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Doc. Ref: TRA-EXM-STDA-SCI/2023

NAME: …………………………………………………..
Paper 1 – Multiple Choice Time:
Candidate answer on the Question Paper


Answer all Questions.

Write your name first before you start attempting the questions.
Write in dark blue, black pen or pencil.
Do not choose more than one option for a question to avoid scoring zero for that question.

The total mark for this paper is 30.

“Providing Quality, Value-based Education (VbE) and Lifelong Learning Experience”

Examiner: Tr. Basit


Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the options lettered A-D

The total number of mark for this paper is 30.

1. What is the name of the Male Sex Cell? A. Sperm B. Egg C. Placenta D. Uterus
2. In humans females, gametes are produced in the …………….. A. uterus B. testes C. ovaries D. estrogen
3. What substances are involved in controlling the production of sperm and eggs in humans? A. Vitamins B. Hormones C.
Starches D. Minerals
4. Which practice is essential to good parental care? A. Increased egg production B. Frequent dieting C. Avoidance of
drugs D. Intake of antibiotics
5. Which part of the human male reproductive system produces hormones that influence the development of male sex
characteristics? A. Penis B. Testes C. Gametes D. Ovaries
6. In humans and other mammals, nutrients are transferred from the mother's bloodstream to the embryo's bloodstream
across the ………………….. A. Uterus B. Placenta C. Ovary D. Intestine
7. When a fertilized egg divides and forms a ball of cells, it is known as.................A. a nucleus B. a fetus C. a zygote D.
an embryo
8. Developing embryo is connected to the placenta by ……………..A. the spinal cord B. the umbilical cord C. the amniotic
fluid D. the developing nerves
9. Week 9/ 10 the baby acquires features and is then referred to as……………….A. an embryo B. a fetus C. a zygote D.
a newborn
10. A baby comes out of what part of a mother’s body? A. vagina B. placenta C. uterus D. fallopian tube
11. Ordinarily, how many sperm fertilize a female’s egg? A. several million B. a few hundred C. one D. six to ten
12. An egg is fertilized after the union of the egg’s and sperm’s……...... A. membranes B. semen C. nucleus D. zygote
13. How does puberty differ between boys and girls? A. Girls grow pubic hair during puberty, boys don't B. Girls grow tall
during puberty, boys don't C. Girls begin puberty slightly later than boys D. Boys begin puberty slightly later than girls
14. Puberty is…………… A. specific developmental changes that lead to the ability to reproduce B. specific moral changes
that make immature children able to reproduce C. growth spurt during the late adolescence that makes rites of passage
available D. none


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15. ------------- is the stage in life when humans change from children to adults. A. Puberty B. Adolescence C.
Asynchrony D. Teens
16. Smoking causes......................... A. Strokes B. Heart Disease C. Cancer D. All of the above
17. Does smoking make your taste dull A. yes  B. no  C. maybe so D. lion king
18. Alcoholism is a disease in which a person has a physical and psychological need for alcohol. A. True B. False C. none
D. all of the above
19. Drugs …………………. A. using illegal or harmful drugs including any use of alcohol while under legal drinking age B. a
substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind C. Taking or using medicine in a
way that is not intended. D. intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthful or illegal
20. Stimulant ………………... A. an illegal drug that comes from the dried leaves of the hemp plant; also known as pot or
weed B. drug that speeds up the body’s function. C. drug that slows down the body’s function D. drugs that distort
moods, thoughts, and senses
21. Depressant …………………. A. an illegal drug that comes from the dried leaves of the hemp plant; also known as pot or
weed B. drug that speeds up the body’s function. C. drug that slows down the body’s function D. drugs that distort
moods, thoughts, and senses
22. ……………. is an organism that causes disease A. Pathogen B. Infectious Disease C. malaria D. none
23. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major types of human pathogens  A. Bacteria B. Viruses  C. fungi D.
24. What are pathogens? A. organisms that cause disease; "bad germs" B. organisms that are not living  C. good germs
that help you D. Organisms that can be seen without a microscope
25. What is one way a pathogen can enter the body? A. Nose B. Mouth C. Broken Skin D. All of the Above
26. What is the immune system’s main purpose? A. Let’s germs into the body B. Helps your body fight off illness and
disease. C. The immune system produces illness and bacteria. D. The immune system trap germs in an organ so they
do not spread.
27. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, and Protozoans are all types of ………… A. illnesses B. pathogens C. bacteria D. toxins
28. If you are not feeling well and go to the doctor. The doctor tells you that your sickness has been caused by bacteria.
What will he/she likely prescribe you? A. antiviral B. antifungal C. antibiotic D. vaccine


