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Republic of Ghana

"Freedom and Justice"

Committee : Human Rights Council

Topic : Legal Restructions On Women’s Clothing
Delegate : Ilyas Bagdatov

„We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin,
but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values.”
(Honorable Ghanian Person, Former UN General Secretary - Kofi Annan.)

1. In 1948 the General Assembly proclaimed The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which
states that each person has the right to freedom, religion and protection from discrimination. But 70
years later, the world is still full of violations against people and their freedom. Millions of women are
victims of rights discrimination every year. This is particularly felt by religious people, who are are
subject to criticism and hate by society. Taking to account that the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights outlines the principles of non-discrimination of religion, laws in some countries contradict that.

2. One of Ghana's priorities is to improve the status of women in the country, including by
increasing their participation in social development and promoting gender equality. Our
government is actively cooperating with UN Women. The aim of the program is to provide right
security for women and to promote gender equality in Ghana. Ghana does not have a ban on women
wearing specific clothes. Our constitution clearly states that the constitution guarantees freedom,
protection from discrimination, and the right to religion. As for religious people, because they are
the ones who face this problem, more often, our Government recognizes the importance of
religious freedom and pursues a policy to protect this right for all citizens. Religion in Ghana
plays an important role in cultural and social life. As in other countries, there have been religious
conflicts in Ghana. But our government solved everything peacefully. Over the past decades, our
country reached a very high indicator of religious tolerance among the population. We were
achieved this with the help of a number of prescribed articles in the Constitution and anti-
discrimination laws. These articles and laws protected the right of people to religion, gave equal
rights to people regardless of gender, race and religion, as well as a law that obliged the state to protect
these rights. Our country has been fighting hate speech against religious people and women. We
have been educating society about the bad consequences of discrimination and encouraging
tolerance. It is important that the state works on this with society and religious organizations in the
country. In all the years that Ghana has been a member of the Human Rights Committee, our country
has always follow council proposals. As a country ,that respects the women rights in Ghana, our
government has signed and ratified the ”Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against Women”, in 1986, and the “African Charter on Human and
People’s Rights” in 2005.

3. Our country would like to share our experiences and assist other countries in reaching a
high level of religious toleration. Our committee, first of all , assumed responsibility to protect a
humans and their rights, so let's fulfill our main task. It is sighnificant to share this with global society,
we should work together to eliminate general problem



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