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7/17/23, 8:54 AM RT REVIEW - 6

RT REVIEW - 6 Chuyển đổi tài khoản

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Câu trả lời của bạn

A densitometer is: * 1 điểm

a meter used to measure X-ray intensity

an instrument for measuring film density

a meter used to measure the density of a material

a meter used to measure tube current 1/25
7/17/23, 8:54 AM RT REVIEW - 6

Which one of the following isotopes has a half life of 5.3 years? * 1 điểm

Iridium 192

Cobalt 60

Cesium 137

Ytterbium 169

Aluminum is commonly welded by which of the following processes * 1 điểm


Submerged arc

Electro slag


A temporary backing bar is used to: * 1 điểm

Maintain root alignment

Control root penetration

Reduce porosity

More easily spread excess heat

X-rays & gamma rays always travel * 1 điểm

In pairs

orbital sphere

in straight lines

In converging lines 2/25
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As the effective energy of the radiation increases * 1 điểm

Film image quality increases

Film image quality decreases

Radiographic definition increases

Film speed decreases

The primary from of energy conversion produced when electrons strike a * 1 điểm

target in n X-ray tube is:

Primary X-rays

secondary X- rays

Short wavelength X-rays


Films should always be fixed for:- * 1 điểm

2 minutes

The clearing time

Twice the clearing time

4 minutes 3/25
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The difference in brightness between two adjacent areas on an illuminated * 1 điểm

radiograph or fluorescent screen image is termed:-

Subject Contrast

Image Contrast

Radiation Contrast

Radiographic Contrast

Hole type IQI’s are generally positioned where when performing weld * 1 điểm

Next to the weld at the centre of the pitch

Next to the weld at the end of the pitch

Across the weld at the centre of the pitch

Hole type IQI’s are not used in weld radiography

The focal spot in an x-ray tube: * 1 điểm

Is inclined at an angle of 30 from the normal to the tube axis

Is maintained at a high negative voltage during operations

Should be as large as possible to ensure a narrow beam of primary radiation

Should be as small as possible without unduly shortening the life of tube. 4/25
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A film with density 1.0 transmits 1/10 of the incident light, therefore a film * 1 điểm

which transmits 1/100 of its incident light would have a density of:-





Which of the following causes would NOT result in a radiograph with a * 1 điểm

general excessive density:-


Excessive development or developing temperature to high

Unsuitable or wrongly mixed developer

Exhausted developer

The time required for one half of the atoms in a particular sample of * 1 điểm

radioactive material to disintegrate is called:

The inverse square law

The curie

The half life

The exposure time 5/25
7/17/23, 8:54 AM RT REVIEW - 6

Calculate the density when incident light source is 3000 candela/m² and * 1 điểm

the transmitted light intensity is 80 candela/m²:-





Static marks, which are black tree-like or circular marks on a radiograph, are * 1 điểm

often caused by:

Film being bent when inserted in a cassette or holder

Foreign material or dirt embedded in screens

Scratches on lead foil screens

Improper film handling techniques

The range of thickness over which densities are satisfactory for * 1 điểm

interpretation is a measure of the:

Subject contrast of a radiograph

sensitivity of a radiograph

latitude of a radiograph

definition of a radiograph 6/25
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How can the appearance of diffraction mottling be reduced * 1 điểm

Increasing the kilo voltage

Using lead screens

Changing the orientation of the beam of radiation with respect to the item being
radio graphed

All of the above

Doubling the distance from a source of radiation * 1 điểm

Increases the intensity by four

Increases radiographic exposure by four times

Reduces the intensity by a factor of four

Has no effect on intensity or exposure

Both Increases radiographic exposure by four times & Reduces the intensity by a
factor of four

A welding process which employs carbon dioxide or a mixture of carbon * 1 điểm

dioxide and argon for the gas shield around a solid wire electrode fed from
a reel is:




Electro slag 7/25
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Which of the following can be used to determine the depth of a defect? * 1 điểm

