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Concepcion, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Senior High School
S.Y. 2022-2023

Detailed Lesson Plan

In Empowerment Technologies
1. Identify the different techniques on how to manipulate image, or combine it with
text and graphics.
2. Use image manipulation techniques on existing images to change or enhance their
current state to communicate a message for a specific purpose (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ie-
3. Create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual
message in an online environment related to specific professional tracks (CS_ICT11/12-

A. TOPIC: Image Manipulation Techniques

B. Reference: Empowerment Technologies – Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on Image Manipulation Techniques
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
D. Values Integration: Appreciate, Cooperate, Patience

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our day, may I (Students will rise for the prayer)
request to rise and let’s all bow our
head and feel the presence of our
2. Greetings
Good morning, Sir!
Good morning Class!
3. Checking of Attendance

Now, let us check the attendance, group

leaders, do we have absentees in your group?

It is nice to hear that all are present today. (Group leaders will check and report their
Please pick up the pieces of paper under your
(Students pick up the pieces of paper)
Did I give you an assignment?
No, Ma’am
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Review of the past lesson

So, before we proceed in our new topic. Let

us have first a simple review of our lesson in
the previous meeting. I have learned the tips on evaluating
visual message design and Evaluate
Do you still remember our last lesson? Yes, the
Sir! given

What was it all about? Sir, it’s all about Principles of Layout.
Graphic and Visual Message Design.

That’s right! What basic principles of Sir, the basic principles of graphics and
Very good! layout applied are font style, proximity,
graphics and layout are applied?
repetition, contrast and alignment.

Very good! Ma’am, the pictures shows that Number 1 is

(Students analyse No background/file
learned the tipstype (jpgto png),
What have you the pictures)
learned in graphics and I have
2. Crop, 3.
on evaluating
Saturation 4. Contrast,
layout designed? message design and evaluate the5. given
websites 6. Cartoonized
and online resources7.based
text on the
principles of layout, graphic, and visual
message design.

Very good!

Today, we have objectives that you

should be able to: (teacher post the
objectives on the board)

_____ please read our objectives for Yes, Sir!

this day? Very good!
Yes, Sir!
Are you ready for the new topic?
D. Lesson Proper
C. Motivation
So, this time, we’re going to discuss Ma’am, I think image manipulation is an art
involvesanalyses the pictures)
transforming or altering an image
imageI will show youtechniques.
manipulation some pictures and
then analyze the pictures. Describe the using different methods and techniques to
Before we started, what do you
difference between the image before and the think achieved desired result.
the after.
image image manipulation?
Sir, the pictures shows that Number 1 is
No background/file type (jpg to png),
2. Crop, 3. Saturation 4. Contrast, 5.
Yes Ma’am 6.Cartoonized 7. text
Always remember if you create an
original or derivative ICT content to
effectively communicate a visual message in
an online environment by simply using
image manipulation techniques on existing
images in order to change or enhance their
current state. Let’s start to know what is the
i mage manipulati on tec hni ques . Yes Ma’am
Very good!
D. Lesson Proper

This time, we’re going to discuss about

image manipulation techniques.

Before we start, what do you think? Sir, I think image manipulation is an art that
What is image manipulation? involves transforming or altering an image
using different methods and techniques to
achieve desired result.


Always remember if you create an original Yes, Sir!

or derivative ICT content to effectively
communicate a visual message in an online
environment by simply using image
manipulation techniques on existing images
in order to change or enhance their current
state. Not, let us start to know what is image
manipulation and its basic techniques.

(PowerPoint presentation.)
(Students will share their different opinions
according to their ideas.)
Did you get it? What did you observe in the

E. Application

Combine two (2) pictures to design like it is

an original picture using the Layer tool in
PicsArt. You need two pictures like Pic1 and
Pic2 as shown below.

Yes, Sir!

I will give you 20 minutes to do the task. Are

you ready?
1. Crop and Saturation
2. Contrast
3. Brightness
4. Quality Image
Total Marks Subtracted

F. Generalization

Class, what have you learned in image Sir, I have learned that in order to produce a
V. Assignment

Design a poster with an aim of promoting the tourist spots in Zamboanga Sibugay. Use
at least four pictures. Apply the different image manipulation techniques.

Prepared by:

Teacher - 1

Checked & Verified:

Department Head

Approved by:

School Principal

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