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Relational DBMS

A Relational DBMS is a collection of tools and programs that allows the building,

maintenance and interaction with relational databases in various ways. Relational DBMS

stores data in tables, with columns representing attributes and rows representing the records.

Additional Relational DBMS uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to retrieve, modify and

add data to the database. Relational DBMS simplicity and system performance allows for

reliable storage and retrieval of large volumes of data.

Amazon employs Amazon Aura, a relational database, for the following uses:

i. Minimizing data redundancy.

ii. Improving data security and privacy

iii. Ensuring data consistency

iv. To ensure efficient backup and recovery of data

v. For ease of sharing data

Strengths of Relational DBMS

It prevents data inconsistencies

It minimizes data redundancy and duplication

It is a simple data structure.

Weaknesses of Relational DBMS

i. Displaying complex data formats can be challenging

ii. Difficulties displaying data hierarchies

iii. Inaccurate depiction of 'real world' objects

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Logical Data Model for CD Information

A logical data model must be normalized to ensure no redundancy within the database

system. This study evaluates a normalized database management system that was created

using Microsoft Access 2016. The database has three tables: the MUSICIAN, CD and

GROUP tables. The MUSICIAN table has the following columns to store the musician's data:

MusicianName, Instrument, and GroupName. On the other hand, the CD table stores the CD

data in the following columns: CD_Title, GroupName and CD_Length. The GROUP table

has the following attributes; AgentName, GroupName, and DateFormat. The GroupName

and CD_Title attributes were selected as the primary key in the GROUP and CD tables,

respectively. The Msc_Musician name is the primary key in the MUSICIAN table.

Normalization of the MUSICIAN, CD and GROUP Tables

The MUSICIAN, CD and GROUP tables can be considered a relation. For a table to

be a relation, each attribute value in each row must be a single value (Eessaar). The

MUSICIAN table satisfies this condition since the MusicianName, Instrument, and

GroupName columns have only one value in their respective attribute domains. A further

examination of the table shows that the MusicianName column uniquely identifies each

record. The MusicianName, which is the primary key, satisfies part of the relation condition,

requiring all the rows in a table to be uniquely identified by at least one attribute.

Furthermore, all the column values are from the same domain, each with a unique name,

which also satisfies part of the conditions to be a relation.

Normalizing the Tables

In order to normalize the MUSICIAN table, the columns is split into three:

MusicianName, Instrument, and GroupName. This split would ensure that each cell contains

a single value. The MUSICIAN's primary key is the MusicianName attribute since it
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uniquely identifies its rows. A foreign key is then used to link the GROUP table and the CD

tables. Referential integrity would require that the foreign key in the CD relation be the

GROUP's primary key. The GroupName column is the foreign key in the CD relation and the

primary key in the GROUP relation.

Normalizing the ADDRESS Relation

In order to normalize the GROUP table, the columns are split into three: AgentName,

GroupName, and DateFormat. This split would ensure that each cell contains a single value.

GROUP'S primary key is the GroupName attribute since it uniquely identifies its rows.

Likewise, a foreign key is then used to link the GROUP table and the CD. The relationship

between the GROUP's primary key and the CD's foreign key is "one-to-many" since a

musician group can have several CDs. On the other hand, the relationship between

MUSICIAN and GROUP relations is 1:1 since a musician can only belong to one group.

Relationship Between the MUSICIAN, CD and GROUP tables

Emma. Logical Data Model of the Normalized Musician, CD and Group Relations. 28 Dec.

2022. Author's personal collection.

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The Musician, CD and GROUP tables are in 3NF since all attributes are single-valued

in all tables, and all non-key columns are entirely functionally dependent on the primary keys

in both tables. There are no transitive dependencies, and the new tables can be considered a

relation. The GROUP and CDtables are linked using the GroupName attribute, which is the

primary key that uniquely identifies each row in the GROUP relation. According to the data

model, The GroupName attribute is selected as the foreign key in the CD table when linking

the two tables. Normalization of the two tables ensures no redundancy in the database system.
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Work Cited

Eessaar, Erki. "(PDF) the Database Normalization Theory and the Theory of Normalized

Systems: Finding a Common Ground." ResearchGate, 2016,


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