Tube shift



2 film technique

The correct term for blurring at the edges of a radiographic image resulting * 1 điểm

from the fact that the radiation source is of finite dimensions is:-

Film Unsharpness

Inherent Unsharpness

Screen Unsharpness


In the electromagnetic spectrum * 1 điểm

Ultraviolet rays and x-rays are separated by visible light rays

Ultraviolet rays and radio waves are separated by visible light rays

Ultraviolet rays and x-rays are separated by infra red rays

None of the above 8/25
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How many wires are contained in a DIN type IQI? * 1 điểm

When welding by the submerged arc process which of the following defect * 1 điểm

is least likely to occur?

incomplete penetration

Lack of root fusion

Lack of penetration


The use of filter will reduce the amount of: * 1 điểm


Background radiation

High energy radiation in the primary beam

Low energy radiation in the primary beam 9/25
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Splashes of water on an exposed film prior to processing will result in: * 1 điểm

Areas of significantly decreased density

Brown staining of the radiograph

Areas of significantly increased density

No visible effect

For a constant thickness, an increase in kilo voltage will: * 1 điểm

Increase contrast for a constant film density

Decrease film density for a constant contrast

Increase film density for a constant contrast

Decrease contrast for a constant film density

In order to achieve uniformity of development over the area of an X-ray film * 1 điểm

during manual processing:

the film should be placed in a dryer after being developed

the developer should be agitated by means of mechanical stirrers or pumps

the film should be agitated while in the developer

the film should be transferred directly from the developer to the fixer 10/25
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A positron and an electron have similar * 1 điểm



both Mass and Charge

none of the above

Film sharpness increases as the:- * 1 điểm

Radiation energy decreases

Radiation source dimension increases

Radiation energy increases

Radiation source dimension decreases

Exposure time is directly proportional to: * 1 điểm

Kilo voltage

Mill amperage

Film focus distance

All of the above

Which of the following rules would not keep the penumbra to a minimum:- * 1 điểm

Keeping the source to film distance to the practicable minimum

Keeping the source dimensions to a minimum

Keeping the object to film distance to minimum

Keeping the source to film distance to the practicable maximum 11/25
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The slope of a characteristic curve is sometimes referred to as * 1 điểm

Radio graphic contrast

film contrast

subject contrast

all of the above

Contrast on a radiograph is controlled by: * 1 điểm




All of the above

Which of the following is the most commonly used target material in an X- * 1 điểm

ray machine




Steel 12/25
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A monochromatic X-ray beam: * 1 điểm

is a narrow beam used to produce high-contrast radiographs

Is also referred to as a heterogeneous X-ray beam

Consists only of a single wavelength

Consists only of characteristic radiation

Because of geometrical factors such as source size, source- to-specimen * 1 điểm

distance and specimen-to-film distance, there can be a lack of perfect
sharpness at the edges of indications. This is:

Astigmatic effect

Penumbral shadow

Focus variation

None of the above

Which of the following can be used to determine definition? * 1 điểm

Wire type IQI’S

Duplex type IQI’s

A lead letter B placed at the centre of the pitch

a densitometer 13/25
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X-rays, gamma rays and alpha particles are all: * 1 điểm

Particular radiations

Electromagnetic radiations

Microwave radiations

ionizing radiations

A tube current is set at 5mA and energized for 2 minutes for an X-ray * 1 điểm

exposure of 10mA minutes. If it were desired to achieve the same exposure

while reducing the time factor to 1 minute, then the tube current would have
to be raised :-

10 mA

15 mA

20 mA

18 mA

Distortion of a weld through lack of restraint is due to: * 1 điểm

Hot tears


Electrode material

Contractional stresses 14/25
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Which of the following is naturally occurring radioisotope? * 1 điểm

Iridium 192

Cobalt 60

Radium 226

All of the above are naturally occurring

Radiographic contrast can be reduced by: * 1 điểm

Increasing the FFD

Decreasing the SFD

Decreasing the wave length of the radiation

Increasing the development time

Fine grain films are * 1 điểm

Slower than coarse grain films

Faster than coarse grain films

Used to reduce exposure times

Used to reduce the effect of scatter

As the developer temperature increases  * 1 điểm

Development time increases

No adjustment of time is necessary

Development time reduces

Development temperature should always be 20(C 15/25
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A satisfactory radiograph is achieved with an exposure time of 10 minutes * 1 điểm

at an SFD of 1 meter, if the SFD is changed to 700 mm what will be the

exposure time

4.9 minutes

6 minutes

3 minutes

none of the above

A method of radiographic examination in which the source of radiation is * 1 điểm

outside the pipe and the film is close to the inside surface of the intervening
wall is called the:

