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Annexure-t DBT Business in POSA pay [par Disbursement (in Rs. crate | MESIAL! ate | srt [ Seeded A/C 2022-23 1021-22 _|(upto Dec'22) ANOHRAPRADESH | a3.0a77 | 14eo7 | 1398,984 21 Fre JASSAM_ 14,026, 5,694 19,720, 44) 2. [BIHAR 550 20,127 20,677, 1 1.1) IHATTISGARH 4312 | 10.545, 94957 7eJ x25) Jocunt 2,209 | 18,886 23,093 2 rr WIARAT 724250 [18839 | 743.089 | 017s] 0819 HARYANA 356971 | _ea14 | __3.65,085 920: 298.3 jammacHatenaoesn | 593,00 | 8.229 | 6,01,320 291 223.2 JAMINAU AND KASHMIR 38 | _ 1.933 1972 od og 'WARKHAND yo7e_| 15,539 36,617 0. 0: KARNATAKA marae | 69177 | 3959619 | 3725s|___ 3528. KERALA 34308 |_28.174 42,482 9, 65| MADHYA PRADESH 711,353 | 16540 | 227,893 105. 243 MAHARASHTRA 3.29329 | 47563_| 176.892 nd 39.5] InonTH EAST aa_| 5.185 5,669 od rr looisHa 36994 | 32,065 99,459 sil ad puwas, 6338_| 10,945 17,283 os| og frasASTHAN 1,096 | _7.768 2864 ai 13] frat NADU 2.976 | 48,311 51.287 J sal [rELANGANA 3528114 | 21538 | 35,49,652 a3) 252.4 lurrar PRADESH 14558_| 13,736 22,294 57 27] lUTTARAKHAND 2,302 6760 9,062 ad 4 JEST BENGAL 60,416 1,15,545 1,75,961 19.3} 32.9) [rota ioneaans [116918 | aa6sisa1 | 71592] 6578.2] DBT Business In IPPB DBT Disbursement (in Rs- eas ora | Atdhaar | Unique 08 crore) pth, | ‘Seeded | senetcry bona pecsurts | Accounts” | 2020-21 )2021-22|(upto |Dec'22) Laonnapancesn | —aovomas| —ansnsos| 7o2soal aso] 630|_1.1807 JASSAM 8,87,299| 5,90,643] 31,183] 2.1] 7 12| NAR. seaead —saseasy| —s72ea7e| 752.3] 7a] 9814 lormarmiscann Sr ee pews ee iazacel saved 2104 Iowanar eT ee [RARYANA nace] Taal wea Sa ance TT ss0ei| —sos2eq_—— 3.70 153] SA pan Lo aersed —_s627a|_——asrsal 23 d HARKHAND se aatss|_assan| soa a 3088 KARNATAKA se atoasoo] saan ed se 388 fenava 3st sed zeae sad AAA aster] soanacg_senane aera] 2a __ SB MAHARASHTRA A erase aseee| asa] ta 3184 ORTH EAST ee Jovisua ee aonae] sana en sel 8 OMIA se gaa reas] 1s] 88 RRAIASTHAN ae —eanaes] sasaes| e999 Irani NADU Beams 8aneee| ton 202683 hevawcawa a canines] evar a7] a 3023) FEANsaNa esol s.en.50q _a.e7ao{_ ssl sa S80 [oTTARAKHAND Se mao seaa——] 8 EST BENGAL ee emanlsaarrd a Rational ed zanrson| asearess] _2sed| asus] 4963 : ‘Annexure-2 Procedure for Seeding of Aadhaar for getting DBT Credits In POSB account A) Aadhaar seeding for exist Office Savings Account 1. Aadhaar ID has to be seeded in CIF for getting DBT credits through Aadhar Payment Bridge System (APBS). Aadhaar ID will get validated through NPCI during seeding. 2. Once DBT mandate form is filled in by the customer, PO user to invoke CIF Modification menu (CMC). Mobile number of the customer to be updated in DBT Mandate form. 3. The following details need to be updated under APBS Payment Details in CMC menu a. Aadhaar Mandate Available flag to be updated as YES b. Type of Mandate (Fresh/Move In) to be selected from dropdown «. Fresh Mandate will be selected if customer Is seeding AADHAAR in POSB for DBT credits for the first time, 4.f Customer has already seeded some other Bank account for DBT credits, MOVEIN option needs to be selected. €. Once MOVE IN option is selected, Previous Bank IIN number to be selected from searcher based on customer's mandate. {. Customer Mandate date has to be selected from calendar. ‘g POSB account number to be updated in Aadhaar Linked Account Number field. Basic validations are available while updating this account number. fed that once Aadhaar is seeded in POSB account, all the DBT credits will be 4. Customer to be g credited in POSB account. 5, Aadhaar seeded details will be shared to NPCI through Mapper file. These mapper files will be moved to NPCI through Automated batch jobs after OC Closure. 6. Aadhaar will get validated at NPCI end and POSB account will be seeded in Aadhaar with DOP as destination bank. 7. PO user to check APBS mapper report in MIS server on next day to ensure that the Aadhar has been successfully seeded in the account. 8. DBT benefits will be credited to the POSB accounts after successful seeding. 9. In case of failure at NPCI end due to various reasons, Customer needs to be contacted over mobile ‘and reseeding of Aadhar in CIF to be done again. 10. Dally progress on AADHAAR SEEDING can be checked in the following web portal (Aadhaor seeding facility has also been incorporated in withdrawal form (SB-7) and Pay- in-Slip (SB- 103) vide SB order 29/2020. Counter stoff must encourage all the customers for Aadhar seeding daring all such transactions.) ewe 8) —_Aadhaar seeding during New Account opens 1. Post Ofce Savings account fro Balance Basc Savings Account (for customer ‘opening account for the purpose of receiving DBT benefits) 2. Filling up of AOF, along with submission of copy of Aadhaar card, PAN card (Formé0-61}and two photographs. 5B accounts. 3. Fling up of Customer Mandate frm for receiving OBT cre in Po! 4, Step A_) 1 onwards from above process flow are common C) Bulk Aadhaar seeding of Post Office Savings account 4. Kadhaar detailsin the below CSV format for buleupload jAadhaar_ BS afc_ adhaar_ customer [Mandate_ vrevious Bank lumber INumber iandate (Mandate Date TYPE in Flag, # Aadhaar Number should be 12 digits CBS Account Number should be 10 to 12 digits + Aadhaar Mandate Flag is Y or N * GeStomer Mandate Date shouldbe only in “DD-MM-YYYY" format + Mandate Type is F «+ Previous Bank IIN should give only one space «If Mandate is Move IN ~M to be given nN number should be IIN of previously seeded Bank TIN 2.Stepsto create a .sv file without error. Open Notepad, Copy the data and saves text file pen Excel. Select Al. On te data tb, cick fom text import the text file. Select File type as Delimited, Delimiters as Tab, all column data format as Text. «Save the file in sv format. File name extension should be in “lower case". sample ile Aadhaar_19102020.cs¥ is attached fr your reference, 4. After creating the fle kindy open the file with notepad to validate the date Format, 4k Fle Is shared to CEPT, which uploads the file and shares the response fle along with saeessftue status along with reason fr flue, POs ate supposed to corect the failure Aadhaar and reshare the file for Bulk upload.

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