18, whether you’re studying composition your schools or colleges. There’ll be three winners in each of
or simply writing music for friends and family, we want to two categories: junior, that’s aged 12 to 16, and senior, which
hear from you. First you need to apply to enter, but this is is 17 to 18. Later on, the information will also be posted on
easy. First of all, so we can get to know you a bit, send us a the young composer’s website. I’m pleased to say that there
recording of yourself playing a piece of music, together with are a number of prizes for the winners, amongst them a
your personal details. There’s no need to write a letter. Once
you’re accepted, you’ll be invited to go to a local concert hall,



season ticket giving free access to concerts for a year. More Speaker Five
importantly, the winning pieces will be played at the City Hall
in front of an audience of about 400 people. My friend and I spent two weeks in Paris recently. We
followed a link to the SimplyTravel website, where we bought
Part 3 (page 154) our flights and booked our accommodation. We’d checked
Speaker One out several other websites before, but none could match
these bargain prices. Not only that, they also offer full refunds
The WorldTours website is lacking in some ways. I wanted to and travel insurance is included. Be prepared though, it may
arrange a trip to Brazil for two weeks and include a two- not be that easy to find what you need and this site’s not
day tour of Rio de Janeiro. The first page gives you a list of the fastest when it comes to confirming your bookings. The
services, but then there were no details of the hotels or of important thing though is that you can be fairly certain they
the internal flights I needed to book. I used the ‘email us’ links won’t let you down – making sure the customer has no cause
on the ‘contact us’ tab and after nearly two weeks I’d still had for complaint seems to be their top priority.
no reply. You’re supposed to be able to use the holiday codes
in the ‘quick tab’ to look at individual holidays. There were two Part 4 (page 155)
different codes for the holiday we were looking at – neither Interviewer: Jane, you’re a successful nature and travel
of them returned a result. photographer. Did you go to college to learn
Speaker Two photography?
JT: No, but I did study regularly under well-known
In general I’ve been satisfied with the HotelSearch website. I professionals. When I decided that I was going to earn
travel to New York regularly for business, and in the past I’ve a living from photography, I knew the best thing was to
tried a variety of websites to book my accommodation. I’m contact photographers who were also instructors and
not brilliant when it comes to using the internet, so I wanted get some private lessons with them, rather than going
something uncomplicated, where you can find what you want through a whole training course which I thought would
quickly. When I first saw the HotelSearch website, the one go over technical details I was already quite good at. My
thing that surprised me, though, was the prices they quoted – father strongly disagreed with me on this, but I still think
nothing below a hundred pounds a night. I’m sure you could it was the right thing to do
find better deals if you shop around, but because it’s such a Interviewer: What’s your favourite place for travel
simple and user-friendly website, I was prepared to pay that photography?
little bit extra.
JT: This has to be the most difficult question in the
Speaker Three interview! I love the desert, but I also love mountains;
I love Italy, but I know I’d also love South America
I’ve often used the TravelConnect website. It’s got lots of links and other places. I think the true answer is ‘the next
to other websites, so it may be a bit confusing, but I’ve always place I’m going to’, because each location offers
been very impressed by its service. Last week it was offering an opportunity to express my feelings about it, my
a great deal on flights and accommodation in Amsterdam, so personal interpretation of a place. Having said that, I’ve
I made a quick booking as a surprise for my partner. It was often refused commissions to do winter shoots in icy
stupid of me because I later found out that she couldn’t make conditions, they have to find someone else to do that!
that flight. When I contacted them, they said it’s all explained Interviewer: What was it like in the early years, when you
in the small print that you can’t make alterations once you’ve were just starting?
booked, not even for an additional fee. So that’s something to
JT: Well, although I began my business in photography
bear in mind if you use this website.
much earlier, it really wasn’t until 2004 that I began to
Speaker Four feel I was actually accomplishing my goals – to work on
books and do magazine assignments. Those earlier years
The BestHolidays website is full of information which you may were certainly busy with work, but in an unfocused ‘grab
or may not find useful and I must say it took me a while to anything that was offered’ sort of way. By 2004, I really
find what I wanted. Having said that, I was very impressed felt I’d ‘arrived’. But it never ends, really. One project
by how quickly they responded when I emailed them with a finishes and suddenly you find yourself worrying about
number of questions. With other websites, you end up having the next one.
to use the phone, and then all you get is somebody saying: ‘I’m Interviewer: What do you like most about your professional
not sure, we’ll have to get back to you’. The final proof that life?
they really pay attention to customer care came when they
JT: Being on the road and experiencing other cultures,
let me make a last-minute change to my holiday for a very
that’s what immediately comes to mind, but it’s not
small extra payment.
seeing new things really, though I love exploring. It’s the



constant awareness that what I’m doing will be shared

with others. If it weren’t for that, you know, I would
often be completely alone out there with just the
landscape for company.
Interviewer: And what’s your least favourite aspect of the
JT: I’m often asked whether I miss a ‘normal’ life, seeing
family and friends, doing the things I love, like
gardening. The answer’s that I don’t – being a ‘location
photographer’ I’m away a lot, but it isn’t hard to keep
up with the people you care about if you try. Something
I’d definitely avoid if I could is paperwork. Even with
someone helping out, there’s still a lot of organising that
I have to do. Now that I’m photographing digitally, the
amount of work is amazingly time consuming.
Interviewer: Have you any tips for professional
photographers trying to make a name for themselves?
JT: I wish there was one key thing, one secret, I could
share! I’d say you have to believe in yourself. Look at the
photos taken by colleagues you really admire and then
ask them to comment on some of your work. That’ll
inspire you and motivate you. Trying to specialise helps,
but you can’t really do it until you’ve tried a number
of things. Also, I’ve made some mistakes which others
could avoid. For example, I had no business skills so I got
someone to do the management bit for me, which in
retrospect wasn’t such a good idea.
Interviewer: Finally, any advice for the amateurs who simply
want to improve their photography skills?
JT: Oh, above all, if you’re learning just remember that a
good quality camera’s all you need. Don’t be tempted
by all the publicity for the latest model which does this,
that and the other and costs the earth.You need to
build your skills first, by taking photos on a daily basis, so
that the technical bits become second nature, and then
you’ll be able to just concentrate on your compositions.
There’s lots of material you can read in specialist
publications, which I’m reluctant to recommend because
they’re written with the professional photographer in
Interviewer: Jane, many thanks ...


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