Double wall method

Double wall, single image method

Double wall, double image method

Single wall, single image method

If a good radiograph is produced with a source to film distance of 200 cm * 1 điểm

with an exposure of 4 curie minutes, what is the exposure at 600 cm?

8 curie minutes

24 curie minutes

30 curie minutes

36 curie minutes 16/25
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The time taken for a film to lose its “milky” appearance during fixation is * 1 điểm

referred to as:

Fixing time

Development time

Clearing time

Dwell time

The penetration ability of an x-ray beam is governed by: * 1 điểm

Kilo voltage or wavelength


mill amperage

Source- to-film distance

A basic difference between a radiographic and a fluoroscopic image is that: * 1 điểm

The fluoroscopic image is more sensitive

The fluoroscopic raw image is positive whereas the radiographic image is negative

The fluoroscopic image has higher contrast

There is no basic difference between the two 17/25
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The radiation intensity of an isotope * 1 điểm

Increases with time

Decreases with time

Decreases with use

Is not affected by time

Inherent Unsharpness is also referred to as * 1 điểm

Geometries Unsharpness

Film Unsharpness


Film contrast

The slope of a straight line joining two points of specified densities on a * 1 điểm

characteristic curve of a film is known as the:

Speed of the curve


average gradient

density 18/25
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Which diameter wire would indicate 2% sensitivity on a 15mm weld?  * 1 điểm



0.16 mm


ption 1

Even with the use of image intensifiers, fluoroscopy in industrial * 1 điểm

radiography has limited application because

Sensitivity is poorer than film

No permanent record can be made

It is not as safe as film radiography

All of the above

Electro slag welding can be distinguished from the MMA, TIG and MIG * 1 điểm

welding processes by what factor?

Its use of gas shielding

The use of consumable electrodes

The high degree of operator skill employed

The use of electrical resistance as its heat source 19/25
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The general method of producing X-rays involves the sudden deceleration * 1 điểm

of high velocity electrons in a solid body called a:

Focusing cup




For high speed films offering low film contrast, the characteristic curve will:  * 1 điểm

Have a shallower gradient compared to that for a high contrast film

Be to the right of that for a high contrast film

Have a steeper a gradient than that for a very fine grain film

All of the above

The Developer solution is: * 1 điểm




Colloidal 20/25
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Calculate the penumbra for the following:- * 1 điểm

Source size 3 X 4mm, OFD = 14mm, FFD = 280mm,





X and gamma rays of the same energy: * 1 điểm

Have different properties

Are essentially the same apart from their origins

Darken films to differing degrees

Have differing wavelengths

Which of the following are located in the nucleus of an atom? * 1 điểm




Both Protons and Neutronsare located in the nucleus 21/25
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Gamma isotopes produce radiation * 1 điểm

With a continuous spectrum of wavelengths

at one or more discrete wavelengths dependent upon the isotope

at longer wavelengths than 120 kV x-rays

All of the above

Rectilinear propagation is: * 1 điểm

The ability of X and gamma rays to travel in straight lines

The ability of X and gamma rays to penetrant certain materials

The ability of X and gamma rays to scatter

The ability of X and gamma rays to self rectify within certain materials

A combination of atoms having a specific structure or form called a (an) * 1 điểm




Chain 22/25
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68.        Consumable electrode, flux shielded, manual process is a * 1 điểm

description of which welding process:



Submerged arc


Using a film with a slow speed and very fine grain size would result in * 1 điểm

radiographs having:-

Medium contrast

Low contrast with poor definition

Very high contrast

High contrast with poor definition

Atoms are usually made up of: * 1 điểm

Alpha particles

Radio waves

Protons, neutrons and electrons

X- rays

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