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The Future Of "the education para-

digm shifting from brick and mortar infrastructure to
wholesome virtual knowledge learning platforms".

The education sector is ripe for a paradigm shift. With the declining popularity of brick and mortar
schools, and the increasing popularity of virtual platforms, the time has never been better for a shift
in how we educate our children. There are many factors that support this change, including ad-
vancements in technology, changing demographics, and rising costs. Let's take a closer look at each
of these factors.
When it comes to advancements in technology, there can be no doubt that they have had a huge im-
pact on society as a whole – and schooling is no exception. In fact, one could argue that advances in
technology have been what has kept traditional schooling alive as long as it has been. After all, it
was only with the invention of the printing press that mass education became possible; without
books and other learning materials being readily available at low cost or no cost at all, public
schools would not be able to function properly. With new advances in technology such as online
courses, distance learning tools, social media for collaborative learning, and tablets/smartphones for
educational use by students themselves (not to mention augmented reality/virtual reality), it is easier
than ever before for students to get an education outside of a physical school building . This in-
creased access to quality education will only become more widespread in years to come due to con-
tinued advancements in technology across all fields.
Demographics are also playing a part in shifting the paradigm around how we receive an education.
For example, consider the growth of homeschooling over recent decades[1]. Homeschooling used to
be seen as something only done by religious fanatics or those who were too ashamed of their chil-
dren's academic achievements (or lack thereof) to send them off to public school; but now? It is
considered an acceptable option by more and more parents every year[2], simply because there are
so many more resources available online than there ever were before (including entire curricula).
Throw into the mix countries like China where parents often feel pressured to send their kids over-
seas to get a good education [3]and you begin to see just how diverse today's population is when it
comes to choosing how their children will learn. And this trend shows no sign of stopping — quite
the opposite in fact; according UNESCO , enrolment numbers for homeschooling continue to grow
exponentially year after year .
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All this is not even mentioning issues like anxiety and depression which have led some students
(namely millennials)to prefer places like WeWork over formal educational institutions altogether
[4]. The combination of mounting pressure put on young people by society coupled with apter
[5]the digitisation oftentimes artificial way social media creates "perfect lives" leads more people
away from traditional systems — both physically embodied ones like-the typical university campus
or workplace setting-towards alternative setups suchAs we can see then,, demographic shifts paired
with technological advancements tend to yields different future model for sending children off to
systematic institutionalised learning devoid of any physicality whatsoever..
Rising costs are another reason why brick-and-mortar schools may soon become obsolete. Consider
this: According to EdWeek , between 2005 and 2015 college tuition prices rose faster than inflation
adjusted health care costs or defence spending . What does this mean for parents? It means that if
they want their children go attend college–which is essentially required nowadays if one wants them
to understand how to strive in our globalising world–they are going to raise hell about it financially
Speaking from experience,. This isn't news by any means,—its been an issue for millennials for a
tape ice since we entered the working world—but its got to have a letter impact now that we re-en-
tering the latter half of the 21st century and only going to see prices rise further as there are no more
natural resources left to consume and such bolded parts support against moving away from brick &
mortar infrastructure.
There are many reasons why a paradigm shift away from brick-and-mortar schools towards virtual
platforms may be inevitable in the near future. Advances in technology make online courses and
other forms of distance learning easily accessible; changing demographics show that more families
are opting for homeschooling; and rising costs make attending college increasingly difficult – espe-
cially when compared with prices from just 10 or 20 years ago. While there are some benefits asso-
ciated with receiving an education through traditional bricks-and-mortar institutions (such as inter-
acting with other students face-to-face), it appears that these advantages may not outweigh the cons
enough anymore justify maintaining current infrastructure models.
Traditionally, education was provided through brick-and-mortar institutions such as schools and
universities. However, in recent times, there has been a move towards virtual platforms such as on-
line courses and e-learning. This switch has caused much debate among educators, parents, stu-
dents, and other stakeholders involved in the field of education. There are many who argue that
brick-and-mortar institutions provide a more effective learning environment than virtual platforms.
Others argue that virtual platforms offer greater flexibility and convenience than traditional educa-
tional institutions.
It is evident that with the advancement of technology, more and more people are moving away from
traditional educational institutions, such as brick and mortar schools, towards virtual platforms. Al-
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though there are many advantages associated with this shift, there are also a few potential disadvan-
tages that should be taken into consideration.

The Advantages of Virtual Learning Environments:

- Increased Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of virtual learning environments is that they
offer increased flexibility. Students can learn at their own pace and in their own time. This allows
them to fit their education around their work and personal schedules.

- Improved Accessibility: Another advantage of virtual learning environments is that they are acces-
sible to anyone who has an internet connection. This means that students from all over the world
have access to high quality education regardless of where they live or what resources they have
available to them.

- Enhanced Engagement: Virtual learning environments often result in higher levels of engagement
than traditional educational institutions. This is because students are able to control their own learn-
ing experience and are less likely to feel bored or disengaged.

The Disadvantages of Virtual Learning Environments:

Apart from that, the online method of the study also presents certain disadvantages. It lacks the
filled with enthusiasm kind of environment presented by a classroom. The lively and joyful ambi-
ence of a classroom is usually lacking in an online session. Teachers and students interact with each
other only on subject matters on one by one basis.

- Lack of Social Interaction: A disadvantage of virtual learning environments is that social interac-
tion is often limited or non-existent. This can lead to feelings isolation or loneliness among stu-
- Difficulty Balancing Life and Schoolwork: In addition, it can be difficult for students to balance
their schoolwork with other commitments such as work and family life when enrolled in a virtual
learning environment
- The Success of an Online Session: depends only on your own conduct that on anything else.
How keen you are on learning things will decide whether the session was beneficial or not. Your
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teacher might not be able to see you, so you are at your liberty. It depends on how well you con-
trol your deflections and concentrates on the session.
- Online study requires electronic screen gadgets to conduct the classes. Students have to stare into
the screens for long hours, sometimes 2 to 3 hours continuously. Such a long exposure top screen
has its own impacts on health depending on individual immunity levels. However, it may cause
headaches, vision issues in some people.
- Often an online classroom session is only to the point where the only subject matter is discussed.
The usual classroom atmosphere where the teacher personally interacts and crack jokes is absent.
In a classroom teacher can talk about several other things while in an online class he/she only
teaches the subject.

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