Unit 1 Reference

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Introduction and Basics concepts

of IoT
SYLLABUS : • Legal Challenges for a Privacy
Introduction to IOT Framework- an IoT
What Where and How?
• Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Data Flow of IoT
for IoT
Definition and Characteristics of IoT
• Case Studies: Domain specific IOT
Architecture of IoT- Physical Things Applications
Architecture of IoT-
Protocols- Introduction
Architecture of IoT- Logical Things-
Functional, Communication models
and APIs
IoT enabling Technologies
IoT Levels and Deployment - Levels
IoT Security and Privacy
IoT Data Analytics and Protocols
IoT Environmental Challenges-
Excess Waste Disposal
Session 1
Introduction to IOT
Definition and Characteristics of IoT
• What is IoT?
• How IoT works?
• Where is IoT?
• Is IoT a new technology ?
What is IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the

network of physical objects—devices,
vehicles, buildings and other items embedded
with electronics, software, sensors, and
network connectivity— that enables these
objects to collect and exchange data.
IoT includes
Where is IoT?

Wearable Tech

Healthcare Appliances
Is IoT a new technology ?
• NO!!!
• IoT integrates leading technologies such
• Advanced M2M communication
• Autonomic networking
• Data mining
• Security and privacy
• Cloud computing
• Advanced sensing and actuation
Definition of IoT
Data flow of IoT
Characteristics of
• Dynamic and self adapting
e.g:-Surveillance cameras
• Self- Configuring
-allowing a large number of devices to
work e.g:-Weather monitoring
• Interoperable Communication Protocols
-for communicate with other devices and infrastructure
• Unique Identity
-IP address and URI
• Integrated into Information Network
-allows to communicate and exchange data with other devices and
Session 2
Architecture of IoT
Physical and Logical Design
Architecture of
• The Architecture of IoT is classified as
– Physical design of IoT
• things in IoT
• IoT Protocols
– Logical design of IoT
• IoT Functional Blocks
• IoT communication models
• IoT communication APIs
Physical design of
• Things in IoT
– things refers IoT devices which have
unique identities to perform
• Remote sensing
• Actuating
• Monitoring capabilities
– IoT devices exchange data or collect data and
process the data either locally or send to
centralized servers or cloud based
application back ends
Physical Link Layer
• How data is sent over the physical medium
between two (physically) interconnected devices.
• Some examples:
– 802.3 – Ethernet (10Mbps – 40Gbps, coaxial, twisted
– 802.11 – WiFi (1Mbps – 6,75 Gbps, wireless)
– 2G/3G/4G – Mobile Communications
– 802.16 – WiMax (1.5 Mbps – 1 Gbps, wireless)
– 802.15.1 – Bluetooth (wireless)
– 802.15.4 – LR-WPAN (40 Kbps – 250 Kbps, wireless)
Network Layer
• Responsible for sending IP packets from the source
node in a network of devices to the end node
Provides (global hierarchical) addressing of nodes
in the network and routing of packets across the
network Some standards:
– IPv4 – 32-bits addresses – until 2011
– IPv6 – 128-bit addresses
– 6loWPAN – IPv6 compressed
• Some protocols:
– ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol)
Transport Layer

