Word Formation

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Çukurova University

School of Foreign Languages

English Preparatory Program
2022-2023 Academic Year

Use the words in capitals at the end of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

1. I __________ to get a job within the next two weeks. (HOPE)

2. I feel quite __________that a peaceful solution will be found. (HOPE)
3. I don't believe your situation is as __________as you think. Be positive! (HOPE)
4. The only _________ for underdeveloped countries is to become self-standing. (HOPE)
5. You shouldn't __________ everything you read. (BELIEVE)
6. It is my _________ that putting music and art into schools will help our (BELIEVE)
students do better in all subjects.
7. Choosing a college is a big __________ for students and their families. (DECIDE)
8. Michael was _________ about how to decorate the room. (DECIDE)
9. My grandfather is _________ and often repeats himself when he tells a story. (FORGET)
10. It was a truly __________ experience for me to work as a volunteer in Africa. (FORGET)
11. What a big __________! You look great with your new hairstyle. (DIFFER)
12. London is __________ from most European capitals. (DIFFER)
13. The museum is trying to __________ a wider audience. (ATTRACT)
14. The main __________ of the place is the nightlife. (ATTRACT)
15.  The scenery in Switzerland is really __________ to the tourists. (ATTRACT)
16. Most people think being a television __________ is exciting. (PRESENT)
17. Computer graphics will give your __________ a professional touch. (PRESENT)
18. That machine takes its name from its__________. (INVENT)
19. The __________ of printing caused important changes in society. (INVENT)
20. __________ the police immediately if you see anything suspicious. (INFORM)
21. The report contains a great deal of statistical __________. (INFORM)
22. The book is too long but __________ and entertaining. (INFORM)
23. Don’t __________ me - I am grateful for all you have done. (UNDERSTAND)
24. There must be some __________—I thought I ordered the smaller model. (UNDERSTAND)
25. This new __________ in medicine will contribute to all humanity. (DISCOVER)
26. She's practising hard for the piano ___________. (COMPETE)
27. Win or lose, I love __________ sports. (COMPETE)
28. The company must reduce costs to __________ effectively. (COMPETE)
29. He has no intelligence or charisma to __________ people. (INSPIRE)
30. Her patients provided the __________ for her novels. (INSPIRE)


1. hope 11. difference 21. information

2. hopeful 12. different 22. informative
3. hopeless 13. attract 23. misunderstand
4. hope 14. attraction 24. misunderstanding
5. believe 15. attractive 25. discovery
6. belief 16. presenter 26. competition
7. decision 17. presentation 27. competitive
8. indecisive 18. inventor 28. compete
9. forgetful 19. invention 29. inspire
10. unforgettable 20. Inform 30. inspiration

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