Medical Marijuana Speech

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Medical Marijuana: An Accessible Compassionate Drug

By: Edle Faith Andrea C. Catabian | 1NU12

In 2018, were you one of the people who watched Miss Universe? Well, I’m sure you
did, and you probably know that the former Miss Philippines Catriona Gray was asked about her
stand on the legalization of marijuana, to which she responded supporting it being used
medically but not for recreational use. Her statement brought split opinions to the public since
marijuana is seen as a dangerous, gateway, and recreational drug. However, it brought joy to a
particular group, the Philippine Cannabis Compassion Society or PCCS, which believes that
medical cannabis and beyond compassion is a right of every patient. As nursing students, I’m
sure that we value compassionate care and we want to provide our patients the healthcare they
truly deserve. To make this happen is by supporting accessible natural treatments that are
proven like medical cannabis for patients who truly need in alleviating symptoms of conditions,
such as nausea, seizures, and even chronic pain as it is anti-epileptic, a natural remedy, and
aids with pain control.

Firstly, the PCCS is led by Dr. Donnabel Trias Cunanan. The reason behind it is her 10-
year-old daughter, Julia diagnosed with epilepsy which leads her to have episodes of seizures.
Now, their family has tried many anti-epileptic drugs, unfortunately, it has not fully controlled her
seizures up until today. In the Philippines, there’s a lack of epilepsy care due to the limited
access to antiseizure medications (Moalong et. al., 2021). However, a plant-based cannabis oil
taken orally, known as Epidiolex, is approved and tested by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in handling seizures for those who have epilepsy (Patel, 2021). Secondly,
medical cannabis is a natural remedy. According to a study by the Institute of Medicine, it has
been utilized as an herbal medicine that contains chemicals like cannabinoids (Gillman, 2005).
It's said to be best taken in capsules, oils, and balms rather than smoking and using the leaf
itself. Through it, there's nothing to concern about since it's an all-natural alternative to
prescription drugs that simply don't last to work. Thirdly, it aids with pain control as cannabis has
analgesic or painkilling properties that deal with pain management and inflammation
(Evergreen, 2022). To connect, just think of the 350,000 patients including Julia with epilepsy
that are constantly experiencing uncontrollable pain brought by massive headaches after each
seizure episode. On another note, we can bridge the gap in treating patients like Julia, who
have epilepsy just by supporting, accessing, and using natural medical cannabis in seizure and
pain management when given the chance; assuming that PH Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) will thoroughly conduct a patient and research-oriented study of its benefits like the right
dose to be taken.

To conclude, medical cannabis that has been shown to be effective should be readily
available as it aids with epilepsy, is an organic fix, and deals with pain control. The symptoms
such as nausea, seizures, and chronic pain are just a portion of what a patient experience every
day without the proper treatment of medical cannabis since it's not available. That's why it starts
with us, health allied students, to take action in supporting medical cannabis as it's a basic right
of every patient to have access to compassionate use of treatments. And so, just like Catriona
Gray was asked, what is your stand on the legalization of marijuana?
Anup D. Patel, M. F. (2021, July). Can Medical Marijuana Control Seizures? Retrieved from
Brain & Life:
Cannabis as a Natural Remedy: How Might Cannabis Help? (2022, May 12). Retrieved from
Gillman, V. (2005, June 22). The Marijuana Debate: Healing Herb or Dangerous Drug?
Retrieved from National Geographic:
Moalong, K. M. C., Espiritu, A. I., Fernandez, M. L. L., & Jamora, R. D. G. (2021). Treatment
gaps and challenges in epilepsy care in the Philippines. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 115,
News, G. (2018, December 18). Pagpabor ni Catriona Gray na gawing legal anf medical
marijuana, ikinatuwa ng isang grupo. Retrieved from YouTube:

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