End-to-end datagram transfer independent of
underlying network and identification of end-points
• Some protocols
– connectionless (no handshakes)
– Small data-units to exchange
– No overhead from connection setup
– connection-oriented and statefull .
– Ensures reliable transmission in order
– Flow control
Application Layer
• Enable process-to-process connections using
ports Some examples:
– HTTP - Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
– CoAP – Constrained Application Protocol WebSocket
– MQTT – Message Queue Telemetry Transport
– XMPP – Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
– DDS – Data Distribution Service
– AMQP –Advanced Message Queueing Protocol …
Logical Design of IoT
• Refers to an abstract representation of
the entities and processes without going
into specifies of the implementation
1. IoT Functional Blocks
Provide the system the capabilities for identification,
Sensing, actuation, communication and
2. IoT Communication Models
3. IoT Communication APIs
IoT Functional Blocks
• These functional blocks are described as,
– Device
– Communication
– Services
– Management
– Security
– Application
IoT Communication Models
IoT Communication Models
IoT Communication Models
IoT Communication Models
IoT Communication APIs
• Two communication APIs
– REST-Based Communication APIs
– Web Socket Based Communication
REST-Based Communication APIs
• Principles (constrains):
– Client-Server
– Stateless: request contains all information needed
to understand it
– Cache-able: Response can be marked as cache-able. If so,
client can reuse response later on.
– Layered system: a component cannot see beyond its scope
– Uniform system: communication method between client
and server is uniform
– Code on demand: servers can provide executable code
or scripts for clients (optional)
REST-Based Communication APIs
• Request- Response Model used by
• HTTP request methods and Actions
Web Based Communication
• Bi directional
• Full duplex communication b/w client
and server
• Do not require a new connection to be
setup for each message to be sent
• Suitable for IoT Applications with low
latency or high throughput requirements
Session 3
IoT enabling Technologies
IoT Levels and Deployment
IoT Enabling
IoT Levels & Deployment
• An IoT system comprises of the
following components:
– Device
– Resource
– Controller service
– Database
– Web service
– Analysis component
– Application
IoT Level 1
Level 1 :Monitoring node performs
analysis, stores data, No cloud
IoT Level 2
Level 2: Monitoring node
performs analysis,Cloud for
IoT Level 3
Level3: Node Monitors,Cloud for
storage and analysis
Level4: Monitoring nodes
perform local analysis, Cloud
IoT Level 5
Cloud for storage and analysis
IoT Level 6
multiple monitoring nodes,centralized
controller, Cloud for storage and
Session 5
Domain Specific
Domain Specific
• IoTs
IoT Applications
– Home
• Smart Lighting
• Smart Appliances
• Intrusion Detection
• Smoke and Gas detectors
– Environment
• Weather Monitoring
• Air Pollution Monitoring
• Noise Pollution
• Forest Fire Detection
Domain Specific
– Cities
• Smart Parking
• Smart Roads
• Structural Health
• Emergency Response
Domain Specific
Session 5
Domain Specific IoTs
Energy System
Health & Lifestyle
Domain Specific
• IoT Applications:
– Retail
• Inventory Management
• Smart Payments
• Smart Vending Machines
– Agriculture
• Smart Irrigation
• Green House Control
– Health anf Life Style
• Health and Fitness Monitoring
• Wearable Electronics
Domain Specific
– Energy
• Smart Grids
• Renewable Energy Systems
• Prognostics
– Logistics
• Route Generation and Scheduling
• Fleet Tracking
• Shipment Monitoring
• Remote Vehicle Diagnosis
– Industry
• Machine Diagnostics
• Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
IoT Security and Privacy
Security Risks
• IoT devices- Collect and Transmit-Laptop
or Desktop- Risk of personal information
• IoT devices- Security
Vulnerabilities-Consumer Networks- Affect
• Unauthorized people may exploit- risk
to physical safety
Privacy Risks
• IoT devices interconnected- various hardware
and software- sensitive information leak-
unauthorized manipulation
• All devices- Users personal information- name,
address, date of birth, health card information,
credit card detail-much more without
• Involves also possible challenges far beyond
the technological aspects, such as data
protection and privacy.
• Though there are security and privacy
concerns with IoT-
– adds values to our lives by allowing us to manage
our daily routine tasks remotely and automatically,
IoT Data Analytics
• IoT Analytics
– Insight from large collected data- Analytic software/tools
– IoT Analytics helps collect, store and process that data
– Useful in business, Industry verticals- Informed decisions
– Data without analytics is comparable to having answers
without knowing what the questions are.
– Applications
• Industrial Automation, Healthcare, Consumer Technologies (CIoT):
Personal information through mobile phones and apps, fitness
trackers, appliances, and vehicles to provide personalized services to
customers, Transportation, Government, Weather, Logistic and
Supply chain,
– Primarily application in Industry/Manufacturing IoT
• Collect and analyze information from sensors on pipelines, smart
meters, delivery trucks, manufacturing equipment, and other types
of machinery
– Other use cases
• Healthcare, retail, supply chain and more
IoT Analytics and Protocols
• Key services and system components
that your IoT analytics vendor should
provide include a
– user-friendly interface,
– machine learning features to streamline the
work of the analysis team,
– and the right data protocols to lower
maintenance and transmission costs while
maintaining uptime and connectivity with your
IoT device network.
IoT Protocols
• IoT communication protocols
– modes of communication that protect and
ensure optimum security to the data being
exchanged between connected devices.
• IoT devices connected to internet
– IP Networks: IP (Complex and consumes more
power and memory- Coverage range not a
– Non-IP Networks: RFID/BT (Simpler and consumes
less power and memory- But coverage range is less)
– In nutshell above differs based on range, power
and memory
Types of IoT
(Long Range
Bluetooth ZigBee

