홈스쿨초등영문법2권 Unit 04

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UNIT 4 must, should, would/could

A 다음 영어 표현을 우리말로 쓰고, 우리말 뜻은 영어로 쓰세요.

영어 표현 우리말 우리말 영어 표현

1 garbage 13 건너다

2 polite 14 열심인, 능동적인

3 touch 15 다른 사람들

4 finish 16 큰 소리로

5 already 17 축구

6 sick 18 건강

7 trash can 19 비밀

8 public place 20 운동하다

9 all day 21 열

10 in class 22 기침하다

11 wait for 23 출석[참석]하다

12 throw away 24 약

20. exercise 21. fever 22. cough 23. attend 24. medicine
11. ~을 기다리다 12. ~을 버리다 13. cross 14. active 15. others 16. loudly 17. soccer 18. health 19. secret
A 1. 쓰레기 2. 예의 바른 3. 만지다 4. 끝내다 5 벌써 6. 아픈 7. 쓰레기통 8. 공공 장소 9. 하루 종일 10. 수업 중에

EBS랑 홈스쿨 초등 영문법 권 ●

13 ● UNIT 4 must, should, would/could
UNIT 4 must, should, would/could

B 다음 우리말에 맞도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰세요.

너는 우산을 가지고 가는 게 좋 You take your umbrella with

1 겠다. you.

2 저를 좀 도와주실래요? you help me?

We keep the
3 우리들은 교칙을 지켜야 한다.
school rules.

4 그는 빗속에서 운전하면 안 된다. He drive in the rain.

그들은 이 일을 지금 끝낼 필요는 They

5 없다. finish the work now.

She come by
6 그녀는 12시까지 와야 한다.
twelve o’clock.

C 올바른 문장이 되도록 다음 괄호 안의 말을 순서대로 배열하여 쓰세요.

(should / I / early / get

1 up)

(they / wash / must /

2 their hands)

(too much / we / should

3 / eat / not)

(must / lie / you / not /

4 your parents / to)

(has to / Martin / his

5 homework / finish)

(don’t / we / attend /
6 have to / the meeting)

4. You must not lie to your parents. 5. Martin has to finish his homework. 6. We don’t have to attend the meeting.
C 1. I should get up early. 2. They must wash their hands. 3. We should not eat too much.
B 1. should 2. Would[Could] 3. have to 4. shouldn’t 5. don’t have to 6. has to

EBS랑 홈스쿨 초등 영문법 권 ●

14 ● UNIT 4 must, should, would/could
UNIT 4 must, should, would/could

D 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 문장을 다시 쓰세요.

She must keeps her

1 promise.

We not should run in the

2 classroom.

Should you move my bags,

3 please?

My sister have to clean

4 her room.

He don’t have to come

5 early.

They must throw not away

6 the garbage on the street.

E 다음 문장을 우리말로 해석하여 쓰세요.

Could you bring me some

1 cold water?

You don’t have to wait for

2 me.

We shouldn’t go out after

3 ten p.m.

They must keep quiet in

4 public places.

You should be kind to

5 others.

He must not swim in the

6 deep river.

그들은 공공장소에서 조용히 해야 한다. 5. 너는 다른 사람들에게 친절해야 한다. 6. 그는 깊은 강에서 수영하면 안 된다. 4.

저에게 차가운 물을 좀 가져다주실겠어요? 2. 너는 나를 기다릴 필요 없다. 3. 우리는 오후 열 시 이후에 외출해서는 안 된다. E ‌1.
They must not throw away the garbage on the street. 6.
My sister has to clean her room. 5. He doesn’t have to come early. 4.
She must keep her promise. 2. We should not run in the classroom. 3. Would[Could] you move my bgas, please? D ‌1.

EBS랑 홈스쿨 초등 영문법 권 ●

15 ● UNIT 4 must, should, would/could
Dictation UNIT 4 must, should, would/could

다음 문장을 잘 듣고, 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰세요.

1 We our hands often.

2 They their promises.

3 He his parents first.

4 We with fire.

5 You your friends.

6 You loudly in the library.

7 You warm clothes.

8 We too much soda.

9 me how to use this machine?

10 me a favor?

11 me a pen?

12 over to my house?

13 We for the traffic signal.

14 They too many sweets.

15 You exercise every day.

16 She more vegetables.

17 You some medicine.

18 this desk to the second floor?

19 You anybody the secret.

20 the sick old man.

19. must not tell 20. We should help

13. have to wait 14. should not eat 15. don’t have to 16. should eat 17. should take 18. Could you move
7. should wear 8. should not drink 9. Would you tell 10. Could you do 11. Would you lend 12. Could you come
Dictation 1. must wash 2. have to keep 3. has to call 4. must not play 5. should respect 6. shouldn’t talk

EBS랑 홈스쿨 초등 영문법 권 ●

16 ● UNIT 4 must, should, would/could

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