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29. Which of these is a nonspecific defence mechanism humans have to protect them against disease? A.
Antibodies B. Antitoxins C. Stomach acid D. Phagocytosis
30. What substance are antibodies made from? A. Protein B. Fat C. Carbohydrate D. none
31. All elements are composed of …………. A. Molecules B. Atoms C. Neutrons C. compounds
32. Atoms of the same element must always have the same number of ……………. A. Electrons B. Neutrons C. Isotopes D.
33. The dense, positively charged mass located in the center of the atom. A. Nucleus B. Proton C. Isotope D. molecule
34. Where are electrons found in an atom? A. in the atomic number B. inside the nucleus C. outside of the nucleus D. in the
electron zone
35. Which group are the Alkali Metals found?  Group 1 B. Group 6 C. Group 18 D. Group 13
36. Alkali Metals are so soft they can be cut with a knife? A. True B. False C. None D All of the above
37. As Alkali Metals atomic number increases their melting point? A. Increases B. Decreases C. Stays the same D. None
38. ………… is released when alkali metal react with water A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Methane D. Carbon di oxide
39. What is formed when sodium reacts with water? A. sodium oxide and hydrogen B. sodium hydroxide and hydrogen C.
sodium hydroxide and oxygen D. sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide
40. Each column in the periodic table is called a……  A. Period B. Group C. Cluster D. unit
41. Rutherford discovered this subatomic particle after he noticed a large, positively charged area in the center of the atom
A. Proton B. Neutron C. Electron D. All of the above
42. How many electrons do the halogens all have in their outer shells? A. 1 B. 2 C. 7 D. 8
43. As you go down the group, how does the boiling point of the halogen elements change? A. Increases B. Decreases C.
They're all about the same D. None
44. How many electrons does a Hydrogen atom have? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 0
45. Which particles are in the nucleus? A. Protons B. Neutrons C. protons and electrons D. protons and neutrons
46. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat? A. Metal B. Nonmetal C. Metalloid D. None
47. Which of these is a property of metals? A. It's malleable B. It can't conduct electricity C. They are used in food D. It's
very brittle
48. If a material can easily be drawn into the shape of a wire, it is………….. A. Ductile B. Magnetic C. Malleable D. Reactive
49. Protons are located in the nucleus of the atom. A proton has ………………...A. No charge B. A negative charge C. A
positive and a negative charge D. A positive charge


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50. The ………………. increases by one for each element as you move left to right across a period. A. Atomic
number B. Atomic mass C. # of Energy levels D. # of neutrons
51. What is the atomic number of calcium? A. 20 B. 40 C. 40.078 D. 20.078
52. What side of the periodic table are metals on? A. left B. right C. top D. bottom
53. What do metals conduct? A. heat B. electricity C. both D. neither
54. Symbol of Sodium is ……………… A. Na B. So C. H D. Pb
55. Symbol of Magnesium is …………… A. Na B. Mg C. Ca D. K
56. What causes puberty to occur? A. No one knows B. Hormones C. Nerve impulses D. Enzymes
57. Influence a group of people has on an individual in the same group. A. abstinence B. identity versus identity confusion
C. peer pressure D. personal fable
58. Which term refers to the entire process of our development that leads to full-functionality? A. Cognition B. Maturation C.
Schema D. Identity
59. Which change occurs at puberty to girls? A. Voice breaks B. Hips get wider C. Hair grows on face D. Body becomes
more muscular
60. Which changes occur at puberty to boys and girls? A. Pubic hair grows B. Underarm hair grows C. Sexual organs grow
and develop D. All are correct


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