s Wide Area

IP Protocol- Non-IP-Low Non-UP- Low power short Non-IP-Best

Complex- power protocol range- low cost- wireless works for
Costly, Heavy, long range - communication between Industrial mode-
Eg: Signal detection electronic devices- low power Connection of
Computers below noise version of BT smart objects-
connect to level-Battery Best for small fragment of Suitable for low
3D printers in operated data exchange at reduced rate short
network via devices power and memory distance-
HTTP wirelessly Eg: Smart Wearables, Smart Eg: Smart
through internet phones, homes/Home
Eg: Smart cities- automation-
Smart lightning Electric meter in
urban- Street
Types of IoT
/Applicat Protocols


Pub-Sub, Client- Bulk Flexible- Open I dustry

Broker, Server, Messages Provides protocol-
Tokens, UDP - Follow availability status Remote
TCP up of server or application
delivery device involved management-
without in transmission Self monitoring
failure t or reception of machines
the Eg: Smart
target homes, Vending
machine, ATM,
vending machine
IoT Environmental Challenges-
Excess Waste Disposal
• Excess E-waste possible- IoT devices
• Impact- Electronic recycle mechanisms
• Number of connected IoT devices is greater than world population
– Projected to be 30 to 50 billion by 2030
• Hence more environmental impact possible- also health hazard
to communities who live near
• Dangerous elements-
– Lead, mercury, cadmium, and beryllium, to hazardous chemicals like
brominated flame retardants
• Electric cars- Lithium Ion Battery- Hazardous-
• Your old gadgets to a recycler- may not be recycled.
• Some dishonest companies export e-waste to landfills in Africa
• These landfills use cheap laborers who manually harvest
Legal Challenges for a Privacy
Framework- an IoT
• Data perspective
privacy and data protection
– Information Technology Act 2000 and The Information Technology
(Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal
Data or Information) Rules 2011. As per Section 43A of the Information
Technology Act 2000
– 100000 or 2 years confinement
• Data ownership
– Who owns? Car - Google Nest thermostat ?
• Product liability and consumer protection
– Consumer Protection Act, 1986, the Legal Metrology Act, 2009
– Principle oF negligence/ Strict Liability
• Formation & validity of e-contracts
• Information Technology Act, 2000 gives strongholds to
the legitimacy of e-contracts.
• Privacy and security issues
– Google Home- Without Utternace of “OK Google”
Privacy Enhancing Technologies for
• privacy enhancing technologies (PETs)
– data-driven perspective which is based on
the data’s properties, e.g. its longevity and
– a service-driven perspective which takes into
account service requirements, e.g. the
precision required to provide a particular

Homomorphic Encryption: When I don’t trust the service provider in
between when I send data from my source to cloud. The use can
encrypt himself and send.

• Secure multi-party computation (SMPC): A function applied jointly on

inputs from various people, but not revealing individual details. EG:
Millionaire Problem

• Differential privacy: On the Dataset as a whole and not revealing

individual data details

• Data minimisation: Adequecy, Relevance, Limited data

• Communication anonymizers: An anonymizer is a proxy server that

Internet activity untraceable.
• https://www.kelltontech.com/kellton-tech-
• https://securis.com/iot-devices-will-lead-to
- more-e-waste-in-the-future/
• https://101blockchains.com/top-privacy
- enhancing-technologies/

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