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Sheela went to the stationary to purchase *books* (NOUN).

She went to the mall *but* (CONJUNCTIONS) did not purchase anything new.

I *liked* (VERB) *her* (PRONOUN) better than another classmate.

A beautiful girl was doing her tasks *quickly* (ADVERB).

*She*(PRONOUN) goes for the morning walk regularly.

When she was *lying*(VERB) in the park an insect bit her.

*You* (PRONOUN) took him by holding his hand.

A *rich* (ADJECTIVE) man purchased a *stunning* (ADJECTIVE) jewellery.

*Hurrah! *(INTERJECTION) I have cleared all examinations.

The kitten is hiding *under* (PREPOSITION) the table.

*Alas!* (INTERJECTION) He couldn’t come here.

The body of the cupboard is made of *iron*. (NOUN)

This is not *your* (PRONOUN) pencil but his.

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